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News Item2/4/2020 3:51 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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To update my previous info, no, the program, 'Revive Our Hearts' did not mention 1 Timothy 5, but was focused on the church, how Christians need to be part of the Body of Christ, the Church, and be involved in your 'local body of believers.'
This comes as a response to low church attendance numbers being reported. So the Bible's truths were only used as examples to hammer down this Main Point--Christian, get your body to that building down the street; the heating bills need to be paid.

It's always dangerous to listen to advice from people who have a financial stake in what they tell you to do. Would you ask your local Ford dealer if it's time for you to trade in for a new car? Would you ask your local hardware store if your house needs to be painted?
And your plumber, whether your cast-iron plumbing system should be replaced?

Just like another Christian radio program I heard last week that was about grandmothers, it had very little Bible to it and more about one woman's experience with her family. I'm beginning to think every such program will be more about someone selling a book than using the Bible to seek truth.

News Item2/4/2020 2:13 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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Truly sad news, when you think of 1 Timothy 5 that gives guidelines for older Christian women. What does that have to do with women earning more $$ than their husbands? Well, it means as these women spend more at their careers, they define themselves by those careers, and not as mothers or grandmothers. What our society is missing is that the Bible is the Truth, and these guidelines are not suggestions but truths to be lived out.
But our society insists on following other truths, like personal advancement, personal freedom.

I do want to report that I finally heard a Christian radio broadcast this morning where the hostess Nancy DeVos mentioned many Bible verses on raising children; though I will have to go online to see if she mentioned 1 Timothy 5.

News Item2/4/2020 2:06 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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Here's more ideas for that Adult Sunday School Curriculum:
A. Gun Control and Your Safety
B. Social Security-when to take it?
C. Medicare-go with Original or take a M. Advantage plan?
D. Writing Your Will and Choosing a Medical Directive for Last Wishes
E. Buying or Selling a Time-Share?
F. Buying or Selling an RV?

you can probably think up a few more on your own.

News Item2/3/2020 4:37 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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As President Trump might say, this is HUGE. But in reality, it will show us who Rush's audience really is. Since his program is aired from noon to 3pm, most working folk cannot follow him. Also, as opposed to someone like Mark Levin who offers his show online for free, Rush collects a monthly fee for doing that.
Even with those self-imposed limits, he still is the number 1 host on radio today.

News Item2/3/2020 4:32 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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As I watched the latest NHK Newsline program online, I pondered how this is like the Roman Empire, and how Christians then went to the aid of those who were dying. Maybe churches here can organize Mission Trips of their Elderly to go assist the sick and dying in that new hospital in Wuhan Province. They could proselytize them while they are serving.

News Item2/3/2020 4:28 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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For Philip's enlightenment, I have heard of some churches in the US who had a special service built around the Super Bowl. I think they promoted it as saying, Look, we are providing a smoke-free and alcohol-free environment for watching the game.
Another question is..why do people watching a game on TV need to eat huge amounts of potato chips, pretzels, nachos, and chili while drinking bottles of beer?
It reminds me of what preacher Chuck Swindoll said about football: 22 men in desperate need of rest being watched by 55,000 people in desperate need of exercise!
Also, it would be a good news item for here at SA to find out how many churches still have a Sunday evening service. My wild guess would be less than ten percent.

News Item2/3/2020 4:15 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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I guess this means Christians will have to start closing their accounts at these 2 banks.
It gets a little confusing: Chick-Fil-A is good, and then it is bad because they rejected some Christian groups in their charitable giving.
Maybe what we need is a Sunday School Curriculum for Adults that has nothing to do with the Bible but is instead all about what companies are good, which ones are bad. It could make a good 'homework' assignment--go online and find out what charities your favorite bank or grocery store is supporting.

News Item2/3/2020 4:12 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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Once again, key part of headline is missing: U.K. or British.

News Item2/3/2020 4:10 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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I wouldn't mind if this company decided to start selling its products through churches in the US. It would be like having Girl Scout cookies.

News Item2/3/2020 3:56 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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This is so obvious, and it helps explain why President Trump's popularity has gone up despite all the trash talking that the Democrats and their pals in the media have been doing ever since he was elected. Here we are in 2020 and they are talking the same garbage on the floor of the US Senate, as if anyone but their friends were paying attention.
After that historic Election Night Nov 2016, I hoped the media would do an 'about face' and start reporting on why people voted the way they did. Even as 'handmaidens' to the Democrat Party, they would have been helping them develop a counter-attack.
Instead, they have spent all their time in attack mode.
Can you remember all the different attacks they had? First, the Yale psychologist said the President was insane. Then there was the 'Russian collusion' based on a phony report that the Clinton campaign paid for through a law firm to hide their involvement.
A friend who told me he tried out his local newspaper for 13 weeks for $26 is telling me he will not renew because of this bias that is evident on nearly every page. The coupons made the subscription pay for itself, but how many times do you need to buy laundry detergent, shampoo or toothpaste?

