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News Item11/18/2020 6:31 PM
Frank  Contact via emailFind all comments by Frank
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The Quiet Christian wrote:
O Lord, we lift to You our Brother John, who has continued to suffer physically for some time now. We are grateful he is reviewing medical care that provides some relief, but we cry out for a cure and for healing. In Jesus' name, Amen.
Amen brother! I pray for him nightly and the Lord will provide!

News Item11/18/2020 4:25 PM
Frank  Contact via emailFind all comments by Frank
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Amen Watcher, very wise comment.

Thanks for the information! Sounds like the apostate Charismatics/Pentecostals. My mom went to a tent meeting once and they said that anyone who was saved spoke in tongues as a sign. Anyway, she went up front and nothing was happening. Then someone came up to her and told her to just start mumbling and it would come to her.

The above groups either consider you to be not saved or a second class Christian if you haven’t spoken in tongues.

I only attended catholic churches as a child, so I consider myself to have been unchurched. Praise the Lord, I didn't have to unlearn much if anything.

News Item11/18/2020 3:46 PM
Frank  Contact via emailFind all comments by Frank
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Watcher wrote:

I think MacArthur was completely wrong about taking the mark of the beast and then being forgiven. And I think he is also on record for saying he doesn’t remember being saved. I think he said that he was raised in a Christian family and he never felt unsaved or something like that.

But, I have learned much from his ministry and teachings. I have never listened to any pastor or theologian and agreed with everything they believe or teach.

But, we all draw lines in the sand and drawing lines is a good thing.

News Item11/18/2020 3:23 PM
Frank  Contact via emailFind all comments by Frank
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Amen Pilgrim,John from Wales!

Hebrews 13:17 Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves: for they watch for your souls, as they that must give account, that they may do it with joy, and not with grief: for that is unprofitable for you.

But if it conflicts with our duty to God, then the below should apply.

Acts 5:29 “Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said, We ought to obey God rather than men.”

And the below is the reward you often speak of.

Matthew 5:10 Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. 11 Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake. 12 Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you.

News Item11/18/2020 3:08 PM
Frank  Contact via emailFind all comments by Frank
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John Lee wrote:
I truly wish the gift to the church of apostle, along with apostolic gifts, was still available, and that poor people who are suffering intense pain day in and day out could be completely healed and maybe converted also, just as it happened in the time of the gospels and Acts.
Yes brother, wouldn’t that be wonderful! But, it doesn’t appear there are presently any who have the gift of healing; you and I agree on this. But, I do believe those that are suffering and desire relief should be able to turn to drugs that relieve pain. But, to play God and murder these folks, with or without their permission is wrong. Euthanasia and assisted suicide are immoral.

Proverbs 31:6 Give strong drink unto him that is ready to perish, and wine unto those that be of heavy hearts.7 Let him drink, and forget his poverty, and remember his misery no more.

News Item11/18/2020 2:44 PM
Frank  Contact via emailFind all comments by Frank
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Meanwhile, evangelical leaders, who were among Trump's strongest supporters, insist that if Biden's truly desires unity, he needs to reach out to them.

The above is from the article. The below is a quote attributed to Martin Luther and IMO, it is appropriate for all Christians. Witnessing to Biden is a wonderful thing; agreeing with him on Christian issues is not.

As Luther said “It is better to be divided by truth than to be united in error”

News Item11/18/2020 2:36 PM
Frank  Contact via emailFind all comments by Frank
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He claims to be a committed, born-again Christian but isn’t sure that Jesus is truly God incarnate. He isn’t convinced that God has infallible knowledge of (much less sovereign control over) the future. He doesn’t believe the Bible is truth without any mixture of error. He doesn’t believe what the Bible says about how the universe was created. He doesn’t believe people must acknowledge Christ as Lord and Savior—or even know anything about him—in order to have God’s favor. He doesn’t believe Satan is literally real. He doesn’t believe God is full of wrath against sin. And he certainly doesn’t believe in eternal punishment. In fact, he doesn’t particularly care for words like sin, atonement, repentance, expiation, or propitiation. He dismisses such terminology as useless religious jargon that fails to communicate anything to normal people. But in reality, what he despises most of all about those words is the underlying doctrine of substitutionary atonement, which he also doesn’t believe in. He is convinced that God will forgive without demanding any payment for guilt.

The above is from the article.

These folks are simply cultural christians like most in the U.S. who use His name.

News Item11/18/2020 2:30 PM
Frank  Contact via emailFind all comments by Frank
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Understanding catholicism and still being part of it is spitting in the face of God. Christ's death on the cross allows someone to "earn" their way to heaven, not receive salvation by grace.

