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News Item9/25/18 2:32 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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While the article deals primarily with the Roman Catholic Church, and applies the conclusion to evangelical churches who have discovered homosexual leaning ministers, the two cases are different.

The RCC is cursed with it’s regrettable rule on compulsory celibacy for it’s priests, and its many wrong doctrines. It is true since Vatican 2, it has been completely ambivalent over the young men that it has permitted to enter its seminaries and monasteries, and the tragic scandals that have emerged there in.

However, evangelical churches are different, in that ministers from these churches are usually married (heterosexually) or expected to do so soon. Also the whole method of training for ministry are very different, and these evangelical ministerial candidates are much more “in the world, but not of it”, unlike the monastic style set up in the Catholic seminaries.

However, with the increasing doctrinal, moral and cultural pressures, more and more things like heterosexual immorality and now LGBTQ etc. immorality are coming into the evangelical church.

An assistant pastor who shares about homosexual temptation to his eldership and senior pastor, should be immediately removed from active ministry, given all the help and support he needs, but for the safety of the congregat

News Item9/24/18 4:15 PM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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Technically the Scottish Nationalists do want independence, from Britain, but as Adriel quite rightly states, not from the EU. They wish to rejoin it, as a separate nation, if the main British government succeeds in carrying through the Brexit, (though that I believe is on a knife edge, and if the current UK government falls, I believe we will get a “cooked” 2nd referendum that will keep us in!!).

Also, on the EU approved map of Europe, Britain, like all the other nations of the EU is divided up into regions, and as the EU gets more federal, and the nation state is removed eventually, the 3 tiers of government will be Europe, the regions, and local district / city government.

In the map for Britain, England is split up into 6 regions and London, but Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland are 1 whole region each, (though the EU hopes that the latter, NI, will actually join the other 3 regions of the Republic of Ireland). So, I think that Adriel has a good point there. The only thing that might stop it is that countries like Spain, that has its own problem with Catalonia, might not be too keen to see an independent Scotland in the EU.

News Item9/24/18 3:45 PM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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As I said before, our Lord Jesus Christ and the Apostles quoted from the Old Testament and believed it.

This Andy Stanley deconstructionism is merely the old Liberalism, Modernism and Rationalism that came out of the liberal German Protestant universities and theological colleges in the 19th century, and killed the Lutheran and Reformed churches, and later the Methodists and Anglicans too, repackaged in an “evangelical” megachurch CCM and 21st century youthful guise.

It will either kill these churches, or in many cases it will merely prepare thousands and thousands of non-believing biblically illiterate “evangelicals” for a lost eternity, lost in their sins and unbelief

News Item9/24/18 4:38 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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The EU as we all know, is absolutely committed to secularism, political correctness, LGBT and Transgenderism rights, and the modern sexual revolution.

We must pray for the establishment of good solid sound non-ecumenical evangelical churches in the Republic, and for a good gospel witness in that troubled land.

News Item9/24/18 4:34 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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This was inevitable. Free taxpayer funded abortion for all on demand.

Anyone who wants to have unfettered sexual relations, “without risk”, to pursue a career, who doesn’t want a girl, or perhaps doesn’t want a boy, or who doesn’t want a deformed or disabled baby that they have to look after, or maybe doesn’t even want a baby at all, because they must have a career, or go to college, and pursue their own desires in life, and if the usual chemical and mechanical methods of “birth control” don’t work or fail, these women can go and sacrifice their unwanted unborn baby at the altar of convenience.

Tragically, the main influence in the Republic of Ireland, until the 1980’s or 1990’s, the Roman Catholic Church with all it’s wrong doctrines but with a notional opposition to abortion, turned out to be totally hypocritical with paedophile scandals at both priestly and episcopal level, and the surfacing of historical revelations about the cruel “Laundry” convents for unmarried mothers, and equally cruel orphanages for their children. Now with this modern Jesuit Pope Francis, he is leading a complete liberalisation anyway.

Finally, the Republic of Ireland has proved to be a most zealous and enthusiastic member of the EU, including the euro single currency. The EU as we all know

News Item9/24/18 3:57 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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Now that the Republic of Ireland has bowed completely to the “abortion on demand” and revoked their constitutional protection of babies in the womb, and it is likely that this abortion will be taxpayer funded, one can only imagine that the pressure on Northern Ireland to fall in line from both the Republic of Ireland and from the “liberal” Conservative government of mainland Britain to yield to the “tax payer abortion on demand” philosophy will increase to dramatic proportions.

Every solid evangelical church in the province needs to stand up against this. I just wish Revd Iain Paisley was still alive and in his prime, there to say, “No, no, no, we will not have it.” Without that determination, the last bastion of protection for unborn babies in Britain and Ireland will fall, and the modern clinical version of the religion of Molech, Chemosh, Baal and Astarte will triumph in the land.

News Item9/24/18 3:46 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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It’s not just in Canada or the USA, it’s right here in Britain.

