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Survey2/28/10 2:19 PM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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It has made the Bible publishers an ENORMOUS amount of money. That is the beginning and the end of the matter. Nothing positive about it...unless you're the publisher.

News Item2/28/10 2:08 PM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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Why not also trade in your text books for comic books? Great example of higher education, isn't it?

News Item2/28/10 10:13 AM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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Am I to understand that some of my brothers responding here are upset that our Lord may very well be doing a great work in Haiti or am I misunderstanding the comments? The Bible speaks in many places where God used earthquakes for His purpose, both to judge people and to draw others near. I hope that multitudes will come to the Lord for salvation in Haiti.

News Item2/26/10 11:25 AM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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I prayed that the Lord would work mightily in Haiti after such a devestating earthquake. It sometimes takes a tragedy to reveal to people their need of Christ. All glory to God for this!

News Item2/25/10 10:11 PM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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It works.

News Item2/25/10 7:56 PM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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How true, Max. Your tactic is blunt and to the point. That's the best way to get the truth across when people ignore the gentler methods.

I know a woman who was fooled by the word "gay" when applied to sodomy. Nothing really wrong, she thought. Then someone told her (in very graphic language) what these sex perverts do. Needless to say, her opinion of homosexuality changed instantly.

News Item2/25/10 11:52 AM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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I'd never allow my children to be taught such rubbish. People in the U.K. need to rid their government of the perverts who create such ungodly junk! We in the U.S. need to do the same.

Something else that deserves mention. Is this the best these people in our governments can do? I mean, what do they do, just sit around all day and dream up this kind of idiocy!? They may as well let the porn industry make all the decisions. I suppose it does not require decency or brains to run our governments anymore. There was a time when IT DID. The difference is obvious.

Past time to remove the garbage in our governments.

News Item2/24/10 10:14 PM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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Serious concerns is right!! There are major problems here. Allowing homosexuals in the military would...

1. Lower morale and discipline in our armed forces.

2. Very possibly reduce the number of volunteers because of the moral/religious nature of the issue.

3. Spread the AIDS virus (sexual contact, blood, etc.).

4. Open the legal door for all sorts of lawsuits by homosexuals for selfish gain.

5. Greatly risk our national security. Sexuality can be a powerful tool used to get classified information.

There is NO GOOD in this. It is as ungodly and senseless as anything can possibly be.

News Item2/23/10 11:34 AM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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Well said, Moderator Alpha. I'm sure our brothers and sisters in the Lord in China would agree with you.

News Item2/21/10 4:18 PM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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Yes, Coora, I have given much attention to the church in China and the persecution it endures every day. The state churches are very limited in what they can say or preach. For example, there are certain books of the Bible and doctrines that they are forbidden to preach about. They cannot present the gospel to children below a certain age. They are not allowed to witness freely anywhere they choose. They do what the communists say or they suffer the consequences.

The underground church ignores the restrictions of their ungodly government. They do not belong to the state church. They obey the Word of God. They spread the gospel far and wide. That's why they are severely persecuted, tortured and even killed.

An excellent ministry I've supported for a long time is The Voice of the Martyrs. There you will find much information on the persecution of Christians in China and elsewhere. The website is

News Item2/20/10 1:17 PM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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God can preserve his Word in any language. He is not limited. That's not the issue here.

It must be understood that the Chinese do NOT have religious freedom. They have state churches that are operated by the communists. Such churches are only a token for the world. Those who want to worship and witness as the Bible says are in the underground churches. These are the ones responsible for the vast number of Chinese souls being saved. These people are hated by the Chinese government. They are severely persecuted. They are jailed. They are tortured. They are killed. They are what we ought to be.

Don't believe the news media when it says that things are getting better for Christians in China. It isn't.

News Item2/20/10 1:02 PM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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Such a statement is, of course, as blasphemous as it can be. Think also about how stupid it is. There is no way that an intelligent person can read the Bible and come to the conclusion that Jesus Christ is a homosexual. So, Elton John is as stupid as his remarks are blasphemous.

News Item2/19/10 12:13 PM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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This is a fine example of the silliness and stupidity of "hate crime" laws. Do you feel offended by anyone or anything? Simply declare it's a hate crime. It doesn't matter that it makes no sense because there is no sense to this law anyway. It is needless, confusing and should be abolished. There are already plenty of good, reasonable laws that protect people from crimes that come from hatred.

News Item2/16/10 7:34 PM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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Any school that would allow such absolute perversion to infect the minds of little children should be invaded by the dads for a showdown (ouch!) with the principal. If the principal is a woman, let the moms take care of business.

News Item2/15/10 11:39 PM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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The greatest churches in the world are seldom visible. China, for example, has an underground church made up of a vast multitude of believers. These people are persecuted, tortured and killed daily. Yet, 20,000 Chinese come to the Lord EVERY DAY through their witness! No fancy buildings. No celebrity pastors. No worldly entertainment. No gimmicks or gadgets. No concern whatsoever about being popular. Just the church of the living Christ doing what it's supposed to do. Most megachurches would not survive such extreme conditions.

NOTE TO AUGUST - It appears to me that you're very sincere about being close to the Lord. Well, the Chinese I've just mentioned find strength by simply staying in the Word. Read, read, read the Bible. Nothing takes the place of that to grow spiritually. You will be as close to the Lord as you are to his Word. Don't be discouraged by your struggles. They are proof of your desire to live for God.

News Item2/13/10 12:30 AM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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I, for one, am tired of so-called "men" apologizing for anything they say that might offend someone. Be a man about it! Say what you mean and mean what you say. I've got more respect for an atheist who will stand his ground than I do for a cowardly Christian who won't.

News Item2/9/10 10:06 PM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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When side "A" tells side "B" to shut up it is because side "A" has no reliable, logical defense. In other words, there is NO defense of homosexuality as perverted and abnormal as it is. So, its supporters cry "hate speech" in a vain attempt to silence the truth.

All decent people of high moral standards (especially Christians) must stand against those who would rob us of our basic freedoms!

News Item2/7/10 10:36 AM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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This "hate crime" nonsense is only a subtle way to remove our freedom of speech. Nothing less. It should be fought against and never tolerated.

By the way, I'd personally like to send people who support this nonsense to the Muslim hell-holes of the world and force them to live under the iron fist of Islam. Reality makes a difference.

News Item2/6/10 6:52 PM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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Once lost. Now saved. Praise God!

News Item2/6/10 6:35 PM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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Tim Tebow (former quarterback of the Florida Gators & soon to be in the NFL) and his mother will appear in an ad to be shown during the Super Bowl (Jan. 7). Mrs. Tebow was advised to have an abortion which, of course, would have eliminated Tim. She declined. This should present a very powerful pro-life message.

Planned (non)Parenthood is not happy. They will try to convince people to ignore the truth with an ad of their own.

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