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News Item10/18/18 2:19 PM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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Istanbul is the modern name of this city, given to it in the late 15th century by the triumphant Ottoman Turks who captured it, and put to an end the Eastern Orthodox Byzantine Empire, and set up their Islamic Caliphate.

However, after an initial massacre and execution of Christians , and turning Hagia Sophia and many other churches into mosques, they did allow the Eastern Orthodox Patriarch Archbishop of Constantinople to continue, with a small minority of second-class citizen “dhimmi” Christians, and under very strict conditions.

The Patriarchate still retains the old “Constantinople” name, which was just about tolerated by the Turkish authorities. They were, however, always ready to execute a troublesome Patriarch, or any Eastern Orthodox who went out of the bounds.

The nominally Muslim secularist and revolutionary Mustafa Kemal Ataturk who installed the Turkish Republic in the 1920’s, moved the capital from Istanbul (Constantinople), to the relatively new city of Ankara which lessened the importance of Istanbul.

News Item10/18/18 3:31 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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With regard to people like Hank Hanegraaf and Frankie Schaeffer who converted from evangelical Reformed Protestantism to Eastern Orthodoxy, I think they went that way, because it avoided the stigma and difficulty of going over to Rome, and the Pope, but yet still giving the same type of liturgy, etc. that they were looking for.

The problem, is however, that whether it is Western Latin Roman Catholicism, Eastern Catholicism (churches usually with Eastern Orthodox style liturgy, but who acknowledge the Pope), the now very ecumenical mainstream Eastern Orthodox Churches under Constantinople, or the now very separate and anti-Western and anti-Roman Catholic Russian Orthodox Church, they are all based on salvation by works and sacraments, scripture plus tradition, a central authority, either Pope and bishops, or patriarch and bishops, veneration of Mary and the saints, and ascetic works, rites, rituals and so on for salvation.

Despite our many sad divisions, truly evangelical Protestants believe firmly in salvation by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone for the glory of God alone, according to the Scriptures alone. We must be born again of the Holy Spirit, and trust in the completed work and merits of Christ alone for our salvation.

News Item10/18/18 2:24 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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Sadly, it is true that Eastern Orthodoxy, though completely separate to and even at times hostile to the Pope, and with some notable differences from Western or Latin Roman Catholicism, des unfortunately have some similarities to Catholicism.

The disputes between the Russian Orthodox Church and the mainstream Eastern Orthodox Church based in Constantinople, is primarily a political matter, though also has some religious aspects.

The Russian Orthodox Church obviously supports Putin’s Russia, over its ambitions for Ukraine.

However, the Russian Orthodox are also opposed to the very Western European EU leaning Ukrainians, and the very Ecumenical Patriarch in Constantinople, who is pro-Roman Catholic, and lives up to his title. The Ukrainian Orthodox Church was always a semi-autonomous department of the Russian Orthodox Church, but has now split into the newly independent one in most of EU leaning Ukraine, and the Russian Orthodox Ukrainian branch in the Russian influenced Eastern Ukraine breakaway provinces.

News Item10/16/18 2:42 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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It looks to me as if the Colorado State Equal Opportunities Commission are determined to put Jack Phillips out of business, as a warning to anyone else not to resist their LGBT / Transgender agenda.

They do not care what the US Supreme Court, or even the basic rule of law says. They are just determined to push their agenda no matter what.

We must pray for Jack Phillips and his family, and his employees that he will be vindicated, and God will be glorified in the state of Colorado, the same state that has totally legalised marijuana, yet they cannot allow a godly Christian baker to carry out his business according to his convictions as proclaimed by the First Amendment, even if the Colorado State has to defy the law to persecute him and get him out of business.

News Item10/14/18 12:15 PM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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Joe the Protestant from Alabama- you forgot the FPC, the Free Presbyterian Church, many of their pastors are excellent gospel preachers and Bible teachers, and also some of the Reformed Presbyterian and Continental influenced Presbyterian and Reformed churches as well. They are not large denominations, but are solid and firm on the true Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, and they do not compromise.

News Item10/14/18 4:56 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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Praise the Lord for this godly pastor’s release, though the Turkish Government saved face by leaving some charges “on the book”, when they let him go, and leave the country. Their economy is hurting and the Turkish lira is low.

Let us pray that some good godly Turkish brothers will take on this work, and carry on the witness in Izmir.

Don’t forget this church is highly significant. In the book of Revelation, it is better known as the church of Smyrna, one of only two perfectly good churches of the seven churches in Asia Minor (now Turkey), the other being Philadelphia. Praise God that while the other churches had gone, this one is still continuing today!!!

