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Survey4/14/08 11:38 AM
Derek | Missouri  Find all comments by Derek
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Born again...

Martin Luther also wanted Anabaptists murdered.

Another thing... "civil authority" in USA does have something to do with is illegal. And it is not a command that the Govt. is telling you to disobey.

Read Romans 13.

Good News...the Reformation is continuing...right BACK to Rome.

Survey4/14/08 9:53 AM
Derek | Missouri  Find all comments by Derek
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3And this will we do, if God permit.
4For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened, and have tasted of the heavenly gift, and were made partakers of the Holy Ghost,
5And have tasted the good word of God, and the powers of the world to come,
6If they shall fall away, to renew them again unto repentance; seeing they crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh, and put him to an open shame.
Hebrew 6:3-6

ICON - The convicting of the Holy Spirit does not mean salvation. It is possible to taste something (conviction) and reject it (because their sin still tastes better).
Jesus is the light of the world that "lighteth EVERY MAN that cometh into the world."
Everyone is drawn in some way. But there comes a time when we reject the Holy Spirit to a point where he will not convict again.

"My Spirit will not always stive with man..."

Calvinism is the doctrine of devils! All Five points!

Survey4/14/08 9:46 AM
Derek | Missouri  Find all comments by Derek
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I'm still waiting for all the Mormons to say "here".

I think that would end much of this discussion.

Isn't it funny after all these years of Church History, we have some cult leaders come on the scene in the last two centuries and tell us God told them polygamy was right? Joseph Snith also said the African didn't have a soul. Did the Holy Spirit tell him that too?
Oh yah, they changed their doctrin on that one...Joe was wrong.

Polygamy is simply the fulfilling of the lusts of your flesh, end of story.

Survey4/14/08 9:40 AM
Derek | Missouri  Find all comments by Derek
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What Paul told Timothy to take could not have been alcoholic wine. Most doctors will tell you that if one takes alcohol with stomach problems it will give you dipsia. And, search it out, fresh grape juice has MORE antioxidents that fermented wine. So the health advantage for wine is moot! What Timothy would have taken would most likely been a "wine paste", made from grapes.

Remember, the Bible talks about wine in the cluster. So wine doesn't always refer to a liquid, or fermented.

And leven (yeast) in the Bible was always a type of sin, which is why it was not allowed in offerings and sacrifices. We are all (if we're saved) priests and kings unto I wonder what restrictions we should put on ourselves. I gaurantee it's not the Holy Spirit telling you to give in to the appearance of evil and buy poison (because that is really what it is - poison)

Survey4/13/08 11:26 PM
Derek | Missouri  Find all comments by Derek
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Hey, a man can drink 400 gallons of CocaCola and he will NEVER loose control of his functions and kill innocent people.

Over 40,000 people are killed each year in the US by drunk drivers. Have you ever heard a statistic about people drinking too much milk and running over someone?

In a town I lived in a 16 year old boy's car broke down. His father came to help him, and as they were working on the cr, a drunk driver hit them and killed both of them. Of course the drunk was fine.

That day a mother would never see her husband or son again. And this happens all over the world.

Look at the drunks in Russia...they're everywhere.

Where is the abstaining from all appearance of evil?

Survey4/13/08 11:18 PM
Derek | Missouri  Find all comments by Derek
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"Now, if you can, explain to us why Joseph would seek to divorce Mary if he was not lawfully joined to her as one flesh according to Gen 2:24."
It's called the betrothtal, and it was Jewish custom, and the very picture Jesus drew from when explainng salvation. The union, though not sexual yet, was still legally binding. That is why Joseph was also called her husband before their marriage. But he wanted to put her away "privily", without bringing shame on her. Usually a divorce becomes a public matter.

I think you need to study the Jewish Betrothal period.

Jesus has one Bride, and so should we!

Question to all you Mormons who won't admit it...Is it sin not to marry more than one wife?

Survey4/12/08 11:09 PM
Derek | Missouri  Find all comments by Derek
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Another thing. I think the question is wrong. I think it should be "for WHAT did Christ die?"

He died for sin. Remember the Holy Spirit came to convict the world of Sin. And if he died to be the payment for sin, and I am a sinner by nature, as is all the World, whom God loves, then he died for my plague, and the plague of everyone that comes into the world - sin. Paul realized this, and to this he realized he was chief.

I praise God he didn't die for Someone, but for something.

Survey4/12/08 10:17 AM
Derek | Missouri  Find all comments by Derek
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"Thats why Martin Luther was involved in Philip of Hesse's second marriage."

And Martin Luther thought the Anabaptists and Lollards of his day should have been executed. What a great authority on Scripture!

I hope this one doesn't get removed.

Survey4/12/08 10:11 AM
Derek | Missouri  Find all comments by Derek
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FACT - Jesus was accused of being a drunk. Wine bibber is a man-made word from a combination of two greek words which together mean someone who drinks wine.

If there was nothing wrong with drinking wine, why was it used to accuse Jesus?

Survey4/11/08 5:17 AM
Derek | Missouri  Find all comments by Derek
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what Two brides does the Father have?

So, because you used a quote from an "expert" that settles it?

