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Survey10/19/08 2:44 AM
Nathan | Australia  Find all comments by Nathan
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It is without a shadow of a doubt, a resounding unmitigated NO!
They are different facets to why but firstly why should we celebrate All Hallows Eve. If we are to celebrate we should celebrate the nailing his 95 points of contention on the door of Wittenberg by Martin Luther.

I do not buy into this twisting of scripture saying we have to be in the world ... remember it also concludes and not of it.

Survey10/19/08 2:30 AM
Nathan | Australia  Find all comments by Nathan
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I read the Authorised Version commonly known in the US and US influenced nations as the King James version.

I do not like to call it KJV as it gives the false impression it is named after a man which is not if you only read the original introduction.

Fact is there is no argument modern translations can provide that make any sense or logical provision for their existence. Almost nothing stands in regards for the reasons for their existence, the quality of persons that have been involved in the translation work, or the myopic application of their own rules of criticism on their few manuscripts.

As each Generation of Modern Translation comes upon us it is clear the intention and the direction and purpose of these translations with the correct analysis of the changes each Generation being to move the worship of Yahweh into a more syncratic worship of Baal and Yahweh like the Israel of old.

It is clear the church on most fronts today already worships Baal and they don't even know it. Then the spirit of their books are at work in their minds and hearts.

Survey10/18/08 10:57 PM
Nathan | Australia  Find all comments by Nathan
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Of course it has a negative impact on the minds of men.
Thats the whole point. If you can't burn the book and kill ALL its translators aka Wycliffe, Luther, etc then the next best thing is to flood the market with a plethora of versions so as to drown out the truth in a flood a false poisoned water. To make matters worse to completely make a mockery and give reason to call Christianity a means of making merchandise of people. Do market research find out what people like to hear, and release a translation called the TNIV.
And the black hole of the abyss continues to suck in any light true Christians emanate.

News Item10/18/08 10:44 PM
Nathan | Australia  Find all comments by Nathan
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This is not surprising in the least.
Some years ago a Imam released a book in Egypt which claimed that in the Hadiths Muhammad said that in heaven you get your 40 virgins, AND you also get your "boys" who feed you fruit / grapes.
The Imam stated emphatically that this alluded to young boys in a sexual manner.
This book was banned by the Egyptian government only to have it reinstated after an ensuing court case had Egypt's largest Muslim Theological Institution back this Imam.
Considering Muhammad married Aisha when only in single figures it does not surprise me they would have involvement in such depravity.

Sermon8/11/08 8:22 AM
Nathan | Ontario, Canada  Find all comments by Nathan
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“ Thought provoking ”
A message that brought me back to some of the basic ways I need to love and cherish my wife. How easily we miss our calling as husbands.

Survey6/11/08 12:39 PM
Nathan | Australia  Find all comments by Nathan
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Thanks for that.
I have a grin ear to ear.
I can only say that they are either cowards or liars or risk killing the truth in the event of their death and the loss of the document.

Grammatical and spelling errors are standard in a plausible deniability routine.
That doesn't get rid of the fact they either produce the document or the story dies at this point.

Either way the intrigue is very interesting be they lying or not.

Where did you get that info from?

Survey6/11/08 12:23 PM
Nathan | Australia  Find all comments by Nathan
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JD, Michael Hranek, and others of their ilk I am only hearing double talk. That can only happen if a tongue is split in two.

Scripture is clear

Isa 45:9-10
"Shall the clay say to him that fashioned it, What makest thou?"

2 Tim 2:17 some vessels to honour and some to dishonour.

Are you JD and Michael questioning what God makes?
Then on the other hand maybe your supposed to ...... now thats scary?

Examples abound in scripture of people who God made for a specific purpose.
Isa 44 speaks of Cyrus. God choose him for a task before he was born, also Judas Iscariot just to start with.

Jesus Christ is the AUTHOR and finisher of our faith.
Imagine what chaos if the AUTHOR had the characters doing as they pleased.

What if the critical characters used to make an important point like Judas Iscariot did not betray Jesus because he chose not to.
Jesus Christ HAD TO BE BETRAYED, the betrayer had no choice, prophecy had to be fulfilled or God would be a liar.

See this is what is happening in the world since the fall.
History is our attempt to make it

In the end every knee will bow proclaiming Jesus Christ is Lord. WHY?
Because in "making our own way" we will come to see it was all still part of His Story and we contribute nothing outside of Christ.

Survey6/10/08 8:49 PM
Nathan | Australia  Find all comments by Nathan
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I think it is elementary that Preacher has said it by just reading his posts.

I am unsure as to what the point of these "misreadings" of peoples posts supposed to do except generate heat and conflict.

The problem is no one is hearing or wants to hear what is written in black and white.

I think maybe getting back to the topic of this survey would more beneficial at this point before it devolves into bickering Saints of the Most High.

Survey6/10/08 12:03 PM
Nathan | Australia  Find all comments by Nathan
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Preacher wrote:
Our Lord has promised us the victory,no matter how dim things look from our perspective. He holds the whole of history in the palm of His hand.
AMEN to that.

