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News Item12/12/09 10:06 AM
Randy | Arizona, USA  Find all comments by Randy
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Clearly this politician has been misinformed as to the true definition of what it means to be a Christian. The idea of a Christian being self-rightous is a contradiction in terms. The true Christian is the one who recognizes the wretchedness of his own righteousness. The true Christian has come to know the true meaning of salvation in knowing Christ as our Righteousness.

It is all other religions and philosophies, (including pseudo/antichristian ones), where man is depending on, and proclaiming in his pride, the ability of his own efforts, his own righteousness to save him. It is the world at large that has rejected the true gospel of Jesus Christ: or as the LORD spoke through Jeremiah: the LORD our Righteousness.

News Item12/11/07 11:46 AM
Randy | Texas  Find all comments by Randy
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Imagine? You don't have to imagine. Without God you get Romania under Ceausesu, Russia under Stalin, China under Mao, etc.

Survey11/20/07 9:13 AM
Randy | Texas  Find all comments by Randy
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Walt and Wayne,

Wayne, I'm with you. I just wanted to know if someone was going to blame one spouse for the other's sin. And they did. The old assertion that it always takes two is ridiculous. I would venture to say that I was just as good of a husband as anyone on this site and my wife decided that she wanted to have another woman's husband. So what was the difference between my marriage and countless others that are still together? The difference was that the other guy's wife submitted to God and mine did not. My wife had a "hard heart" and divorced me. To diagnose the failure of a marriage by resorting to cliche and antecdotal evidence is ridiculous. BTW, I too am remarried according to scripture. PS, I lived in Williams Lake, BC for ten years.

Walt, if you want to do some serious exegesis of the text, taking into account all of the social and rhetorical issues present in the first century, you will want to pick up "...And Marries Another" by Craig Keener and "Divorce and Remarriage in the Bible" by David Instone-Brewer.

Survey11/19/07 1:39 PM
Randy | Texas  Find all comments by Randy
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Though I disagree with many of your conclusions about what the Bible says about divorce/remarriage, I do agree that a Christian should forgive adultery and do everything within their power to preserve their marriage. What are your thoughts about the situation where a Christian forgives their unfaithful spouse but the unfaithful spouse rejects that forgiveness, divorces the faithful partner, marries their lover, has children with the new spouse, etc. Keep in mind that the faithful spouse did not desire or pursue a divorce. What is the faithful spouse guilty of, if anything?

Survey11/1/07 9:11 AM
Randy | Texas  Find all comments by Randy
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When I suggested books by David Instone-Brewer, Craig Keener, and Gordon Hugenberger, you replied that you would not read twice-married apostates. Do you have knowledge of their marital state or did you just defame them on pure speculation? If the latter is true, I suggest that you repent of your false witness against them.

Survey10/31/07 2:54 PM
Randy | Texas  Find all comments by Randy
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The reader can discern between my post and the comments by the one who calls himself Spiritual. One offered help for those who want to study the Bible. The other made wild and unfounded accusations against the brethren.

Survey10/31/07 1:56 PM
Randy | Texas  Find all comments by Randy
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In Romans 13:1 we are told to submit to the governing authorities. No exceptions are given. Yet, we generally recognize that there are exceptions. Why? Because the Bible tells us in other places that there are exceptions. Likewise Mark and Luke set out the divorce regulations with no exceptions while Matthew (and Paul) gives the exception. No conflict.

Really great books on this subject are Instone-Brewer "Divorce and Remarriage in the Bible" and Craig Keener "And Marries Another". For those who wish to leave no stone unturned in serious exegetical study, pick up Gordon Hugenberger "Marriage as a Covenant".

Survey10/31/07 11:21 AM
Randy | Texas  Find all comments by Randy
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Dr. Yamil Luciano,

Please be more cautious in your remarks. While some may take divorce as "nothing more than the easy way out", that is not the case for all. Some are the innocent victims of divorces that they did not want or seek. There is nothing easy when your trusted spouse commits adultery and abandons you and your children. There is nothing easy about hearing a judge grant a divorce that you are powerless to stop.

Argue your points about divorce but please don't fall back on cliches and blanket statements that are simply untrue caricatures. You can do better than that.

News Item9/1/07 11:05 AM
Randy | Ohio  Find all comments by Randy
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It's scary to think that 23,000 church members can be fooled week after week by a couple like this. Talk about lack of discernment! This just proves that something like "Jonestown" could happen again.