We have a well known NHS clinic here in London, the Tavistock Clinic, which specialises in medical procedures for transgenderism, including children and young people, to which patients can be referred by their GP or doctor, and it’s case book is growing phenomenally.

Meanwhile, a number of large secondary and primary schools, not all in the state (public) system, but including some well known private schools, some even with Anglican Church affiliations, have brought in aggressive pro-transgender policies.

One school now bans girls from wearing skirts or dresses, and all pupils must wear a unisex uniform of trousers.

Of course, in all this, there is always one religious exception, that is Islam. The authorities can force Christians to violate their conscience and comply with their LGBT and Transgender political correctness, but they know they dare not force Muslims to do that, as they would have thousands of very angry Muslims out on the streets otherwise.

News Item9/24/18 2:31 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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Also, if we do away with the Old Testament, we get an extremely lop
sided view of the Lord Jesus Christ, and we must also remember that our Lord and the Apostles quoted it frequently and believed it. In fact until the Canon of the New Testament was completed, the Old Testament was the Bible for the very early Christians.

Yesterday in my church, in the morning service the pastor preached from Genesis, from a series of sermons, the Gospel in Genesis, and in the evening service, (John’s Gospel was preached from), Psalm 22, the great prophetic psalm of David describing our Lord’s crucifixion was read, and at the communion service the Matthews’s Gospel account of our Lord’s crucifixion includes a quote of this psalm.

At other times, in other communion services, my pastor has read Isaiah 53 in full, a superb account of the perfect Atonement of our Lord Jesus Christ. I guess Andy Stanley, is however, not too keen on the Atonement either.

He would probably much prefer environmentalism, “social justice” aka the “Social Gospel”, interfaith and liberal attitudes to LGBT, Transgenderism and the Sexual Revolution.

No, Mr Stanley, I prefer to stick with the Word of God, and with the full counsel of God. Perhaps, Mr Stanley needs to read Jude 3, and the last verse or so of Revelati

News Item9/24/18 2:14 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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Marcion was an early church heretic who despised the Old Testament, hated the Jews, and preached the complete doing away with any preaching or teaching of the Old Testament. He set up his own churches, and even ended up dismissing some of the New Testament as well that did not suit him.

It is the ceremonial law that was replaced by the death and resurrection of Christ on the cross, but we still need to know about it.

As for the 10 Commandments, the moral law, they are still in force, and if someone has not put their trust in Christ as their Lord and Saviour, in which case they will obey those laws gladly, they will be judged by them when they stand before the Lord at the Great White Throne Judgment, and will be eternally condemned.

People like Andy Stanley like to get their scissors out and cut out the pieces in the Bible that they do not like. It probably is because he wants to be liberal about issues line LGBT, etc.

If someone robs his house, kills his elderly relative, rapes his daughter or wife, or slanders him, I am not too sure that Andy Stanley will be too enthusiastic then about saying that the 10 Commandments have been abolished!!! I think he would want justice to be done.

News Item9/23/18 8:48 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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I also understand that this lady, a very learned person, is linked up in her work with abortion providers and those that sell aborted baby parts for research, and is a zealous and experienced activist.

If such a serious, credible, and preferably not 36 year old allegation with such fuzzy details from distant high school days, had surfaced, why did Senator Feinstein sit on it for so long, and with all the delays and filibustering going on to try to derail Judge Kavanaugh’s confirmation, as Supreme Court Judge, why did she wait until the last moment to reveal it. It seems that the FBI didn’t give it much credence, and there does clearly seem to be a real conflict of interests by the accuser.

It all looks rather fishy, and shows the zealous determination of the left, to only have their own activist judges on the Supreme Court, rather than a man or woman who strictly sticks to the Constitution, which these judges are supposed to do.

News Item9/23/18 4:37 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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No, Mr Lincoln, you have got it wrong again. The Scottish Nationalist Party is a Radical leftist party, that wishes to remove Scotland from Britain, but enslave it again within the EU as a full member, separate from the rest of Britain if necessary. (interestingly, they are not too keen to join the euro, but expect, when supposedly independent from Britain, to retain their link with the British sterling currency, the pound, which actually allows them to even print their own sterling notes - 3 banks in Scotland have that privilege).

They stand for abortion, euthanasia, environmentalism, LGBT, transgenderism and Islamic rights, globalism, and this repeal of an admittedly archaic and non-used “Christian” blasphemy law, is likely to be replaced with a sweeping “hate speech” law, that would criminalise any opposition to the LGBT / Transgender lifestyle and the rise and propagation of Islam, without leaving any protection whatsoever for Christians who object to any of these things. They, of course, will come under the full prosecution of any new law, and will be publicly branded “bigots” and “hateful”, and open to sacking, fines, law suits, and even imprisonment, and all types of sanctions and official discrimination.

News Item9/23/18 3:05 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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The Communist Party of China has obviously not learned the lessons that the Communist Parties of the former USSR, Albania, and various Eastern European countries had to learn, that however hard you try, you cannot eradicate the true church of Jesus Christ, and the more you persecute it and try to suppress it, the more and faster it will grow.

