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News Item9/17/2020 12:45 PM
John UK  Find all comments by John UK
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"that they should repent"; that is, that they should repent of their sins; of sin in general, as it is committed against God, is a transgression of his law, and as it is in itself exceeding sinful, and in its effects dreadful; and of particular sins, such as men have been more especially addicted to, and of which the Jews and Gentiles, the apostle was sent unto, and to whom he preached, had been guilty: as the former of their will worship, and following the commandments and traditions of men, thereby making void the law of God; of their rejection and crucifixion of the Messiah; of their persecution of his apostles, ministers, and people; and of their trust in, and dependence upon, their own righteousness for justification: and the latter of their immoralities, superstition, and idolatry; and both not of the outward gross actions of life only, but of inward sins and lusts: and repentance of each of these lies in a different sentiment of them; in a detestation and abhorrence of them; in shame and confusion on account of them; in self-reflections upon them, and humiliation for them; in an ingenuous acknowledgment of them, and turning from them: [John Gill on Acts 26:20]

News Item9/17/2020 12:13 PM
John UK  Find all comments by John UK
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Ahem, ignoring the scripture I posted will not do you any good, Ladybug.

Acts 26:20 KJV
(20)  But shewed first unto them of Damascus, and at Jerusalem, and throughout all the coasts of Judaea, and then to the Gentiles, that they should repent and turn to God, and do works meet for repentance.

Now you are trying to tell me that the Gentiles were trying to get saved by dead works of the law?

They were told to repent, to turn to God, and to do works in keeping with repentance. How clear can God be? It is plain and simple. I exhort you to listen to God and accept his word, lest you be found a rebel and an antichrist.

BTW, you are being patronising when you tell me that the only way of salvation is by faith alone in Christ alone. You are being patronising when you try to teach me that justification is by faith alone in Christ alone. I have been teaching that since 1980, and you imagine I don't understand these things?

Ask anyone on the forum if I have taught anything else over the last fifteen years on SA forum. It is a source of great joy to me to know that, always has been, always will be. You, on the other hand, seem most miserable, as though you have no joy, except when you are slamming someone for something.

News Item9/17/2020 11:32 AM
John UK  Find all comments by John UK
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Acts 26:19-21 KJV
(19)  Whereupon, O king Agrippa, I was not disobedient unto the heavenly vision:
(20)  But shewed first unto them of Damascus, and at Jerusalem, and throughout all the coasts of Judaea, and then to the Gentiles, that they should repent and turn to God, and do works meet for repentance.
(21)  For these causes the Jews caught me in the temple, and went about to kill me.

All types of sinners need to 'repent and turn to God, and do works meet for repentance'. This is biblical, very clear.

Those who preach this message will come in for devilish persecution, because it is the message God has ordained for the salvation of sinners. And anyone who preaches the message God has ordained is in danger of their life. "For these causes the Jews caught me in the temple, and went about to kill me."

Ladybug, you need to step down from your pulpit and take stock of how you stand with the Lord, and how unbiblical your doctrine has become. I exhort you to look up once again the grace gems website and peruse again the many useful articles found there, and recover yourself from the snare of the devil. Your rejection of at least 95% of the broadcasters on SA says much about your current beliefs.

News Item9/17/2020 11:02 AM
John UK  Find all comments by John UK
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Colin wrote:
We do agree John. That exactly what it is. God bless sir and have a wonderful day. Praying your health continues to improve.
Many thanks Colin for your prayers, I am continuing to improve, praise God. Others that understand repentance and what it is ought to join in and make known the truth, that those who are backsliding or even need the new birth, might be given hope in the true gospel message, that it is God who works salvation, which includes repentance, and faith in the oblation of Jesus Christ, which results in doing 'works meet for repentance', as the Bible says, and without which, you can be sure it is a false profession.

News Item9/17/2020 3:03 AM
John UK  Find all comments by John UK
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Colin wrote:
Good works are all throughout the New Testament. Repentance is best explained as a change of mind that LEADS to a change in action. If the life of sin continues repentance and salvation never took place. The good ground, the wise virgins, the good tree, it goes on and on.
Colin, I do believe you and me agree on this matter of repentance. Amen, it is a change of mind. It is an attitude. It is not an achievement, but it leads to an achievement. After conversion, the thief ceases thieving, the gambler ceases gambling, the homosexual ceases physical involvement with men. It may not be immediate, but it will happen because God is working a work in the heart, and he has purchased the sinner with a great price, and he is his Lord. Does that mean they become perfect? Not in this world. It is a strawman to even contemplate such a thing. There will always be a battle between flesh and spirit, the old and new natures. The idea is to win through and live godly, because we have been given everything needful in conversion to achieve that. Salvation is all of God, and there will always be proof of regeneration and justification.

News Item9/17/2020 2:44 AM
John UK  Find all comments by John UK
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News Item:
"He speaks to Christian Today about the struggle of the separatists and what drove them to risk life and limb by leaving not only the Church of England, but England itself, and heading out to the New World."

God bless the separatists!

News Item9/17/2020 2:41 AM
John UK  Find all comments by John UK
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"...or the result of a personal grudge."

