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News Item12/18/08 7:07 AM
Tom | Georgia  Find all comments by Tom
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Imagine that... say something that is God centered and the world turns against you. Say somthing man centered and user-friendly and get Newsweek to praise you!! No wonder Purpose Driven is successful.

News Item11/11/08 7:38 AM
Tom | Georgia  Find all comments by Tom
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In the words of Martin Luther King... I have a dream when men will judge men on the bases of their character not their skin color!! Remember those words my dear African American friends..

Sermon11/5/08 9:10 AM
Tom | Georgia  Find all comments by Tom
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Almost every church growth book I ever read left out one important part of a healthy church; the Work, Power, and Conviction of the Holy Spirit. Churches today comes equipped with theatres, coffee shops, bowling allies, basketball courts, billard tables and weight rooms. If I'm not mistaken all these things are destroyed by dust and rust... you must do it to keep the unregenerate in church!!

News Item10/4/08 3:35 PM
Tom | Georgia  Find all comments by Tom
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What if we found homosexuality was genetic? God said "he subjected this world to futility" (Romans 8). Certainly "futility" would include homosexuality. Even if it did include this bondage this would not excuse homosexuals from Biblical truth. When I say I love and would embrace homosexuality and homosexuals I mean I would help them fight against their temptation and sin the same way I would help within the body of Christ to fight against fornication, drunkenness, adultery and divorce as long as there is a fight for purity I would allow a homosexual to be a member of my church even if they failed in there fight a few times before they achieved victory in Christ. If there is no desire for repentance and no desire for purity then I would not accept them as a church member. They would have to believe in God's Word that homosexuality is sin and wrong. I will admit the fight against sin is difficult but as long as the homosexual wants to fight I will be by their side to help them.

I am male and genetically I am the pursuer of the female. I can not say I am free from obeying God because I am genetically a male. I still have to control myself and obey God. I am required sexually to be committed to one man one woman for life. The church should help all people to fight for that goal.

Sermon9/23/08 8:32 PM
Tom | Columbia, SC  Find all comments by Tom
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Keep Your Eyes Upon Jesus
Mark Gibson
“ Encouraging ”
Mark's message was very encouraging to a believer's life. We as Christian's know what we need to be, but often struggle and hence often get discouraged. The way to victory is not looking within, but looking up. The message strikes a great balance between our responsibility and Christ's compassion and ulimate victory in our lives.

Sermon2/19/08 10:12 AM
Tom  Find all comments by Tom
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Samson, the Sun
Jeff O'Neil
“ Great Sermon! ”
A powerful and Spirit-filled sermon ! I'm blessed by it. Thank you, God bless you.

News Item2/1/08 10:01 AM
Tom  Find all comments by Tom
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Who really is Al-Qaida? Does the group called Al-Qaida really exist or is it another deception portrayed by the government and media?

Sermon1/14/08 10:52 AM
Tom | England  Find all comments by Tom
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Just listened to this sermon - highly recommend it! Never heard it preached on before!!

News Item10/24/07 11:22 AM
tom | london onn can  Find all comments by tom
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The atheist is a scared person because a God of holiness and justice does not appeal to the carnal men He is not much aware of the sinfullness of the human hearth.These things are foolishness to him.

News Item8/31/07 7:11 PM
tom | usa  Find all comments by tom
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No other comments because only "tongues" and false prophecy are worth the time?

Survey8/24/07 12:52 PM
Tom | Minnesota  Find all comments by Tom
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I guess it's by Abigail's standards that we'll be able to know if we've kept the faith and perservered!

She's going to have a busy time on judgement day deciding who Christ died for. I know that's a biting and sarcastic comment, but the Pelagian's continued confustion of Justification with Sanctification is a serious error and continues plague the Church.

See my post regarding scripture and her willingness (or lack thereof) to interact honestly with the text. She totally blew off Wisten's Scripture references.

Survey8/24/07 10:48 AM
Tom | Minnesota  Find all comments by Tom
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Very well stated, Biblical Truth!

