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1,016 total votes have been cast on this survey | 72 user comments  ( edit survey )

What is the Biblical definition of 'foreknow' in Rom 8:29?
Created: 3/6/2006 | Last Vote: 14 years ago | Comment: 16 years ago
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 •   Foresight. God's act of looking down from heaven and seeing who would and would not believe.
  23% | 231 votes

 •   Forelove. God's act of loving His elect from eterenity past.
  67% | 683 votes

 •   Other. Please Explain.
  6% | 59 votes

 •   No answer. Skip this survey, I do not care to vote on this topic.
  4% | 43 votes


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Survey11/11/08 12:44 PM
St Jeremiah | Salt Lake City, UT  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by St Jeremiah
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Proginosko - from pro (before )and ginosko (to know, understand, perceive, have knowledge); to have knowledge before hand

Proorizo- from pro (before) and horizo (to mark out the boundaries or limits); to predetermine, decide beforehand

This concerns the life of the believer; be conformed to the likeness of his Son.

This concerns our adoption; be adopted as his sons through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will. Eph 1:5

Also this concerns His choice;

In him we were also chosen (kleroo-to choose by lot)...according to the plan of him who works out everything in conformity with the purpose of his will..Eph 1:11

And the next verse goes on to say;

And those he predestined, he also called; those he called, he also justified; those he justified, he also glorified.

Or to put it in other words that Paul used;

He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. Php 1:6

The focus is on sanctification and not soteriology.

Survey2/21/08 9:53 PM
Mr. J | Australia  Find all comments by Mr. J
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DJC49 wrote:
More like: total depravity
In a "nice" sorta way.
You were wrong on one point mate - there is nothing "nice" about this wombat. He is what we Aussies call a smart alec. Someone who thinks he is smart, but everytime he opens his mouth every one else falls around laughing. I won't even be bothered answering his posts anymore.

Survey2/21/08 9:48 PM
The Cure | To Calvinism Cancer  Go to homepageFind all comments by The Cure
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Take a 30 day fast from Calvinism and open up your Bible for once. Read it and I assure you that it will become much easier for you.

Survey2/21/08 9:46 PM
Mr. J | Australia  Find all comments by Mr. J
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DJC49 wrote:
More like: total depravity
In a "nice" sorta way.
This saint finds it hard to persevere with all this, that's for sure

Survey2/21/08 9:22 PM
DJC49 | Florida  Contact via emailFind all comments by DJC49
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More like: total depravity

In a "nice" sorta way.

Survey2/21/08 9:14 PM
The Cure | To Calvinism Cancer  Go to homepageFind all comments by The Cure
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It's called irrisistible grace. That's why.

Survey2/21/08 7:21 PM
Mr. J | Australia  Find all comments by Mr. J
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The Cure wrote:
So I guess your post from 2/21/08 10:35 below which you uses to respond to JD's momormism post was a complete waste of virtual space.

Maybe you should've dedicated more time in what you claim you were addressing.

Why do you guys waste your time with this pelican.

Survey2/21/08 7:15 PM
DJC49 | Florida  Contact via emailFind all comments by DJC49
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The Cure wrote:
So I guess your post from 2/21/08 10:35 below which you uses to respond to JD's momormism post was a complete waste of virtual space.
You, Mr. Cure, might not have found it to have much merit. That's understandable.
And I take your disapproval as a ... a sort of compliment.

Survey2/21/08 6:53 PM
The Cure | To Calvinism Cancer  Go to homepageFind all comments by The Cure
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So I guess your post from 2/21/08 10:35 below which you uses to respond to JD's momormism post was a complete waste of virtual space.

DJC49 wrote:
What you don't seem to grasp is the fact that the Eternal God is not time-bound as we are. He doesn't plod through time. He sees everything as being *in the present*. We can only dimly imagine His knowing us from all eternity. But that fact is Scriptural:

"Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee" (Jer 1:5)

God didn't merely conceptualize us before our historical existence; He didn't merely see down the corridors of time what we would be; rather, He SEES us AS PRESENT from all eternity ... NOW. God has no calendar nor watch! He sees the End from the Beginning. NOW!

We're talkin' GOD'S TIMELESS forknowledge here and not man's weak, beggerly, and time-bound foreknowing as illustrated in Acts 26:5 and 2Peter 3:17.

Maybe you should've dedicated more time in what you claim you were addressing.

Survey2/21/08 6:43 PM
DJC49 | Florida  Contact via emailFind all comments by DJC49
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The Cure wrote:
Election is a concept based on the context of eternity past.

***JD made a point about eternity past and you scolded him for doing so.***


Go back to my post of 2/21/08 10:35 AM. Reread the 1st paragraph.

JD EQUATED what jago said about the words "know" and "foreknow" [see jago's post of 2/20/08 11:02 PM] to something a Morman said about God being the Father of spirits and that these spirits preexisted before being born into a physical body.

Sorry, but the 2 statements of the Morman and jago are NOT equivalent. They don't even come close to being related. But JD tried tying the 2 statements together! JD stated to jago that: "Now, you are telling us the SAME THING."

And it was for THIS that I chided him, Mr. Cure, and NOT for merely making a statement about eternity past.

Sorry, bud, but there's NO double standard whatsoever. You just can't read.

Ya know, it's geniuses such as yourself who want to tell us all about the SUPPOSED contradictions of Calvin's theological system and other such intracacies but who can't even read simple posts on a message board!

Go figure.

Survey2/21/08 5:01 PM
The Cure | To Calvinism Cancer  Go to homepageFind all comments by The Cure
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Election is a concept based on the context of eternity past.

JD made a point about eternity past and you scolded him for doing so.

Do you not see your double standard?

