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Sermon11/11/12 7:28 PM
Karen | Airdrie  Find all comments by Karen
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“ No excuses ”
Really thankful for this sermon on prayer. It's the kind that cuts through all your excuses and reminds you that though you might feel going to prayer is tiring or difficult, your entire life is far more tiring and difficult without it. There is no excuse, you don't even want to find one after this sermon. You just want to go to prayer.

Sermon9/17/12 5:12 PM
Karen | Airdrie  Contact via emailFind all comments by Karen
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“ Feeling discouraged? Listen! ”
For all those who are feeling weary, feeling discouraged, or just "having a Monday": this is the sermon for you. Lay aside whatever it is you're using to distract yourself from the hardness of life, and hear the Word proclaimed to your help and joy. This may very well make my top 10 of favourite sermons ever.

Sermon8/7/12 1:07 PM
Karen | Rush City  Contact via emailFind all comments by Karen
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Homecoming 2012, Session 5
Mike Hoggard
“ Great Sermon! ”
The 33 verses with QuickVerse / 32 verses with e-sword is explained by Quickverse including II Chronicles 20:22: And when they began to sing and to praise, the LORD set ambushments against the children of.... e-sword used exact phrase and quickverse included II Chron 20:22 with the comma "and to praise, the Lord set" Had to check. This stuff bugs me and can't let it rest until I find out. :)

Sermon5/16/12 4:28 AM
Karen | Airdrie  Contact via emailFind all comments by Karen
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'This light momentary affliction'
Kenneth Stewart
“ The Right Kind of Reminder ”
It's tempting to feel that a passage telling us about our 'light momentary affliction' could be frustrating for those going through very difficulty, heavy times. But this sermon opens up the Word in such a way that you come out incredibly refreshed, seeing your troubles in the right light. Highly, highly recommended no matter what kind of challenge you're facing. A reminder not to pretend it's not difficult, but to see it from the other side.

Sermon11/6/11 9:23 PM
Karen  Find all comments by Karen
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(This sermon is no longer available)
“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank you for a great sermon. Many good points- Leadership and responsibiolity of the husband/father A heart for the next generation in our own families and churches True worship that God commands I would like to hear what Mr. Orozco can teach us on the worship God commands.

Sermon1/11/11 11:47 AM
Karen | Northern Ireland  Contact via emailFind all comments by Karen
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Wear What You Teach
Kevin Copeland
“ An encouraging message and great reminder! ”
This is a great reminder for every Christian to be a good example to not only the younger Christians but most importantly the world. I know from personal experience that watching and being around Christians who lived what they taught was a great help and testimony to me and my family.As a young believer I saw something different in their lives compared to mine and just watching how they lived made me want to learn more and change what i was doing wrong. I was saved but had to learn the right way to live by the Bible and seeing this in other Christians lives just confirmed that. The world needs to see a difference in us and what better way to show it than in our everyday lives. This message brought back alot of memories to me of when i first got saved and was a great encouragment and reminder for me too. Praise God for Christians who LIVE for HIM.

Sermon1/1/11 5:08 PM
Karen | United States  Find all comments by Karen
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“ Clarification ”
Also, these two people were Christians when this happened.

Sermon1/1/11 2:48 PM
Karen | United States  Find all comments by Karen
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“ Great Sermon! ”
What about 2 people who divorced their spouses to get remarried to each other and have been that way for 17 years. My ex-spouse has passed away, but his is still living and got remarried also??? What a mess we made, repented (or did we still being married??)

Sermon12/25/10 11:10 AM
Karen | Virginia, USA  Contact via emailFind all comments by Karen
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“ Amen! ”
Today is December 25th. I wish to celebrate this day as any other day... the day that the LORD has made. But this is not possible. Instead, I must entirely engage in this day in mourning and in prayer for my brethren, who exchange the truth for a lie. I expect the world to participate in these sort of activities, but not my Christian brethren, especially when they have been shown the truth and AGREE with it. Christmas is a stumbling block, and this alone should make other Christians flee from it. How seductive the pagan allurement of Christmas is! O, that God would give us more men like this, who would preach the truth from the pulpit without making excuses for sin! Thank you for posting this sermon.

Sermon12/20/10 10:21 AM
Karen | Virginia, USA  Contact via emailFind all comments by Karen
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“ Excellent! ”
Exactly, how can I, as a Protestant, celebrate a Roman Catholic holy day! Yet it seems as though most persecution for not celebrating holidays, especially Christmas, comes from Christians. O, that Christians would truly strive to be holy in all things and rip the idol of Christmas from their hearts! I thank God for giving me the grace to heed this truth and I pray He will show many more people the truth about all of our ungodly traditions.

