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Survey9/23/07 9:08 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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Abigail, I have noticed a couple of comments by you recently that seem to indicate that you believe the sacrifices of the OT actually saved people. Do you truly believe that those sacrifices forgave their sins? In the OT, just as since the death of Christ, salvation is by grace through faith alone. Those sacrifices and ceremonies were only a picture of the One who was to come. The Law and all of its ceremony added nothing to the salvation of the individual. Just as after the cross, salvation before the cross was a sovereign act of God, determined from before the foundation of the world, based on no merit of the individual. Obedience to the Law and ceremonies was an evidence of salvation just as obedience for us today is an evidence of salvation. Works do not earn us salvation, and neither do they keep our salvation. If it did, it would not be "by grace". God alone receives ALL of the glory.

Survey9/22/07 6:10 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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Amen, Lurker! I have pointed this out time and again, and it gets us nowhere. JD seems to be the kid who wants to continuously change the rules as the game is being played so that he always wins.
JD, you always want to disregard creeds and confessions. Does your church have a doctrinal statement? You said, I think, that you are IFB (please correct me if I'm wrong). I know, as an IFB pastor, that we have a doctrinal statement. There are great confessions of faith from the past that we make reference to, and there are preachers from whom we learn. I don't think there is anything wrong with this, and, as a matter of fact, it helps to keep us from straying from the "old paths" that were laid down before us. Do you not use any commentaries? Do you listen only to your pastor, and if so, does he use commentaries and listen to other preachers? Don't be so super-spiritual so as to state, "I only use the Bible" when we know that part of "studying to show thyself approved" means letting those who are more mature spiritually, whether dead or alive, help us to grow. The Westminster Confession has been around for a long time and has much to offer, as we have seen on this site. Also, the verses are always given that back up the point used. All we have to do is look them up.

Survey9/22/07 9:47 AM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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JD, "From what I have seen of you on this forum, preaching might not be a good idea for you." Thankfully, JD, my calling is of God, not of men. I have had many, like you, who don't like to hear the true gospel and have told me the same. I will continue to do so until Christ returns or I leave in death.
Lurker, I agree with what tyou have to say. Salvation, as presented in scripture, has several parts. Some we receive now (our sonship, our eternal security, the heavenly blessings that come from being seated with Christ in heavenly places, etc.); and those which are yet to come (our glorified bodies and our literal presence in Heaven). I think JD takes the literal interpretation of scripture to the point of losing the meaning of the text and thus, through the letter, kills. This error was committed by many Jewish religious leaders in Jesus' day, and before, and is known as Rabbinism. They were so "literal" in their interpretation that they took any spiritual understanding out of it. That is why Jesus had to rebuke them over and over. May we learn from their mistake and not be so rigid we lose the application of the Bible. Nw, go ahead, JD, and beat me up over this one!

Survey9/21/07 5:34 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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Seaton, have you ever noticed how JD always seems to accuse those who adhere to the doctrines of grace of coming up with their own definitions for words or their own spin on a verse or passage? Have you noticed how, when we do it, we are playing games with the scriptures, according to JD? Have you also noticed that when JD does it, it is to be considered good, solid Bible exposition? Have you noticed, as well, that the accusation against us is that we must constantly run to the Reformers for our info? But why is it that when he blesses us with an interpretation that comes from one of his favorites (Scofield, Darby, etc.), we are to accept it hook, line, and sinker? I am a dispensationalist, but I have never seen many of the things that JD gives to us (maybe because I don't study from the Scofield Bible). I like what you said about Eph. 1:4, 5, Seaton. JD tells us to take the Bible for what it says, and you did just that, giving us added verses from the same book! Thank you for your help with these things. I do have to say though, it is frustrating to have someone with a counter-argument to everything that the Bible very clearly states. I pray for JD, because I know that it is only by God's grace he will see these precious truths! God bless, Seaton!