Survey6/10/08 11:39 AM
Nathan | Australia  Find all comments by Nathan
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Hi Mike

I understand what you are saying and from the angle you are taking on it you are absolutely right in saying Good News is Good News accepted or not, but understand what Preacher is also saying from scripture itself.
The gospel is foolishness to those perishing. The key is TO THOSE PERISHING, not to GOD, not to Christians.

By saying what you are saying you may wish to address your criticism to the Apostle Paul too since he penned those words ... oh under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit mind you. (I won't even suggest in jest you question Him.)

Be honest, if you are condemned surely your not going to be rejoicing in the street shouting EUREKA I'm a vile unforgiven poor, naked, blind, enemy of God watch me explode!
Man that's good news to me!

When they realise what they have rejected the good news will turn bitter in their bellies. They will gnash their teeth.

From your perspective you are right, the good news is good news regardless because of "I am who I am", but this is not Preachers perspective. He is taking it from the perspective of the lost in their own opinion.
It is clearly obvious Preacher thinks it is good news since he has heard the call of God unto the righteousness Christ death and resurrection.

Lets not start straining gnats.

Survey6/9/08 8:30 PM
Nathan | Australia  Find all comments by Nathan
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You know Preacher what you say is true.
I find it amazingly contrary that many of these lawless ones believing in a rapture are also armenianist.
The accusations are also contrary.
They say Calvinists (which of course is taught in scripture and someone had a brainer of an idea to link a mans name to a Biblical doctrine) may as well not pray to God because He makes everything happen anyway, and we can't do anything to change anything.
AND YET if there is doctrine that encourages a "do nothin" attitude it is sitting round on a fat bum waiting to escape this world in the "secret" rapture.

You also speak well saying the church has jettisoned the OT.
The amount of preachers I have heard who say "I'm a New Testament Christian" or "We're a New Testament Church"

I have no time for nonsense like that.
If there is no OT then there is no NT since the NT is built on the framework of the OT. The NT is almost entirely quotes left right and center from the OT.
If they want a NT church then they better get their scissors out and cut at least 50 - 75% of the NT out.

Survey6/9/08 6:08 PM
Nathan | Australia  Find all comments by Nathan
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Saved by the Law? Most certainly not.

Grace and Law are complementary not exclusive. They serve different purposes.

My rant was concerning those who teach the law as irrelevant, not for today.
Those who do so are lawless ones.

If someone says they have been saved by grace through faith and yet they happily break the law of God repetitively then it is clear they are not saved by grace through faith. The have no faith because as James says there is no evidence.
The fruit says liar.

Jesus told the woman caught in adultery "You sins are forgiven, go and sin no more."

Dr Phil, I hope your not suggesting that being under grace means you can do whatever and just keep asking for forgiveness, since the whole purpose of the law provides impetuous for the depths of repentance in the first place.
Without the law there is no transgression. No transgression then what is grace and forgiveness for?

Survey6/9/08 8:06 AM
Nathan | Australia  Find all comments by Nathan
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I think Mr J has hit on a good point where the very frame work of the question is flawed.
By using the term Born Again leads us into a quagmire of confusion.

The participants of the mystery religions call themselves born again for they have an inverse ceremony.

Members of the Skull and Bones like the Bushes have been through this ceremony and when George W Bush was asked if he was a Christian his interesting response was "Yes I have been born again."
Hmm Mr bush that wasn't the question.

How many US presidents have said they are Born Again?
How many of them were involved with secret societies.

If someone just claims to be born again and leaves it at that, get sus mighty quick. Things are not what they ever appear.

Survey6/9/08 7:42 AM
Nathan | Australia  Find all comments by Nathan
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What I find most disconcerting regarding the Letter to church of Laodicea is the fact that Jesus stands OUTSIDE knocking. Jesus is not in the midst of the church. They're inside having a whale of a time and Jesus is outside banging on an old fashion lump of tree for a door trying to get their attention.
Sounds like the church today with all it's entertainment and psychology. All the worlds riches yet no Christ.

Survey6/9/08 5:23 AM
Nathan | Australia  Find all comments by Nathan
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Continuing my post before:

When I was 15 I decided one morning I was going to church. I asked my parents if they would come, they said no.

I went by myself.

In church the preacher at the end of the sermon prayed and asked if anyone was called acknowledge Christ as their Saviour. There was a power working in me.
I sat there hands tight together resisting in my head saying "keep hands together don't respond".
From nowhere my left hand was up in the air like it was filled with helium. I looked up at it saying to myself "What are you doing up there." The preacher saw it.
After a while I put it down feeling betrayed by my hand and encouraging myself that I just need to get out ASAP.
The preacher called for those who responded to come down the front to pray and talk about their decision. (My decision?)
I stood up and there was like someone pushing me from behind and I was back peddling resisting again till I was at the front.
I did not choose God. He choose me.

My Salvation was a very Calvinist one.
Again I am not ganging up against anyone, our picking a fight, just stating the fact of my conversion. Do with it as you will from here on.