I experience this myself, and I am right glad I do. Every one who lives godly in Christ will suffer persecution. It is a necessary evidence that someone has passed from death to life. Another evidence of passing from death to life is love for the brethren. No love, no salvation.

News Item9/17/2020 2:38 AM
John UK  Find all comments by John UK
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This is not good. And if anyone involved with this carnage wishes to be saved, I will tell them that to be a Christian will involve leaving that line of work, and any other sinful practice. I don't hold to easy-believism which does not affect the life.

News Item9/17/2020 2:35 AM
John UK  Find all comments by John UK
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It's okay, just break down into small groups and meet more secretly. God will provide a way for his people to have fellowship and Bible teaching and take communion together. The preaching of repentance and faith can continue, and souls can still be saved. They do not need a big name preacher, just the presence and power of the Holy Spirit.

News Item9/17/2020 2:32 AM
John UK  Find all comments by John UK
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What would solve this problem is the second coming of Christ, when time will stand still, and the day of judgment begin, after the general resurrection of good and evil.

Are you ready to stand before him? If not, you need to repent and believe the gospel, the good news of Jesus Christ.

News Item9/17/2020 2:30 AM
John UK  Find all comments by John UK
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News Item9/17/2020 2:28 AM
John UK  Find all comments by John UK
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News Item9/17/2020 2:26 AM
John UK  Find all comments by John UK
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Franklin Graham is right to wonder about that, and I am glad he is making it public what his thoughts are.

News Item9/16/2020 5:25 PM
John UK  Find all comments by John UK
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John UK wrote:
Neither repentance nor faith are an intellectual activity, attained by the mind of sinful, unregenerate men. It is a work of the Holy Spirit in the heart, convicting of sin by the law, and revealing the only way of salvation through Christ's oblation. When the Spirit indwells, the new creature cannot sin without chastisement.
Work it out, I already answered that question.

All of God's elect are chastised, therefore......

If there is no chastisement, there is no justification.

God chastises his elect children as any father chastens his children. See Hebrews 12....

Turning in.....


Oh and BTW, if your question is loaded, so that you can say, "Well, if you commit even one sin, your repentance is invalid," well I am sorry for you, that such a ridiculous thought ever came into your mind. Neither faith nor repentance (however you may define it) are perfect, and are variable from person to person.

LB, please get back to the grace gems website and discover what real Christianity is about from a plethora of godly men, whom you once commended on this forum on a regular basis.

News Item9/16/2020 4:46 PM
John UK  Find all comments by John UK
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Frank wrote:
Yes brother most voters do in fact vote for their own self interests. A few years ago Romney was caught saying that "47 percent won't vote for me anyway". He was referring to those that were dependent on government handouts, etc.
Many believe that "truth" cost him the election? So, telling the truth is sometimes not in the best interest of politicians.
Bro Frank, that is an understatement.

News Item9/16/2020 4:42 PM
John UK  Find all comments by John UK
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Thank you Adriel for the quotes. Here are some more quotes:

Acts 20:21 KJV
(21)  Testifying both to the Jews, and also to the Greeks, repentance toward God, and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ.

Acts 26:20 KJV
(20)  But shewed first unto them of Damascus, and at Jerusalem, and throughout all the coasts of Judaea, and then to the Gentiles, that they should repent and turn to God, and do works meet for repentance.

Romans 2:4 KJV
(4)  Or despisest thou the riches of his goodness and forbearance and longsuffering; not knowing that the goodness of God leadeth thee to repentance?

2 Corinthians 7:10 KJV
(10)  For godly sorrow worketh repentance to salvation not to be repented of: but the sorrow of the world worketh death.

2 Peter 3:9 KJV
(9)  The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.

Neither repentance nor faith are an intellectual activity, attained by the mind of sinful, unregenerate men. It is a work of the Holy Spirit in the heart, convicting of sin by the law, and revealing the only way of salvation through Christ's oblation. When the Spirit indwells, the new creature cannot sin without chastisement.

News Item9/16/2020 5:31 AM
John UK  Find all comments by John UK
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I never saw this coming.

News Item9/16/2020 5:28 AM
John UK  Find all comments by John UK
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Roman Catholics have a right to vote exactly how they wish. And naturally they will vote for the party that is sweet on Catholics. Nobody votes for that party which goes against them in daily life, or is opposed to their own principles.

News Item9/16/2020 5:23 AM
John UK  Find all comments by John UK
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Somebody enlighten me. Are the Southern Baptist churches well known for carrying the gospel everywhere? Is world evangelism their primary focus?

If so, then Great Commission Baptist is a wonderful name, describing the belief of Matthew 28:19-20 perfectly.

If not, then it could prove embarrassing.

There is not much help from the early churches, as they did not seem to have distinctive names. I've only found "The Way" and the "Church of the Firstborn". Apart from that, it is normal to find "the church that meets at Tom's House", or "the church at Rome" etc.

News Item9/14/2020 1:24 PM
John UK  Find all comments by John UK
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Wow, a three-way phone call President Trump had with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Bahrain’s King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa. And the three leaders issued a brief six-paragraph joint statement, attesting to the deal.

Years ago I was told to watch events concerning Israel, as that was God's indicator of history about to happen. But I no longer do that.

Whether or not I be right, I do not know, but I no longer do that. Okay?

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