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News Item6/5/2020 1:17 PM
Michael Hranek | from outside the Clinic  Contact via emailFind all comments by Michael Hranek
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
Good for Notham
Dearest Jim,
Perhaps you have genuinely forgotten
Said Governor's stand for abortion
(hint: I guess black babies lives (or white ones too) don't matter so much to him)

News Item6/2/2020 11:03 AM
Michael Hranek | from outside the Clinic  Contact via emailFind all comments by Michael Hranek
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Nick wrote:
$14 Trillion in reparations for slavery!?! What an insult to the hundreds of thousands of men who laid down their lives to end slavery! Was their sacrifice not enough?
Amen! and Amen!

News Item5/12/2020 7:40 AM
Michael Hranek | from outside the Clinic  Contact via emailFind all comments by Michael Hranek
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John UK wrote:
I'm talking about the UK here. What is it like in the USA?
Brother John are you kidding (joking)?
IMHO the typical 'seeking entertainment, ease and approval of the world ecumenical apostate church' here in the US will be more than happy to throw you under the bus (to the wolves) and/or give you a stoning party

Warn the wicked judgment is coming
Get right with God

Warn "christians" judgment is coming
Make your calling and election sure
Be about Holiness in the Fear of the LORD
Do NOT turn away from God and sell Him out for anything
Be about fervent prayer begging God for mercy and repentance and Revival
Be about doing the will of God, especially witnessing the Gospel of the Kingdom of His Risen Son our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ

and if we die as martyrs, so be it
[Hint: we get to be among first in the Rapture ]

News Item4/9/2020 11:19 AM
Michael Hranek | from outside the Clinic  Contact via emailFind all comments by Michael Hranek
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Whew! Rick Warren

SermonAudio has a very credible examination of very popular Rick Warren and his (let's call it cunningly deceptive) false teaching, doctrine (Christianity) here online

If you are not knowledgeable of him, please take the time to investigate and study the issue out

Rick Warren & The Purpose Driven Life Exposed, Rebuked & Refuted - Richard Bennett [former never to be again Roman Catholic Priest... his testimony is excellent]


News Item3/11/2020 12:54 PM
Michael Hranek | from outside the Clinic  Contact via emailFind all comments by Michael Hranek
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Humble One wrote:
I wonder if they could do this in a place like Nashville, Atlanta, Savannah, or Orlando.
Humble One
Does not this kind of news report want to make you weep before the Lord and beg His mercy on all of us.

Maybe some better questions:
What are local churches in the Minneapolis area going to do.... or heartbreakingly not do?
Will their pastors inform and call the congregations entrusted to them to special church wide prayer, repentance and seeking God.
Will they publically protest this event?
Attend with Tracts, Literature, Videos and Bibles to give away? Plead with people to come to Christ, to come back to God?

News Item3/7/2020 10:32 AM
Michael Hranek | from outside the Clinic  Contact via emailFind all comments by Michael Hranek
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
I suppose like what many of the reviews said, Mike. It was a propaganda piece and a very poorly done one at that โ— ๐Ÿ‘Ž
Good points, stever
Jim Lincoln,
Yes! It was a [QUOTE]pro-life [end of QUOTE]propaganda piece BUT you've got it quite wrong it was very well done [as a movie].

Sadly it is NOT a Christian film
Sadly it portrays Christians who preach/plead open-air in a negative light

For a far better video to watch

Babies Are Still Murdered Here

and if you need some background
the earlier
Babies Are Murdered Here


Overcoming Pro-Choice Arguments

Jim, for what it is worth
I believe it is more than safe to say that it is SIN against the Lord Jesus Christ to support and vote for the Democratic Party for their platform is openly
Anti God
Anti Jesus Christ
and in practice
Against Freedom of Speech and Conscience

News Item2/11/2020 9:27 AM
Michael Hranek | from outside the Clinic  Contact via emailFind all comments by Michael Hranek
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John UK wrote:
And what is the subject matter, that these evil men should so treat the Creator? It is his decision to treat men differently, not counting anything done by them but simply because of his choice. The subject matter is the predestination and election of God, which evil men vainly turn around to make it the choice of men. How stupid! Such wresting of scripture! Such a denial of God's words! Such rebellion against the Lord!

Romans 9:16 KJV
(16)ย  So then it is not of him that willeth, nor of him that runneth, but of God that sheweth mercy.

Yes, Brother John, Salvation does depend on God's mercy, the Sovereign work only He Himself can and must do to save sinners

But let's NOT Transgress and go to far in this so as to rob a sinner of a very personal [Yes, God wrought] Seeking of God, the finding of Him, and Deep Heart Felt Repentance and a God given Desire to have Jesus Christ be Lord and Savior in and of their life, and a personal sinner's prayer of God be merciful to me the sinner, save me of my sins and come be real in my life, in my heart; the faith that believes God that whosoever shall call upon the Name of the Lord shall be saved.

