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News Item6/12/11 12:57 AM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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I seriously doubt this. Every state that has voted on homosexual marriage has voted against it. Even the more liberal states.

We are still being told by the news media that 10-15% of Americans are sodomites. No, it's actually around 2%. Part of their strategy is to use numbers to make something appear acceptable. Beware of this.

News Item6/12/11 12:47 AM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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It's about freedom, Jimmy.

Ever read about David's exploits on the battlefield in the Bible? Quite a general. So was Joshua and many others.

News Item6/12/11 12:42 AM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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First, this:

There's far too much straying from the subject matter in these discussions. I tire of the same silly back and forth arguments about things that have nothing to do (except in certain minds) with the news item. At times I've seen as many as 80-90% of the posts completely removed from the original subject. In my opinon, this should not be.

Now, this:

I'm glad that there are some men left that are not afraid to take a stand for what is right. Many preachers won't call homosexuality sin because they'd rather be pleasant and popular. I salute Mr. Cain for his boldness.

Recently, I emailed the CEO of a large company that supports the homosexual agenda. I told him that his company is not "inclusive" as it claims to be. If he was really inclusive he should also support incest and sex with animals. After all, some people think such things are normal. Don't stop with sodomy, include every form of perversion while you're at it. No response. I don't expect one.

We need to be aggresive when confronting those who support such destructive vices as sodomy. They don't have the truth. We do!

News Item6/8/11 11:12 PM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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I've known this for years. Which makes me wonder why the sodomites and their agenda are not dealt with by Christians and other moral, decent people. It's past time to be bold, take a firm stand and do what it takes to expose homosexuality for the filthy sin that it is!

News Item6/8/11 10:57 PM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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Walt Disney was a brilliant man and, as far as I know, very decent. I'm sure he'd be ashamed at that which bears his name.

The people at Disney lost my business long ago.

News Item6/3/11 11:30 PM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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There's nothing as fine as a good soldier at his best. I'll never tire of hearing or reading about the exploits of those who exhibit courage in desperate situations.

In the Bible there is much good said about men of valor on the battlefield.

News Item5/28/11 4:56 PM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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Listen up, folks! I know what I'm talking about. Believe me.

Our public schools have become nothing short of big business. Students aren't taught everything about subjects. Instead, they're taught what's on the big test at the end of the school year. It's not an all-inclusive education anymore. A whole bunch is either left out or given little attention. EVERYTHING IS FOCUSED ON THE TEST.

I have lots of conversation with teachers and others in the public school system. For the most part, they hate the way our children are "educated". One administrator told me, "We're not trying to make students smart anymore. We're just trying to make them pass the next test.".

The results are obvious. Students don't have the knowlege those in the past did because they're not taught it. Back then it was getting smart. Now it's passing a test that is very limited. I recently heard that a survey of high school seniors found 75% did not know who America's first president was. A local teacher told me that an honor student in her class did not know our nation's capitol. And it's probably worse than this.

I've also done some simple research about the money involved with all this testing. Money, money everywhere-and lots of it. Like I said, big business.

News Item5/28/11 3:52 PM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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I'm wondering how much money was wasted on this idiotic study.

News Item5/22/11 1:13 AM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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The reason for the "shock" was due to faith in a man instead of God's Word. It's VERY dangerous not to have a solid understanding of the Bible. This is why many Christians are so easily led astray.

News Item5/21/11 11:56 PM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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I believe these numbers are false. Every state that has voted on it has overwhelmingly rejected same-sex marriage. This even includes the more liberal states.

News Item5/21/11 11:52 PM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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And what have we learned? You can't figure out God with a calculator. Shut up and mind your own business. Telling the Lord what to do or when to do it shouldn't be a part of it.

I read that one of Mr. Camping's followers said that if this did not happen his faith would be ruined and he would have doubts about the Bible. Such is the case when someone puts their trust in a man instead of the Word of God.

News Item5/21/11 11:36 PM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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Try this with my grandchildren and see what happens to you.

News Item1/17/11 12:04 AM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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Yes, this has become a bit rough and way too complex.

I simplified it for myself many years ago by a personal quest without the influence of anyone. Over a period of many months I diligently compared my modern Bible versions (NASB, NIV, etc.) to each other and to the King James Bible. I had no personal choice at that time. To make a long story short, I found the KJB to be superior in every way to the modern versions. All of the criticisms I had read and heard about the KJB made no sense. Besides, this was what God had blessed and used for centuries. A copy of the King James Bible is on my desk. The modern versions are long gone.

If someone disagrees with me, that's fine. However, understand that I was seeking God's truth and not man's opinions.

News Item1/15/11 5:25 PM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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I, for one, do not feel humbled or rebuked in the least for believing that God has preserved His own pure Word. EVERYTHING involving the Christian faith is built upon the firm foundation of the Bible. Without it, Christianity is no more than silly superstition or a fable.

I must admit, however, that those who reply to my posts are making less and less sense. My direct comments have, for the most part, been carefully avoided. All I see are opinions from a variety of human sources that are old and worn. I think that real convictions should be based upon the Word of God ALONE. It doesn't matter what this or that source says. The ONLY thing that matters is what God says in the Bible.

