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News Item1/10/11 11:28 AM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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I stated in a post not very long ago that radical Islamists are the new communists. However, it's not just the conquest of Christianity that is desired. They want world domination. We had better pay attention.

News Item1/9/11 10:08 PM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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It makes a VERY big difference whether or not scripture is accurate. For instance, try going to court with a document that is not 100% accurate. Big problem.

True, the Lord will save anyone who understands the need of salvation. Under the convicting power of the Holy Spirit anything is possible. However, it must be remembered that the Bible says that faith comes by the Word of God. It is the Word by which sinners are born again (1 Pet. 1:23). This matters!

Modern versions have diluted and polluted the Bible in many ways and to great extremes. Some have even removed such words as "grace", "blood", etc. to make the text appear less offensive. This also matters!

While preaching the gospel should be our main purpose, we must also be jealous of God's Word and understand that there are those who would pervert it.

News Item1/8/11 11:29 PM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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Looks like these comments have strayed WAY OFF from the original subject matter. I think it had to do with sex perverts in our special-ops forces.

News Item1/8/11 10:34 PM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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Thought I'd check back in. Let's see...still no takers on my challenge for the modern Bible version supporters to pick which of their favorites is the pure, perfect and preserved Word of God.

I know there's a whole bunch of them out there, fellows. Take your time and pick a good one. Just make real sure it's easy to read.

News Item1/6/11 9:30 PM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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According to the Gospel of John the Lord Jesus Christ and the Bible are inseparable. Both are the eternal Word. One perfect in flesh, the other perfect in print. Finding fault with one is finding fault with the other.
Dangerous ground!

The very Bible that is criticized so vehemently by modern so-called "scholars" is the one God has chosen to bless and use all over the world for 400 YEARS--the King James Bible. Very similar to the manner in which the scribes and Pharisees tried to find fault with the Lord, the One blessed and used of God. They wanted a different Messiah. Today they want a different Bible.

News Item1/5/11 8:43 PM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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The preserved Word of God is only in the Hebrew and Greek??! This is the kind of conclusion formed when a good, old-fashioned study of the Bible is replaced with what Prof. So-and-So says.

First and foremost, this is saying that God is limited. Where in the Bible is there found such a doctrine? I don't find one. Where does the Bible say that only the Hebrew and the Greek can be trusted? I can't find that. God's Word can be given in any language He so chooses. Good thing, since the "originals" ceased to exist thousands of years ago.

This leads to my main point. How can such verses as Matt. 4:4 be true if ONLY the originals are preserved? We are to live by EVERY WORD that comes out of the MOUTH OF GOD. This is impossible without preservation in known languages. Notice that the devil did NOT challenge our Lord on this as some "scholars" today do. Many other such verses conclude a continuation of preservation.

It's also interesting that some parts of the Bible were not even originally spoken in Hebrew or Greek. Joseph, for instance, used an interpreter to speak to his brothers. If God can take any language and put it in Hebrew or Greek there is no reason to believe He can't put Hebrew and Greek into English or other languages.

I'll trust the Bible, not the scholars.

News Item1/4/11 8:15 PM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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Here's something just out of curiosity: Since the Bible is God's Word and God has promised to preserve the very words of it, we must have it. Otherwise, there would be no way to obey it or live by it. I believe that the King James Bible is God's preserved Word in the English language.

Now, if the KJB is not God's preserved Word--WHAT IS? Is it the NASB? Is it the NIV? Is it one of the many, many other modern versions? It can't be but ONE because they all contradict one another. Which of the many modern versions of the Bible is considered God's preserved Word? Maybe it's the one that has the best sales record. Maybe someone should consult the publishers.

Really, I'm serious. The supporters of the modern versions should decide which of their favorites is the preserved Word of God. Then they need to abandon the rest and use that particular version.

This is exactly what I did. All I have now is the KJB. I got rid of the modern versions I owned a long time ago.

News Item1/3/11 2:58 PM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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People never had a problem with the King James Bible until the Bible publishers told them they did. The results are clear and plain for all to see. A continuous flow of new versions, each claimimg to be the "best" and making all others obsolete. More and more financial profit for the publishers.

I notice that my brothers (and, I suppose, sisters) in the Lord who prefer the modern versions of the Bible have something in common. They like to quote from this source and that source to prove a point. I have not found that to be necessary. All I had to do was go directly to the Word of God. I took the KJB and all the modern versions I proudly owned at the time and did a serious comparison. I wasn't concerned about what Pastor So-and-So or Dr. So-and-So had to say about it. I found that somebody had taken their scissors and cut out words, verses and sections of chapters.I found big changes made. I found many great doctrines of God's holy Word had, in some cases, been abused and even perverted. I found that the Lord Jesus Christ had His preeminence tarnished and even removed. This was enough for me.

You can have what I now consider diluted, polluted and false. I'll stay with what God has blessed, annointed and used for so many, many generations--the King James Bible.

