About a week ago, the bookmark stopped working. It now takes me to a page that starts with a list of languages, then tells me about an iPhone app, but I can't find a way to get to the Spurgeon devotional anymore. What a disappointment.
Anyone have any ideas?
agpost wrote:Tried to listen to the sermon "Eternal Sonship" by John Murray. The response was "Windows media player" - "cannot find the file."
mrmyers wrote:Do you have an application for blackberry or just iphone?
Alex wrote:I have been going through the series on Ecclesiastes by Dr. Philip Ryken of Tenth Presbyterian Church. I have listened to the early sermons in the series from your site but now only the later ones seem to be available. Is there a reason why the earlier sermons are not available anymore?
I have listened to the early sermons in the series from your site but now only the later ones seem to be available.
Is there a reason why the earlier sermons are not available anymore?
Gay Wood wrote:I would like to submit an autobiography for Jack Wood via email but I am unable to do so. Is there a way to send this to sermonaudio via email?
jimbo01 wrote:i have difficulty becoming a member because we dont have a zip code in n.i.hence your site does not allow me in. we have a post code.
SermonAudio.com wrote:You will need to help us out a bit more by specifying which sermon exactly you are referring to and if it happens to any other sermons. Thank you!Steven Lee
ABCD wrote:The sermon plays for a minute and then all audio is lost, but the time is still going.
Thank you!Steven Lee
P. Resby wrote:Thanks for that DJC49. I have never experienced it before although I have used Greek in previous posts. But you could well be right. Perhaps SA would like to comment?
I filled an entire "Add Comment" window with 1300 GREEK letter characters then hit the *Submit Comment* button.
I then noticed that ONLY 217 GREEK letter characters filled the actual post!
Which leads me to believe that for every GREEK letter character you use in an *Add Comment* window, approximately 6 character spaces are gobbled up! (1300/217 = 5.99)
And guess what ...You stated that some 141 (?) spaces were not allowed when you tried to post. Well, there were a total of 24 GREEK letter characters in the post you actually made. Those 24 "ate up" those 141 spaces. (24 x 5.99 = 143.76)
So I think my theory might hold some water. (which goes right along with the entire "baptism" theme)
DJC49 wrote:P. Resby,I'm making an "educated guess" here, and this is what I've found to be true:Whenever GREEK letter characters are used within a post, their usage somehow lessens the overall amount of characters [1300] allowable per post. And seeing that within your post of 1/31/09 12:08 PM there are GREEK letter characters in BOTH portions of what you quoted of *KK* [ βαπτίζω (twice), and βάπτω ] and what you posted in response [ εισ ], you were thereby cut short considerably of the alotted 1300 characters per post.Does this make sense? Using actual GREEK letters ANYWHERE in a post somehow "eats up" the available posting character allotment.
I have never experienced it before although I have used Greek in previous posts. But you could well be right. Perhaps SA would like to comment?
P. Resby wrote:Just put a post into the thread"What is the Scriptural mode of baptism"And was cut off at the bottom, leaving 141 letters which it would not allow me to post?I tried to "edit" the post but with the same end result.
Whenever GREEK letter characters are used within a post, their usage somehow lessens the overall amount of characters [1300] allowable per post. And seeing that within your post of 1/31/09 12:08 PM there are GREEK letter characters in BOTH portions of what you quoted of *KK* [ βαπτίζω (twice), and βάπτω ] and what you posted in response [ εισ ], you were thereby cut short considerably of the alotted 1300 characters per post.
Does this make sense?
Using actual GREEK letters ANYWHERE in a post somehow "eats up" the available posting character allotment.
And was cut off at the bottom, leaving 141 letters which it would not allow me to post?I tried to "edit" the post but with the same end result.