Nothing personal against KK & Abigail, but they are two of a growing number of Semi or Full-Pelagians frequenting SA. I thought there were a lot of Romanists to debate, but it's just as frustrating dealing with these folks. Romanist don't bother with Scripture for the most part. The Pelagian, however, pits Scripture against Scripture--holding up a handful of misunderstood texts (primarily parables) against the countless main and plain verses teaching election and eternal security. The Pelagian has one foot in Rome anyway--whether they admit it or not.

The best way to answer any false teaching is to do what you did--quote Sacred Scripture, but don't hold your breath that Abigail, Freewiller or others will take it to heart.

Keep preaching the Gospel of Grace. For in it the righteousness of God is revealed (Jesus Christ--the PERFECT Savior who did it ALL)!

Sermon8/20/07 9:30 PM
Tom  Find all comments by Tom
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(This sermon is no longer available)
“ Great Sermon! ”
John's message while not dynamic by any standard, is right on as far as biblical truth is concerned. He presents a very scholarly position as to why tithing as we know it to day is not biblical. Refreshing for someone to let scriptures state what they really mean in regards to the New Testament Believer and the Tithe. Even if you do not agree with him, you will have to respect his opinion based on his solid biblical study of the tithing texts as we know them.

News Item7/26/07 9:26 PM
Tom | Minnesota  Find all comments by Tom
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"Bad Popes"? As opposed to what? Good Popes?

That's like saying there's "good" evil and "bad" evil. Doesn't make much sense. The whole Papist system is simply one thing--EVIL!

News Item7/15/07 4:54 PM
Tom | Minnesota  Find all comments by Tom
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I'm not angry, I feel sorry that you're sitting under this kind of teaching.

It's obvious you can't rightly handle the Word of Truth. You've done nothing but paraphrase parables. I repeat, these works or not the basis of our salvation.

-Let me ask you only this: Did you receive the Spirit by works of the law or by hearing with faith? Are you so foolish? Having begun by the Spirit, are you now being perfected by the flesh? Galatians 3:2-3

I really am done arguing with you. You can have the last word. I've said all I'm going to say to you, except come on out of the Romanist closet.

May God grant you repentance and bring to light the Glorious Doctrines of Grace.

News Item7/15/07 4:21 PM
Tom | Minnesota  Find all comments by Tom
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"... Jesus did his work alone, but HE expects us to obey him and finish ours."

Satan couldn't have said it any better himself.

News Item7/15/07 4:09 PM
Tom | Minnesota  Find all comments by Tom
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Who, Mary?

News Item7/15/07 4:00 PM
Tom | Minnesota  Find all comments by Tom
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Freewiller calls the Gospel of Grace "a really stupid lie".

NOT ONCE have I suggested a true believer will not bear fruit. However, that fruit is the RESULT, not the basis, of God's grace in Christ!

You mentioned apostasy and falling away in your first response to my initial post, as a supposed proof of your deviant position that the true believer can be lost. Let's look at Scripture, shall we? Something I have done repeatedly and you have not done once.

-"For false christs and false prophets will arise and perform great signs and wonders, so as to lead astray, if possible, even the elect." Matthew 24:24
-They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would have continued with us. But they went out, that it might become plain that they all are not of us. 1 John 2:19
-And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ. Phillipians 1:6

Shall I keep going? Although I don't know how much longer I want to fuss with you. You know your road leads to Rome, right? Maybe you should come out and expound on "purgatory".

The Sovereign God of the universe preserves his elect. Pretty clear to me, I'm sorry it's not clear to you.

News Item7/15/07 9:57 AM
Tom | Minnesota  Find all comments by Tom
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What does "rationalizes the scriptures" mean? I've simply taken a few of countless passages in the Bible that condemn your heresy. These are straight-forward words!! You're the one that twists scripture to your own destruction. Scripture DOES NOT contradict itself. So you need to understand the parables in light of these things.

All imperatives in Scripture follow the indicatives. It doesn't go in the other direction. You don't earn a promise. You act out of the knowledge of that promise!

Like all Pelagians, you confuse justification with sanctification. Just can't stand to give Christ "all" the glory, huh? You'll have a lot to boast about to Christ, huh?

If you're wrong--you've lost nothing? I beg to differ. If you're relying on your works, you have much to lose.

News Item7/14/07 9:35 PM
Tom | Minnesota  Find all comments by Tom
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You're right, no one should care what Bene XVI says. But he is the conductor on a train bound for hell!

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