Like I said, friends, I don't have a problem. You do. I've got God's pure, preserved Word. By your own admission, you don't.

News Item1/15/11 12:04 PM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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Your problem, brother Rob, is that you don't possess a pure and preserved copy of the Word of God. No supporter of the modern Bible versions will admit that they do. I don't have that problem. God said He would preserve the very words of the Word and I believe it. I am convinced, without a doubt, that the King James Bible is God's preserved Word in the English language. I say that without hesitation or reservation. There's no need for me to consult Prof. So-and-So or some Hebrew/Greek "expert" about it. God said it and I believe it. It's a matter of faith. I'll cherish the old book that the Lord has chosen to bless and use for so many generations--the King James Bible.

So, Rob, you and your intellectual brethren go ahead on with your quoting of authors, scholars, professors and all the rest who agree with you. Keep on with your vain attempts to find fault with the KJB, just like wordly skeptics have done for so long. Continue to ignore the fact that scripture proves it has always been the devil's plan to change God's Word. I'll be content to be dumb enough to use the Bible with credentials that no modern version will ever equal.

By the way, it may interest you to know that I also once used modern versions. So, my comments are not without experience.

News Item1/14/11 9:10 PM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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Jim, allow me to briefly reply to your concern about the words "Easter" and "it" in the KJB.

Easter is a very proper historical word to use in the context presented. Passover was already past (one day). It was at that time the "days of unleavened bread" (several days). Also, you should know that Easter was originally a pagan festival and not a time to celebrate our Lord's resurrection. This is certainly what Herod would have had in mind.

Nothing wrong with using "it" when speaking of the Holy Spirit. For instance, how many times have you identified yourself by saying "It's me."? You used "it" to identify yourself even though you're a person. Nothing wrong with that. Besides, in John 3:8 our Lord uses a word that is neuter, "wind", and compares the working of the Spirit to it. He could have used a masculine word for the comparison. He chose not to.

You're a little late with these examples, Jim. They have been around a long, long time.

News Item1/14/11 2:33 PM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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Matthew 4:4 tells us that man shall live by EVERY WORD that comes out of the MOUTH OF GOD. Unless we possess God's pure and preserved Word this is impossible. Notice that the devil did not challenge the Lord concerning this statement. He knew it was the truth.

Why should this seem difficult for God? As I mentioned before, not all of the Old Testament was originally Hebrew. For example, Joseph spoke to his brothers by a translator. God took these words and translated them into Hebrew. He can just as easily take Hebrew and translate it into English-or any other language. This would not be too dificult for God. I don't think He is limited.

The Bible says that God's Word is "pure". It says that the very words are "pure". This means perfection. God said that He would preserve His pure Word. I have no reason to doubt that He means what He says. We are told to obey and live by the WORDS of the Word. We can't do that unless we have them.

I've never had the urge to seek some man's opinion about the Bible, they change. So-called greek "scholars" also differ. Confusion. I decided a long time ago that the Lord knows what He's talking about. God has BLESSED and USED the King James Bible for many generations. His greatest servants preached from it. I'm in very good company.

News Item1/12/11 8:24 PM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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You misunderstood my comment, Jim. I said not to invest in a set of encyclopedias if the unfamiliar words in the KJB are cause not to use it. My point is that there are many hundreds of words in encyclopedias that are not understood by people who own them. So, a dictionary becomes necessary. Such an argument against the KJB is ridiculous. In fact, sometimes I find one of the so-called "outdated" KJB words in the morning newspaper.

It is interesting that the King James Bible, on average, contains fewer words per sentence and fewer syllables per word than the modern versions. There is also a rythmic cadence to the reading of the KJB that the modern versions completely lack. Perhaps this is why so many uneducated people have been able to read the KJB when they could read very little else. It could also be why verses and even chapters of the KJB have been so easily memorized and quoted by so many people down through the years.

What it comes down to, I think, is that our society is too mentally lazy to study and learn much of anything. Thought is becoming a rare talent.

By the way, Jim, it's not too late to answer my quiz question contest. Which modern Bible version is God's pure and preserved Word? The winner gets a fine copy of the King James Bible.

News Item1/12/11 11:55 AM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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Two points I'd like to make.

First, those who are always saying the King James Bible contains so many words they don't understand should never purchase a good set of encyclopedias. For every word you are unfamiliar with in the KJB there will be hundreds in the encyclopedias. THIS IS WHAT A DICTIONARY IS FOR.

Second, it's the money-lusting Bible publishers who are constantly urging people to use their own particular versions. Through advertising and other methods they try to convince us that we need what they have--the newest, best version of the Bible that there is. Until the next one comes along. THIS is the motivating factor behind the KJB/modern version debate.

News Item1/10/11 7:57 PM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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I learned long ago that the Bible publishers are interested in one thing--money. New, "better" versions of the Bible are good for business. We now have a list of modern versions that has grown quite long. There will be more...and more...and more. Tell me, what can possibly be the reason behind all of these many versions. Can you gue$$?

Oh, almost forgot--still waiting for someone to reveal which modern version of the Bible is the pure, perfect and preserved Word of God.

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