News Item2/11/2020 9:17 AM
Michael Hranek | from outside the Clinic  Contact via emailFind all comments by Michael Hranek
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Obviously, Do NOT Vote for Democrats, their very platform is anti-God and pro-abortion.

That part ought to be easy

For Jesus sake, for Conscience sake educate yourself in the matter [do NOT relay on a whimpy socially acceptable pietist [keep your religion and politics private so as not to offend anyone] "pastor" to be of any real help to you in this. Seek God and learn from Him and let Him lead you to confront evil in hard, dark and difficult places... Yes, at Abortion Clinics, Colleges & Universities, and in the offices of elected officials too

The documentary, "Babies are still murdered Here," may be of help in this:

Babies Are Still Murdered Here (FILM)

AND may God bless you in your obedience to His will

News Item2/10/2020 11:43 AM
Michael Hranek | from outside the Clinic  Contact via emailFind all comments by Michael Hranek
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Diane wrote:
What is it going to take for parents to wake up and take their kids out of these public sewer systems? If every normal thinking parent in America would exit these halls of in-learning and refuse to send them back maybe there would be a change. Iโ€™d like to think so at least. Alas, I fear itโ€™s only a pipe dream.
I appreciate your sentiment
And I fear the solution God would have us take is much more than taking our children out of the Public Sewer System.

Parents and the Adults in our churches need to cease playing church, and return to and model a genuine knowledgable God-Fearing repentance and a real return to the obedience of faith, the faith of martyrs to stand for the TRUTH out in the open "public Square" of our communities even if it costs us our lives

This of course goes against what might be called the sacred Pious, Religious, set in concrete socially acceptable Traditions of too many churches

Some? Many? of these church going parents might need to begin with they really aren't Christians in the first place and desperately need repentance and to be born again, to be Holy unto Jesus Christ for our God is HOLY

News Item2/10/2020 11:22 AM
Michael Hranek | from outside the Clinic  Find all comments by Michael Hranek
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John UK wrote:
There's no doubt that Franklin will preach the gospel at other venues or places. I would like to hear of him preaching in the open air, just as Jesus and the apostles did. No hypnotic music, no counsellors, no tickets, just a man with a message.
Dear Brother John

O how I would love to see Franklin Graham and other prominent religious celebrities actually preach the Gospel open-air

And what a wonderful message we have to preach

Jesus Christ is Lord

All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Him.
The earth is the LORD's and the fulness thereof; the world and they that dwell therein

God sent Him into the world to save sinners

Whoever believes in Him will not be put to shame. For He Himself has promised the one who comes to Me, I will in no wise cast out.

And then He has the audacity to invite all who are weary and heavy laden to come to Him, to take His yoke upon them, learn from Him personally and He will given them rest

News Item2/6/2020 8:31 AM
Michael Hranek | from outside the Clinic  Contact via emailFind all comments by Michael Hranek
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Douglas Fir wrote:
The bad thing, though, is that liberals control the mainstream media, and schools and colleges where most conservative kids end up studying.
I mean, there are a few home schooled kids that go to Liberty University or Hillsdale College, but they are in the minority.
Douglas Fir and
Joel from Pensacola
Like your comments

If I may, do we, you and I, need to rediscover the Power of the Holy Spirit and the Authority we have in the Name of Jesus Christ in our praying and witness and rip the gates of hell off their hinges and be about rescuing Satan's prey?

Our God does miracles, there is not a devil in hell, nor politician in Albany NY, Washing DC, Pope in Rome or AntiChrist in the classroom or behind the pulpit He needs anyone's permission to remove permanently _ Oh let's seek Him like our lives and the lives of everyone we love and care about depend on Him saving us completely and forever.

Rend the heavens O LORD and come down. Please!
in Jesus Name

News Item2/6/2020 8:06 AM
Michael Hranek | from outside the Clinic  Contact via emailFind all comments by Michael Hranek
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First a disclaimer. I like Rush as a person, a human being someone who is concerned about the United States.

Second I am not posting this reference so much about Rush Limbaugh but more so about us, everyone of us who professes to be a Christian and the sad state of affairs in our modern churches

Although for whatever time Rush, and for that matter you and I have on this earth we may truly be about the will of God AND i exhort us to humble ourselves, pray and seek the face of God to do His will not just have a comfortable, socially acceptable form of Christianity

Rush Limbaugh: His Cancer and Faith in God

Yes, Please do pray for Rush and all of us in these matters

News Item2/4/2020 1:15 PM
Michael Hranek | from outside the Clinic  Find all comments by Michael Hranek
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Ah, Please remember to pray for Rush despite however imperfect you think/know he is

And Please pray intercede for those who will stand up for the Truth in his place should the Lord decide his time has come.