Survey6/9/08 5:09 AM
Nathan | Australia  Find all comments by Nathan
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I am astounded at the stats on this survey.
I found it nigh impossible to pick one as they are all more or less correct except one. They are not all remnants from all the twelve tribes.

The true Jews have written a number of letters that can be obtained which show they are still looking for the lost 10 tribes of the dispersion by Assyria.

In fact there are very few Jews (from the tribe of Judah) in the world.

Trowel the news and you will find these true Jews actually protest against the Zionist state of Israel but since the news and Hollywood is heavily owned by "Zionists" they don't get any major air time or press.

Again truth is stranger than fiction.

Most of these people are Khazar Jews (an entire kingdom converted to Judaism at the beginning of the middle ages).

Jesus even in his own time spoke of those who claim to be Jews but are not.

These were Edomites like Herod for example descendants of Esau.

The choice saying Imposter's trying to take over the world is another interesting point. A good examination of history will show that the cause of the Jews has been picked up by persons who had no other interest than their own agenda piggybacked on numerous vehicles like "antisemitism" (which is a poor term since the Arabs are Semites too!)

End of rant.

Survey6/9/08 4:49 AM
Nathan | Australia  Find all comments by Nathan
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I find the Law of God commonly taught today as "We're not under law but under grace". What the?
Another mind numbing technique used is the "Law of Love" which means to turn your brain off and just love.
Little do these adulterators of the word of God understand how must effort they put into mangle, wrest, twist and invert the very word of God. A "special" reward awaits them.

It scares me knowing that the very thing Jesus says to those who do magnificent works in His Name is "Go away from me you workers of INIQUITY".
Check out what that means!
And what about the man of lawlessness?

The sheeple are turned away to the statues of men. Like in our Lords time and Noahs time where lawlessness abounded! We are warned that it will be like the days of Noah before the coming of the Son of Man.

Jesus in fact fulfilled the law to the very letter.

Jesus also gave two commandments.
Love the Lord your God which covers the first 5 commandments.
Love your neighbor which covers the last 5 commandments.

Jesus also said "If you love me keep my commandments."
Nothing is more clear.

Survey6/9/08 2:35 AM
Nathan | Australia  Find all comments by Nathan
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I believe it is made perfectly clear it is by faith alone as the Book of Hebrews makes it so terribly poignant you must be trying to add your own works to miss it.

To have faith one would have been obedient and sacrificed but the sacrifice was nothing without faith backing it up.

Besides the Lord says "I prefer obedience to sacrifice." Consider Abraham and Issac on the sacrificial altar. God wanted the obedience He did not want the sacrifice of Issac.
For the obedience was establishing a type, a prophetical example of what was to come with Christ.

It is the same today with the shed blood of Christ on the cross of calvary. The sacrifice is nothing to those WHO DO NOT BELIEVE! But to us who do believe it is the very power of God UNTO SALVATION.

Survey6/8/08 11:15 PM
Nathan | Australia  Find all comments by Nathan
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Phew JD Judge not lest you be judged.
With the same you meet out so shall it be given to you.

You cannot say that a Calvinist (since their opinions vary greatly within this group) is like a JW or a Mormon that is as far as the East is from the West.

I seriously cannot believe you honestly cannot see that the Word of God shows clearly that Christ acts and men follow.
I also cannot believe others cannot see than man can rebel in their own free will against God.
As we are warned "else your name be blotted out form the Lambs book of life."
How can your name be in the book and be blotted out, unless what God wants you to go to hell (consider "God wills none to perish but all the have everlasting life") or maybe we choose to walk in ways foreign to His way which is more like it.
The Word of God teaches both Calvinism and Armenianism.
I was saved totally in a Calvinist manner. Cause I was so dumb to realize I should respond to God. Thank the Lord.
The isn't enough room to explain how I came to Christ till my next post but I was not a willing participant!!! The westle was between God and me. God won :-)

Survey6/8/08 8:10 PM
Nathan | Australia  Find all comments by Nathan
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Thanks JD and 2&3 for your posts.

I have the video of Bouffard's testimony.
Like I said before nothing is as it appears. Reality is fracturing because there are games being played by the enemies of our souls.
There is a false reality that has been pulled over our eyes over the last 200 years. The last 50 years has seen the last rays of light making it through the last gaps. Now in darkness apply the eye salve.
When light hits an eye that has been in darkness it is painful.

No one can be accepted as true and no one can be accepted as false until each person sees strong evidence to prove it either way.

Examples abound: CS Lewis is not Christian.
Many "Christian" books are written by by homosexuals and atheists, not the name on the cover.

The popular Christian world view is, deceptive and intentionally at that.

Jesus said "When I return will I find faith upon the earth."

I find this pointless wrestling match between Armenians and Calvinists so edifying.
Us Christians are being herded into the slaughter house and instead of finding the Lords route for escape we jostle each other.
There are some great men of God who have come from both camps.

Is it so hard to see that Christ has pre eminence in all things.

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