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News Item2/13/19 8:11 PM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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I would never waste time watching it now, but the ghastly annual Eurovision Song Contest held each year in May, (an international mainly but not exclusively European pop song contest, with international juries, and held usually in the previous year’s winner’s country), one year had a most awful heavy metal act (from Finland, I believe), as the winner for that year.

It is tragic that the Scandinavian countries that embraced the Lutheran Reformation so enthusiastically have abandoned it and gone back to even the pre-Catholic paganism.

News Item2/11/19 7:21 PM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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The very reason that God gave the Israelites who were about to enter their promised land, and take it away with utter destruction from the original Canaanite inhabitants, was precisely because of the Canaanites’ shedding of innocent blood, that is of infant sacrifice as well as ritual prostitution at the worship of their heathen gods and goddesses.

The worship these days may much much more subtle, and clinical in its nature, but it continues on with the same zeal and faith as had the Canaanites, combined with the same arrogance and wickedness, and God will require justice for the innocents that cry out from the abortion clinic, the hospital, the “morning after” pharmacy, the school nurse’s room, the worldly wise counsellor’s room, and the various local, state and federal courts and Congress rooms, where such vile practices are carried out or legislated for.

News Item2/4/19 2:21 PM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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I meant to say the remaining 2 were heterosexual sympathisers of the LGBT cause.

This all bodes very ill for the children and young people of Scotland.

News Item2/4/19 2:15 PM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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Scotland is sadly, along with the Republic of Ireland, which has an active homosexual Prime Minister, taking the lead in the LGBT /Transgender campaign.

Remember, until very recently, (and may still be the case), 4 of the 6 political party leaders in Scotland were LGBT and the other 2 were homosexual.

News Item2/3/19 3:20 PM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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Tragically, this is the logical end of all these folks who embrace the secular evolutionary theory.

Romans 1 tells us that sinful men and women worshipped the creation rather than the Creator, as a result He gave them over to corruption and they became reprobate, and went after strange lusts, and then follows a whole list of all the sins and wickedness that are going on today. I think the Bible is far more current and up to date in the 21st century, even than today’s newspaper!!!

News Item2/3/19 12:27 PM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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Though because of the centuries old celibacy ban, there was tragically a lot of mainly heterosexual immorality in the Catholic priesthood, (though certain infamous Popes in history did get in to homosexuality), the homosexual element really came in with leftist and radical infiltration of seminaries and the priesthood after the liberalising tendencies of the Vatican 2 Council in the 1960’s, completely modernised the liturgy of the Catholic Church, and a whole new generation of eager young radical priests, and very shortly thereafter bishops and cardinals brought free liberal ideas into the church.

Immediately the more traditional elements in the post-Conciliar Catholic Church were usually rapidly silenced, and homosexuality, along with liberation theology, leftist principles, environmentalism, interfaith, ecumenism and social justice became the main planks of the Catholic Church, though it hung on to some of its (very wrong) traditional distinctives with regard to the Mass, Marian devotion, the priesthood (albeit modernised), and of course, salvation by works.

We now have to evangelise Catholics on two fronts, the traditional, and the liberal modernists, but both need the same gospel of salvation by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone, for the glory of God alon

News Item2/3/19 12:08 PM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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I read about this on Saturday morning, British time, so realising that this town near Philadelphia was many hours behind my time, I prayed about it, and that local Christians would turn out to oppose this event.

I understand that the event went ahead, but there were some protests outside. I really think that the churches in Lansdale, and in other towns nearby, and Philadelphia itself, really need to get their act together, in prayer, evangelistic preaching and activity to ensure that these ghastly and child corrupting events are put a stop to, as this is outrageous exploitation of children.

These transgender people are not sad innocent people who just want to be left alone, but are very dangerous individuals most often, and need radical intervention in their lives to get them to stop what they are doing.

It is like an alcoholic, a drug addict, an anorexic or a person with some obsessive behaviour, who desperately needs to be brought out of their unwholesome addiction. Our children need protection from, not exposure to these individuals.

News Item2/3/19 11:53 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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These powerful evangelical organisations seem to have forgotten, no doubt, in a prayerless fashion, and in their inbounding pragmatic rush to secure “religious liberties” as organisations from the LGBT and Transgender crowd, and the leftist Marxist politicians, the media and the activist judges that support them, that for this crowd, this is only a very short term temporary setback to their plans of total domination.

Only Muslims will be exempt from these requirements, as bluntly they won’t put up with it, and Christians are fair game for these characters.

The CCCU and NEA should realise that this sell out will not appease the LGBT / Transgender crowd, but only encourage them, and in the meantime ordinary Christians who make a stand for their faith will be prosecuted, sacked from their jobs, and sued for huge sums in the courts until they close their businesses, be stripped of their qualifications, accept that most major occupations are not for Christians, and they stay silent in their homes and churches.

