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News Item7/3/09 2:15 PM
P. Resby  Find all comments by P. Resby
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John UK wrote:
a] If you're referring to baptism by immersion, I challenge you to find one post

b] unless a man will repent and believe, he will never be saved. P.S. Both Calvinists and Arminians believe that to be true.

Good evening, Hyper Wesleyan John.

a] Does this mean you DON'T believe in immersion baptism John?

b] Now don't forget John, Repentance is a GIFT of God. - Same as believing (Faith) is.

Now that is something the Arminians will argue with.

BTW You didn't answer my question on the restrictions you guys apply to God.

News Item7/3/09 12:48 PM
P. Resby  Find all comments by P. Resby
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John UK wrote:
Amen bro! Talking about BELIEVER'S BAPTISM, even toddlers can understand this scripture:
H-W John
I love the way you Baptist guys defend the submarine method.

Isn't it interesting that the Bible says absolutely zero about quantity of water in baptism. YET you guys teach that there must be sufficient water to cover the entire body, - or it doesn't work?

Then there is the Arminian type of human confession which you require or baptism does not work?

So this begets the question, "Is God restricted, (in your denom) by the quantity of water, applied by the mortals(human action), and human consent by confession?"

News Item7/2/09 10:23 AM
P. Resby  Find all comments by P. Resby
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John UK wrote:
For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call. Acts 2:39 KJV
#1 Note whom Peter gave this promise to: those who were pricked in their hearts.
#2 Note that the promise is to those whom God calls, worldwide.
#3 Note that repentance came before baptism. That is why it is called 'believer's baptism'.
#4 Note that you take verses out of context, and end up with error.
#5 Note that apart from this grave error of the Presbys, you're in reasonably good company.
John UK
# NOTE THAT God states "For the promise is unto you, and to YOUR CHILDREN"
# NOTE THAT Peter stated "For the promise is unto you, and to YOUR CHILDREN"
# NOTE THAT God and Peter do not discrimminate towards children.
# NOTE THAT God does not require that the children MUST qualify this by age and confession.
# NOTE THAT applying human confession to authenticate baptism is an Arminian free will action.
# NOTE THAT the children have always been a part of the Covenant - AND any NORMAL parent would expect it to be so.
# NOTE THAT the submarine version of baptism is not advertised in the Bible.
# NOTE THAT the grave error of the dunkers is denominational eisegesis!

News Item5/8/09 3:31 PM
P. Resby  Find all comments by P. Resby
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Candle Lit wrote:
From personal experience, the Baptists have a better understanding of the Holy Spirit than the Presbyterians. The Presbyterians rarely even mention the Holy Spirit, except somewhat mystically.
Very Loud Groan!!!!

Oh the sweet meanderings of the works based religious!!!

It must be the confusion arising from the reliance upon the human submersion act being oh so very vital to the subsequent possibility of divine input. Thus are the free willers attracted to this type of human autonomous contribution unto their final destiny!!

Is this why some would require faith to be an all to human faculty???

News Item3/11/09 10:34 AM
P. Resby  Find all comments by P. Resby
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"I will say," Patterson continued, "that Southwestern will not build a school in the future around anybody who could not look anybody in the world in the eyes and say, 'Christ died for your sins.' "

Ooohh Look!
An Arminian with tendencies towards universalism????

Another poor heretic who cannot trust in GOD to make the choice of who is saved.

And pleeease you Baptists out there don't try and tell me this guy is "partially" calvinist. The Elect know the truth you know.

Limited Atonement is fact and Biblical.

God limits the amount of sinners he has elected unto salvation. Thats the truth fellas.

John 6:37 All that the Father giveth me shall come to me; and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out.

BTW you folks who still can't see the whole truth - the word *ALL* here doesn't actually mean everybody.

John 3:3 Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.

And remember folks NOT everybody is born again.

See how easy it is to see "Limitation" applied by GOD, in the Bible.

Matt 22:14 For many are called, but ***FEW*** are chosen.

GOD "IS" in charge.

Survey1/31/09 1:36 PM
P. Resby  Find all comments by P. Resby
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DJC49 wrote:
P. Resby,
I'm making an "educated guess" here, and this is what I've found to be true:
Whenever GREEK letter characters are used within a post, their usage somehow lessens the overall amount of characters [1300] allowable per post. And seeing that within your post of 1/31/09 12:08 PM there are GREEK letter characters in BOTH portions of what you quoted of *KK* [ βαπτίζω (twice), and βάπτω ] and what you posted in response [ εισ ], you were thereby cut short considerably of the alotted 1300 characters per post.
Does this make sense?
Using actual GREEK letters ANYWHERE in a post somehow "eats up" the available posting character allotment.
Thanks for that DJC49.

I have never experienced it before although I have used Greek in previous posts. But you could well be right.
Perhaps SA would like to comment?

Survey1/31/09 12:08 PM
P. Resby  Find all comments by P. Resby
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Just put a post into the thread
"What is the Scriptural mode of baptism"

And was cut off at the bottom, leaving 141 letters which it would not allow me to post?
I tried to "edit" the post but with the same end result.

Survey1/31/09 12:00 PM
P. Resby  Find all comments by P. Resby
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KK wrote:
In the verses above -- Baptized - βαπτίζω (baptizō - bap-tid'-zo) - to make WHELMED (that is, FULLY WET); used only (in the New Testament) of ceremonial ablution, especially (technically) of the ordinance of Christian baptism: - baptist, baptize, wash.
*Please note -- βαπτίζω is from a derivative of the Greek word βάπτω (baptō - bap'-to) - A primary verb; to WHELM, that is, COVER WHOLLY WITH A FLUID; in the New Testament only in a qualified or specific sense, that is, (literally) to moisten (a part of one’s person), or (by implication) to stain (as with dye): - DIP.
Verse 38 they went "down" both "into" the water !!!
What you have to remember is that the info you provided above is from the Baptist Lexicon.

