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News Item8/20/2020 3:17 AM
John UK  Find all comments by John UK
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Thanks Carol for the encouragement, and may the Lord bless you too and lead you to streams of pain-relieving waters.

The Quiet Christian wrote:
Brother John! I didn't realize you were still suffering. Here in the US, there was a big thing about Naproxin maybe a couple of years ago. But it was still recommended to us at least once this year. Ibuprofen tends to be recommended more.
Curcumen/turmeric has also been recommended to us by various people and a few non-traditional professionals for inflammation. Your best bet is to address the underlying cause of the inflammation. Sounds like NHS hasn't done well providing aftercare for that vaccination, Brother.
Quiet Brother, I could not agree more. There is far too much effort spent on the symptoms instead of the cause. And yes, this whole thing began after those travel injections I had, nearly a year ago.

When you say there was "a big thing about Naproxen in the US a couple of years ago", did you mean a big doubt about its useage, as if it was not to be trusted? I am down to my last two tablets and wondering whether or not to continue with them. If the turmeric works, then I will be much happier. I would be happier still if the Lord should heal me directly; he is able.

News Item8/19/2020 12:09 PM
John UK  Find all comments by John UK
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Carol wrote:
Here is the link for his article on turmeric, on Google.
Thanks Carol. I looked already at the YouTube and found that short clip encouraging. So far the most effective treatment for me has been a prescription drug called naproxen (an NSAID). I'm guessing you'll have heard of it. But I would much prefer a more natural remedy, so if the turmeric is also effective, I shall go down that route.

News Item8/19/2020 4:18 AM
John UK  Find all comments by John UK
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Dolores wrote:
Hi Brother JohnUk, thanks for commenting on what I was trying to explain but you said it much better than I did, just like a commentary helps me to see something clearer if it’s somewhat confusing.
Glad you are getting better, surprised they didn’t put you on a 10 day regiment. Understand your joint pain, have that as well especially the knee. I have heard of that herb. Just keep praying for each other is so important as we carry on.
Amen Dolores, there is nothing better than praying for one another, and blessing one another. I have just started using turmeric and glucosamine, so time will tell.

Thanks Carol for your testimony. The turmeric I am trying is 600mg and has black pepper as you said. Twice a day. I am encouraged by your evaluation.

News Item8/18/2020 8:59 AM
John UK  Find all comments by John UK
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Dolores wrote:
We sow the seed, someone else comes along and waters it and the spirit reaps the harvest.
Philip was led, By the Lord to go to a certain road and there was an Ethiopian,a eunuch of the Queen puzzled by this he had while worshipping in Jerusalem and was now on his way back home riding in his chariot. And the Spirit said to Phillip, go and join him which he did and explained Isaiah to him, he got saved, was baptized and went on his way. And Phillip led by Spirit moved on. Acts26-40
Hi Dolores, if I get your drift you have made a very good point there. Philip had no qualms about letting this babe in Christ travel on to Africa without "follow up". He left him in the arms of Jesus, which is by far the better place.

Thanks for your prayers, Dolores. I am already eating and drinking better, and one more day after today I will finish the penicillin course. But today the joint pains have flared worse than ever, so I am trying a highly recommended natural tablet containing turmeric, to see if that helps any. God bless you, sister.

News Item8/18/2020 4:33 AM
John UK  Find all comments by John UK
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The Quiet Christian wrote:
Franklin Graham sure takes a lot of flak on this board, but I sure agree with this comment from him.

News Item8/18/2020 4:31 AM
John UK  Find all comments by John UK
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The devil is back of all this destruction.

I hate the devil.

News Item8/18/2020 4:23 AM
John UK  Find all comments by John UK
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It's too warm - uncomfortable.

Luke 16:23-24 KJV
(23)  And in hell he lift up his eyes, being in torments, and seeth Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom.
(24)  And he cried and said, Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus, that he may dip the tip of his finger in water, and cool my tongue; for I am tormented in this flame.

News Item8/18/2020 4:20 AM
John UK  Find all comments by John UK
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A lifelong Catholic. And he wants people to vote for him? It ought be a no-contest.

News Item8/17/2020 12:28 PM
John UK  Find all comments by John UK
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Dr. Tim wrote:
John, I’m not sure that our testimonies are really that far apart. Prior to my salvation, the Holy Spirit worked me over with such an overwhelming conviction, such an horror of judgement and eternal suffering, that I was willing to do anything to be saved. What a relief when He showed me that all I had to do was trust Jesus Christ to save me!
Thanks Doc, an informative and thrilling testimony, which could only result in salvation. The old hymn "And can it be?" puts this process into poetic words, and I have always liked this magnificent hymn.

Long my imprisoned spirit lay
Fast bound bound in sin and nature's night;
Thine eye diffused a quick'ning ray,
I woke, the dungeon flamed with light;
My chains fell off, my heart was free,
I rose, went forth, and followed Thee.
My chains fell off, my heart was free,
I rose, went forth, and followed Thee.

This has been my testimony since 1979. And it encompasses the sovereign work of the Spirit, and the resulting action of the sinner.

News Item8/17/2020 9:47 AM
John UK  Find all comments by John UK
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Dr. Tim wrote:
John, nothing I said in my previous post denies the essentiality of the work of the Holy Spirit. My point is that when the Holy Spirit moves on the heart of a person, that person is free to respond positively or negatively.
Ah, now that is helpful, Doc. Let me see now, without the Holy Spirit moving on the heart of a person, that person is not free to respond positively or negatively. So you could say his will is bound, until such time as the Spirit re-enables it. Is that it?

But then you say that when the Spirit is doing a work in a sinner's heart, and his will is enabled, he can then make a choice; for example he can receive Christ as his Saviour, which is something he could not do, until the Spirit enabled him.

