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News Item12/19/10 10:59 PM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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I can tell you for a fact that most of those serving in our military are against this. I have served and I know others serving now. They are against it. Of course, you won't hear this from the news media.

Expect our military to dramatically decline in every way. Leave it to the IDIOTIC politicians to do something so absolutely stupid (and ungodly)!!

News Item12/19/10 10:43 PM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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Listening to what Mr. Carter says is like listening to the senseless rambling of the town drunk. I can't understand why any logical person would want this man's opinion about anything. His comments are as ridiculous as they are ungodly.

News Item11/10/10 9:06 PM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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Oh, don't forget people who enjoy sex with animals. Be sure to promote that as well.


News Item10/17/10 3:39 PM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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What have we here? It appears to be a man with enough courage to speak the truth. Good! I'm sick of these sissy politicians who are afraid they're going to offend the sodomites and other degenerates of our society. We need more men like this.

News Item9/26/10 3:36 PM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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Islam has become the new communism. There is no "peace" to this religion. You submit or die. It demands world domination. It must be resisted.

News Item9/26/10 3:21 PM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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No longer welcome? Really? That means that about 90% of our soldiers should leave. Is that alright with you, Lt. General?

When I served in the military back in the 70's the idea of homosexuals in the ranks was not even debatable. It wasn't even considered. My brother now serves. He has told me that the idea of sodomites in the military is still rejected. In fact, I won't mention what most of the troops think about it.

Besides being as ungodly as it can be, homosexuals in the military are a big security risk. Sexual favors for information remains a reality as it has throughout history.

News Item5/16/10 10:55 PM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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Take a stand and do it anyway. TALK IS CHEAP. Do something! You'll notice that the ungodly take action. Christ did much more than quote scripture. He did something. So should we!

News Item5/15/10 8:10 PM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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Time for Bible-believers (and all other decent folks) to take a stand against sodomy and not back down. Not only is the Word of God on our side, so is the history of the world. Any society or nation that approves of homosexuality is doomed to fail and to fall. Such UNGODLY and ABNORMAL behavior brings decay to everything it comes into contact with. It doesn't take a scholar or a genius to understand this. Friends, this is a battle that must be joined at every level. Failure to do so will bring dire results.

News Item4/27/10 9:01 PM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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For generations skeptics, athiests and other mockers of God have laughed at the Bible's story of the ark of Noah. Perhaps the Lord will allow it to be located so that the folly of their foolishness will be exposed.

News Item4/14/10 11:20 AM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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A little research will prove that most of these people who are against spanking are also against owning guns, a strong military, capital punishment, etc. They live in a world of make-believe where everything will correct itself if given enough time. What nonsense.

I grew up in a world of strict discipline. This included spankings. I did not become an aggressive adult. My brothers did not become aggressive adults. Our many friends did not become aggressive adults. We DID, however, become respected people in our communities because of the discipline we received as children. My own childen received their share of spankings when it was necessary. They have not grown up to become aggressive adults. They are, in fact, doing very well for themselves and their families.

Teaching that spanking, properly done, is wrong defies God's Word. The Bible clearly and plainly commands it. I personally know of rough, tough boys who were spared a life of trouble from the discipline they received. This included spankings. I have also known brats who became trouble-makers and finally inmates in prison because they never had a good, hard spanking in their lives. I can assure you that they ARE getting worse than spanked now.

Spanking, when properly done, works.

News Item4/4/10 2:10 PM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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Those who would remove the freedom of speech in Scotland need to be removed from office. Christians and all other decent, freedom-loving Scots should take a strong stand and not allow this to happen!

News Item3/10/10 10:59 PM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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Oh my, was the poor professor offended? Were there students offended also? Were fragile, delicate feelings bruised? Too bad for them. They need to be introduced to reality (like the Bible). It would be good for them to emerge from their little world of make-believe from time to time.

News Item3/10/10 10:32 PM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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Enough is enough. These attacks against Christians, in this case and elsewhere, go beyond martyrdom. Mass killings usually incite violence simply for the pleasure of it. There is slaughter for no logical reason, no matter who is involved. The government troops, police, etc. are either slow to respond or really don't care.

It would be fine with me if groups of elite mercs would go in to protect unfortunate, helpless people who are so brutally attacked. I am familiar with Special Ops (different countries) that are inserted into trouble spots for various reasons. Anything is better than nothing. Make a strong statement and these senseless massacres will not be as common.