News Item10/10/18 2:36 PM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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Typo - should read “these”

News Item10/10/18 2:35 PM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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Furthermore, the whole doctrinal problem of salvation by works, and the tremendous burden of compulsory clerical celibacy has contributed to this terrible problem and ygeee scandals in the Catholic Church.

News Item10/9/18 7:53 PM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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Tragically, this type of both heterosexual and homosexual immorality has been part and parcel of the Catholic priesthood for centuries.

However, this type of organised paedophilia, both priestly and episcopal, and the accompanying cover ups by the local diocesan bishops seems to have intensified since the Vatican 2 Council in the 1960’s.

It was from this time particularly that seminaries and monasteries were stuffed with young men who seemed to follow this kind of lifestyle, and were protected by bishops and religious superiors who just kept moving them around from parish to parish.

The worst cases were rarely reported or allowed to be arrested and put on trial by the local secular authorities, but were often bundled off to some remote monastery somewhere where they could hopefully do no more harm.

News Item10/7/18 4:45 PM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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This situation is quite confusing.

The official Burmese Army ran the country for decades as a socialistic and yet Buddhist military dictatorship for years, suppressing any opposition ruthlessly. They persecuted Christians and ethnic minorities, raping and pillaging as they went, and using slave labour under harsh conditions.

Aung Syun Ki, the democratic opposition leader, actually won an election as President some years ago, but was suppressed and placed under house arrest for a long time by the military.

Subsequently, under international pressure, they allowed her to take office, but it is an uneasy relationship, she cannot control them, and they still have an iron hand.

Several guerilla armies have managed to seize remote areas and run them, and this Wa Army, these are not Buddhists, but have their own spiritist or animist religion. Unfortunately, in their area, they have turned out to be almost as bad as the official Burmese Army that they oppose.

News Item10/7/18 10:55 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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It is indeed correct as Phil Johnson has stated that we must not trust in men, including politicians, to advance the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.

However, Mr Lincoln does not always listen or read carefully enough to the sermons and writings of Phil Johnson and the pastor he works with, John MacArthur.

I have a downloaded video sermon of John MacArthur, preached in the church about 2 years ago in the wake of the infamous US Supreme Court Obergefell decision, legalising “gay” marriage throughout the USA.

It is called “We Shall Not Bow”, and it is very clearly talking about this decision. Pastor MacArthur made it clear that both Roe v Wade, and Obergefell, were as bad as any terrorist outrage of Al Qaeda or ISIS, and these two terrorist style acts were carried out by the US Supreme Court!!!

I somehow think that Pastor MacArthur was very happy with the confirmation of US Supreme Court Justice Brett M Kavanaugh.

News Item10/7/18 5:03 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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My late older sister suffered from anorexia in her younger days, and though the treatments given to her were not totally successful, at least someone recognised the problem, and my sister did not die through self-starvation, but lived on for a number of years, and died from other health problems.

If the politically correct rules now aggressively adopted for transgender people, and particularly children, had been applied to anorexics, this would have been absolutely disastrous.

Yet transgenders are abusing themselves, and damaging their health. I do not believe that puberty blockers, powerful carcinogenic opposite sex hormones and unnecessary surgery (butchery) of perfectly healthy body parts is conducive to good health, and it is shocking that medical professionals and political authorities wish to enforce this self-abuse.

News Item10/7/18 4:51 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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Basically, to back up what John from UK Wales is saying, Brighton and Hove City (a unitary authority), I believe, has the second largest LGBT / Transgender Community outside of London, though large cities like Manchester, Birmingham and others also have large established LGBT / Transgender communities, and even areas where these people have their shops, clubs, social centres and do on.

My feeling is that this political correctness will get more and more widespread and aggressive, and unfortunately has the support of our liberal “Conservative” Government at National as well as local level, never mind the other parties who are even more leftward.

The evangelical churches in Britain, by and large, with some remarkable and notable exceptions, are ecumenical, modern CCM worship orientated, geared more to “social justice” rather than solid evangelical doctrinal preaching, very wishy washy, and falling in line with this nonsense.

News Item10/6/18 6:31 PM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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I, for one, will continue to call them Mormons, or occasionally LDS, (the abbreviated form), but never the full form, Latter Day Saints, as Biblically they are not saints, Latter day or otherwise. They are also not part of the Church of Jesus Christ (Latter Day or otherwise), and no Mormon President will make me say otherwise.

I think 2 principles are operating here. This President Nelson wishes to perpetuate the myth that Mormons are actually Christians, and therefore members of the Church of Jesus Christ, but I think also that a satirical musical theatrical presentation, called the “Book of Mormon”, which is successfully “treading the boards” in a London theatre, and I suspect probably Broadway in New York before that, has not gone down too well with the Mormon hierarchy.

