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News Item1/20/17 5:01 PM
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...pretty cold but unconvincing as an argument against the idea of warming trends.
Maybe it's the ozone layer getting eaten up or maybe there are other ways which we are not privy to but in the state in which I live,there has been a very noticeable change in the way in which the sun feels and with the exception of a very few days,we have not experienced winter,nor fall...summer was almost 90 every day and we have been having 50 and 60 degree days with lows only reaching into the middle 30s,close to 40 during winter. ...consistently.
There hasn't been a normal stretch of weather for over a year and a half now.
Something is going on.

News Item1/20/17 4:48 PM
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I wouldn't consider most of what Jim posts as bashing.I'm sure that he probably keeps him in prayer as well.
You are consistent,LB;anyone who disagrees with you is out of line with Scripture or a troll.
My constant "rants" in regard to immorality and immodesty are relevant to the deviant climate in which we find ourselves. It's not a matter of "legalism". It's a matter of discerning the times and the reasons behind them.
People cry about the sodomites and transgender agenda but refuse to believe that their compromising ways are in any way connected.
If the church wants to continue in their pagan "holidays",I guess that they are fair game for commentary.
If Christians can support false doctrine/ways then they can be exposed.
Not knowing is one thing but refusing to let go of idols is another.
The true church is discernable from its professing counterpart.
...praying for you

News Item1/20/17 12:53 PM
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Ladybug,don't you ever tire of bashing Jim?
If U S was consistent,he would be labeling you "myopic" too.
Leaders are not above criticism either.

News Item1/20/17 12:48 PM
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Thank you,Igno.
@Christian,who asks "why do you think it's beneficial to create divisions based on race like that? might ask you the same in defending a racist article.
Skin tone has nothing to do with virtue or progress.

News Item1/11/17 10:47 PM
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U S, I hear people talk to one another about their viewing habits...anyone can hear them...really
I don't get my news from entertainment I wrong,U S, has entertainment attire changed? The rockettes will cover their bodies for the address? Cheerleaders stopped wearing apparel like underwear?etc.
I know that many Christians watch pro football and I know that they must know how cheerleaders dress. They used to line up as the players would come out on the field. They don't do that any more?
The nfl has decided that they are unnecessary,I suppose?
My experience is not the standard...but does appear to be the norm for the nation as a whole. CCM wouldn't be so popular if Christians had not compromised. Most Christian radio stations play the junk and these artists,many of them,are pro-sodomy.
You don't know this? Even this site has an article about Carrie Underwood.
Only sexual why do you let your girls so dress or have no problem with others who do?
There are sexual deviants everywhere.Protect your children.Don't allow them to be baring their bodies.
Kev,not a rabbit trail-direct connection to lesbian "pastors". Compromise in sexuality/dress paved the way for them. You don't like it-it's called judgment.

News Item1/11/17 6:36 PM
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...kinda like the legalization and glamorization of alcohol...
No one saw this coming down the pike?
...probably won't be too long before churches will have "pot"luck dinners.
They don't call pot "dope" for nothing.

News Item1/11/17 6:25 PM
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Perhaps then,U S,you would refrain from judging others then too,including lesbians,since we all sin based on your reasoning.
I know what goes on because I run across other Christians who talk about what they do and what they watch. I have been in many churches that love to talk more about football and television than the word of God. I used to watch television and know what used to be on it and based on how others talk and news articles and the like,it's not difficult to figure out the landscape of this nation and the church.Of course,"christian" "artists" and celebrities like those in the duck show are not very discreet either.Pretty simple to figure it out. One can figure that the trash may stink based on what is placed in the garbage dump without actually being there.
Grace is not cheap. The more one loves God,the more they will abhor sin.
It's not cute that many Christians will allow their daughters to dress immodestly even for sports nor is it cute that boys are encouraged to be sport fanatics and be up to speed on the latest entertainment/celebrity.
This nation is under judgment for allowing its women to be objectified,its babies to be murdered and its men to be self seeking.

News Item1/11/17 4:45 PM
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God's against immodesty too.
on SA-Jason Young Harlotry and Idolatry

News Item1/11/17 4:43 PM
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Mike,inflation just really jumped overnight.
My rent didn't increase over a period of time. It literally jumped from one day to the next just after the election.
Another lie-the economy is "good".
Maybe for the wealthy.

News Item1/11/17 4:40 PM
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You must live in another world,U S.
I'm hard pressed to find any churches which don't have these parties or don't go the way of the world.I'm sure that there are some,just few and far in between. Apparently,yours is one of the few. Of course,none of your congregation will be tuning any where else.
Many churches don't speak of sexual sins but many of them do watch the same worldly programs and allow their congregation to dress as they wish. At least,they're not hypocritical in that regard...after all,if we are the church,what's the point of "observing" a dress code on one day and then breaking it the rest of the week?...or for that matter,even having a dress code if the members violate it in the programs that they watch? Do we have part-time standards and then applaud ourselves for being "good" in church?
There is a connection between the next guy in office and the Christian-for many Christians,he is the answer and many will not miss his entertaining address even though there will be questionable entertainers. If it's good for the it goes. If women are allowed to entertain in their underwear at such a venue and be the terminal "objects" which they think that they need to be,then why not men too? Why not sodomites? You lose your light when you compromise.

