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News Item7/14/19 2:56 AM
Phillip Mezzapelle | sicily, Italy  Contact via emailFind all comments by Phillip Mezzapelle
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What a disgrace. And of course the opposition parties are more upset with the fact that Salvini has closed all Italian ports to the NGO ships and their human trafficking. God have mercy on us.

News Item7/12/19 2:54 AM
Phillip Mezzapelle | sicily, Italy  Contact via emailFind all comments by Phillip Mezzapelle
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If one takes seriously what God says about the traditional family, marriage, and providing for one's house. If one takes seriously and adhere's to the "protestant work ethic." This does not make them unkind or uncharitable. For the Bible has many things to say about this as well. But I would like to share a little story. I spent six years working for a catering company that provided three meals a day for the refugees residing in the province in which I live. A good number of these refugee centers are for minors who were sent here by their parents. Yes, sent here by their parents. The oppurtunity to spread the Gospel was wonderful. But to see them throw their food on the floor because they didn't like it. To see them with expensive nike shoes. To see them with better cell phones and play stations than my own children had...hmm. One final thing. Let's always remember that the "refugee crisis" is a part of the NWO Agenda.

News Item7/10/19 1:39 PM
Phillip Mezzapelle | Sicily, Italy  Contact via emailFind all comments by Phillip Mezzapelle
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Finally someone with the courage to tell it like it is.

News Item6/26/19 7:28 AM
Phillip Mezzapelle | sicily, Italy  Find all comments by Phillip Mezzapelle
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Get ready for the Amero !

News Item6/25/19 2:15 PM
Phillip Mezzapelle | Sicily, Italy  Contact via emailFind all comments by Phillip Mezzapelle
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From what I understand, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, always keeps an open Bible on his desk. Hasn't he ever come across Matthew 7:3-5?

News Item6/6/19 1:41 PM
Phillip Mezzapelle | Sicily, Italy  Contact via emailFind all comments by Phillip Mezzapelle
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This story has proven to be false.

News Item5/25/19 9:48 AM
Phillip Mezzapelle | Sicily, Italy  Contact via emailFind all comments by Phillip Mezzapelle
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I do not approve of the way that Kim Jong-un runs North Korea. But can we blame him for not wanting to suffer the same fate as Saddam Hussein and Muammar Gaddafi? Hey, weren't they once buddy buddy with the White House? What happened? Oh yea, they had made plans to buy and sell oil using something other than the "almighty" dollar. Also, ask the average North Korean if they want their country to experience what countries like Siria, Libya, Afghanistan, Yeman, Iraq ,etc.. have had to go through. All in the name of democracy of course. One final thing, Kim Jong knows that on capital hill, it's not President Trump calling the shots. It's people like Bolton and Pompeo.

News Item5/8/19 1:22 PM
Phillip Mezzapelle | Sicily, Italy  Contact via emailFind all comments by Phillip Mezzapelle
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Dr. Tim wrote:
The commands us to pray for the peace of Jerusalem—not for the destruction of Jerusalem. When Jesus returns He will establish His kingdom there. You can like it or you can choke on it, but Jesus was a Jew and when He puts the Antichrist in his place Jesus will reign as King of the Jews and king of the earth. If it wasn’t for twelve First Century Jews there wouldn’t be a anywhere on earth. The Jew bashers on this forum don’t seem to realize that they are playing with fire. You might want to consider throwing away your lying commentaries and reading the BOOK.
Dear Tim, your correct. The Bible does tell us to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. But not at the expense of other nations. After all, the same Bible that tells us that we should pray for the peace of Jerusalem also tells us that supplications, prayers, intersessions and giving of thanks be made for all men. For kings, and for all that are in authority, that we made lead a peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior. Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge ofthe truth. And with this in mind, the sooner that Bibi accepts Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior, the better.

News Item5/6/19 3:29 PM
Phillip Mezzapelle | Sicily, Italy  Contact via emailFind all comments by Phillip Mezzapelle
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"I confess I had no desire to die in a Southeast Asian rice paddy....I wasn't going to waste time in a futile struggle in Vietnam. I considered the war in Vietnam already lost." John Bolton

Dear Mr. Bolton, the best way to deal with our sins, fears and failures is not by tryin to make up for them in our own sinful corrupt wisdom and stregnth. The best way to deal with them is to confess them to Jesus Christ. Dear Mr. Bolton, not only would this be better for you, it would be better for the entire world.

News Item4/29/19 2:05 PM
Phillip Mezzapelle | Sicily, Italy  Contact via emailFind all comments by Phillip Mezzapelle
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Instead of wasting everyone's time with the usual I hate Trump and let's blame Trump rhetoric. Why didn't she talk about the 37 beheadings that were performed by that country with whom we "share many of the same values"? Could it be because it's not very nice to say bad things about a country that buys your military arms? Hey, afterall, 450 billion dollars is 450 billion dollars!!