The CCCU and NEA need to read the account of how when he was prayerless, and jumped to accept their promises, Joshua and the Israelites were deceived by the lies of the Gibeonites. They were then saddled with an unscriptural covenant. This is what has happened with thes

News Item2/2/19 8:29 PM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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I am not too sure how safe Asia Bibi will be in politically correct Canada, with Justin Trudeau’s policy of unlimited Islamic immigration and allowing for sharia law to be implemented in certain Muslim majority areas in Canada, though I notice that he has recently quarrelled with Saudi Arabia over the Khashoggi murder.

I am deeply saddened that in President Trump’s USA, a place could not have been found for her in some anonymous rural area, as I know most of the big cities have huge Islamic populations, and the US Department of State is always afraid of offending the Muslims.

As for my own country of Britain, I am disgusted but not surprised at the cowardly attitude of our “liberal” Conservative Government, and most particularly, not so much our Home Office, but our infamous pro-Muslim Foreign Office, which has a great fear of upsetting the Muslims. This has always been the case no matter which party formed our government.

This blasphemy law, which is just an excuse for Muslims to settle scores with their Christian neighbours and employees, is an absolute scandal, and Pakistan should be made to face up to its obligations under international law, and not be allowed to let lawless Islamic mobs to rule the country.

News Item1/30/19 5:13 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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I believe that the Jews will eventually have no alternative but to carry out Aliyah to their spiritual Homeland, Israel. The unholy alliance of radical Marxist atheistical Secular Humanists, and radical fundamentalist Muslims, (though these 2 groups have absolutely nothing in common, and actually despise each other, they have two mutual focuses of hate, Jews and true evangelical Bible believing Christians, and therefore work together in this campaign of hate), are determined to enforce their views and destroy both the Jews and the Christians.

We must pray for the Haredi Ultra-Orthodox Jews that they will find the true Messiah of Israel, Yeshua Ha’Maschiach, the Lord Jesus Christ, as prophesied in the Tenach (Old Testament), and for both Jews and Christians that they will both stand firm against these demands from the Government and the autocratic OFSTED, (the inspectorate in England and Wales for all children’s and young people’s education and activities).

News Item1/30/19 4:44 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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Basically, what Andrew Fuller opposed, and what mainstream evangelical Reformed believers oppose, was a kind of hyper-Calvinism, that emphasised election so extremely, that they negated evangelism.

It was one of these hyper Calvinist elders at a Baptist meeting that tried to silence Willliam Carey when he was appealing for the need to preach the gospel to the whole world with the comment that if people were meant to hear the Gospel then God would do it in His own way.

William Carey referred this elder to the Great Commission, and not long after went out to his lifelong missionary work in India, never to return.

It is because of William Carey, and the people that supported him like Andrew Fuller that the Bible is translated into many Indian languages, and that India has multitudes of Christians, despite its Hindu, Muslim, Sikh and Jain history.

News Item1/26/19 7:49 PM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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At a time when drug testing is at its height in international and national sports competitions, and original biological sex competitors can be sanctioned or banned for taking steroid or other performance enhancing drugs, (even to the extent that whole national teams like Russia can be banned from certain competitions), the whole transgender thing makes a complete mockery of the whole process.

These transgender people are stuffed full of opposite sex hormones and other drugs, and biological men are put in women’s teams with their deep voices, muscular frames, and presumably they are immune from drug testing, and most times they are going to win over the hard working, disciplined and trained biological female athletes.

Similarly biological female “transgender” athletes in male competitions are surely not going to do very well against normal developed biological male competitors, thus raising the false accusation of unfair anti-trans discrimination.

The whole thing makes sport these days an absolute minefield, putting aside the obvious problems of biological males in female showers and changing facilities, or biological females in male showers and changing facilities.

It is even more outrageous when this takes place at colleges, and even worse in schools.

News Item1/26/19 7:31 PM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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William Goulding, the author of the novel, “The Lord of the Flies”, was actually Head of English at the secondary (high school) I attended, though before my time there.

It was an Anglican foundation, and while I am not sure that he was evangelical, he sought to write a novel which outlined a doctrine not very popular now, even amongst some professed evangelicals, that of original sin.

A party of cathedral choirboys on a foreign voyage are shipwrecked on a distant island, without their adult teachers, and very soon, before their eventual rescue, demonstrate the capacity for sinfulness, and even violence, (one of their number, the weakest and most vulnerable), being killed. One of the scenes takes place at a sacrificial site, which involves a pig’s head.

I guess that whoever wrote the article about the forthcoming Democratic Party campaign for the 2020 presidential elections , etc. very much had this novel in mind!!

News Item1/26/19 11:53 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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Who says that this wicked law can never be rescinded or repealed? Dear Christopher from Rhode Island, the church these days is all too prone to give up and not fight these things.