News Item1/3/11 12:14 PM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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It became increasingly clear to me that the Bible publishers were not trying to make God's Word more understandable to reach the masses. A new version every now and then eventually became a flood with no end in sight. It became one mad rush to see who could come out with the newest, most popular version. To make matters worse, all of these so-called "better" versions made more and more changes to the text that made the Bible, not more understandable, but confusing. Now, while all of this was going on, the clever marketing schemes used by the Bible publishers to advertise their "new and improved" products was making them lots of profit. It was an endless cycle.

This, basically, is what made me aware that something was wrong and to seriously doubt the modern versions of the Bible. I began to study and compare texts. My conclusion was that the King James Bible is hated of the devil for a very good reason. It is God's perfect Word in the English language.

News Item1/2/11 7:21 PM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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I have stated several times how dangerous this can be in the military, especially in Special Ops units. These guys are in harm's way in ways most people wouldn't even dream about. The added possibility of a mission going bad because of someone's depraved sexual behavior only makes things worse.

Besides that, it's sin.

News Item1/2/11 6:52 PM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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400 years...of God's annointing...of God's blessing...of massive revivals around the world...of great spiritual awakenings...of missions far and wide...of vast multitudes of souls saved. PRAISE GOD AND GLORY TO HIS NAME!!!

Then---the devil had a clever plan. Subtly, ever so slightly, begin a process of change. "Yea, hath God said?" Look how much more scholarly this is. Look how much easier this is to read. As long as it says "Bible" on the cover it doesn't really matter. Destroy the Bible? Impossible. Change it? Most definitely.

I had my time of playing the fool with the endless procession of modern Bible versions. That is, until I started to seriously compare them with the King James Bible. Some were vain attempts at so-called "scholarship". Some were just plain ridiculous. Others reduced the preeminence of Christ to such an extent that it could be considered blasphemous. Of course, none of this bothered the major Bible publishers because they were making fortunes with their own particular versions.

The only Bible I now own or will ever own is the King James Bible. I believe it to be God's perfect and preserved Word in the English language.

News Item12/25/10 8:58 PM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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If there were more bold preachers in our pulpits speaking out against this abomination...If there were more Christians standing against it...If we had sense enough to remove those ungodly politicians who support it...sodomy would be back in the dark allys where it once was. ANYTHING can get worse if you allow it to.

News Item12/24/10 6:30 PM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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Notice that these anti-Christmas companies, stores, etc. NEVER refuse money spent by Christmas shoppers. Here's what I tell them--"No Christmas, No Customer!". Then I do what I say.

News Item12/24/10 6:21 PM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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Good! Nothing wrong with being defiant for the right reason. There needs to be more defiant Christians standing against sin and the devil.

News Item12/23/10 12:39 AM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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A nation that can't tell the difference between a God-ordained relationship between a husband and wife and an act of sexually perverted filth is on its way down and out.

News Item12/23/10 12:30 AM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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I wonder if they also tax people for attending high school football or basketball games in Kansas? That makes just about as much sense as taxing them for going to church. More government intrusion that needs to be stopped. Absolute nonsense.

News Item12/23/10 12:06 AM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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I agree with the previous post. It's like the school sissy kicking the toughest guy on campus and nothing is done about it. Compare this nonsense to what the allies did in WW2. No political correctness. No mercy, either. Just point them in the right direction and let them take care of business.

It's time for the U.S. and England to stop allowing our enemies to kick us and get away with it. Oh, I know we've flexed our muscles a little bit. BUT...we need to take care of business. If the radical Islamists want to play rough, fine. We play rougher. If they want to establish Islamic laws, tell them no. They can go back to where they came from. Enough is enough!

Of course, the real problem is the lack of leaders who will take such a stand.

News Item12/20/10 11:30 PM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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If even the smallest part of religious liberty is taken away from our troops it means that the oath they took upon entering the military is null and void. Such a drastic change would make the oath false because the Constitution allows religious freedom and expression.

Maybe our government prefers a military full of sex perverts and athiests.

News Item12/20/10 9:20 PM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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Just a few more things to consider:

*The high risk of military intelligence and classified information. History proves that such things can be had for sexual favors.

*The increased spread of HIV/AIDS within our military.

*Lawsuits that can arise because unqualified soldiers claim they were not promoted, etc. because they are homosexual.

*The many outstanding troops (Christian or just decent) who will not reenlist because they so vehemetly hate the thought of serving with known sex perverts. Also, those who will not enlist for the same reason. [Note: I'd SURE leave!]

*The effect this will have on morale.

Now, in order to be fair the military should invite any and all forms of sexual deviants to join. Since they've gone this far they may as well go all the way.

News Item12/20/10 12:25 AM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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Such beliefs should not be unexpected. After all, most churches today have become entertainment centers with little real Bible preaching or teaching. People are left to make up their own minds and opinions.

The number one problem with the church is that it doesn't think it has a problem. It does. That problem is the failure to preach and teach the Bible.

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