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Survey9/13/07 11:26 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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Michael H., my friend, I am saddened by the fact that you chose not to respond to my post to you in which I explained perseverance of the saints (what you would call eternal security). I am also saddened by your response to the doctrines of grace. I never, in any way, made these doctrines a test of our friendship and prayers. I have not condemned anyone to Hell, nor have I acted in a self-righteous attitude. Yet you choose to lump all "Calvinists" together in your post. Some of your comments are way out of line, such as, "both have persecuted even to death Baptist type believers". I am a Baptist who happens to believe in the doctrines of grace, along with many others from the GARB. Many on this site, you included, don't like being branded with the same brand as everyone else, yet it is a practice that to many of us use. I'm still thankful to have you as a brother in Christ, and I hope this can be worked throug.

Survey9/12/07 10:01 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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I have to admit, Lurker, that I have, at times, been one of those of whom you speak. The Lord has really been dealing with me lately about my tongue and how I use it. Pray for me as I seek to honor Him in all I say and do. As a minister of the gospel, it is a must. Thanks, and God bless you also, brother. Have a wonderful evening!

Survey9/12/07 9:49 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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Continue, Alan
Lurker, yes, she does, but so does Yamil. He should remember the biblical principle, "whatsoever a man sows, that shall he reap".

Survey9/12/07 9:47 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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Thanks, Lurker. I guess I haven't been around long enough to catch onto these things. Besides that, you wouldn't expect such things from those who profess to be christians, especially a preacher. I am ashamed to have such a one amongst our HOLY calling.

Survey9/12/07 9:36 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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Obvious Truth, I will tell you that a friend of mine suggested a sermon to me. He told me who the preacher was. He said it was the sister of a well known preacher. I respectfully told him I would not listen to it because I didn't want to be disobedient to scripture. I was sure to let him know that it had nothing to do with women being inferior, nor that I thought she would not be a good preacher. It simply had to do with obedience to God's Word. I really believe that if you would submit yourself to what God's Word has to say in this area, and ask Him to change your attitude toward men (not because we deserve it, but simply because God says so), that you will see God's blessing in your walk with Him to a greater degree. Just a thought

Survey9/12/07 9:28 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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Obvious Truth, I am praying for you right now.

Survey9/12/07 8:48 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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Obvious(ly) doesn't know the Truth, I assume you are a woman, considering yuor disrespect for men in your last post, but I want you to know that God's Word won't change in Heaven either. As a woman, you won't have a pulpit, and you won't USURP (this is a sin, and there will be no sin in Heaven) anything. Please don't add me to your list, I am just reminding you of what the scriptures have to say.

Survey9/12/07 5:38 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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Michael H, my dear friend! I am not going to rebuke you as some others have. Instead, I am going to tell you that perseverance of the saints (some prefer preservation of the saints) was defined by you in the post that you wrote. You said, "holding to the truth of Scripture Jesus saves us and Jesus keeps those whom He has saved and no one can pluck them out of His hand." That is EXACTLY what perseverance of the saints is! You believe this point (P in the TULIP of Calvinism) exactly as a Calvinist does!! I am not ridiculing or scorning you, for I believe the same exact thing! Praise God for HIS work of saving and keeping us!! God bless you, Michael!

News Item9/11/07 11:23 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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TO GOD'S WORD". No it doesn't! Philippians 2:13-It is God who works in you both TO WILL and TO DO of His good pleasure. It doesn't negate God's written word, as a matter of fact, it gives us the ability to actually live it. Again, all for His glory. Will you say before Christ, "I am glad I was able, of my own free will, to obey your Word"? I hope not or we might have to worship you too!

News Item9/11/07 5:37 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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Abigail, what was your point in posting all of those verses? Yes, the Bible says we must repent, but repentance is also part of the gift that comes with the faith that we are given. As has been pointe out to you, in and of ourselves, we can do nothing. Every aspect of salvation is a gift from God, beginning with regeneration, being made spiritually alive so that we can respond to the offer of salvation through the faith that God has given to us. Salvation is ALL of God and NONE of man. It is God's grace that draws us to Himself as He, by His Spirit, opens our spiritual understanding of our need for Christ. This awakening (resurrection, if you will) comes from God, the call comes from God, the faith to respond comes from God. Salvation is monergistic (God, and God alone), not synergistic (God's help along with our attempts). That way, God receives all of the glory!

News Item9/10/07 7:53 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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Abigail, "All of the "IF'S" tell us that those are requirements for salvation." Then you are calling God a liar because He has said in His Word that salvation is BY GRACE. That means it is a gift without any strings attached. It requires nothing on our part to earn it or to keep it. My statement is not a contradiction. God gives us the gift of faith which saves us AND keeps us. The faith that He gives us is a faith that will, by the simple fact that it comes from Him, result in a changed life. Again, not to earn or keep our salvation, but as an evidence that it is true, saving faith. NO CONTRADICTION!