But not everybody reads "your" Lexicon - "Your" way!!!

As for verses 38
The Greek - εισ - holds the meaning = "to" or "into" - Thus what Philip and the Eunuch did is not proved to be immersion.

Even if the Eunuch did go "into" the water this does not prove that he was completely dunked. Philip could have just as easily applied effusion to baptise him at this point.

Survey1/30/09 4:06 PM
P. Resby  Find all comments by P. Resby
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KK wrote:
Merely pointing out what THE WORD SAYS !!!
Thankyou KK

What I was merely pointing out is that, nowhere in Scripture does it state that the depth of water in baptism, is of such a quantity as is required to cover the whole body as in immersion/submerging.

This is a denominational distinctive only!

Survey1/30/09 2:43 PM
P. Resby  Find all comments by P. Resby
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KK wrote:
The word "washing" in verse #5 is referring to Baptism with water by immersion, that is, the washing of the
Nothing in Scripture teaches complete immersion/submerging of the body for baptism.

It is simply a modern distinctive for the modern denomination of Baptist.

Survey1/16/09 12:22 PM
P Resby  Find all comments by P Resby
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John UK wrote:
It does not surprise me that presby's get this subject wrong, as they have no understanding of the whole purpose of baptism. Whoever heard of baptising unbelievers?
The assumption we can make from this statement of John UK, is that Baptists only baptise believers? Based on their verbal confession prior to getting all wet?

Is this Arminian John - or naive John???

Your namesake taught;
"We must at the same time beware of another evil, such as prevails among the Papists; for as they distinguish not as they ought between the thing and the sign, they stop at the outward element, and on that fix their hope of salvation. Therefore the sight of the water takes away their thoughts from the blood of Christ and the power of the Spirit."
John Calvin.

Try to separate the sign from the actual sacrament, John.

Survey12/12/08 3:03 PM
P. Resby  Find all comments by P. Resby
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John UK wrote:
One of the earliest confessions of faith was by an Ethiopian, and because he was able to confess it, the New Testament evangelist felt it right to baptise him by immersion and give him the right hand of fellowship.
Oh that it were so simple now.
Acts 8:37 "And Philip said, If thou believest with all thine heart, thou mayest. And he answered and said, I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God."
Actually there is no proof in this section of Scripture that the water was deep enough for complete bodily submersion.


Are you teaching denominational distinctives instead of actual Scripture???

Survey11/11/08 3:29 PM
P. Resby  Find all comments by P. Resby
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Mike wrote:
I have no proof, but I do wonder if the version cults use most is the KJV?
J.W.'s and Papists don't to mention two of the bigggest cults.
Also Liberals go for these modern versions like the badly translated NIV, (dynamic equivalence) etc etc.

Survey11/11/08 3:22 PM
P. Resby  Find all comments by P. Resby
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St Jeremiah wrote:
There was plenty of water, and people were constantly coming to be immersed. Jhn 3:23
I find it amazing that those who argue for where there is plenty of water.
The availability of water (strangely for some) is actually not the basis or reason behind baptism, or its mode.

The Biblical mode for baptising has always been, (since just after the early church passed the method on) Pouring or sprinkling.

The modern Baptist Denomination mode is intrinsically linked to their denominational directives as "Baptist" - as invented in 1521 and called Anabaptist.

This is the reason why they stick to just ONE of the translations of the Greek Baptizw. - Even though there are, under baptizw, other methods in the administation of water in both Bible and classical Greek record.

Survey11/11/08 3:02 PM
P. Resby  Find all comments by P. Resby
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St Jeremiah wrote:
This is a self-translation from the Greek.
The English word "baptism" is transliterated from the Greek "baptizo." King James instructed the translators to not translate this and other eccesliastical words. Since most of the translators were Angelo-Catholics and believed in pedo-baptism and baptismal regeneration by sprinkling...chose not to translate the text...and in many cases where "baptizo" occured in the text...colored the translation to support baptismal regeneration over against the underlying Greek text.
I am translating "baptizo" over against this tradition so as to correctly state in English what is from the Greek.
It is commonly known that cults need to establish their own version of the Bible to make their case.

AKA heresy.

Sad ain't it!!

Survey11/10/08 10:47 AM
P. Resby  Find all comments by P. Resby
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The concept that every millimetre of the flesh must be touched by water in Baptism, (to make it genuine), is contrived and not Scripturally valid.

1Peter 3:21 The like figure whereunto even baptism doth also now save us (NOT the putting away of the filth of the flesh, but the answer of a good conscience toward God,) by the resurrection of Jesus Christ:

In baptism the sign is water, but the important thing is the washing of the soul by the blood of Christ and the mortifying of the flesh. The institution of Christ includes these two things. Don't allow the sign to dominate or take away the other.

Survey11/9/08 2:32 PM
P. Resby  Find all comments by P. Resby
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St Jeremiah wrote:
Those who accepted his message were immersed, and about three thousand were added to their number that day. Acts 2:41
They came to some water and the eunuch said, "Look, here is water. Why shouldn't I be immersed?" And he gave orders to stop the chariot. Then both Philip and the eunuch went down into the water and Philip immersed him. 39When they came up out of the water, the Spirit of the Lord suddenly took Philip away, and the eunuch did not see him again, but went on his way rejoicing. Acts 8:36-39 (w/o vs. 37)
Then Peter said, "Can anyone keep these people from being immersed with water? They have received the Holy Spirit just as we have." So he ordered that they be immersed in the name of Jesus Christ. Acts 10:47, 48

Now c'mon Jerry!

Y'all know that immersion is a recent innovation.
It wasn't used way back then in Biblical times.

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