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News Item8/7/18 1:04 PM
Phillip Mezzapelle | Sicily, Italy  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Phillip Mezzapelle
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"If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects, what never was and never will be." Thomas Jefferson

News Item8/6/18 2:58 PM
Phillip Mezzapelle | Sicily, Italy  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Phillip Mezzapelle
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Dear Penned, what most people don't realise is, that when the USSR collapsed and the Berlin Wall came down, God gave the western nations, under the leadership of the USA, a once in a lifetime oppurtunity to make the world a better place. What did they do with the oppurtunity? More lies, more regime changes, more elections rigged, more NATO expansion, more false flags, the war on terror, Arab spring cleanings. All with the ungodly audacity to say: the death of 500,000 Iraqi children? "the price is worth it." Americans left unprotected at the embassy in Libya? "well what differnce does it make how they died." I won't even speak of 9/11 and how we still don't know the full truth. Please don't misunderstand me, I'm not saying we would have had a utopia on earth. That will only happen with the return of Jesus Christ. I'm only saying that we squandered a golden oppurtunity. God is already judging us. We are already facing the blowback because of all of our lies. The days of the "almighty" dollar as the world's reserve currency are numbered. When that happens it will all come crashing down.

News Item8/2/18 1:56 PM
Phillip Mezzapelle | Sicily, Italy  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Phillip Mezzapelle
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The Federal Reserve is to blame. Most people are ignorant of how the Fed came into exsistence. The Federal Reserve is unconstitutional it is not a part of the U.S. government. It is also an institution that as well as being illegal, is immoral. A private, secretive group of individuals get to print money according to their political and economic agendas. Guess what? If you and me were to do that we would be arrested and convincted as counterfeiters.

News Item7/27/18 2:10 PM
Phillip Mezzapelle | Sicily, Italy  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Phillip Mezzapelle
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Jim Lincoln, why did Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein save his indictments of the so called 12 Russian spies just in time for the Trump Putin Summit ?

News Item7/22/18 3:22 PM
Phillip Mezzapelle | Sicily, Italy  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Phillip Mezzapelle
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Jim Lincoln, as you know, I consider Democrats and Republicans to be nothing else than two branches of the same party. I do want to say however, that if the Dems. are upset about President Trump, they only have themselves to blame. If the DNC had not allowed itself to bribed and taken over by the Clintons, Bernie Sanders probably would have won. Also, if you want a Democrat in the Oval Office in 2020, instead of wasting time calling out President Trump for "treason" just for the simple fact that he prefers peace and diplomacy over war, your team better start grooming a candidate that governs from the center. This is just my opinion, but, if your party gets hyjacked by people like Maxine Waters, you can pencil in President Trump for a second term.

News Item6/19/18 4:29 AM
Phillip Mezzapelle | Sicily,Italy  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Phillip Mezzapelle
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From the moment a child enters a public school, besides being indoctrinated with political, social and cultural agendes, one is taught first and foremost, not to think for one's self. Also, in today's culture, how many books does the average person read in a year? Add to this all the time wasted with the TV, cell phones and video games, the future does not look bright. The Founding Fathers new the dangers that an ignorant and indifferent people would be exposed to and warned against it. Today's establishment politician and NWO advocate loves our ignorance.

News Item6/18/18 1:48 PM
Phillip Mezzapelle | Sicily, Italy  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Phillip Mezzapelle
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Dear Penned, those words of Muammar Gaddafi have proven to be prophetical here in Italy. Since the removal of Gaddafi and Hosni Mubarak 700,000 have made it to Sicily in boats. Today, around 500,000 live here illegally. While reading your comment something came to mind. It's true that neither Gaddafi nor Mubarak were saints, but besides providing stability within their countries, the christians living in those countries enjoyed some form of freedom of worship. Are their any christians left in those countries? Do the neo-cons even care? Probably not.

News Item5/28/18 2:21 PM
Phillip Mezzapelle | Sicily, Italy  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Phillip Mezzapelle
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Jim Lincoln, the risks of not at least making an attempt are even greater especially in the light of the U.S.pulling out of the Iranian nuclear treaty. We are at risk to become more irrelevent, isolated and less influential. The Europeans are tired of the neo-cons calling the shots. Merkel has had talks with Putin. China has already taken advantage of the U.S. decision to pull out of the Iran deal. Isn't it ironic that the "communist" Chinese know better than we do that in capitalism you never threaten potential customers? Speaking of China and Russia what happens if they decide to sitdown with both North and South Korea? Of course if "trying" means nothing more than we want to dress you up in a tailor maid lybian model jacket better not to try at all.

News Item5/26/18 3:11 PM
Phillip Mezzapelle | Sicily, Italy  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Phillip Mezzapelle
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Dr. Tim wrote:
"people like you and Mr. Bolton."
Since I had never heard of Mr. Bolton, I thought I'd at least see who he is. The Google article on him starts out, "John Robert Bolton is an American...". That's a lot more than I can say for you, Mezzapelle. People like you and Hillary Clinton lob shots at the U.S. from overseas. Borders on treason, if you ask me. If you hate America so much then cancel your citizenship and become an Italian. Just don't ask us to bail your sorry behind out the next time Fascists take over your third-rate nation. Happy Memorial Day, you thankless slob.
Dr.???? Tim, where did you get your degree? From the same school that Jethro Bodine attended? John Bolton has served as ambassador to the UN. Under secretary of state for arms control. U.S. secretary of state for international organization affairs and U.S. assitant attorny general. And you had never heard of him? I say this as a christian, what right then do you have to criticize those who don't agree with you? Do your homework first.

