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News Item1/9/2020 12:33 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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Source: WND= World Nut Daily.
Therefore, I wonder how much credibility even this story is getting, outside of the Babylon Bee readers.
Newspaper circulation has been dropping for years, and some only find them 'redeemable' by their coupons, and now that you can get them online and sign up at stores websites for discounts, there is even less reason to get a daily newspaper.

News Item1/8/2020 6:26 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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Of course, Franklin is right on the media, and everyone knows it. It's too bad they cannot play their role in determining the facts, just the facts.
Their coverage on Election Night has to stand out as one of the Most Historic Nights of Live TV, even above any NFL Super Bowl half-time show. It was fascinating to watch them confidently predict that Hillary would win, depending on their exit-polls and a few select urban districts. They did not know the Grand Strategy at play--that 270 is the Magic Number, not voters, and that can come from all kinds of states, and if you win a few choice big states, you've got it.
Hillary won obvious liberal states like NY and CA, but missed out in PA, MI, and FL.
After that, I was hoping the News Media would start covering how this happened, namely Who Voted for Trump? Where did they live? Why didn't they vote for Hilary?
Was it Barack's statement about closing down coal mines?
They should have sent reporters out to the Hinterlands to find those voters, even to help their Masters, the Democrat Party leaders, because it would be helpful for them to come up with a competing message.
Instead, we get Hilary and many others, like Barack's advisor who laughed at us (that phone phrase, if you like your dr. you can keep your dr)and called us name

News Item1/8/2020 6:17 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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It looks like you can put pretty much anything you want on a private jet.

News Item1/7/2020 6:19 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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I can't wait to see PBS air a special on Obama and Hillary and their use of the book, Rules for Radicals by Saul Alinsky.
It might be a long wait, since they are just as liberal as the rest of the mainstream media.
As to McCarthy, he was just finding out how Communists had infiltrated the US, and Reagan fought against them in Hollywood.
Didn't the Rosenbergs sell nuclear secrets to the Russians that enabled them to build their nuclear arsenal. And that was OK?

News Item1/6/2020 11:54 AM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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The mention of his name--Petraeus--reminds me of how the press hated him before. Yet today, when another military guy, Vinman his name, they said he was military and cannot be criticized. Can you tell me the difference?

News Item1/5/2020 4:36 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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I wonder what he thinks of Muslims, who do not have a very advanced view of science. I believe they still are debating whether the earth is flat.

News Item1/5/2020 4:33 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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Well, a friend tells me that the distance is not just 'on the outskirts of Miami' but about 10 miles away from the furthest west city limits. It would be like speaking at the College Park campus of the Great Univ. of Maryland and saying he spoke in DC.
I guess no one can figure geography these days, despite having fancy apps on their phones.
As to prayer in schools, liberals might want to respond by taking off "In God We Trust" from all US money.
I don't think it will happen. Schools are major centers of indoctrination in liberal thought; just look at what your kids reading assignments mention, or go to your local library's children's section and see what biographies are featured. A friend told me he looked at one large library that had numerous Kwanzaa books on display, but nothing about Christmas.
He also told me of a recent visit to an art museum that had an Asian section next to an African section. He compared the dates--here were the Chinese Ming dynasty in the 13th Century producing very elaborate ceramic and porcelain objects--vases and the like--while the Africans--even today--were carving wood and using straw. Does that give you an idea of which continent is better off today?

News Item1/5/2020 4:26 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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Did you hear the same news item that I did the other day about the Obamas and their law licenses? It seems that Michele turned hers in, in a move usually done before it is taken away or suspended by the state, in a case in Illinois involving insurance fraud.
Now I'm sure we all know that she made big money as a hospital exec. (despite having no business degree, or medical degree that would qualify her) the day after her husband got a position on a medical review committee in Illinois' State Legislature. I wonder if they were both white and Republican, would anyone have noticed?
By the way, do you remember how many liberal whites thought that they were the Greatest Thing Since Sliced Bread. Even one of their scions said, 'Well, he's clean and neat' (as if Je$$e Jackson and Farakhan never took baths) and one of the esteemed members of the media loved his 'sharply creased pants' (which makes you think tailors have a lot to do with success). I don't know but maybe they though, "If we just elect a black man (forgetting that his mother was white), we can eliminate all this 'friction' between the races." What do you think? Did it help any? Didn't a lot of race riots and anti-police actions take place afterwards (in Dallas, for example)? It seems like it was not enough.

News Item1/5/2020 4:18 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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Hobby Lobby also pays for a big, full-page ad in newspapers around Easter. This all reminds me of course, of the Good Old Days when newspapers used to carry a 'Religion' section, usually in their Saturday or Friday editions. A friend told me that in West Virginia, yes in the den of iniquity where they have state-sanctioned gambling, the local newspaper has this section, and it includes even the sermon topics. You could pick and choose which church you wanted to attend, depending on what sermon you wanted to hear.
How about your local newspaper? Does it have a section like this, or does your church have to pay for ads?