Unless the RCC deems someone is “invincibly ignorant”, then they cannot obtain heaven outside of doing the catholic sacraments. A priest decides what is a sin; he determines the penance for those sins, and he actually says he absolves someone from their sins. Unconfessed venial sins gets purgatory and unconfessed mortal sins gets someone hell.

Below is from a catholic site:



Lack of knowledge, either of fact or law, for which a person is not morally responsible. This may be due to the difficulty of the object of the knowledge, or scarcity of evidence, or insufficient time or talent in the person, or any other factor for which he is not culpable. (Etym. Latin in, not + vincibilis, easily overcome: invincibilis.)

News Item11/17/2020 6:53 PM
Frank  Contact via emailFind all comments by Frank
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John Lee wrote:
I hope these police officers were all offered a tract. When I went into a Spiritualist Church as a young Christian, with a stack of scripture verses to show them their error, I was thrown out physically and the police were called. So when the police van arrived I spent some time witnessing to the police officer, and I hope he got saved.
Amen Brother!

Acts 16:27 And the keeper of the prison awaking out of his sleep, and seeing the prison doors open, he drew out his sword, and would have killed himself, supposing that the prisoners had been fled.

28 But Paul cried with a loud voice, saying, Do thyself no harm: for we are all here.

29 Then he called for a light, and sprang in, and came trembling, and fell down before Paul and Silas,

30 And brought them out, and said, Sirs, what must I do to be saved?

31 And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house.

32 And they spake unto him the word of the Lord, and to all that were in his house.

News Item11/17/2020 6:38 PM
Frank  Contact via emailFind all comments by Frank
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John Lee wrote:
It may be because of this example of decadency, that the pandemic is sent by God for repentance, and it will be ignored, of course.
Yes brother, I know that many don’t agree with me, but I believe God is indeed cursing the world and especially the U.S. and this pandemic is just part of it. We have turned our backs on the Lord and many have made culture, prosperity and politics their gods. I believe this pandemic is real, but even if it was made up, it has still destroyed millions of lives and 10s of millions of livelihoods. That would make it one heck of a conspiracy theory. And I even like conspiracy stuff!

News Item11/16/2020 7:10 PM
Frank  Contact via emailFind all comments by Frank
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Dave wrote:
Are you aware of the sorcery in freemasonry Frank, or because they were American free masons they were Christians, your founding fathers that is
Where did I say the founding fathers of the U.S. were Christians? I said they attempted to use some Christian principles. That is a far cry from someone who is born again from above.

And yes, I understand that Masonry is evil and anti-God, but thanks for the reminder.

News Item11/16/2020 3:02 PM
Frank  Contact via emailFind all comments by Frank
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Watcher wrote:
I am also guilty. I assume I have become too sensitive as well seeing all the flack I receive and jump to conclusions. Many times I know what to say, but it comes out wrong. Thank you for your patience and willingness to deal with this old sinner. Hopefully, one day when we are finally separated from our dreaded sin-man, we will all act in a holy and Christ-like way.
I am also very sensitive as you have noticed. Thanks for your kind comment.

News Item11/16/2020 2:33 PM
Frank  Contact via emailFind all comments by Frank
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Watcher wrote:
Our only responsibility as Christians is to submit to God's sovereign will. Yes, we do not assist in spreading evil across the earth, but we do as God pleases even if this means spreading that evil in some way. We don't have the right to say no to anything God declares.
I am not a trouble maker and it's sad that those of you here on SA have painted me as such. My wife knows me and knows that I like to ask questions and to be clear on any subject. I am not a doormat, and believe it or not, I care about my fellow brothers and sisters. But it seems in this day and age, the default reaction of most is to get offended. I guess that's something I need to get used to as well.
Sorry for the confusion and strife brother.
No Problem! Perhaps it is just the way you word things. Or the way I word things?

News Item11/16/2020 2:06 PM
Frank  Contact via emailFind all comments by Frank
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1, You said, "But, our heavenly Father is still in control. He is simply preparing the world for Christ’s return, but that doesn’t mean I have to like what He is doing or assist Him."

I still agree with the above.

2. This is the statement that irked me, and it should irk anyone who is a Christian. I am not trying to stir the pot or start an argument. All I am attempting to do is to get clarification as on the surface of your statement; it sounds like you are saying, "I do not agree with what God is doing on earth, so don't expect me to help Him or assist Him in any way."
Please correct me if I'm wrong.

If God is using "sinners" to accomplish His will, I will not assist him in any way. He is the only one who has the authority to do that.

3. BTW...yes, I did assist in Christ's crucifixion. I did it with my sin and rebellion. I was just as responsible as the Jews and Romans were on that day.

I was referring to volitional help like Judas gave.

4. does it sound like you could do a better job than God? From your statement, on the surface, it sounds like if you had the opportunity, you would definitely try. Forgive me if this was not what you meant by your statement.