I just think th there is a revelation here to a principle, and that is we are judged according to what has been revealed. Yes we are born in sin, and it is for that reason we are condemned already. But it is clear all through Scripture that judgment is according to revelation.

And actually, the Kings were told not to multiply wives long before David and Solomon came on the scene...or to multiply horses and chariots - but they did, and God was still working in their lives. So how is that explained?

Survey4/10/08 10:39 PM
Derek | Missouri  Find all comments by Derek
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No - "this" generation was speaking of those who are witnesses to the signs Jesus spoke of.

Survey4/10/08 10:33 PM
Derek | Missouri  Find all comments by Derek
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29Forasmuch then as we are the offspring of God, we ought not to think that the Godhead is like unto gold, or silver, or stone, graven by art and man's device.

30And the times of this ignorance God winked at; but now commandeth all men every where to repent:

Acts 17

The Church is still singular, remember? like a body, with many members.

But Hey, believe what you want.

Survey4/10/08 9:31 PM
Derek | Missouri  Find all comments by Derek
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Bible Believer
Has anyone bothered to see how horrible these Patriarchs families turned out? The jealousy, rape, murder, conspiracy. Look who God chose as the fathers of Israel. Abraham - one wife, Issac - one wife, Jacob - one wife. See the picture?

The reason God didn't say anything is because he hadn't given them the revelation we have today. God said he "winked" on their sin (this is not necessarily speaking of polygamy) because they didn't have complete revelation.

One other thing. The marriage is a picture of Christ and his Bride - the Church. And Jesus has only one Bride.

Actually - I can't believe such a useless question was put on this site.

Survey4/10/08 9:20 PM
Derek | Missouri  Find all comments by Derek
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Uh rogerant - the "his" in Romans is speaking of Israel.
He has not cast away Israel for they will be the focus of the Tribulation.

I know you disagree...that's fine

Survey4/10/08 9:16 PM
Derek | Missouri  Find all comments by Derek
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tb - your arguments make no sense.

Thomas - was he saved?
Jesus said all of the disciples were, except for Judas. But Thomas didn't believe he was risen. Did he loose his salvation?

You see, if you can loose it, then you have to work to keep it. And if Works can't earn it, HOW ON EARTH CAN THEY KEEP IT!!

Yes, I raised my voice a little

The problem is, you don't understand relationships, and the fact of being adopted and a son of God. God said he would never leave us. But you would say "but we can leave him". And to that I say you were never saved, because an indwelling Holy Spirit could never allow that.

I pray that God opens your eyes.

Survey4/10/08 2:26 PM
Derek | Missouri  Find all comments by Derek
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once again another use of scripturre that has nothing to do with eternal security.

When Jesus said "I give unto them eternal life", what does the word eternal mean?

If one trusts in Jesus Christ, and is given eternal life, then if he sins it away, how can it then be eternal?

The moment something becomes eternal, it can not be otherwise.

This may be too deep. but it's the Holy Spirit that guides into all truth.

Survey4/10/08 9:34 AM
Derek | Missouri  Find all comments by Derek
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(This survey is no longer available)
"This is the Church that created the Ecumenical Movement, and lured thousands of faiths and millions of religious people into it. One day soon this Movement will be joined by the World Council of Churches under the leadership of one false Prophet -the Pope. The resulting Global Mega-Religion will be the spiritual backbone of the government of Antichrist."

And the Reformed Catholic churches will be joined back to their mother.
Protestants didn't protest the system, they protested the departure from traditional Augustinian theology.

But praise God there were those who NEVER were a a part of Rome, and were active before, during (being executed by them), and after the Whore of Babylon was established.

Survey4/9/08 8:03 PM
Derek | Missouri  Find all comments by Derek
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True, very true. But these verses do nothing to prove that someone lost their salvation. It proves that there are people who do works in God's name who are not saved.

Remember the damsel that followed Paul, praising God. He finally turned around and rebuked the demon from her.
Demons can do works in God's name.

Survey4/9/08 4:25 PM
Derek | Missouri  Find all comments by Derek
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tell me something...when do you sin enough to cross the line and loose your salvation? And is it possible to get it back?

About racists...what about Lot who gave his virgin daughters to the putrid men of Sodom to do what they wanted to them all night? God said his (Lot's) "righteous soul" vexed him daily.

What would you think of a man who gave his daughters like throwing out a steak to the dogs? would he be saved?

You see, your arguments have holes in them because by nature we are wicked (you too), and in the flesh we are capable of committing any sin (you might struggle with being's possible in this flesh). When we are redeemed, God doesn't remove the flesh...yet, but he will at the day of redemption, praise God!

Just deal with the scripture I gave you. And, eternal security doesn't lead to a lifestyle of continual sin. On the contrary - If you are God's, he won't let you continue. It's called chastisement. And if you can sin and not be chastened, then you are not saved! Any good Fundamnetal Baptist Church preaches hard against sin, contrary to popular belief. But the way some "supposed" Christians live, I see why some people are disgusted.
I don't think some have lost their salvation, I think they were never saved to begin with.

Survey4/9/08 11:39 AM
Derek | Missouri  Find all comments by Derek
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