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News Item8/4/2020 6:14 AM
Michael Hranek | outside the clinic  Find all comments by Michael Hranek
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Phillip Mezzapelle wrote:
I just Emailed BLM and asked them if the life of an African-American baby still in the womb matters. Doubt it though if they will have the courage and decency to respond. On a number of occasions I have asked them what MLK would think of BLM. Also if the lives of the African Christians, who are subject to torture, imprisonment and death on a daily basis matter. Still waiting for a response.
Your post, what you have done, is an encouragement to me. Thank you.
I also emailed them asking where they stood on abortion years back and got no response.

I highly recommend looking up and prayerfully watching

Babies are still murdered here


Eric Metatxas' interview with Bevelyn Beatty

News Item8/2/2020 7:39 AM
Michael Hranek | outside the clinic  Find all comments by Michael Hranek
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John UK wrote:
Good morning Michael. It seems to me that you disagree with me. Does that make me wrong? Well it could do; but there again
Brother John
it is because of Scripture I disagree
Please reread the 2 I've posted to you there are more

For instance Philip the Evangelist had 4 daughters who prophesied

Off to church

News Item8/2/2020 6:19 AM
Michael Hranek | from outside the Clinic  Contact via emailFind all comments by Michael Hranek
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John UK wrote:
Women of course are never called to preach the gospel, which is why the Lord does not give them insights into this aspect of the Christian life.
Whoa! Dear Brother, were in the world did you get that!

All of the Redeemed are called to preach/witness the Gospel _ AND NO! Not all of us are called to P A S T O R

And the Spirit and the bride say, “Come!” And let him who hears say, “Come!” And let him who thirsts come. Whoever desires, let him take the water of life freely.

‘And it shall come to pass in the last days, says God,
That I will pour out of My Spirit on all flesh;
Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy,
Your young men shall see visions,
Your old men shall dream dreams.
And on My menservants and on My maidservants
I will pour out My Spirit in those days;
And they shall prophesy.

Whew! Too much to say and not enough space here. So for this time may it suffice Scripture tells us draw near to God and He will draw near to you.... Something both men and women can do, or neglect to do

In my humble observation a woman can seek God (do you remember Jer 33:3?) and be taught and let into the Truth by the Holy Spirit every bit as much as a man who does the same thing.

Love you brother but you seem to hav

News Item7/31/2020 9:48 AM
Michael Hranek | from outside the Clinic  Contact via emailFind all comments by Michael Hranek
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Greetings wrote:
Hopefully this saves some lives?
Sound so loud it is damaging to the health of the patients

estimated 1.5 Billion Babies Murdered Worldwide (can we say sacrificed to devils) since Roe v Wade and we want to pretend the Judgment of Holy God is not coming, and doesn't begin with the church?

News Item7/31/2020 9:36 AM
Michael Hranek | from outside the Clinic  Contact via emailFind all comments by Michael Hranek
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John UK wrote:
Pastors need prison time as part of their training. Unless they are pastoring a health, wealth and prosperity church.
Brother John
Let me speak a little "Prophetically"
Churches need to be prepared for persecution


Because by way of observation Satan who is very much smarter in his fallen intelligence is not above attacking a pastor, any pastor through persecuting his church, wife and children, causing bad consequences for his community

Moses told Pharoah, 'let My people go.'
So Pharoah made it worse for the LORD's people.... and they got angry with Moses and Aaron for making it harder on them.

And if any have a mind to pray for those in Pro-LIfe GOSPEL Ministry, and Open-Air Gospel Ministry too, these are areas and issues where we need God's mercy and grace enormously, Thank You

News Item7/28/2020 4:30 PM
Michael Hranek | from outside the Clinic  Contact via emailFind all comments by Michael Hranek
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My heart is so broken in this very Gospel Issue. Yes! It is not the only Gospel issue Genuine Spirit Born Believers face but still one of such importance... we need to do so much more than talk about it among ourselves. Why even John MacArthur can say its wrong but I've never heard of him actually going to a clinic to plead with those there to come to Christ and spare the life of their own child.

Please do humbly honestly watch the well research documentary and seek the Lord until He leads you in what you might do

Babies Are Still Murdered Here (FILM)

Also Ray Comfort of "180" and Jeff Durbin

Ray Comfort On Ending Abortion Now

AND by the Way
Abby Johnson [Unplanned] is Wrong (Proof)

News Item7/27/2020 4:52 PM
Michael Hranek | from outside the Clinic  Find all comments by Michael Hranek
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Wayfarer pilgrim wrote:
Michael,C- yes, Calvary Chapel was the first to point out that one’s spiritual health was essential. But, then Chuck Smith never asked or preached to his congregations to Not participate in or try to shape their community through political action. MacArthur separatism doesn’t hold up well during the end times.
Wayfarer pilgrim Lubbock, Texas
Yes! That is a very important difference
If memory serves me John MacArthur might be seen as a Pietist [one who keeps his faith private and personal between himself and perhaps within a tight clique who keep silent as to not offend people outside Christian Society - Quite different than Piety an open devotion to God -- others may discribe this far better than me]

I have been blessed in the past by Matt Trewhella who has spoken with a Biblical Voice on the matter. Here is a reference

The Bane of Pietism Upon American Society

Compliance, to the ungodly in Government (we abandoned it to them) has given us an est. 1.5 BILLION Babies murdered in Abortion Worldwide while preachers like John MacArthur discouraged any active an open opposition to it.