I also notice that it was the same Governor Cuomo who has or is about to outlaw the death penalty in New York State, calling it “immoral”. So mass murderers and serial rapists have a right to life, but unborn babies not only do not have a right to life, but have the death penalty imposed on them if they dare get in the way of the modern Canaanite god of convenience, or they happen to be disabled, or even of the wrong sex!!!

How wicked!! How strange!!! Another sign of the last days, of Noah’s or Lot’s days.

News Item1/25/19 3:57 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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They should also read the Bible where it speaks about the Canaanite worship of false demonic gods and goddesses such as Baal, Astarte, Molech and Chemosh, which involved both infant sacrifice and ritual prostitution, and the judgment that God brought on both the Canaanites, and even the disobedient and idolatrous Israelites when they practised such things.

Such abominations will not go unpunished, and by showing their arrogance by celebrating the evil laws they have just passed, Governor Cuomo and his state legislature will indeed bring themselves under this severe judgment.

News Item1/25/19 3:17 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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Governor Cuomo and his bunch of State “lawmakers”’should read the very passages of the Bible that they sneer at, both those dealing with marriage, with murder, with abortion, and with salvation and eternal judgment.

They should also study some clear history books about the Nazis, and what happened under Adolph Hitler, and see what happened under him, and by the way, what happened to him.

To rejoice, clap, applause, colour in pink the World Trade Centre, (presumably the successor of that which was destroyed by the terrorists in 9/11), when they have just passed laws to allow the murder of babies right up to birth , including when a baby brought out of the womb miraculously survives this procedure, to remove all threat of prosecution from negligent medical doctors and when things go wrong, even to allow non-doctors to carry out abortions, is nothing short of demonic and sick.

News Item1/14/19 11:39 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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Unfortunately, as I said earlier, in Britain we don’t have the insurance option. It all goes on the taxpayer funded NHS, and that, in the case of children, often without parental consent, if the confidential NHS school nurse or children’s social services are involved.

No expense is spared to provide “treatment” and “surgery”, nay butchery, for transgenders, and waiting lists mysteriously get shortened.

Yet many very serious genuine medical conditions are often either not treated, or given inferior and cheaper drugs and treatment , and the waiting lists are long.

Some people with these genuine medical conditions even have to get expensive private medication online from abroad, with convoluted methods of payment, because the NHS bans or restricts the provision of these treatments.

This is disgraceful, when genuinely sick people are denied treatment, and perfectly healthy people who rebel against God’s purpose for their life can demand and obtain unnecessary taxpayer funded treatment.

News Item1/14/19 8:55 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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This seems to be a contrast with the godly pastor yesterday in SA News who was required to leave his church and congregation because he stood up against the LGBT crowd.

The pastor in today’s SA News is a different man altogether. He belongs to a network of churches that are under Steven Anderson in Phoenix who is involved in Holocaust denial and allegorising scriptures that deal with eschatology.

This disgraced pastor was the one who circulated an infamous video exulting and rejoicing over the death of LGBT people at the hands of the Muslim terrorist in Florida. We should never exult over the death of the lost, as they are on their way to a terrible eternal destiny, but have a compassion to reach them while they are still alive, and warn them of the judgment to come.

However, I get the impression with this group of churches at least will not be “ rehabilitating” this pastor, and bringing him back in a couple of years, unlike some large mega churches and charismatic groups.

News Item1/13/19 7:10 PM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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I have downloaded and heard some more of Pastor Hoke’s sermons. Straight down the line, biblical, Reformation, solid, doctrinal content with no compromise, and both Christ centred and Bible centred.

From the sound it seems as if this was not a very large church, though I may be wrong.

The fact that no doubt the other elder was present at these sermons makes me wonder what he learnt from the excellent expositions he heard.

Does this compromising elder really believe in his wildest dreams that now the LGBT crowd have sensed victory by his getting rid of the “troublesome” pastor that they are going to call off their “hounds” and leave him and thus compromising congregation alone.

Don’t worry Pastor Hokes. God will honour those who honour Him, and He will give you a good ministry somewhere else. You are in good company. Even after the famous revival, and tremendous gospel success, Pastor Jonathan Edwards was most unexpectedly and unjustifiably sacked and expelled by his own church at Northampton in New England!!

News Item1/13/19 7:52 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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When the fear of the local and no doubt, the not so local, LGBT and Transgender activists, combined with the state authorities of the “people’s republic of California” proves to be greater than God and His Holy Word for the eldership and membership of a supposedly solid evangelical church, then something is very wrong indeed.

What a contrast to another Presbyterian Church many many years ago in San Francisco, that stood firm against an LGBT attack on their members and building when a special sermon was announced dealing with this subject, and when they had had to remove a homosexual organist from their midst.

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