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Sermon5/21/09 7:05 AM
Wayneuk  Find all comments by Wayneuk
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A Message from Rev J Greer
Rev. John Greer
“ Great Sermon! ”
'My brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in necessities, in persecutions, in distresses for Christ's sake: for when I am weak, then am I strong. — I will go in the strength of the Lord GOD: I will make mention of thy righteousness, even of thine only. — The gospel of Christ ... is the power of God unto salvation. I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me. — I also labour, striving according to his working, which worketh in me mightily. — We have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us. The joy of the Lord is your strength. — Strengthened with all might, according to his glorious power, unto all patience and longsuffering with joyfulness.' From this morning's Daily Light What a blessing and encouragement to hear Christ's beloved servant glorifying God in the midst of his infirmity. I pray Rev Greer will know the strengthening hand of the Lord and His daily encouragements as he makes a full recovery after the heart attack. God bless

News Item1/11/09 9:54 AM
wayneuk  Find all comments by wayneuk
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'required to resign for failing to show politeness and tolerance to colleagues.’ see full news article

I recall a few years ago some wise comments on Answers In Genesis 'The Tyranny of Tolerance' now advocates the intolerance of Christianity.

If you listen 14 mins into 'The Heart of the Matter' below then you will hear UK street preacher James Hamilton

mention a uk teacher sacked for telling children there was no santa, in Manchester (where there was a shocking gay march) a street preacher threatened by Police and put in a Police van because in his message he said there was no santa-an intolerant father complianed to police as his daughter was upset! Then hear of the campaign of 'No God' posters on buses.

Now it is ok to say there is no God but to say there is no santy...woe betide free speech as it doesn't apply to Christians.

Listen to the sermon: 'The Golden Idol of Tolerance'

Acts 5: 29 'We must obey God rather than men'

Was that Graham Cogman's real 'mistake' in an intolerant Police Force

Survey1/6/09 11:28 AM
wayneuk  Find all comments by wayneuk
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good sermon on Amillennialism by Chris Hand if anyone is interested

Amillennialism Described & Defended

The Millennium · 2 of 5

The Amillennial view that there will be no golden era of worldwide revival upon the earth before Christ's Second Coming, and that evil will not be eradicated until the Lord's return is clearly set forth. The binding of Satan is explained, as is also the meaning of who will be in the First Resurrection and how and where saints reign with Christ.

News Item1/5/09 10:39 AM
Wayneuk  Find all comments by Wayneuk
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I can't stop now, but do you know the pastor Barry Napier?'

Yes I have been in contact with him I guess for around 10 years. Give him an email as he will be pleased to here from you-ask him for his Beacon Newsletter via email. He is much like the constable who lost his job as he too was victmised for a similar godly stand at work and hated for it by his superiors. Lost his job in the health service so can't get references to work again. In trouble with the bank and might soon lose his home-all through a faithful witness.
Ask him to email you his story as it is certainly a wake-up call. He consequently wrote a good book on Gay Facsism. Definitely worth your while contacting Barry


As I said you don't know what you are talking about.

The Trinitarian Bible Society is a godly defence, publisher and promoter of the KJV unlike Mr Marrs so check out the articles and note the lack of accompanying hysteria. READ their articles

News Item1/5/09 9:54 AM
wayneuk  Find all comments by wayneuk
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John Uk gave a link to a website on the green issue. He might know the Christian pastor and author like me.

Anyway copy and paste

The Global Green Agenda

John linked to the above book but the same author has a smaller cheaper version

'Keep Off The Grass' Barry Napier- worth reading!


Sorry but I know you don't know what you are talking about. The Trin Bible Society who print the KJV wouldn't touch Marrs/Riplinger/Ruckman with a barge pole.

Do some homework like you did on Rivera.

Start with 4 youtube videos by James White who is right about silly conspiracy trinity above

Every blessing John in your reading

News Item1/4/09 5:47 PM
wayneuk  Find all comments by wayneuk
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'You should see Texe Marrs website. If he sells all his books and DVD's and 'insider information' he'll be off up the pyramid to join the world elite . Maybe he's already one of them, posing as a concerned believer. Ah well, he is in need of prayers. There but for the grace of God go I.'

The sad thing about Texe Marrs is that he has done more damage (as a user and mouth piece) to that excellent translation the KJV than any other. You don't need a James White when you have the man from marrs.

I followed your post about a champion juicer, though I can't afford that one, interestingly the same day I read 60 positive reviews about a Phillips juicer and found it half price at one shop. It was back to full price the next day. So it might be a good investmment as I have thought of juicing for a while. Shall start with carrot juice-though I have a little bit of orange hair left on my head I worry about over indulgence and turning orange all over, so shall seek out your recepies some time.

Keep up your good and very positive postings-you never know who is reading them for their profit

News Item1/4/09 5:11 PM
wayneuk  Find all comments by wayneuk
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'Icke has drawn parallels with the 1980s science-fiction series V, in which the earth is taken over by reptiloid aliens disguised as humans.'