News Item9/23/18 3:01 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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The Pope has said it. It is not just Pope Francis, but the whole institution of the Papacy.

To be accurate, he and his predecessors are not the devil, but they are and have been agents of the devil.

This is unlike the very first few bishops of Rome, in the very first century or so in pagan Rome under the persecuting Caesars and Roman Emperors.

These godly leaders of the Roman Church in the 1st century or so, who never called themselves or referred to themselves as Popes, but were simple humble men were usually automatically put to death, either in the arena, or crucified, or in the salt mines. In that 1st century or so, to be appointed as bishop or pastor of Rome was usually an automatic death sentence.

What a contrast to the hater occupants of this office from when Constantine established the church as a state institution and brought corruption in.

News Item9/23/18 2:49 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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As I commented to Mr Lincoln on a related thread, these Marxist activists are zealous, determined and dedicated to one aim. They wish to destroy your US Constitution, your Bill of Rights, and to hand the USA over to a globalist U.N. sponsored vision, a Communistic, Marxist and irreligious (with a clear exception for Islam, of course), state that will completely subvert all individual freedoms to the collective.

These people are traitors and spies, openly working within the government at all federal, state and local levels, and they make no secret of it. These are not just “Democrats”, the party they masquerade behind, they have actually taken it over, and they will stop at nothing to achieve their aims.

News Item9/23/18 2:21 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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and spoiling the ballot or writing in a candidate only hands the victory over to the other side.

By the way, these zealous Radical Marxist Socialists, masquerading as Democrats, detest Israel with a passion, and want to see it destroyed with an Islamic Arab Palestinian state.

News Item9/23/18 2:17 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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Mr Lincoln, the only alternative, as I see it, to President Trump, whom you absolutely detest and loathe, (unlike the previous Democratic Party candidate Hilary Clinton and all she stood for), Vice President Pence, a noted evangelical, and more particularly the Republican Senators and Representatives who will standing again in these mid-term elections, are a bunch of absolutely committed dedicated far left wing Radical Marxist Socialists, parading under the Democratic Party banner.

These zealous politically correct candidates are absolutely committed to unlimited Islamic immigration, tax payer funded abortion for all on demand, euthanasia for all who request it on demand, including involuntary euthanasia for people like dementia patients, etc., complete LGBT and Islamic rights, with all religious protections being removed for anyone who objects, compulsory LGBT, transgenderism and Islamic teaching in state funded institutions, a complete ban on any reference to God or any Biblical aspect in public society, (except of course for Islam as stated before), active persecution of any Christian in the workplace or public life, who expresses their faith or opposes these politically correct laws.

This is just for starters. There are no viable independents, and spoiling the ballot o

News Item9/20/18 2:34 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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Ideally, Holy Communion, the Lord’s Supper, should consist of unleavened wheat bread and wine, or if the church and congregation has a problem about alcohol, grape juice.

However, common sense should prevail, and gluten free bread should be available for those that need it for medical reasons. I also had communion in a Pentecostal Church where the communion “wine” was not even grape juice but heavily diluted black currant juice, I don’t know where they got that tradition from.

News Item9/19/18 2:43 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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Yes, Neil from Tucson, all forms of Catholicism are bad, whether Liberal, as in Pope Francis and his followers, Traditional Tridentine Latin Mass folks who detest this Pope, or the Eastern Rite forms that use Eastern Orthodox or other liturgy, but are allied to Rome.

However, I believe that this liberal set up makes things a little more complicated. The Catholics that follow this are often more like a religious form of humanistic secularism, whereas the traditionalist Catholics, we all know how the Protestant Reformers reached them. However the true Gospel must be preached to all of them without exception.

I also think of a fourth group (which I was to a certain extent brought up in as a boy), which though technically not part of the Roman Catholic Church, also desperately needs the Gospel of grace, the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.

This is the Anglican Catholics or Anglo-Catholics, and even they are in two parties. One group accepts the modern trends in the C of E, but has a Catholic style liturgy, the other group rejects these trends, and does not accept women priests or bishops, but by special ageeement has special non-diocesan bishops who have oversight over them, and they have the Catholic style liturgy as well. They also need the Gospel, and I pray for them all

News Item9/18/18 7:18 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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I actually understand that if this lady cares to go just outside the bounds of her own cathedral, that she will see a memorial erected reminding her of bishop Hooper and what he did.

Unfortunately, when I last visited Gloucester some years ago, though I went in the cathedral, I actually missed seeing this memorial. I have seen a photo of it since.

News Item9/18/18 5:43 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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Basically Pope Francis is selling out the Catholic bishops and faithful to the Communist Chinese state under Xi Jinping, which is establishing its iron grip over every aspect of Chinese life, and by the way, using modern technology to do it.

This Jesuit Pope is a man of no principle. I really pray Catholics everywhere will find the real gospel of Jesus Christ.

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