Sermon11/28/10 11:16 PM
Karen | Virginia, USA  Contact via emailFind all comments by Karen
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“ WOW! ”
This is a good sermon, not only for widows and singles, but for everybody. I was blessed by it. Thank you.

Sermon10/26/10 6:15 PM
karen | Florida  Find all comments by karen
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Receiving & Keeping Repentance
J. D. Hatfield
“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank you for helping me fight my addiction! Better than a 12 step program!

Sermon10/22/09 11:09 PM
karen | Memphis, Tennessee, USA  Contact via emailFind all comments by karen
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God's Means to Strengthen Us
Pastor Robert Briggs
“ Great Sermon! ”
Wonderful sermon.....enjoyed every bit of it. Now I know why I had adversity in my life. I moved over into Philistine! Ceased to Acknowledge God!.....

Sermon8/24/09 2:16 AM
Karen | Colorado  Contact via emailFind all comments by Karen
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“ Questions and Comments ”
I was wondering why they interviewed those who have left? They are not even Christians. Why don't they interview those who STAY in the faith? Those are the ones that would have the RIGHT answers that delve into when they became a Christian, how did their parents raise them up in the Lord, church experience, personal growth. 2nd question: So teaching them the stories of GREAT people of FAITH of Daniel, Moses,Joshua,Ruth,Esther & application is not good enough anymore? Premarital sex & homosexuals & abortion have always been around. Didn't God tell the Israelites to pass their faith to the next generation? Haven't we seen in the Bible where they failed to do so, therefore the Israelites failed to remember or know God & they became wicked & rebellious? I believe it ALWAYS comes down to parenting.We can blame public schools or the Church even Sunday School, but it comes down to the PARENTS. My kids are in the public school & they have a SOLID BIBLICAL WORLD VIEW & they have a heart for Him. We've trained them since they could understand language. They have known Christ since they were very small. Their faith is strong. They don't shrink back. They ARE salt & light & don't hide it under a bushel. I am confident that they'll continue to love the Lord all the days of their lives.

Sermon4/27/09 10:46 AM
Karen | Texas  Contact via emailFind all comments by Karen
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“ Great Sermon! ”
The best explanation of baptism I have heard yet!

Sermon4/8/09 6:47 AM
Karen | Rush City, MN  Contact via emailFind all comments by Karen
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Paul Fosmark
“ Still in the Word and the Truth! ”
It's been many years since I've heard Paul Fosmark speak! What a blessing! I was looking for another sermon and rabbit-trailed to this! It refreshing to know that you are not swayed in this modern culture. The Lord bless you Pastor Paul and your wonderful family! Karen (originally from Fourth Baptist, cir 80s & early 90s.)

Sermon3/14/09 11:37 AM
karen | airdrie  Find all comments by karen
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“ Wanting More Than Christ ”
This sermon pinpoints the fact that we all have something we are seeking or wanting or treasuring more than Christ - and reminds us to seek Him first and only, because nothing else will satisfy. A great encouragement and reminder from the Word.

Sermon3/11/09 7:36 PM
Karen | Texas  Find all comments by Karen
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Contentment Rests Here
Clay Curtis
“ Wonderful Sermon! ”
The Lord used this sermon to help me realize that the way I react to difficult situations is largely out of covetousness and a desire for self-sufficiency instead of being content to trust Jesus to provide for me and protect me regardless of the appearance of external circumstances.

Sermon2/15/09 4:31 PM
Karen | Airdrie, Scotland  Find all comments by Karen
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Trusting In The Midst Of Darkness
Rev. Colin Mercer
“ Great encouragement ”
What an encouragement this sermon is, and a reminder that there are no 'levels' of suffering. Each has his own suffering and darkness that requires trust in God - not a trite phrase, as this minister so rightly puts it, but a reality that will lift up and encourage when the believer is in darkness. A great review of what the Word has to say to those who are weary.

Sermon11/27/08 6:47 AM
karen | canada  Find all comments by karen
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Jesus Describes his Own Death
Dr. Carl McIntire
“ Great Sermon! ”
A precious sermon indeed!! This sermon is a true blessing from God through Dr. McIntire. I have realized that our Lord Jesus Christ, whilst He was on the cross, pointed us directly to this most powerful prophecy, "My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?" Our Good Shepherd, leading us to green pastures
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