'According to Icke, the reptilian group includes many prominent people and practically every world leader from Britain's late Queen Mother to George H.W. Bush'

'I've never heard of aliens from Draco mentioned in the Bible. '

'cos you have spiritual eyes John and not those 3 D glasses that Icke was wearing when he was watchin 'V' and stole the idea for his book. Conspiracy sells books!

Like you said about the black helicopter there was actually a documentary on C4 I Player looking at conspiracies and yes Icke was challenged as were some of those US 9/11- with evidence-they could only respond with expletives-one UFO 'nutjob' convert said he was followed by a black helicopter. Not listed now as I tried to find it.

Maybe the black helicopter was taking David Icke to his next money making conspiracy talk, hence CT's might see the helicopter frequently . Next he will be appearing by popular conspiracy buff demand in a fundi baptist church near you

Tinfoil hat not needed is not me-but isn't he spot-on?

Survey1/4/09 4:48 PM
wayneuk  Find all comments by wayneuk
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What am I?

A turnip

News Item1/4/09 7:58 AM
Wayneuk  Find all comments by Wayneuk
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Breaking news-the former son of god is to be on the Alex Jones show-Banned take heed!

One who follows the direct revelation of a demonic spirit-note comment by 'wasted' below

David Ike is a madman con pirate and a tool of satan-told by a medium he would be famous and a writer. What is his website and his 'fame', writing like Alex Jones about CONSPIRACY. Satan is the author of confusion and men's desire for knowledge above scripture revelation

Sola Scriptura...TAKE HEED THAT NO MAN DECEIVE YOU..(Ike, jones, Banned, etc)

Why waste time on this and DJC49 is spot onwith his observations. My vote for most consistant scriptural SA poster 2008

Survey12/31/08 3:35 PM
Wayneuk  Find all comments by Wayneuk
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I thought for a minute there you were a scotsman on the "way" who got stuck in a wee corner (nook).
You see "neuk" is the Scots for "nook". says Wee Scots Laddie.

There is some truth in what you say ...I was indeed on the 'way' but rather as a Geordie Lad to live in Scotland when a house move fell through, so I was stuck in my temp abode which was fun apart from some local terroists (townies) who bricked the windscreen when I was asleep . Many moons later I am nearly there (Scotland) God willing early 2009!

'Meals on wheels? I thought that was a charitable organisation, Wayne?'

Don't tell me John, your Aluminium Caravan is really one of those (vegetarian) burger and chips joints at the side of the motorway...meals on wheels too, is there many orders for carrot juice on New Years Eve?

Every kindness

Survey12/31/08 2:35 PM
Wayneuk  Find all comments by Wayneuk
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'I'm one of God's suffering people, and I live in an aluminium caravan. '

I can nearly beat that as not that long ago I lived in a small steel (though rusty) skoda car for 4 months and I am 6ft 2ins..the uk's hottest summer too! It was hard to invite any one over for a meal

May I be the first to wish all brethren a blessed and God glorifying 2009 and thank sermonaudio for such an excellent site

Sermon12/28/08 4:22 PM
Wayne UK | Hope Firm house  Find all comments by Wayne UK
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(This sermon is no longer available)
“ Great Sermon! ”
Sitting at wit's end corner this morning I bless the Lord for this sermon (and part 2) which perfectly met my need and encouraged me to confidently trust the Lord's promises-if you are in a similar corner I would encourage you to hear both part 1 and 2 as it may well be the medicine so needful at this present moment for your own soul to continue to HOPE IN THY GOD. Thank you Rev Wagner!

Survey12/9/08 5:04 PM
Wayne uk  Find all comments by Wayne uk
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Song of Solomon 2:12 'The flowers appear on the earth; the time of the singing of birds is come, and the voice of the turtle is heard in our land;'

I thought John a Tulip was a flower that is symbolic of spring

Interesting to hear about your friend as I would be interested in her work-you should certainly encourage her 'friend of mine, also a TBS supporter, has started up art 12 months ago, and she is quite keen to do prints of her artwork with selected Bible Verses. Maybe by next summer, she'll be selling them as well as her' watercolours.'

News Item5/15/08 5:04 AM
Wayneuk  Find all comments by Wayneuk
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What really happened at Roswell?
60 years on, what is the truth behind UFOlogy’s holy grail?

'After years of personal research into UFO claims, I’ve found that the ‘true believers’ never let the facts get in the way of a good story.'


News Item4/15/08 6:47 AM
wayneuk  Find all comments by wayneuk
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Is it a sign of the times that all american christians are not on full alert when their country's leader calls antichrist 'Holy Father'.

Bush-the same man who claims divine guidence in the war with iraq-and folk trust(ed) him-where is your discernment?

The real alert is the deafening 'silence' from some american 'christian' ministries

Does it matter

Thank God for this recent sermon from this Wisconsin Pastor-listen carefully and do you hear:

Who Is the Antichrist and Why Does It Matter?" (

And I'm going to remind His Holy Father how important his voice is in making it easier for politicians like me to be able to kind of stand and defend our positions that are, I think, very important positions to take," he said.