News Item1/4/2020 5:32 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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In my slang dictionary, under the term, 'a piece of work' there is a picture of Hunter Biden; his father is the illustration of 'plagiarism'

News Item1/4/2020 11:54 AM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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No problem here, since there are thousands of denominations anyway. But it does seem to be a split over a significant issue, not the usual fight over which color the carpeting in the sanctuary should be, or whether there should be seating pads in the pews. A friend told me people left his church when their favorite 'traditional' service was changed from 11am to 9:30am.
For them, it was their last straw, and they probably threw in a couple other minor disagreements to make the switch. So they went over to a Methodist church that did have the traditional service.
In fact, it will be a good question as to which side of this split that church will be on.

News Item1/3/2020 1:16 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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Glad to see that comment had its intended effect--to flush out the rats.
Now, to move on to the Most Excellent Action in killing the Iranian fanatic who planned this attack.
Of course, it's too bad our southern border is wide open for any crazies of this type or another to flood across.

News Item1/3/2020 11:54 AM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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I notice Biden's attorneys are not saying he is not the father of the child. I wonder how it happened--one of his drunken, cocaine-snorting parties in a local club or bar? This man is a moral wreck, a perfect example of what happens to Rich Powerful Families. He reminds me of that Kennedy that made it into the news and then was covered up years ago.
It is too bad that the Mainstream Media is not able to cover "All the News that Fits to Print" when it comes to the lifestyle of Hunter Biden.
How would you feel if your brother died, and your other brother soon started to date the widow? Doesn't that seem inappropriate to you?
If this "Hunter" was a member of your family, what would you think?

News Item1/2/2020 11:04 AM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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Very true about colleges and their 'Safe Zones'
It makes you wonder..would parents save $$ for their kids to go there to be indoctrinated?
Besides, how many graduates with degrees in Fine Arts or Women's Studies are now serving as baristas in your local coffeeshop?

News Item1/1/2020 4:51 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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Did your church have a 'watch-night' service last night? I have heard of some evangelical churches who do that and stay at church until midnight to celebrate together the entry of the new year.
Going back to the question of celebrating Easter, I know many Christians do not like to use that term because it has pagan roots.

News Item1/1/2020 4:47 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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Does this remind anyone else of a similar situation in Libya that ended with the death of the US ambassador? WAsn't Obama the President and Hilary Clinton the Secretary of State then? What did they say about it?

News Item12/30/19 4:06 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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Well, before Christmas he visited the folk in Broward County, which did draw a lot of Hispanics from Miami-Dade County. If you know Spanish, you can listen online to the local radio at '' where they regularly air talk programs that take many more calls than anyone like Rush or Sean, and most of those callers are conservatives. A friend tells me there is a loyal group of Hispanics that gather every Saturday to show support for President Trump at a large county park not too far from Maldonado's church.
On this morning's talk show (8am to 10am), they were explaining that this Jan 3 event is not open to the general public like the Broward event was; it is limited to the members of that church.
So, if your first name starts with J and ends with 'im,' don't plan on making any flights from Nebraska to MIA to attend this event, no matter how much you want to stand outside and carry a protest sign. But, on the other hand, you are welcome to visit the local parks and chat with those supporters in the park next Saturday. In the meantime, brush up on your Spanish and get online to listen to that radio station. They even have a camera in the studio so you can watch the people (which seem to be all AARP members, if not members of the RMD generation)

News Item12/30/19 1:45 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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I see megachurch pastor from Singapore, "Joseph Prince" has been emphasizing the Lord's Supper for a while.
And of course, Episcopalians, Lutherans and Catholic's have it every week. Should evangelicals do the same?
A friend told me of a denomination, 'Church of Christ-Disciples of Christ" I think it is called--that celebrates baptism like the Baptists, church govt like the PResbyterians, and the Lord's Supper weekly like the Lutherans. I guess they were trying to cover all their bases!

News Item12/28/19 5:20 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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's c' if you are concerned about celebrating the winter solstice, then you need to check the formula for when Easter is has a lot to do with when Jews celebrate the Passover.

News Item12/28/19 4:56 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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I guess 2,800 members makes it a 'megachurch' for Methodists.
As I do for every denomination, I wonder how many of those 2,800 folk could say what their 'denominational distinctives' are, so that someone accustomed to a Lutheran service or a Baptist service could understand what was going on.
I also remember a small controversy at a Methodist national gathering (not sure if 'convention' is the right word for it), where the women had arguments about makeup and hair styling--the Southern ones were in favor, the Northern ones opposed.
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