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News Item5/1/07 7:33 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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expositor, you have no understanding of what it means to be saved or unsaved. Lazarus was DEAD. You resusitate a person who is dying, but still has LIFE. Common sense and the dictionary would tell you that. If he was not resurrected then why did Jesus use Lazarus as an introduction into the resurrection in John 11? Quit your twisting of words and scripture verses to fit your hell inspired doctrine. I am continuing to pray for you. God may have mercy on your soul yet.

Survey5/1/07 7:21 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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Hello, Michael, how are you? If you don't mind me asking, could you explain to me how htese verses answer the question (I know I said no opinion, but scripture backed up by thoughts isn't what I meant ). What I wanted to avoid was ranting for the sake of ranting. I respect what you, and others, may have to add. Thanks
Sorry, Michael, I jumped the gun and didn't get the rest of your post.
Having read your reply, don't we all know a lot of "good" people that don't make it to heaven? Why wouldn't God choose them if He chose Abram for the potential good He saw in him?

Survey5/1/07 7:11 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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Bad attitude, Mike. And dead wrong, accrding to the LITERAL historical account given in Genesis. If you want to see why, read my post just put up in the news section.

News Item5/1/07 7:09 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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Wade, the reason that I take the Genesis account literally is because it is written as history. I know that no human was there, but God, by divine inspiration, had Moses pen what occured in the beginning as a historical record for our benefit. The reason that I take most of Revelation as allegorical is because, almost always in scripture, prophecy is given in a symbolic sense to retain the sense of mystery that is to often accompany it. I knnow there are exceptions, such as Isaiah 53, but even many of the prophesies of Christ use pipctures: a root, a lamb or a lion, etc. Just my thoughts on the question

Survey5/1/07 7:05 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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I want to toss out a question. Not choosing sides, just wondering. Acoording to Deuteronomy 7:7, 8 why did God choose the nation of Israel to be His people? Actually, if you go back further, why did He choose Abraham? God called Abraham to leave his gods and his people to go to a land that God chose for him. According to the story in Genesis 12, God initiated the contact while Abram was still worshipping other gods. We've thrown around all kinds of accusations and insinuations here, but how about going to what the Bible has to say. It looks to me like, in bothAbram and Israel, that God in His sovereignty chose them. No action on there part. Is there SCRIPTURE, not opinion, to show otherwise?

News Item5/1/07 6:45 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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Expositor, I am not trying to ensnare, just making an observation. The explanation you gave sounded a lot like you and so I thought maybe you were speaking from experience (I still think that you are). Your I Cor. 15 interpretation is way out of whack. The difference between natural and spiritual in that passage is not physical and spiritual (in a ghostly sense), it is refering to physical, able to die; and spiritual, unable to die. Physical-fit for earth; spiritual-fir for Heaven. Physical-affected by the fall;spiritual-free from the affects of the fall. Tell me, when Lazarus was resurrected, was it a physical body or did he come back as a ghost? Phil. 3:21 ties into this too. You need to get away from these novel, new, imaginative interpretations of scripture and study the WHOLE context of scripture instead of taking one or two verses and building a doctrine out of them. I really am going to pray (right now, in fact) that God will remove the blinders from your eyes so that you can see the truth of scripture instead of the blindness that now covers them.

News Item5/1/07 4:11 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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Expositor, "And you seem not to understand that 1 John 4:1-3 has to do with the "cryptic Jew", that is, the Jew who masquerades as a Christian in order to infiltrate the local assembly and scatter his deadly leaven. Such false brethren -- wolves in sheep's clothing -- are seen throughout the book of Acts and in the epistles." You wouldn't happen to be Jewish, would you? I mean, with your deadly leaven and sheep costume coming onto this site. Sounds like you just painted a self portrait.

News Item5/1/07 3:56 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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Expositor, are you saying that Jesus did not resurrect in a physical body? Don't make this one to easy to disprove, with scripture. You may end up looking foolish

News Item4/30/07 4:09 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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Expositor, Jesus did not change His nature. He always was, and always will be, God. Also, when He became flesh doesn't mean that He became completely like us, He had no sin nature. Jesus was 100% man (in his unfallen state) and 100% God. You say He died because He gave up His deity. His flesh died, just like ours, but He did not cease to be, just like we don't cease to exist when we die. He ceased to be a man after our physical nature at that point, but He continued to be God. If there was ever a point where Jesus laid down His deity, then He ceased, at that point, to be God. God can no more set aside any of His attributes and continue to be God than you or I could cease to breath and still have physical life. Either Jesus has always been God or He has never been God at all.

News Item4/29/07 10:05 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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Expositor, are you saying that Jesus was not God while He was here on this Earth in human flesh? If you are, then you are misusing these verses you posted. I timothy 3:16 says that GOD was manifest IN THE FLESH. Jesus NEVER ceased to be God, even while here on Earth. I ask the same question posted earlier, who do you think Jesus was?

Survey4/29/07 8:51 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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David and Seaton, I am not taking sides here, but I think I need to,at least for my sake,explain something. I call myself a Calvinist because I believe in the doctrines of grace.I know it's not the same way that some of you believe them,but put that aside for now.I do not believe these truths because Calvin taught them,but because I believe that it is what the Bible teaches.I think Seaton,and any other Calvinist on this site,would agree with that statement.So to accuse us of adhering to Calvin over the Bible is a stretch.I'm a Baptist because I believe Baptists have the best handle on the teachings of the Bible,not because of any other reason.We all need to get away from flinging accusations based on whatever name we give to our theological systems (and even those who don't give it a name). I honestly believe every true believer on this site who is trusting in the blood of Christ,stands on their convictions because of what they believe the Bible to say.I know we can't all be right, but I also knnow that none of us are completely right.I think we need to heed the words of I Thess. 5:14"Now we exhort you, brethren,warn them that are unruly,comfort the feebleminded, support the weak, be patient toward all men." May God grant all of us this patience as we deal with brethren.