News Item9/10/07 5:50 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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Abigail, " have confronted those on this forum about this subject and they contend that you can be saved regardless of your morals—OSAS." That is false. I believe in the eternal security of the believer (I won't use OSAS because it has become a strawman for the OLAL crowd to throw invalid barbs at), but I have never said that a christian can live any way the choose. I stated, without apology, that saving faith and obedient faith CANNOT be separated. A person who is truly born again will evidence that by a changed life. It may not be a drastic, or overnight change, but there will be a change. However, this change did not save us nor does it keep us. It is simply the EVIDENCE of a spiritual rebirth.

Survey9/10/07 5:38 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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Actually, Obvious Truth, the second three and one half years of the tribulation is called the Time of Jacob's Trouble (Jer. 30:7-which is a dual prophecy). All the world will be under God's judgment, but it will be an extremely difficult time for the Jews as the Antichrist vents his anger and hatred of God toward the chosen nation of Israel. That is part of the reason why the 144,ooo Jewish witnesses are supernaturally protected by God.

Survey9/10/07 5:19 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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JD, "The T and the P are definitely about man." When you witness to someone, do you tell them that they are a sinner? Do you tell them that Christ died to pay the price for sin? Do you only speak of Christ or do you use the scriptures to show a person their need of Christ? To say that the gospel can only be about Christ is to say that the apostles were wrong in their preaching in the book of Acts for they certainly pointed out the sin of the people and their need for a Savior. Also, of course they weren't called the doctrines of grace in the Bible. That is a name given to those doctrines by people to help us identify what we are talking about. Much like the word Dispensationalist or theology, neither of which are in the Bible. Neither is the word rapture, but you and I both believe in it. We have had this discussion before. You want an exact usage of certain words of phrases from the Bible when you know full well they aren't in there, but it only applies to other people's doctrine, not yours. Where is the word Trinity? How about the rapture? Show me where the word dispensationalist is in there. You can't. But neither of us would deny those doctrines. So please, stop using that argument. It is invalid. Thanks.

Survey9/9/07 9:18 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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JD, in response to your questions about the covenants with Israel, yes, I agree with you. As a matter of fact, tonight, in our evening service, I began a series of lessons that will address the issues of the end times. I will be teaching from a dipensational premillenailist point of view. I will ieach that the promises made to Israel in the OT are still valid and that God has a plan for that nation. I will teach of the Kingdom Dispenasation. I will teach about the pre-trib rapture of the church and the coming of an Antichrist. I will teach about the resurrections and judgments of that time period, and I will tech it from a historical-grammatical and literal interpretation of scripture, so yes, I agree with you. However, I will not tell someone that they are not saved because they do not agree on many of these points. Our view of eschatolgy and dispensations does not save us. I think it is even possible to be wrong on the doctrines of grace and still be saved because it is Jesus Christ and His finished work that saves us.

Survey9/8/07 10:14 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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HeHe, I then apologize to JD for thinking you were him. As for the Abigail thing, I think it is possible for someone to be elect and not have all of their theological ducks in a row. I know that doesn't go over well with some of the Calvinists on this site, so be it. Paul wrote to the elct in Corinth and had to straighten them out on many things. He never once told them that if they didn't have perfect doctrine they would go to hell. I believe doctrine is extremely important. It affects how we look at things and impacts the way that we live. However, it is Jesus' blood, shed for the elect, that saves us, not our doctrine. BTW, I've looked stupid before. I am willing to learn from it and try to make things right.

Survey9/8/07 9:47 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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JD, I wasn't asking a theological question. I was making an observation about your response to a person who belongs to what the Bible calls the "true Israel". Those who are of the household of faith. Those who follow in the footsteps of our father, Abraham, who trusted God by faith and had it counted to him as righteousness BEFORE he was circumcised. I wasn't looking for a diatribe on covenants.

News Item9/8/07 9:11 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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Dessie, I agree, but unfortunately, in pointing it out, Listener1 showed the same venom and hatred he condemned. That is called HYPOCRISY.

Survey9/8/07 9:10 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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HeHe (aka JD), shows he has more compassion for national Israel than those of the household of faith. Sad, very sad

Survey9/6/07 5:27 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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JD, I have to jump in here because I think you slander some of these folks falsely. I agree with you about the JW's and the char/Pentecostals and their tongues. I do not agree with you on MurrayA, Seaton, and Lurker. These men stand on the truth of the doctrines of grace as found IN SCRIPTURE. You have thrown ouot all of these accusations and you forgot the one that applies to most dispensationalists, they have their Scofield Bibles and their special interpretation of scripture. I say that being a dispy, although I don't use a Scofield Bible. You cry elitism, yet sit in judgment of all of these folks. You accuse of brainwashing, yet you put out what you have learned as a dispensationalist, taught to you by some predecessor, I'm sure. You make fun of the doctrine of the elect, yet scripture uses the exact word, and the principle of it is found in many other passages. You, JD, are the one who needs to humble himself and know that he does not have all of the answers! God is bigger than you are, and even though we can understand the Word of God, we are not God and do not have every point of doctrine completely understood. It is not your point of view, as much as your arrogance, that turns people off to what you have to say.
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