Finally, Arroyo asked him, "You said, famously, when you looked into Vladimir Putin's eyes you saw his soul. [...] When you look into Benedict XVI's eyes what do you see?"

And Bush answered immediately, "God."

Survey4/4/08 5:35 AM
wayneuk  Find all comments by wayneuk
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Interesting to read the anti-trinitarian anti-christ views of Scott Nelson

***Yahshua/Jesus and Judaism versus Paul and Christianity

'typically know as Calvinist doctrine. In Christianity, these doctrines also have their origin in Paul.'

'The truth is, Calvinists finally have in Paul the Biblical proof they need for their doctrine.'

'Thus far, I have shown that Paul's concept of God's foreknowledge, and his doctrine of predestination not only do not exist in Yahshua's words or the Hebrew Scriptures, but there is much evidence to the contrary to be found in them'

Calvinism A Blasphemous Heresy of Paul -Part 2

(Note it sounds like a Robot)


Interesting that his dismantling true Christianity means 'proving' that Paul was a liar. Nelson is an intelligent man. He hates Paul (and calvinism) as he sees Paul is the author of the truth of calvinism, he rightly sees calvinism in Paul's writings and must refute it- yet he only nails Paul as 'Biblical proof' for calvinism! wow how honest!

So to get around that he makes Paul a false apostle

O' the hatred of biblical calvinism

Sermon4/3/08 5:09 AM
Wayneuk  Find all comments by Wayneuk
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The Providence Of God
Jerry Bridges
“ Great Sermon! ”
Providentially I came across Jerry Bridges' book 'Trusting God Even When Life Hurts' several years ago at just such a time when I needed to trust God in many painful afflictions which I could not understand. I take this opportunity to thank Jerry for such a wonderful modern spiritual classic which I know was God's provision at that time. I have read the book again recently and recommend it to any troubled hurting soul who might be reading this comment. The comments on the Amazon link below will certainly back up what I am saying. Listen to the 8 sermons by Jerry here on sermonaudio on the theme of his book. So glad I am to have heard him minister via sermonaudio at the Community Baptist Church of Fargo!!

Survey3/25/08 7:41 AM
wayneuk  Find all comments by wayneuk
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I will gladly join you brother for a ball game in your garden!

Murray A. I note your comments re: TBS. What is your opinion on their article below. Have a read and let us know.

The Doctrinal Views of DR KURT ALAND,
Textual Critic 'At present, the NIV and
the ESV are sweeping
evangelical churches in the
United States and Britain. Thus,
modern churchgoers are being profoundly
influenced by Aland’s Greek Text,
and so also by his 'peculiar' views of the

I Timothy 3: 16 AV

I was invited to a bible (book indoctrinating study) by the Jw's and was offered their bible version as a gift. Providentially God provided instead a 30 year old unopened dusty AV in my wife's bottom draw (wife's christening gift). God had me prepared but not with any modern version. Why...

The scripture above was 'the' scripture that the Holy Spirit used to bring me to my knees despite all the labours of satan's deceitful workers (watchtower society)

I had no idea about the Granvile Sharp rule but KNOW how the Lord opened my eyes to that anti-trinitarian cult with that one scripture rejected by the majority of modern versions including the New World translation

I'll keep my AV

Survey3/20/08 6:05 AM
Wayneuk  Find all comments by Wayneuk
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The basic question is why do we need (have) so many different English translations today? Why not JUST the ONE new translation.

I am sure you will agree that all these modern versions have not accompanied any noteable revival in the last decades. Whilst the increasing number of modern versions might suggest a noteable number of modern scholars one looks sometimes in vain for the same scholars standing in the old paths. For all the numerous modern popular versions where are the evident godly preachers?

Just as a thought: Have you considered why an excellent Reformed society like the Trinitarian bible society will not begin an updated translation of the KJV? (Ignore the KJO's who have the wrong KJV stand and do more harm than good by their confusion).

Have a study of the following links-why faithful men cannot give up the KJV. Your study will give you a good understanding of your brethren!


News Item3/16/08 2:45 PM
wayneuk  Find all comments by wayneuk
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Have listened to J White's debates against kjo's in the past and one against D A Waite stood out as Waite was very poor.

The problem is that the KJO's like Texe Marrs, Ruckman, Ripplinger and others are rabid in their speech see White/Ruckman

Those in the modern reformed camp sadly often reject the AV BECAUSE of such mistaken King james defenders who they often rightly discern as unwise and erring anti-calvinists and just wrong altogether. AV defenders who state: "Calvinists are heretics" Rev. D.A. Waite

On the other hand there are good AV folk who sadly can reject brethren who use modern versions (rather than just the particular version).

Satan is the author of confusion-we need to rightly discern.

It is good to start with the scholarly Reformed Trinitarian bible society and examine their position (which is mine) on the AV and why the AV is the best english translation

To grasp my point see calvinist pastor who is AV- -'CALVINISM AND THE AUTHORISED (KING JAMES) VERSION CONTROVERSY'

Can you discern the Kjo problem here-even against the doctrine of the very KJV translators and men they seek to promote! Who would trust such CONFUSED 'scholars'

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