News Item2/3/2020 3:46 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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Interesting that the prosperity gospel is selling well in Africa, one of the poorest areas of the globe.
I read an interesting article on African culture, written by a former Peace Corps worker who went back to see what results her investment of time had turned out. It was published in the Atlantic magazine, not exactly a hotbed of right wing loonies, and with that in mind, it was interesting to see her comments, that the men did not do much work, but the women ran the show, cooking, cleaning, fetching the water, etc.
It kinda reminded me of the so-called African American culture, where it is rare to hear a black adult say he is a product of a Single Father Household. No, it looks much the same, even wealthy black athletes cannot form a stable home and instead have many children with many different women. I forget the term that one of these athletes used to describe them, but it was in the news for a while when it came to light that he was beating one of them or the child.
Liberia was established a a place that freed slaves from the US could go to build a New Life. The country uses the US Constitution, too. But I think you know the results have not turned out to be the same.

News Item1/31/2020 11:47 AM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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Too bad we don't have Monty Python's Flying Circus to work out a skit involving this.
England is a Lost Cause, so I put all stories involving them into a separate bin (round, metallic, sits on the floor).

News Item1/31/2020 11:45 AM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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True that Democrats like to highlight human trafficking as a Big Problem. But they don't want to face the facts that an Open Borders Policy means Green Light for Human Traffickers. It's just common sense: if you have no limits on immigration, anything can-and will-happen.
Two recent changes also show this:
1. limiting pregnant women from entering the US to give birth (to an 'anchor baby' that gives them US citizenship.
2. limiting immigration to those who can prove they have the means to live here and will not be taking govt aid. I've heard even Democrats complain of this, which is against blacks, their 99-percent voting block, because local govts cannot give out aid to them when foreign-born folk are taking the aid. This is happening in Portland, Maine, thanks to the Catholic Relief Services that knows where the best local aid programs are, so they send their poorest there.

News Item1/31/2020 11:38 AM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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The fact that there is a game played is almost..besides the point!
The popularity of it, even some asking for the Monday after to be declared a National Holiday, makes the point that the NFL is the most popular TV sport, miles ahead of all others. I saw a series of charts showing this: First one did not have the NFL, so the NBA, college football, hockey, professional bocce, all close together. Then when the NFL was added, the scales had to be changed to even include all other sports, which showed up way below the NFL line.

News Item1/31/2020 11:32 AM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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This article assumes everyone is traveling.
I don't think this is true. I read that most Americans have never flown in planes, and do not take long road trips.
And now, with the corona virus about, people are not going to be too crazy about going to any airport for any trip. Of course, this might lead to more deaths from increased traffic on highways, just like the 9-11 ban on flights increased it.
And then, this all reminds me of that poster sold in Christian book-and-trinket stores, that says, 'a solitary man, who never drove a car, never owned his home, never traveled more than 30 miles from his birthplace,....' and you know who that man was and what he did?

News Item1/31/2020 11:26 AM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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Gee, the latest news headlines are starting to sound a lot like a page from the last book of the Bible!
What do you think?
Are we living in the Last Days?
Should I take Social Security early because I can use the (reduced) amount for the Lord's Work and not worry about receiving more if I wait until later.

News Item1/30/2020 3:29 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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If we would reduce the crowd to just church-going, maybe 1/4 of the people you see on screen would be there, and you would have to accept all Catholics who may have made up a large part of the marchers.

I remember SA had a broadcaster from a tiny church in Wisconsin that hosted a politically oriented program, "Heart of the Matter." They brought up the issue of evangelicals working with Catholics on abortion protests. From their point of view, it was a waste of time when the Main Issue is that Catholics need to be converted.

This tiny Wisconsin church has pamphlets and tracts online that they use for this purpose, and they take great pride in the different Catholic gatherings that they attend to hold up signs and give out their literature.

News Item1/30/2020 2:13 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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Sounds like the 'Billy Graham Rule' would be helpful here, but women complain that it limits their chances for advancement in the corporate world. Executives would rather choose other guys to travel with, have those business dinners with, etc, rather than a woman that they have to constantly be checking for 'ulterior motives.'

News Item1/29/2020 8:44 AM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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News reports say it was felt in the US, in tall buildings in the Miami area. So now, all those people who moved there from California to escape earthquakes have to shake their heads. Or was it the fans of the SF 49ers who are in town for Sunday's Super Bowl?

News Item1/29/2020 8:41 AM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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This reminds me of all the 'neocons' in the US, like those who worked on the now-extinct magazine, The Weekly Standard, who had different opinions on many subjects.
The good thing that President Donald Trump has done is to flush these guys out of the woodwork.
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