Then you are a poor reader or just a trouble maker. I forgive you for either.

News Item11/16/2020 1:10 PM
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Neil wrote:
I question his premise that Americans in the past have had a "Biblical worldview." This country has long had a rich buffet of sects, some of which only nominally Biblical (e.g. Shakers, Quakers, Mormons, "Christian" Science). Better to say they had more fear of God than today.
Perfect! This nation was never a Christian nation but a pluralistic one. So, how can we have a Christian worldview as a nation - impossible.

News Item11/16/2020 1:03 PM
Frank  Contact via emailFind all comments by Frank
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It is often said that men and women are equal in all respects in a cultural way. To say otherwise brands you a misogynist. Now spiritually, our Lord has said that all are equal before Him, but I want to concentrate on things that are simply pertinent to our secular and necessary lives.

Men are stronger and can lift heavier objects. Surely without this, many trades wouldn’t even exist. And of course this could be expanded upon to show that most of mankind wouldn’t exist.

Men are better suited for combat. Therefore without men, the military wouldn’t exist. If the military didn’t exist, of course our country wouldn’t exist and neither would any country that has ever entered into warfare.

Men are better suited for protecting their loved ones.

Now what attribute do women have that is necessary for the survival of mankind? The answer is of course none. Remember, women cannot bear children without the sperm from a male, so even though that is the most commonly noted attribute, it doesn’t stand alone.

God made men anthropologically superior and He made women as their helpmates.

But, in a spiritual sense, men and women are completely equal. But, we have different God given roles. It is the blurring of these roles that have caused the demise of men.

News Item11/16/2020 12:35 PM
Frank  Contact via emailFind all comments by Frank
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Watcher wrote:
Frank said: "But, our heavenly Father is still in control. He is simply preparing the world for Christ’s return, but that doesn’t mean I have to like what He is doing or assist Him."
Please explain Frank. This sounds a titch like rebellion if you ask me. Think you can do a better job than God? Just asking...
Do you believe that the life and death of Jesus was foreordained by God? If you do, then are you saying you would have assisted those who tortured Him and hung Him on the cross? If you didn’t help them crucify Christ are you saying that would be rebellious? Please take these questions or any below as being rhetorical.

I never even hinted as to how far I would go and I never hinted that my behavior would be illegally rebellious, although my thoughts might be considered rebellious because I would definitely speak out forcefully.

How could you have the audacity to ask me if I thought I could do a better job than God?

Now remember, if you are offended in any way by this comment, you simply are not understanding the loving manner it was written in.

News Item11/16/2020 11:20 AM
Frank  Contact via emailFind all comments by Frank
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Well I believe this election was in fact rigged by the democrats. The problem is the democrats who rigged it are the ones that will determine if it was rigged. So, at this point I also don’t believe there is any way to undo what happened.

It will be very interesting as to what the Trump administration will do in response. My guess is they know exactly what took place. It is not inconceivable that Trump will not step down. But, if that happens he will have to declare martial law to contain the riots and violence that will happen.

The founding fathers attempted to use at least some Christian principles in our establishment and look at what we have done to those principles. Normalization of abortion, homosexual unions, the feminist movement, greed and ecumenicalism.

But, our heavenly Father is still in control. He is simply preparing the world for Christ’s return, but that doesn’t mean I have to like what He is doing or assist Him.

Come quickly Lord Jesus, come quickly.

News Item11/15/2020 11:24 AM
Frank  Contact via emailFind all comments by Frank
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John Lee wrote:
You'll struggle to find a church in Wales, let alone a church leader who is Christian. I quite expect most if not all of these so-called leaders are part of the Ecumenical Movement, having truck with RCC and other groups who deny the gospel of Jesus Christ. Their churches are better off remaining shut, seeing as they do nobody any good.
Of course there is a remnant in Wales. May the Lord bless them and keep them and by his grace multiply them.
Yes brother, our Lord always has a remnant that serves Him in spirit and in truth. What is happening in Wales is happening throughout the world. The Holy Spirit has told us that things will grow worse and worse as the end draws nearer and nearer.

2 Timothy 3:13 “But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.”

But, you and I know that we still must fight against evil and the evil doctrine of ecumenicalism. This causes a dummying down of the gospel of our Lord.

News Item11/15/2020 12:47 AM
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The Quiet Christian wrote:
Try homeschooling. When parents delegate their responsibility to raise their children on the nurture and admonition of the Lord to others, they accept some potential for compromise. And in this case, that potential is being fully realized.
I agree brother, when possible Christian parents should home school. So much of their character is formed at young ages.

And please remember that I am praying for your autistic child every night and for you and your wife. The Lord is sovereign and He will provide.

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