News Item5/26/18 12:25 PM
Phillip Mezzapelle | Sicily, Italy  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Phillip Mezzapelle
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Dr. Tim wrote:
Phillip Mezzapelle wrote:
This article is nothing but pure nonsense. The truth is, our own President, besides taking orders from Bibi, now also takes them from grandpa Bolton and his war buddies.
Of course you have incontrovertible documentary and photographic proof of this. Surely you wouldn't proclaim it to be "the truth" without it.
Dr. Tim, I actually can give you quite a few websites and independent news sources. But people like you and Mr. Bolton probably ignore them. The very word "idependent" scares both you and Mr. Bolton. And anyway, when it comes to giving websites, no one tops our brother Jim Lincoln. I will end this post with a quote. "I confess I had no desire to die in a Southeast Asian rice paddy...I wasn't going to waste time on a futile stuggle in Vietnam. I considered the war in Vietnam already lost." Dear brother Tim, and yet the individual who wrote those words expects my children and future grandchildren to fight his battles just to satisfy his depraved ego? NEVER!! NEVER!! NEVER!!

News Item5/25/18 1:19 PM
Phillip Mezzapelle | Sicily, Italy  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Phillip Mezzapelle
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This article is nothing but pure nonsense. The truth is, our own President, besides taking orders from Bibi, now also takes them from grandpa Bolton and his war buddies.

News Item5/12/18 3:35 PM
Phillip Mezzapelle | Sicily, Italy  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Phillip Mezzapelle
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Brother Frank, I tried to respond to your email but they said that the address was invalid. God bless you.

News Item5/9/18 3:56 PM
Phillip Mezzapelle | Sicily, Italy  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Phillip Mezzapelle
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Dear Penned, perhaps you misunderstand me. By no means should we be sending billions of tax payer dollars to Iran. But neither is it moral to sell arms to the Saudis and allow them to starve the innocent people of Yeman. I'm also against imposing new sanctions on Iran. Why? because in the end, sanctions only hurt the common people. And contrary to what Bibi and the neo cons think, the last thing on the mind of the average Iranian is not how he can invade America and take away all our rights and freedoms. He's actually much more worried about providing for his family and creating a better future for them. And one last thing, want to know what Italy got in return for following the U.S. like a faithful puppydog during the war in Iraq? Higher gas prices and an immigration crisis that has crippled the nation

News Item5/9/18 1:41 PM
Phillip Mezzapelle | Sicily, Italy  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Phillip Mezzapelle
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Just one more example of how what the U.S. says today, has absolutely no credibility tomorrow. Today's decision will also have repercussions regarding North and South Korea. As I have already stated, if both of those countries are smart, they will try to work out their differences on their own. Without asking Big Brother to get involved.

News Item5/9/18 12:55 PM
Phillip Mezzapelle | Sicily, Italy  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Phillip Mezzapelle
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Just a guy wrote:
The interesting thing is with our "advances" we aren't​ beating the peasant. It seems like the more technically advanced we get, the more we loose the importance of family time and togetherness....
Just a guy, also the importance of spending time alone with God. Here in Sicily, if your fortunate to have a job, your probably going to put in 11,12 hour shifts. For me, as a christian, this is one of the most difficult things I have to grapple with.

News Item5/1/18 2:05 PM
Phillip Mezzapelle | Sicily, Italy  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Phillip Mezzapelle
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So Bibi is convinced that the Iran nuclear deal is based on lies? Well by golly so were all of our reasons for starting the war in Iraq! Also, if one would take some time to do some objective research, he or she would discover that the so called "evidence" that Netanyahu presented was all pre-2007. Finally, how many of us know that Iran has world's largest and longest established Jewish community next to Israel itself. Why aren't these Jews escaping for their lives?

News Item4/29/18 3:31 PM
Phillip Mezzapelle | Sicily, Italy  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Phillip Mezzapelle
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If the leaders of both North and South Korea are smart, They will do everything in their power to work out their differences on their own. Much better this than to risk having to submit one's self to American foreign policy. The people in charge of American foreign policy have become experts at turning sovereign nations into living hell's on earth.

News Item4/28/18 8:17 AM
Phillip Mezzapelle | Sicily, Italy  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Phillip Mezzapelle
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Considering that the so called Russian collusion scandel eventually envolved members of BOTH parties, the no collusion verdict is safe, easy, convenient and the only possible verdict that guarantees no one getting exposed or embarrassed for any possible wrong doing. This is also another reason why I am neither Democrat or Republican. They are BOTH traitors to their country. As a former congressman was fond of saying, we don't need a third party, we need a second party.

News Item4/28/18 6:05 AM
Phillip Mezzapelle | Sicily, Italy  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Phillip Mezzapelle
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A few weeks ago a court of appeals judge overturned a law signed by the governer of Ohio that would have put an end to tax payer money going to abbortion providers. Seriously doubt we will see something similar in this case.

News Item4/25/18 12:59 PM
Phillip Mezzapelle | Sicily, Italy  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Phillip Mezzapelle
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The world's policeman and socialist at the same time? Keep those printing presses working. Because we're going to need even more of that worthless paper money.
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