Survey9/20/07 8:22 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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JD, I don't usually agree with Abigail, but on this one I must. Eph. 1:4,5 states that we were chosen in Christ before the foundation of the world, not to service, but to be conformed to the image of Christ. Why? Because God chose us "IN CHRIST" before the foundation of the world. I don't think there is any other way to spin this than that God chose us, as verse 5 says, "according to the good pleasure of his will". God chose people to salvation because He can (He is God), and because He wanted to. Remember, God's grace is Him choosing out of a human race that was already condemned, a people for Himself. If God hadn't chosen some, every man, woman, and child would justly be in Hell!

Survey9/19/07 8:25 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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JD, "I am saying that people will not come to Christ because...they have not heard of him." You call unconditional election unfair, but think it is okay for God to send people to Hell because they have not heard of Christ? You might want to rethink that one because that would make your God a bigger monster than the God of the Calvinist. That is one of the problems that those who don't believe in the doctrines of grace has. What do you do with those who have never heard?

Survey9/19/07 6:09 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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Michael H., I agree with you completely. We must pray and we must preach. Why? Because we are commanded to and also because these are the methods that God has ordained to reach the lost. I don't understand why people think that because we believe in election that we don't believe in prayer or in preaching. Some of the greatest missionaries and preachers (Spurgeon) were convinced of the doctrines of grace and BECAUSE of that, were committed to praying and preaching. Election should be encouraging to the saint because it means that the results are in God's hands, not ours! Gotta go, I'm off to prayer meeting to pray for revival, the lost, and our community. Why? Because my God is in control and I know I'm praying according to His will

Survey9/19/07 5:51 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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Yamil, but what does the word "election" mean in the Bible? Does it mean we vote for God or the devil? Does it mean that whoever is the most clever and persuasive, God or Satan, gets the sinner? Or does it mean, just maybe, that our sovereign God is able to "choose" from His own "free will" (for He truly is the only one with a free will) out of the mass of lost humanity (and every individual was lost because of the sin of Adam) a people for Himself? If God had not chosen some out of lost human race, NO ONE would have been saved! That, my friend, is grace!

Survey9/19/07 5:23 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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JD, you didn't answer the challenge. I said show me where the disciples preached your gospel in reference to John 3:16 meaning that God loves every man, woman, and child individually. Where do they ever preach in Acts that Jesus death paid the price for every sin that was ever committed and will ever be committed. It isn't in there. I agreewith the gospel preached by the disciples that you posted, but it isn't the same gospel preached by many today. BTW, when they asked the disciples, "What must we do to be saved?", did you notice they didn't respond with, "Just ask Jesus into your heart and He will forgive all of your sins"? That is a modern gospel with NOTHING in common with the biblilcal gospel.
Also, JD, you told DB that man can understand salvation by his own reasoning and understanding. Then you are calling the scriptures into question because they tell us that the natural man CANNOT understand the things of the Spirit. Which is it?
Michael H., I don't know if I could handle third shift In response to your response, those verses do not say that God loves every man, woman, and child individually. Those verses are simply speaking of how to know that you are saved. BTW, are you back to full time at your job? Hope all is well with you and your family.

Survey9/18/07 6:20 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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Thank you, DB. I can't say I've always respected the way that I have conducted myself on this board, but by the grace of God, that is changing. Thanks, again

Survey9/18/07 5:41 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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DB, I believe in the doctrines of grace. As a pastor, when I give a call to salvation, it is a general call. I tell the people that they are sinners who have offended a holy God. I tell them that Jesus Christ is the sacrifice whose blood is SUFFICIENT to cover all sin. I compel them to respond to the message that they have heard. It is my resposibilty to preach the gospel (we are sinners, God is holy and just, Jesus Christ died to pay the price for sin [I don't make it specific to each individual], and that we are to respond in faith). I have done what God commands me to do; make the general call. I then leave it up to God to do His part; give the effectual call and spiritual quickening to those who have been chosen by Him. I am only responsible to preach the gospel, it is God who gives the fruit.
To those who preach "Jeus loves each and every one of you and died for YOUR sins" and also, "If you were the only person who needed to be saved, Jesus would have died for you". Where do you find that in the Bible? Don't give me John 3:16, it doesn't say that. John 3:16 says God loved the world, mankind, in general, it does not state, nor even imply, that it was every man, woman, and child. Show me from Acts where the diciples preached your gospel. BTW, you can't!