We can't pretend Judgment isn't coming & we don't need to repent

News Item7/27/2020 10:13 AM
Michael Hranek | from outside the Clinic  Find all comments by Michael Hranek
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Haven't been following John MacArthur
But is seems he is a bit of a Johnny come lately.
Pastor Jack Hibbs of Calvary Chapel in Chino Hills, CA was taking this stand weeks, maybe even weeks ago

But hey better a little late then never

News Item7/26/2020 4:46 PM
Michael Hranek | from outside the Clinic  Contact via emailFind all comments by Michael Hranek
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If you haven't seen this interview with Eric Metataxas please do watch it is more than worth the time.

News Item7/24/2020 9:59 AM
Michael Hranek | from outside the Clinic  Find all comments by Michael Hranek
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In light of present day ongoing history and where we are headed and should not be.

I considered where best to place this post.

The Back Story: A Christian Woman attempted to paint over a Black Lives Matter sign on the street in NYC _ Why? What is going on here And how important is it to us who profess to be Christians who belong to the Lord Jesus Christ.

This interview is just over 30 minutes long but IMHO a must hear, a must prayerfully hear interview for the Truth God Sovereignly has by His servants put into it

0:03 / 33:38
Bevelyn Beatty Painted Over Black Lives Matter While Declaring "Jesus Matters".

News Item7/23/2020 3:17 PM
Michael Hranek | from outside the Clinic  Find all comments by Michael Hranek
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John UK wrote:
It seems odd to me. Weeping for that sinner one minute, the next you've killed him. What's it all about?
What is it all about?

Maybe like having others analyze whatever it is that your have or haven't done or said to death.

God, help me if I can see it or think I see it in others I can be so guilty of the same kind of thing may self

Where is the forest? Gotta put that ol' chain saw to work again.... so I can see to love others, even if they be packing to shot me, with the same love Jesus loved me with.

Love you my brother gotta start ,working on cooking supper.

Dr. Tim
NO! Absolutely not
and your post reminds me of a man who came up to me today at the clinic telling me how his brother who is a Baptist preacher told him God was a mass murderer (he may have just said, killer). It was an interesting conversation that led to a wonderful opportunity to witness to him and give him tracts he could take home and read away from distractions.... he even let me pray for him, Praise God

News Item7/23/2020 2:29 PM
Michael Hranek | from outside the Clinic  Find all comments by Michael Hranek
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Wow! Bust into an after meeting dinner party univited. Weep over Jesus' feet, wash them with tears, dry them with long hair and get what?

Grief (a real thorough analysis if you are even close to doing it right in their eyes) from the Pharisees
and Thankfully, gracious forgiveness from our Lord and Savior, who knows He is being touched by a sinner of all things

Love you all

News Item7/23/2020 7:23 AM
Michael Hranek | from outside the Clinic  Find all comments by Michael Hranek
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Jennifer wrote:
Well i believe it's god thing, and there is nothing wrong, however mi not to religious person but still believes in god.
Good Morning! Jennifer
Nice to meet you.
Hope, God willing over time to be on good sharing terms with you.

May I suggest a testimony that has meant a lot to me in my faith in Jesus Christ.

You can watch it on YouTube, it is:
"My Train Wreck Conversion"
by Dr. Rosaria Butterfield
author of 'Secret Thoughts of an Unlikely Convert'

here is a link:

News Item7/22/2020 5:44 PM
Michael Hranek | from outside the Clinic  Contact via emailFind all comments by Michael Hranek
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John UK wrote:
The Christian life is wonderful.
Thank you, Brother John
I will take that as an admonishment to by faith count it all joy in these days of trials and sorrows

The Lamb that was slain is indeed so rightfully deserving of the reward of His suffering is He not

News Item7/22/2020 4:36 PM
Michael Hranek | from outside the Clinic  Contact via emailFind all comments by Michael Hranek
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John UK wrote:
A humanist (Reidhead says) is seeking to save good people from a vindictive God, believing that Jesus has made salvation possible for all, therefore we must tell everyone the good news that Jesus will give them a new life and the vindictive God will not punish them. But the Christian says that bad people are saved to the glory of the good God's grace. Whenever I see this salvation, then I weep, tears of joy. OOS
Quite Christian
I am so thankful Scripture tells us to cast all our care on Him because He cares for us.
And I am thankful others are already praying for you and your wife and I can have the privilege of adding mine as well. May God's mercy, grace and help make this time of difficulty precious to you and ultimately a great blessing that He is there as well.