Survey2/21/08 4:50 PM
jago | australia  Find all comments by jago
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cure. what on earth are you talking about?
God foreknew his own before the foundation of the world. He then as they were born into the world set about bringing them back to himself. Those he foreknew he predestined, called, sanctified and glorified. Simple scripture.

Survey2/21/08 4:38 PM
OK  Find all comments by OK
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What's classic is how the Calvinist makes up a whole doctrine on eternity past (predestination) and then turn around and state that the past does not matter when their theology is shown to be in error.
Now that's classic!

If the past cannot be considered, then you might as well throw out the whole system of Calvinism where it belongs: in the trash.

You can't have it both ways folks.

Let me know if you need me to repeat it again.

Survey2/21/08 11:42 AM
DJC49 | Florida  Contact via emailFind all comments by DJC49
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The Cure wrote:
What's classic is how the Calvinist makes up a whole doctrine on eternity past (predestination) and then turn around and state that the past does not matter when their theology is shown to be in error.
Now that's classic!
If the past cannot be considered, then you might as well throw out the whole system of Calvinism where it belongs: in the trash.
You can't have it both ways folks.
Does the above quote make any sense at all? What's this guy talking about? And just WHO stated that "the past does not matter?"

Give it another shot, Mr. Cure, as the above quote was probably one of your more incoherent attempts to date.

Survey2/21/08 11:09 AM
The Cure | To Calvinism Cancer  Go to homepageFind all comments by The Cure
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What's classic is how the Calvinist makes up a whole doctrine on eternity past (predestination) and then turn around and state that the past does not matter when their theology is shown to be in error.

Now that's classic!

If the past cannot be considered, then you might as well throw out the whole system of Calvinism where it belongs: in the trash.

You can't have it both ways folks.

Survey2/21/08 10:35 AM
DJC49 | Florida  Contact via emailFind all comments by DJC49
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JD wrote:
Yes, and I witnessed to a Mormon last Saturday that told me the same thing. He said God is the Father of spirits and that the spirits preexisted before being born in a physical body. Now, you are telling us the same thing.
What else do you have in common?
A classic JD strawman!

Sorry, JD, but a Mormon stating the falsity that people pre-existed as spirits before they were born is NOT the same thing as God's knowing us intimately (i.e., foreknowing us) before we came into physical existence.

What you don't seem to grasp is the fact that the Eternal God is not time-bound as we are. He doesn't plod through time. He sees everything as being *in the present*. We can only dimly imagine His knowing us from all eternity. But that fact is Scriptural:

"Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee" (Jer 1:5)

God didn't merely conceptualize us before our historical existence; He didn't merely see down the corridors of time what we would be; rather, He SEES us AS PRESENT from all eternity ... NOW. God has no calendar nor watch! He sees the End from the Beginning. NOW!

We're talkin' GOD'S TIMELESS forknowledge here and not man's weak, beggerly, and time-bound foreknowing as illustrated in Acts 26:5 and 2Peter 3:17.

Survey2/21/08 6:56 AM
Minnow  Find all comments by Minnow
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Rom 8:28 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, TO THEM WHO ARE *THE CALLED* according to *HIS* purpose.
= Here Paul clearly refers to THE Elect.

29 For *WHOM* he did foreknow, he *ALSO* did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren.
= Here Paul clearly refers to THE Elect.

30 Moreover *WHOM* he did predestinate, *THEM* he also called: and *WHOM* he called, *THEM* he also justified: and *WHOM* he justified, *THEM* he also glorified.
= Here Paul clearly refers to THE Elect.

31 What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us?
= Here Paul clearly refers to THE Elect.

God "foreknew" THE Elect.
God "predestinated" THE Elect.
God "Effectually called" the Elect.
God is omniscient and omnipotent.
God does not need to check sinners out before making HIS choice and decision.
God does not need the cooperation of sinners to make His choice/decision.
God saves THE Elect.

Survey2/21/08 12:37 AM
The Cure | To Calvinism Cancer  Go to homepageFind all comments by The Cure
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Oh ok. So when you originally asked me:

"So tell me, do you believe in election at all? And if you do, it is obviously conditional election, so tell me - on what condition does God elect? Then tell me where you find this in the Bible."

... That was the change of subject.

Sorry, you change the subject so much that I lose tract of which one is suppose to be the current one.

Mr J wrote:
So we went from "What is conditional election?"

To "What is foreknowledge"


Are you ever going to give a rebuttal to any of the answers I gave you?

You call this one way street where you give all the questions and none of the answers an intellectual discussion?

Survey2/21/08 12:32 AM
Mr. J | Australia  Find all comments by Mr. J
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The Cure wrote:
So, I take it from your response that you really do not have a rebuttal to my post on Romans 10:9 on faith being a condition for salvation.
I told you that the Calvinist has all the questions but none of the answers.
So the best you can do is to change the subject to foreknowledge. Before I give you another answer, may I ask how many times you will be changing the subject?
The subject is foreknowledge mate. Are you sleep-deprived? I answsered your faith response by telling you that faith is a gift. Now I know you don't have the answer to my question. Try answering this one (before you go off on another tangent) - WHERE DOES FAITH COME FROM?

Survey2/21/08 12:30 AM
The Cure | To Calvinism Cancer  Go to homepageFind all comments by The Cure
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Foreknow means to know ahead of time. It is used in Acts 26:5 as “which knew me from the beginning”
In 2 Peter 3:17 speaking of Christians it uses the same word translated as “seeing ye know these things before.”
There is nothing spooky about the definition.
Now I have given you a definition and gave you scriptures of the word being used outside of the debate that supports it. Now what is your definition and how is it consistent with its other uses outside of Romans 8:29? There must be another reason other than “It helps me promote my Calvinism” to you reasoning behind the meaning of foreknow. I would prefer a scriptural reason please.

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