I suspect that the new name for the Mormon Tabernacle Choir, that of the Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square will take a long time to get fully established, and is rather a mouthful!!! I’m not sure how successful that particular piece of deception will prove to be!!

News Item10/5/18 5:52 PM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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Jim, here in Britain we do have Universal Health Care. It is called the NHS, and is actually the biggest supplier of abortions.

We do have “Planned Parenthood” type clinics, like Marie Stopes, Brooks and National Family Planning Association, but these are usually used for the sudden and emergency type abortions. Most of the others are done on the NHS.

Even the school nurses who hand out birth control advice and medication, and refer girls for abortion with total confidentiality are employed by the NHS.

The pharmacist who takes a prescription for the two-stage abortion pill, after a brief consultation with the women is reimbursed by the NHS.

This is our Universal Health Care. It hardly can be said to prevent or even reduce abortion!!

News Item10/4/18 11:17 PM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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Roe vs.Wade!!

This woman, I believe, works for a scientific company that trades in aborted baby parts, and Planned Parenthood and other abortion organisations are not going to tolerate any judge in the US Supreme Court that might possibly stamp out their Molech, Chemosh, Baal and Astarte profitable trade of killing millions of babies in the womb.

These modern clinical pagan priests and priestesses are not going to allow anything to get in the way of their wicked and nefarious multi-million dollar trade!!

News Item10/4/18 11:10 PM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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Yes, Mr Lincoln, the NCC is part of the infamous WCC, the World Council of Churches, which is the ecumenical, left-wing, Communistic, globalist one world church organisation of liberal modernist Protestant churches, and Eastern Orthodox churches, with the Roman Catholic Church, that you “love greatly”, as a non-member observer, but actually is a non-member supporter.

This infamous body supported the old Soviet Union and former East European countries and the state approved propaganda churches they permitted, as against the real Christians in those countries that were persecuted, imprisoned and closed down.

This body is also a virulent supporter of a single sharia Islamic state of “Palestine” in the whole of Israel, not just the so called “Occupied Territories”, and the extirpation of the Jewish state, and is committed to environmentalism, interfaith and radical socialism and the “social justice” and “social gospel”.

Also in all this, since when has the constitutional “innocent until proven guilty” in a court of law been abrogated. Remember the accuser of Judge Kavanaugh, and her left wing allies are sold out for “abortion rights” at all costs, and no way can they permit any judge in the Supreme Court who is a constitutionalist who might vote to repeal their sacred cow of

News Item10/4/18 7:34 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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Dear Mr Lincoln, You find yourself in full ageeement not only with the atheist FFRF, but also with the “Satanic Temple” organisation, which I believe, used this argument to oppose the 10 Commandments monument in, was it Oklahoma, I’m not sure, and thereby to have their own blasphemous statue there as well, if they could not stop the 10 Commandments.

As evangelical Christians, it is a fearful thing to end up agreeing with militant atheists and Satanists, especially as the now banned activities, monuments, etc were perfectly and totally legal for nearly 200 years in the USA, before Madelyn Murray O’Hare, the ACLU, the FFRF, the Satanists and others, with their well paid lawyers, and unconstitutional activist federal judges got busy with their nefarious schemes.

News Item10/4/18 4:12 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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The notable exception to all this is Islam, that actually is virtually exempted by this judicial process, and with whom the secular atheistic humanists have a weird and strange alliance!

Christians in the USA must stand up and oppose this, and not give up and quote the secularists as if they agree with them

News Item10/4/18 3:38 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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Madelyn Murray O’Hare, the atheistic woman, who actually had a rather unpleasant demise, that almost single handedlyand ultimately successfully led the campaign against not only prayer and Bible study in public (state) schools in the USA in the late 1950’s, and particularly the 1960’s, getting it put out legally through the unconstitutional activism of the US Supreme Court, but also virtually all and any mention of God in the public sphere of the United States, started a horrible revolution that led to lawlessness, chaos and the ghastly immoral state that the USA is in today.

Yet these activities, prayer, Bible study, Christmas and other activities in public squares, etc, had been going on in the USA for almost 200 years since the foundation of the state perfectly legally and in accord with the wishing of the Founding Fathers of the USA.

A simple constitutional measure to ensure that there would not be a persecuting state church in the USA, has now been totally perverted by judicial activists, into a persecuting ordinance, basically declaring, contrary to the US Constitution that secular humanistic atheism is indeed the state religion enforced by law.

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