Dear Brother John, That wasn't at all what I was talking about in regards to weeping [I haven't forgotten Paris Reidhead's sermon]. Weeping that we more along the lines we can be such incredible monsters of iniquity and like it was said of Whitefield men don't have the sense to weep over how sinful they are is more in line with my thinking.

God's grace saved a wretched slave trader and the though of the sin in his life (mine as well) breaks the heart

Love you

News Item7/22/2020 11:25 AM
Michael Hranek | from outside the Clinic  Contact via emailFind all comments by Michael Hranek
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John UK wrote:
Much love to you also, dear brother. And may the Lord bless your work in his name. Amen.
Back at home again. Whew!

No! I was not talking about a technique but rather of heart, a broken heart before God. I think you know me well enough by now that you know that.

Since this thread refers to LGBTQi people being whitewashed as good caring people (btw humanly speaking they often do care, again humanly speaking) who are thoroughly sinners in the sight of God. It has been heartbreaking their "caring" for people has been so perverted and corrupted many are passionately pro-abortion with no qualms of turning a mother into a murderer, pretending abortion is such a good thing.

Dr Tim
I can so identify with that

News Item7/22/2020 8:32 AM
Michael Hranek | from outside the Clinic  Contact via emailFind all comments by Michael Hranek
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John UK wrote:
Hello bro, and welcome back to the Reading Room, where most are asleep, and some have finally run out of tobacco.
1. It is in the way I mean it. But hey, don't bother to work it out, why waste time.
2. Bro, some can turn on the tears, others not so. You can tell people to weep, but you cannot make them weep, even if the situation is weepable. I will rejoice with them that rejoice, and I will have to make do with having compassion on those that weep.
3. Brother Michael, I love it when you post directly. Some wear a mask, so that they can pretend Christianity (oh yes, there are some here like that), but with you, I appreciate your forthrightness. I know you won't always be right, but sometimes you are and I hope I respond properly to that.
Michael, if you wish to convert sinners to Jesus Christ, can I recommend you do any weeping at home, and before sinners show them the joy of the Lord, and how wonderful it is to know the Saviour. I myself have a mission in Asia and seeing great gospel results.
Gotta "Run"
remembering G Whitefield was famous in his preaching for weeping for sinners

Lot's of learning and groaning to do
Love you in the Lord

News Item7/22/2020 8:07 AM
Michael Hranek | from outside the Clinic  Contact via emailFind all comments by Michael Hranek
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John UK wrote:
and is unaffected by our tears.
Dear Brother that is just not so.
We have a great High Priest who is touched by the feeling of our infirmities; thoroughly compassionate.
He is a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief.
Scripture tells us our Father is the Father of all mercies and God of all comfort.

We are instructed by Him to weep with those who weep and rejoice with those who rejoice.

There are times He calls His people to "weep" Isaiah 22:12-14

We should NOT pit the Sovereignty of God against the Holy Righteous Compassion of God. [hint: Jesus was willing to use His Power and Authority for those who did not deserve it, were not worthy [grace] on behalf of those the world viewed as insignificant.]

Doesn't the word of God tell us when Jesus saw the multitude He was moved with compassion for them because they were distressed and downcast like sheep having no shepherd.

1.5 Billion Babies estimated murdered in the World since Roe v Wade ... we cannot sit in ease and pretend Judgment is not coming [It begins with the House of God doesn't it]

AND Yes! I still love you even though I am posting so direct

News Item7/22/2020 7:36 AM
Michael Hranek | from outside the Clinic  Contact via emailFind all comments by Michael Hranek
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John UK wrote:
Way to go! Don't stand up for what is right and good and wholesome, take the evil route. After all, it's what your sinful nature craves for, isn't it?
In Adam, all die.
Where all means all.
Anyone want to weep before the Lord?
How about lift up to the HOLY ONE of Israel a sacrifice of Praise.

and another from one I cannot of late recommend but expressed it well in

Now let's get prayed up and go witness the Gospel of the Kingdom of the Risen Son of God to people who desperately need to hear the Truth from people who love Jesus more than life, ease and comfort.

News Item6/6/2020 12:58 PM
Michael Hranek | outside the clinic  Find all comments by Michael Hranek
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Just a thought/consideration

If black lives really mattered to black lives mattered

They would be crying out:
Flee the left
Don't let anyone tell you that you are anything less than a human being made in the image and likeness of God

Don't let anyone tell you that you have no Savior
you are someone Jesus Christ died and rose again to save from your sins and from all who would hate and exploit you

Don't be His enemy
Flee to Him
He is mighty and willing to save

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