My daughter is heartbroken over the cruel jokes that people are making over him. God help us that is not us.

News Item2/2/2020 6:42 PM
Michael Hranek | from outside the clinic  Find all comments by Michael Hranek
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John UK wrote:
Now you're talkin' bro.
Actually dear brother, I am a rare one in that during a period when I was doing a correspondence course in creative writing, I started submitting articles and short stories to two Roman Catholic magazines with a circulation of around 40,000. I managed to get something like six articles published (and was paid for them) until someone must have cottoned on that I was not a Catholic.
The reason I was not giving tracts out at that time was because of ill health, and I had to find a new way to communicate the good news of the gospel.
Today I have a totally different way of spreading the good news, and it came about when the Lord Jesus spoke to me about what to do. Instead of relying on mine own thoughts and abilities, I followed what he said and it has been most, most fruitful. This one thing has revolutionised the way I think nowadays. The simplicity of it is: obey HIM.
Do you still have the same email bro?
Brother John, Yes, I have the same email, I'd love to hear what you are up to. And I can tell you about jail and ministry outside the clinic and the tracts I write by His Grace and give away

B McC may God encourage you in the faith once delivered

News Item2/2/2020 3:48 PM
Michael Hranek | from outside the clinic  Find all comments by Michael Hranek
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John UK wrote:
Compromise is deadly to a believer.
And US as well
So, we don't and rightly so, want compromise with any false Christianity

Ever thought of using a march against the evil of abortion to evangelize Roman Catholics? Give them tracts and talk to them of the Truth of Jesus Christ?

News Item2/1/2020 3:53 PM
Michael Hranek | from outside the Clinic  Contact via emailFind all comments by Michael Hranek
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Been reading a little on this thread.... Ouch!

Let me dedicate this song to one who needs it.
Ricky Skaggs - "Somebody's Prayin"

News Item2/1/2020 11:46 AM
Michael Hranek | from outside the Clinic  Contact via emailFind all comments by Michael Hranek
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Question: Would you count it an honor to stand with End Abortion Now?

Here is a taste:

Overcoming Pro-Choice Arguments

If you want an idea of well thought out points of where these believing Christians are coming from in this horrific matter:

Please Do This:

1. Refuse to call Abortion a Choice; because it is murder.
2. Realize Abortion is a national sin, affecting all of us and rotting the very fabric of our nation
3. Know abortion is A Gospel issue of the heart [NOT The Only Gospel Issue], one of enormous importance between you, the people around you and GOD, and with the Lord Jesus Christ. Will you come to Jesus, believe Him, Love Him be changed by Him and for Him [saved by Him from your sins] or be His enemy and suffer for it?
4. Be willing to help mothers and fathers before and after their babies are born. [Even helping in Adoption]
5. We must so address this issue lawfully, peacefully in government and society with the Truth until abortion is again criminal and unthinkable.

News Item1/31/2020 10:22 AM
Michael Hranek | from outside the Clinic  Contact via emailFind all comments by Michael Hranek
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Appreciate the posts of Dr. Tim
and John for Jesus

Seeing the Book of Jude exhorts us to earnestly contend for the faith once delivered to the saints _ We should do this very thing, not just to "the choir" in the safe spaces of our sanctuaries but Out there where sinners desperately need to hear the Truth spoken by people who love them because they've been born again and are now filled with the Holy Spirit who pours His LOVE out in their hearts.

May I suggest some preparation that will not only help us to do this but deepen our faith in Christ and Love for Him as well

In this I suggest that you all please make the time and prayerfully watch Ryan Fullerton's excellent series on Biblical Manhood and Biblical Womanhood which you can watch on YouTube

the first is
Men and Women: Who are We? (Part 1) - Ryan Fullerton

Now go fight the good fight of faith to see sinners saved

News Item1/29/2020 3:54 PM
Michael Hranek | from outside the Clinic  Contact via emailFind all comments by Michael Hranek
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Carl in Asheville wrote:
Thanks for the responses, but my comment had nothing to do with defending Graham but defending the Gospel. We are to preach to the Gospel to every creature. An opportunity is missed. Sure, the saints in Liverpool are preaching to the choir, but they have missed a golden opportunity to have someone outside and unfamiliar to the populace in Liverpool to preach the Gospel to the masses.
Brother Carl

News Item1/27/2020 1:13 PM
Michael Hranek | from outside the Clinic  Contact via emailFind all comments by Michael Hranek
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John UK wrote:
I object to the singing of hymns in corporate worship,
John UK

Oh! Dear Brother, what have you forgotten?
Would this be a Hymn (Spiritual Song) you would object to in congregation?

Or if that is too strong, perhaps
It is titled: Come Ye Sinners

Or since this thread touches on the heinous hateful slaughtering of babies, how about a pro-life Hymn?

Love you my brother, will be praying for you... with tears

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