News Item4/20/19 8:02 AM
Phillip Mezzapelle | Sicily, Italy  Contact via emailFind all comments by Phillip Mezzapelle
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Dear Karl, I myself am a Christian who loves Jesus Christ. In fact, it's due to my faith in Jesus and God's Word that some time ago I began to distance myself from the established political parties. Today, I would consider myself a Christian Independent or Libertarian. I think that SA.COM does a good job a choosing what news articles to post. On some days they probably have a hard time of choosing what to post. The real problem is that starting with our own political leaders, too many people have taken in hook,line and sinker the faulty theology that says we have received a divine mandate to rule the world. This even at the expense of overturning sovereign nations and killing innocent people. Add to this the fact that we take orders from Israel and Saudi Arabia and we have an unholy and ungodly mess. Our own Secretary of State takes pride in keeping an open Bible on his desk. I would love to ask him to show me the bible verses which give us the warrent to be constantly and perpetually at war. I shudder to think what his foreign policy would be without that open Bible on his desk. Jesus made it clear, that His Kingdom was not of this world.

News Item4/7/19 6:50 AM
Phillip Mezzapelle | Sicily, Italy  Contact via emailFind all comments by Phillip Mezzapelle
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This is just my opinion but a moderate drinker is someone who consumes two, at the most three drinks in a week not every day.

News Item3/6/19 3:33 PM
Phillip Mezzapelle | Sicily, Italy  Contact via emailFind all comments by Phillip Mezzapelle
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Unprofitable Servant wrote:
Really Phillip you think the Russians were keeping their part of the deal?
Dear Unprofitable Servant, they probably were not. But did we ever maintain our promise not to expand NATO eastward? Also, with China increasing it's influence in the Asia Pacific, the war hungry neocons find it easier to bash Russia and claim they want to start up WWIII than to try some diplomacy, and work on a new treaty which includes China and satifies all parties. There is no such thing as diplomacy and compromise with people like Bolton AND Pompeo.

News Item3/5/19 6:40 AM
Phillip Mezzapelle | sicily, Italy  Find all comments by Phillip Mezzapelle
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Just what the neo-cons and the MIC wanted.

News Item2/10/19 9:59 AM
Phillip Mezzapelle | Sicily, Italy  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Phillip Mezzapelle
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
Aborters will fight back.
---"Roe v. Wade Is at Risk...."
Dear Jim, I would like to ask you two questions. First, why is it that these same people, who insist on universal healthcare, deny this very thing to the baby still in the mother's womb? Second, if LIFE does not begin at conception, well, when does it begin?

News Item2/5/19 1:46 PM
Phillip Mezzapelle | Sicily, Italy  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Phillip Mezzapelle
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Neil wrote:
No different from Italy's Lateran Accord of 1929. In spite of Mussolini's atheism, the RCC was declared the state religion of Italy. Azione Cattolica in turn urged the public to vote for fascists.
This is an example of Frank's point.
Dear Neil, here in Italy, up untill the early 1950's, it was still possible to get arrested for being an evangelical. I have the honor of attending a church with such brothers and sisters.

News Item1/30/19 12:30 PM
Phillip Mezzapelle | Sicily, Italy  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Phillip Mezzapelle
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Just a Guy wrote:
Thank you for posting this info. Not only are cures like this bad for the American pharmaceutical industry, but for the NWO elite, the last thing they want to deal with are healthy, happy, thriving human beings. They actually want to see the world's population greatly reduced. As someone once said, "war is the health of the state."

News Item1/20/19 12:56 PM
Phillip Mezzapelle | Sicily, Italy  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Phillip Mezzapelle
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"This militant crowd is comprised of uniformed and misinformed people looking at themselves as unfortunate, underpaid, underappreciated victims of capitalism..." In a sense, they are victims of capitalism. What they fail to realize however, is that the capitalism they have become a prey to, isn't the grass roots capitalism of small family owned businesses that made America the greatest country on the planet. Instead it is the corrupt, crony, wall street capitalism that has dominated the U.S. for quite some time now. Something else these people don't seem to understand is that corporate wall street capitalism isn't just something the republicans are guilty of. No, even the democrats have become experts at this game. Do any of these people know of Jane Sanders, the wife of their hero Bernie? She was president of a college that dosen't even exist anymore. Try to guess why. As former congressman Ron Paul was fond of saying," Don't blame capitalism. We haven't had capitalism for quite some time now."

News Item1/19/19 1:39 PM
Phillip Mezzapelle | Sicily, Italy  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Phillip Mezzapelle
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The same problem exists here in Italy as well. In fact we are second only to Japan with regards to an ederly population percentage. Without trying to sound racist, all the Muslims and North Africans that come here thanks to George Soros and his globalists comrads, have large families. While this may be a part of their culture, the automatic citizenship granted and free welfare probably helps as well.

News Item1/13/19 7:04 AM
Phillip Mezzapelle | Sicily, Italy  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Phillip Mezzapelle
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40% of children born in the U.S. are raised by unmarried parents. So this should come as no surprise.
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