But then the opposite is also true, which enables the sinner to maintain his rejection of Christ, even though the Spirit has opened a door of opportunity.

Thusly, the man's salvation in the end is determined entirely by the man. It is the choice he makes that saves or condemns him.

I must say, Doc, that this is not the Jesus I came to know, because he came seeking and saving me, at a time when I would never have received him, not even if I had been paid to do so.

News Item8/17/2020 2:28 AM
John UK  Find all comments by John UK
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What's this? Worship by proxy?

News Item8/17/2020 2:24 AM
John UK  Find all comments by John UK
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“Joe Biden & Kamala Harris are labeled as the most pro-abortion presidential ticket in the history of our nation,” Franklin wrote on Twitter on Wednesday. “This should be a great concern to all Christians. As a follower of Jesus Christ, I am pro-life & believe every life is precious to God.”

How any Christian could ever vote for such people is beyond me. I hope every professing Christian hearkens to Franklin on this, or, if they work it out for themselves, their own conscience.

News Item8/17/2020 2:18 AM
John UK  Find all comments by John UK
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Dr. Tim wrote:
Where does the BIBLE declare that man is unable to choose for or against Jesus Christ?
Doc, you seem to be in denial of something you have always stated, namely, that the work of the Holy Spirit is absolutely essential in the conversion of a sinner.

Therefore, in what way is the Spirit indispensable, and what would transpire without his involvement, and why?

I know full well that the whole answer to this lies in the answer to the question, "In what way did the Fall affect the minds of men and women, boys and girls", but for some reason, going down that route always seems to draw a blank.

Lurker, I am very happy to be able to say that I agree with your post and conclusions.

News Item8/15/2020 4:54 PM
John UK  Find all comments by John UK
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Frank wrote:
Your comment was outstanding, thanks. I think that you and JohnUK are probably right on.
But, for the record I have nothing against drinking alcohol in moderation. This issue is divisive and many times it was argued on the forum with no one changing their minds. So, I only mention it because alcohol is oftentimes connected to marijuana use like brother John did below. I fully agree with his thoughts on drinking to excess and I would never encourage someone to start drinking because it could in fact lead to that.
Bro Frank, I hope I will not be guilty of commencing yet another debate on the use of alcohol. So here is my only point on the subject, where I compared alcohol and hashish.

If you do a scientific test, which can determine reaction times, all you need to do is increase either the alcohol or pot, and keep checking the response effect. A graph will form, which will show a steady decrease in response times.

It makes sense then for people who are driving buses, flying planes, riding a motorcycle, doing some brain surgery, etc. etc., not to smoke pot or drink port just before engaging in these activities.

News Item8/15/2020 3:25 PM
John UK  Find all comments by John UK
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Nick wrote:
Well said John. Your balanced perspective is refreshing. As for some of the other posts on this thread... Gentleman, contending for the faith is essential. But some of the bickering that has gone back and forth, it has not been "speaking the truth in love." It's been immature and unchristian!

News Item8/15/2020 3:24 PM
John UK  Find all comments by John UK
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Frank wrote:
Thanks brother Like I said, I have no experience with it, but your understanding is probably right on. I know people will kill and go to jail for it, so it has to be pretty potent. And can you imagine how many places here that have made it recreational.
I don't know about Europe? I do know that Amsterdam is okay, but don't know about other places.
Bro Frank, I think it can easily be likened to the use of booze. A man has a few pints, and he says that he can drive, no problem. He feels as though his responses are all working fine. But they are not. They are slower, and that slowdown can be the difference between life and death to him. Take that into a war situation, and you end up being a liability. Even though you might die laughing.

News Item8/15/2020 3:17 PM
John UK  Find all comments by John UK
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St James, I have almost completed Day 3 of a seven day course of medication, and today I have been eating and drinking more than yesterday, and the terrible pain is easing off. So yes, I am praising God, even though taking liquid meds is awful. Thanks for prayers bro, and anyone else who is upholding me in their prayers.

News Item8/15/2020 2:09 PM
John UK  Find all comments by John UK
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Frank wrote:
When I was in VN, I was not a combat soldier. But I remember talking to them and because marijuana was very easy to get in VN, that subject came up. One fellow said that when he had to be the point man, he smoked it because it took away his fear, but his skills were not lessened.
Sure it will take away fear, but "skills not lessened"? Nonsense.

Thanks Frank for your sharing some of your experiences, I always find them interesting.

News Item8/15/2020 2:06 PM
John UK  Find all comments by John UK
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Dr. Tim wrote:
In his current mental condition, I doubt if Joe Biden could spell his name. How is he going to spar with Donald Trump on the national stage?
Doc, can you find Joe Biden in John 3:16 anywhere?

News Item8/15/2020 2:01 PM
John UK  Find all comments by John UK
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There have always been Bible study tools and helps, and no-one who wishes to know scripture well would be without them.

One of the reasons for this is because the OT was written in Hebrew and the NT in Greek. Unless you are a scholar in these languages yourself, you will require extra help from outside the Bible to grasp certain things, because translation is not always easy, and even the KJV has its blemishes.

Another reason is because the Bible was written mainly by Jews, and they would use expressions unfamiliar to 21st century Gentiles. Thusly, to be able to turn up a Jewish historian who could explain certain phrases or passages is necessary.

Another reason is the way you translate names. Who is Esaias? Who is Noe? Who is Elias? Well, of course you could work it out, but Bible Study is not about chasing around after such things.

Another reason is the useage of such terms as shekel. What is a shekel? What is a firkin? Can you get the answers from God in a sort of mystical way, or do you turn again to a Jewish historian?

By all means use helps in your Bible study, but be wary of the danger of accepting lock, stock and barrel the interpretation of the Bible by other men, who are just men like yourself.

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