Sermon8/2/07 8:44 PM
Randy  Contact via emailFind all comments by Randy
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“ Great Sermon! ”
As a Christian Man,Like John MacArthur I am blown away at the complete lack of Discernment in Christian Women these days.It seems that so many will swallow ANYTHING Popular,especially from a TV Celebrity. Where are the Women who will rely on Scripture alone for Doctrine Truth ? The TBN Hucksters like Joyce Meyer are fleecing the Female Flock with a Phony Man-Centered False gospel. Oh to hear the cries of the Reformation again ! Christ Alone, Grace Alone,Faith Alone,Scripture Alone, to the Glory of God Alone. Postmodernism has so poisoned the Church it doesn't even know it's History . It is lost to Emotions,Feelings,and Experiences and the Desire for Worldly Success. I wish we could force every Woman in America that Confesses Christ as Her Lord & Saviour to sit down and watch the 2003 Movie " LUTHER " . Maybe they would regain some kind of Balance.

Survey7/1/07 9:16 AM
Randy | Texas  Find all comments by Randy
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Hey Wayne,

I lived in BC for ten years. Though I have been gone from there since 2000, I still remember it fondly.


Survey6/24/07 5:59 PM
Randy | Texas  Find all comments by Randy
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Thank you for your good and kind Christian words. I too was the innocent victim in a divorce. Though my wife committed adultery, I did not seek a divorce but did have one forced upon me.

BTW, I was and still am a pastor. I am also remarried to a wonderful Christian woman and God has blessed our home and ministry in every way. I believe every word of the Bible and refuse to allow the traditions of men to dictate to my conscience.

Survey6/23/07 5:16 PM
Randy | Texas  Find all comments by Randy
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For those who might be interested in the many serious exegetical issues related to divorce/remarriage, I recommend David Instone-Brewer's book "Divorce and Remarriage in the Bible: The Social and Literary Context" and Craig S. Keener's "And Marries Another." A shorter work is Jay Adam's "Marriage, Divorce, and Remarriage in the Bible." Regardless of the side of the issue that you take, a serious understanding of the many textual issues will enable you to provide cogent arguments. If we take seriously our claim of submission to the Bible as God's Word, then we are obligated to leave no stone unturned in our study of it. God bless.

Survey6/23/07 5:06 PM
Randy | Texas  Find all comments by Randy
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I discovered why I was unable to listen to streaming sermons. I loaded itunes software on my computer and it highjacked some of the defaults from windows media player. I was able to listen to streaming audio after I made itunes the default player or restored certain defaults to WMP. Hope no one else runs into this. It was infuriating.

Survey6/23/07 12:45 PM
Randy | Texas  Find all comments by Randy
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I was neither arguing for or against a divorced man being a pastor. I was pointing out your faulty logic that a divorce or rebellious child means that a man failed to rule his house well. Though it is often the case that poor parenting or the failure to be a good husband leads to household discord, it is not always the cause. Sometimes spouces and children simply rebel against God even in the best circumstances.

Moving along, I am not willing to give up any of the biblical qualifications for the pastorate. They must, however, be understood and applied properly.

BTW, can you point out where Paul said that a divorced man cannot under any circumstances be a pastor. There is a perfectly good and common Greek and English word for divorce and Paul did not use it. If he intended to say that divorce disqualifies a man, why didn't he just come out and say so.

Here is the problem with this whole forum and line of discussion: a lot of rhetoric, little or no exegesis of the primary text.

I'm done.

Survey6/22/07 2:53 PM
Randy  Find all comments by Randy
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What did the phrase "not under bondage" mean to the original hearers? What did it bring to their minds? It undoudtedly caused them to think of the Jewish bill of divorce that said, "You are free to marry another." The parallel between "not under bondage" and "free" is striking and must not be ignored. If Paul intended to say that they were NOT free to remarry, then to his Jewish listeners, he said the opposite of what he intened.

Survey6/22/07 9:37 AM
Randy | Texas  Find all comments by Randy
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Here is a truth that you should consider. Ruling one's house well does not guarantee that a wife or children will act right. A man can rule well and his children still rebel or his wife still commit adultery or abandon him. In fact, God ruled his house perfectly and their was both rebellion in heaven (the fallen angels) and on earth (Israel). This latter case led God to write Israel a certificate of divorce. I don't think that God was at fault. Do you?

Survey6/22/07 8:55 AM
Randy | Texas  Find all comments by Randy
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For more that a year I have listened to streaming sermons and suddenly they stopped working. Everything else, including downloads and streaming video still works, but not streaming audio. In Vista I get the message that IE cannot display the web page and when I click on diagnose the problem I get a message that the page could not be accessed. Any suggestions?


Sermon11/13/06 10:01 AM
Randy | Arizona  Find all comments by Randy
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Liberating the Will
Pastor Joseph LoSardo
“ Some specifics on Doctrine of Election ”
The sermon includes a very interesting Biblical word study on the word "draw" as it relates to God's drawing us to Himself. Also, there is a most thoughtful and penetrating discussion of the fallacy of attempting to apply man's logic to the "fairness" of election.
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