News Item4/29/07 2:59 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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Stop-please, stop. You are a fool who twists the Bible to fit your way of thiking. "You think the Bible teaches that God expects nothing from us, but in actuality the Bible teaches God expects everything, our entire life.
You teach that taking one's salvation for granted is a virtue, that anything less is a sin, a sign one isn't even a Christian. This is not what the Bible teaches." Obviously, you haven't read many of my past posts. I don't teach either of the things you accuse me of. Can you say "strawman"? What is worse is that the Bible doesn't say anything of the things you teach. Where does the Bible say that my salvation is dependent on works? And please, no parables. As has been pointed out elsewhere, doctrine is not built on parables. Show me book, chapter, and verse that says my salvation is based on my works. Eph. 2:8,9-"For by GRACE you have been SAVED through FAITH; it is the GIFT of GOD, NOT of WORKS, lest any man should boast."
Also, still no answer to my questions: are you sinlessly perfect or have you been saved a million times?

News Item4/29/07 2:42 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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Stop-only one comment to you. I will be judged for rewards according to my works. Jesus has already been judged for my sin on the cross. You, instead, will be judged for your sin because you have not claimed the finished work of Christ for your own, instead, you depend on your works. No shapeshifting on my part, no heaven on yours.

News Item4/28/07 9:00 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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Lurker, sorry I haven't gotten back to you sooner. Just finished up our men's Bible study. We spent a lot of time talking about the JW's as well as what the church needs to be doing in regard to truth and the spreading of the gospel (kind of sounds like our discussion here ). Thanks for the heads up on this person. We must be doing something right on this site for all of these false teachers to keep popping in their ugly heads. I will just agree with the apostle Paul that all of these false teachers be anathema! Thank God for the true gospel of Jesus Christ that will never be defeated! Remember church, the gates of hell WILL NOT prevail against us!

Survey4/28/07 5:37 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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Derek, if John 1:9 is saying that every person has the light of Christ in them, then John 1:7 must be saying that every person is already saved. I don't think you would want to agree with that. Discerning did a good job posting John 3. The contrast is always between the light of Christ and the darkness of sinful man. John 6:44, as posted by DB also, shows how the light of Christ is effectual in the life of a sinner.
You condemn us for poor debating skills? You quote one verse, give your opinion, and then chastise us for using scripture to back up scripture? The Rome thing was a side issue that does not deal with the heart of the matter. What does the Bible say. Put up (your bibllical proof) or shut up!

News Item4/28/07 5:25 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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Stop-Didn't Jesus say, "Depart from Me, I NEVER knew you" to people who were doing miracles, casting out demons, etc, IN HIS NAME? Just because someone looks like a believer on the outside doesn't mean they know Christ. The same is true of the soils in the parable. I agree with the fact that true believers will persevere to the end, not because THEY endured, but because they are truly saved and GOD did a complete work in them. The difference is, your focus is on man's work, the Bible's focus is on the work that God does that causes a man to endure. Hence, perseverance of the saints (I always liked this phrase better than OSAS anyway). I don't believe that everone who says they are a christian really is. Take another parable, the wheat and the tares. They exist side by side until the judgment. The writers of the epistles speak of wolves in sheep's clothing. They look like sheep but they aren't. True believers WILL persevere to the end. There are way to many Bible verses to bear this out. The texts you often use are not always plain, wheras the perseverance verses are. The greater number of verses speak of perseverance, thus, we must believe that what God has promised to do, He will do. By the way, you still haven't answered my questions: perfect or saved a whole lot

Survey4/28/07 4:14 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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Lurker, I, too, see aproblem with that phrase. It would almost lead one to believe in Universalism. I agree with Discerning that it is speaking of the light of the gospel. I know this could very easily take us into the Calvinism/Arminianism debate (I hope not), but it must be addressed. Eph. 5:8 talks about us being darkness and not just being in it. The unsaved soul is as dark as dark can be. They walk in darkness, they belong to the kingdom of darkness, their father is the Prince of Darkness, they love darkness, etc. The only way light can enter is for God, the Holy Spirit, to draw them and, if youo will, turn on the light. We really are sinful to the core apart from Christ.

News Item4/28/07 4:05 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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Stop-thanks for the first billing, that must make me the bigger heretic
The Parable of the Sower-you err first of all in saying that each soil represents believers.The evidence is not the soil, it is the fruit.Each soil received the Word.This happens in churches every Sunday.Is every person receiving it saved? No. The only believer is the fourth, the fruitful soil. Notice the different levels of fruitfulness. Different levels of maturity, but all saved. Other three soils-no fruit-no salvation.
Notice some of the red words of Jesus-"And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand." " Him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out." I am the bread of life: he that cometh to me shall never hunger; and he that believeth on me shall never thirst." Notice, "never" hunger or thirst. He didn't say,"as long as they never sin. And one more, " No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him: and I will raise him up at the last day." Again, notice Jesus says, "I WILL raise him up in the last day". He didn't say, "I might" or "If he co-operates". Salvation is about Jesus and what He did for His own. I don't know what you think about election, but this is where it fits.

News Item4/28/07 2:28 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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Stop-I have to leave for about half an hour. That should give you penty of time to answer my questions. I look forward to hearing from you.

News Item4/28/07 2:18 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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Stop-please answer my questions: are you perfect or do you lose your salvation every time you sin?
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