News Item9/16/07 8:31 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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Lance, you have gone from a position where Christ plays a small part in salvation (baptism, Mass, etc.) to a place where Christ plays NO part Baptism of desire). Where do you get this stuff from?

Survey9/15/07 2:22 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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Amen, Alan H., I agree with that whole-heartedly. Unfortunately, we have seen that accusation over and over again from those who disagree with the doctrines of grace, even those who believe in the eternal security of the believer. This is where being informed is important. It is easy to argue from ignorance, but to be shown otherwise, and to remain there, is really an unacceptable place for a christian to be.

Survey9/15/07 2:00 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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But my question goes out again, "would you agree that God already knows who the elect are, and that there will be no more nor no less than those whom God knows are already going to be saved?" Yes or no!

Survey9/15/07 1:19 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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Thanks for your response Michael H. The reason for my question, though, was heading in a different direction then where you went. My next question is, regardless of whether you believe in "unconditional" election or election according to God's foreknowledge, would you agree that God already knows who the elect are, and that there will be no more nor no less than those whom God knows are already going to be saved?

Survey9/15/07 12:57 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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Michael H., hope your enjoying this beautiful Fall day! You said, "emphasizing election over the sovereign work of God that leads sinners to repentance and faith and new birth". If I may, election IS a sovereign work of God! That is the whole point! If I could, I would like to ask everyone out there, is election (forget the theological titles of Calvinism, Arminianism, etc.) a Bible doctrine? Is the word and/or principle found in the scriptures? Thanks.

Survey9/15/07 12:22 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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KK, search through my posts and see if the "grace" and salvation that you define in your post is the same as the one I have given. Once again, the issue is clouded by misinformation and misunderstanding. In quoting Eph. 2:8-10 (we must have verse 10), we have the true definition of salvation. In God's wisdom, He never divorces salvation from sanctification. We are saved "unto good works" by sovereign grace! Amen!!!

Survey9/15/07 11:43 AM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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Abigail, "God by His grace implants the desire within us to seek after Him, and we respond of our own free will." As I said, you can't have it both ways. You are saying that God plants the desire within us. What about those who never have that desire? Is it because God doesn't "plant" it in them? Then we are back to square one, why doesn't He? Answer:election. Think it through, Abigail. If you place ANY of the drawing to God, then you have to say that God chooses to "plant" desire or draw or however you want to say it by His choice, because we have to admit that this work is not done in every man, woman, and child.

Survey9/14/07 6:13 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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I just have to mention that so many of you who reject the doctrines of grace sound like Calvinists many times. Obvious Truth agreed with a quote from Abigail that states, "Only the Spirit of God can quicken His Word to the heart and bring (eternal) life." That statement flies in the face of free will which both of you espouse. Which is it? Do you understand the Word of God on your own and accept it by your own free will or does it truly take the Spirit of God to quicken His Word and bring eternal life? Realize that you can't have it both ways! If it is the latter(the Spirit quickening the Word to the heart of the sinner), then why doesn't He just do it for everyone? Answer:election. If you will just think for a moment, you will realize that if your statements are to be taken as you posted them, then this has to be the "obvious truth"

Survey9/14/07 5:02 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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Michael H., thank you for your response at 1:49 this morning!! I understand your reasoning because, as we have seen, the topic of Calvinism can cause a lot of tension. That is why I choose not to call myself a Calvinist. Actually, I would have to say that the doctrines of grace are the only thing I have in common with a Calvinist. I, like you, believe that the church and Israel are two separate entities throughout scripture. I just want you, and everyone else, to consider one thing about John 3:16. Notice what it DOES say, "Gos so loved the world". Notice what it doesn't say, "God so loved every man, woman, and child". The word world is a general word refering to mankind in general. Having said that, I don't believe that God hates those who are not the elect. But Romans 8 proves that He has a different love for those who are in Christ than He does for those who are not. If that is not the case, then the obvious conclusion is that God has UNCONDITIONAL love for everyone, and therefore, everyone is saved. Why? Because unconditional means "without conditions". If that is true, then Jesus really did not need to die. Just something to think about. Thanks Michael, and God bless!
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