News Item3/9/10 8:31 PM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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Many years ago television actually had good, quality programs. Thought and talent went into script, production, etc. Almost all of the programs, both comedy and drama, presented decent entertainment that the entire family could enjoy. Now, very few TV programs are like that. There is very little thought involved and most talent has long since vanished. The choice is usually between something ungodly or something absolutely stupid.

The worst thing about it all is the influence that modern TV has on children. Parents allow it to entertain their kids with no concern as to what is seen or heard. I believe there is a direct link between much television viewing and the problems many of our children have.

Personally, I don't watch much TV. I'd much rather read the Bible or good literature.

News Item3/6/10 9:14 PM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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In other words, in order not to offend a bunch of sex perverts many people would be risking their health and maybe even their lives.

This should be nominated for the "Most Stupid Idea Of The Decade" award.

News Item3/5/10 12:28 PM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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Everything I've said about Pres. Bush and the war on terrorism is factual. It's not based on rumor, gossip or biased nonsense.

Most people avoid reality because the truth might erase their preconceived ideas about someone. In this case, Bush. So, not having any real desire for facts they load up on information from sources that hate Bush. It matters not that these sources twist the truth and tell lies. All that matters is that it sounds good and so it is blindly accepted. Therefore, massive conclusions are built upon things that do not even exist. There is no reality.

Reality is being in a combat hell-hole with possible death inches or seconds away. The next day you do it all over again. And the next week. And the next month. It's called being a soldier. These are the ONLY people who had ANY right to blame Bush for any problems with the war effort. What did they do? They supported him...they trusted him...they voted for him...they reenlisted. Of course, the liberal news media that hated Bush with a passion covered these things up until the truth was finally exposed. They reluctantly had to admit that things were not really as they had pretended they were.

Pres. Bush was not perfect. He made mistakes. On the war, however, he had my complete support.

News Item3/4/10 8:16 PM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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That's right, I do compare George W. Bush to Winston Churchill - when it comes to warfare. Both were ridiculed. Both ignored the ridicule. Both faced the enemy. Both stopped the enemy. Hitler never attacked England again. The terrorists never attacked America again under Bush's watch.

The problem lies with the inability of the American people to use all available resources and form a logical conclusion about things. No, they would rather educate themselves by way of gossip tabloids, idiotic talk shows, Hollywood celebrities and the liberal news media. I wonder how many of these people ever served in the military...studied military history...searched for unbiased, reliable information...talked with soldiers that had been in any war, especially Iraq or Afghanistan?? I have done all these things. I don't form my conclusions about anything lightly.

Soldiers that have served in Iraq have told me that they HATED the false information that CNN and other sources were making up. The truth, they said, was not being told. Of course, the Bush haters and the "anything for peace" liberals finally had to admit (to their disgust) that things weren't actually as they had reported. In fact, they had to shut up about it.

Go ahead and poke fun at Bush. Our enemies know better.

News Item3/4/10 2:50 PM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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Been reading the gossip tabloids again, fellas? The grocery store isn't a very good place to find reliable information.

I've read and seen interviews about things that went on behind the scenes during Pres. Bush's terms in office. His primary focus was always the war against terrorism. He was completely involved in protecting America from the enemy. The end result was that tens of thousands of the enemy were killed by our troops, several attempts to strike America again were stopped and some father/sons thugs were removed in Iraq. Besides these things, our military discovered and removed 500 tons of uranium ore that the news media "forgot" to report. Our troops knew about these things. That's why so many of them reenlisted.

Those who slander Pres. Bush remind me of those who talked bad about another wartime leader - Winston Churchill.

News Item3/2/10 6:56 AM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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So, let's remove David from the Bible since he did the same thing. Let's go through history and blacklist every Christian who has failed at some point in their lives. Many of the speakers listed on Sermon Audio, including the Puritans, have had failures (even sin) disrupt their service for God.

Besides, I believe Scofield's sinful lifestyle occured before he was saved. Please read the bio I mentioned earlier. Dwight L. Moody and Hudson Taylor knew Scofield better than we do.

News Item3/1/10 11:14 PM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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I am disappointed at the comments made about C. I. Scofield. They contain little depth and tend to resemble the type of silly gossip found among old women with nothing better to do.

No, I don't use a Scofield Bible. I prefer a plain text King James Bible with nothing else in it. However, I do know about Scofield. The vast majority of the stories about him have been greatly taken out of context for the benefit of those who dislike him. Did he have problems? Yes. Did he sin? Of course. So did David. So did the apostle Paul. Scofield did the same thing David and Paul did - he asked the Lord to forgive him. God can and will use anyone who so desires it. Even those who have failed.

A good, brief biography on Scofield can be found at It is factual and without needless bias. Please note those who considered him a close friend.

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