News Item1/11/17 1:30 PM
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Adriel,there is a conflict of interests.
It's interesting how,even in shows like Andy Griffith,there was compromise from season to season...the later episodes have the characters smoking cigarettes,drinking,gossiping,winking at sin (Barney had been looking at porn,another character had written a letter about the see-through attire of the women in the big city,) and on an on...even Aunt Bea drinks wine.
Aunt Bea,at one point,wouldn't even have used rum in a rum cake.
Hollywood and Christianity are opposites and neither needs the other.

News Item1/11/17 1:19 PM
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U S, and how many churches will be having super bowl parties?
You're saying that the pastors who look at porn weren't saved? Statistics would show otherwise. Pastors who commit adultery are allowed to continue to preach as well.
If churches may be excused for their various sexual sins then how may one speak out against any other sexual sin?
...not such a broad brush.Many women would not be dressing as they do at church nor would the church feel compelled to lure the world in with carnality if not for compromise and a falling away from Scripture decades ago.
The church is where it is because of compromise.Many churches wink at sexual sin and now they are upset because what isn't their particular choice of sexual sin is being more readily accepted in churches. This is called judgment.
The next guy in the big office will have "dancing girls" in their underwear perform at his big address...many people,Christians included,won't have a problem with it.We've accepted that as normal but if similarly dressed sodomites were to get in a kick line and perform,the Christians would have a fit.
Double standard.

News Item1/10/17 1:39 PM
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This is abominable but expected.
How many pastors have been into porn and such,never mind those in the congregation?
Churches have paved the way for this and many don't see it...for the beam in their eye.

Looking at porn is as adultery.
We're so far from Scripture that many of us have followed after the "god" of this world. Is anyone really taken aback by this trend?

News Item1/9/17 7:52 PM
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I'm not persuaded either,Dave...kinda like the ongoing propaganda of the "benefits" of a glass of wine or beer

Drink grape juice already.

...just think how much better off we would be without the booze? I don't know of anyone who needs it medicinally.
It's conveniently overrated and so too will be pot.
...can't wait until they have non-toking areas due to the stench.

News Item1/9/17 7:43 PM
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There was no need to speak of what Mary wore while worshiping.
While some who dress modestly may not have a right spirit,those who don't never do.
...kinda like the flip side of faith and works-if one loves the Lord,they will hate that which is contrary to Him. When a professing Christian chooses to dress immodestly or is not bothered by those who do,they are mocking God.
A good sermon on SA- Jason Young Harlotry and Idolatry
-perspective from Scripture
Only among some will one be reprimanded for caring about modesty issues.
Of course,the charge is always "legalism".

News Item1/9/17 7:27 PM
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Re: "...11 mocking days left, Jim. "

...and then there will be countless opportunities,probably beginning with the big speech and festivities-the really big show

News Item1/7/17 4:07 PM
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...sad that he doesn't seem to have a clue as to what the greatest reward truly is.

News Item1/7/17 4:05 PM
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...just wondering whether or not he'll be waving the rainbow flag then too.
-seems odd that many who are like-minded would "oppose" him...
Won't he be having questionable entertainment any way?
The show must go on,I suppose...give the people what they want.

He is going to fix everything,right?
I don't know about anyone else but this "strong" economy has jumped up my rent almost a hundred dollars,not to mention the food prices,etc.

Placing faith in an ecumenical playboy is not wise. We can always pray that he will abandon his ecumenical/dubious ties and truly come to know the Lord though.
He'll either be the biggest puppet/pawn or one who "lost" it all to gain what matters most.

News Item12/31/16 1:14 PM
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U S,I wasn't but he certainly was. If you get a chance,look him up. He could certainly "inspire" and move people.I do think that he was sincere and was not money motivated. In listening to him,however,I don't think that he was saved at the time...not sure if he ever did get saved.
I brought him up in this thread because I am hoping that Zuckerberg is starting to consider deeper things and will hear the Word of God in the process.
That would be great news...for it never goes out void.
Thank you,U S

News Item12/30/16 5:07 PM
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Christopher and others,even J Y can't believe what he posted...striking contradiction...."they will believe every Catholic doctrine, they will be made to go to Confession 2 times a month and they will be made to be Altar Servers ...while they trust in Christ alone"

He's messing with us.

Trusting in Christ alone (our High Priest) negates the need for faux ones eager to listen to the peoples if they could absolve them to begin with.

...and doesn't even J Y say that he doesn't believe every RC doctrine?

J Y appears to be a computer generated devil's advocate. I will say this though...he certainly provides us with ample opportunities for witnessing to lost RCs.

All things work to the good...

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