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News Item10/5/08 2:46 PM
enough already | usa  Find all comments by enough already
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Patriot, the bible has a beginning, and an ending. So does this present world. It would appear we are racing to that very end which Revelation speaks of. No one can take back this world for God, He will destroy it and bring forth a new heaven and earth. This is not about fighting for some make believe man induced freedom {Only God can grant true lasting freedom}, we are called to preach the gospel of Christ, that is the only freedom one needs. America will lose her 'superpower status' because of the wickedness that lies within our borders. If we would evangelize the lost instead of worrying about our freedom, we would be better off. Your speech would have been effective during either WW1 or WWII, but this is a much different world, one that is quickly passing away. Fight for what is lasting, the salvation of lost human souls.

News Item10/5/08 2:13 PM
enough already | usa  Find all comments by enough already
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Bible thumper, what a refreshing and truthful comment! How many professing Christians have this perspective? So many cling and fight tooth and nail to preserve and 'take back' a world that the bible clearly states in its present form is passing away. There is little understanding to the temporary status of this current world and all it entails. Thank you for making a much needed statement of truth.

News Item10/2/08 5:41 AM
enough already | usa  Find all comments by enough already
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Ban the cults from SA, well said and amen!
Lance- no more pearls for you...

News Item10/1/08 3:55 PM
enough already | usa  Find all comments by enough already
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Lance, God can use evil for His good, Pharaoh is the most famous example of that. The Catholic church should in no way take any credit for what God has ordained, He alone preserves His word and uses whatever means necessary to do so.
This 'Jesus' the RCC worships must have a multi-seated throne, for there must be room for some goddess they call 'mary' {this isn't the humble maidservant who said, 'my soul doth magnify the Lord and my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Savior' Luke 1:46-47}and there must be room for various popes, wicked and sinful men held in high esteem and called 'holy father' by other mortal men,yet they are nothing more than 'whitewashed tombs', there must also be a tiny place reserved for a 'wafer' and a spot of wine.
To be deceived is a tragedy, yet, many reject the sole authority of God's word and are following the 'pied piper pope' down the broad road; their doom is fast approaching. Many know what happens to the great harlot.

It is time to quit giving pearls to pigs. We must do as the bible says concerning Ephraim, "Ephraim is joined to idols, let him alone" Hosea 4:17

News Item10/1/08 6:03 AM
enough already | usa  Find all comments by enough already
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GG- Christ does not specifically claim any denomination in Mat. 16:18, you are stretching that passage and twisting it to fit into the teachings of your apostate church. No one is head over the body of Christ except the One who died on the cross and rose again, only He has the right to rule and reign over this earthly body of believers. "Upon this rock I will build MY CHURCH". Where does Peter ever refer to himself as a pope? The word pope never even appears in scripture! Peter calls himself an elder, which is another title for pastor. Again, this has been gone over before, Christ is referencing to the fact that nothing or no one can stop His church, i.e., body of born again believers from coming into being; Christ will build, one transformed born again believer upon another, His church. This 'church' isn't a building, it. "The God who made the world and everything in it is the Lord of heaven and earth and does NOT live in temples built by hands" Acts 17:24. If you think Christ suffered and died so a sinful, mortal man could reign over His blood bought body of believers, you are insulting the work of Christ, may God help you and your apostate harlot you call a 'church'. You cannot understand the truth of God's word unless He opens your ears and eyes to it.

News Item9/30/08 10:59 PM
enough already | usa  Find all comments by enough already
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Lance, you have much pride and nerve claiming the RCC is responsible for the gospel. Pride and arrogance were the downfall of Satan. No church can take credit for the gospel, Almighty God gets ALL glory for preserving and making His word available to all walks of life, He doesn't 'limit' His word to any one 'church'. Are you insinuating God will only save someone if they are catholic? Where might this be in scripture? You are falling deeper and deeper into the pit, and you have increased the 'head count' traveling down the wide road as you cling to your false accusations. Please enlighten all of us using scripture to validate your claim.

News Item9/30/08 7:31 PM
enough already | usa  Find all comments by enough already
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I thought we were called to defend the gospel of Jesus Christ? Being Catholic, Baptist, Methodist, Lutheran, etc. makes NO DIFFERENCE to God. Repenting of sin, and being changed from the inside out is all that matters. Loyalty to Jesus Christ is what is expected by all who are truly born again. All groups of religion are tainted because of man's meddling with and straying from the authoritative word of God.

News Item9/30/08 4:58 PM
enough already | usa  Find all comments by enough already
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Hidemi- GG, Lance, and John Y. always post on anything pertaining to their apostate church. Their heresies are endless, they make these bold statements, but give not one shred of biblical evidence to support their claim. Let's all contend for the faith as one, with one Lord, that being Christ Jesus, and pray for the salvation of these and all lost souls.

News Item9/30/08 3:49 PM
enough already | usa  Find all comments by enough already
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GG. your quote, 'the pope is the earthly head of the kingdom of God, allegiance to the pope is allegiance to Christ'...WOW!! Where would I find this in scripture? It is my understanding that Christ is the head of the church....period.
Could you give me passages verifying such a bold statement?

News Item9/28/08 7:38 PM
enough already | usa  Find all comments by enough already
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comments love Christ with a whole heart means to follow Him alone, not Him + Mary, or Him plus man-made works and tradition. It means to worship Him from your heart, not by ritualistic chants and prayers, but praying and worshiping as the Spirit leads. Christ rules and reigns in a believer's heart with no other person{s} or thing{s} co-reigning. To love Christ solely means to place His word above all man-made doctrines, to accept His atoning work on the cross as He proclaimed, 'It is finished'. Nothing needs to be added to this, no sinful mortal man can take a wafer and transform it into the body of Christ, or transform wine into Christ's blood. To repeat this over and over is to profess Christ's work as incomplete. Loving Christ means dying to self, the world and it's systematic beliefs and desires, picking up your cross, going against the grain and following Christ down the narrow road, striving to enter through the gate, shedding all excess baggage along the way; it is a personal one on one reconciliation between the saved soul and the Savior, with eyes focused on Him, and hearts beating for Him, defending His word first and to the death. This love for Christ is unwavering and unending, this love consumes the believer's heart, mind, soul, and strength.

News Item9/28/08 4:58 PM
enough already | usa  Find all comments by enough already
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No GG; hear the word of the Lord, "How much more should we submit to the Father of our spirits and live" Heb. 12:9
"Submit yourselves then to God" James 4:7
"If you love me, you will obey what I command" John 14:15
"My son, give me your heart" Proverbs 23:26
"But be very careful to keep the commandment and the law that Moses the servant of the Lord gave you; to love the Lord your God, to walk in His ways, to obey His commands, to hold fast to Him and to serve Him with ALL your HEART, and all your soul" Joshua 22:5
"But be sure to fear the Lord and to serve Him faithfully with ALL your HEART" 1 Samuel 12:24
To call Christ 'Lord' and not surrender to His authority is exactly why He says, 'Why do you call me Lord Lord and do not do what I say?'

News Item9/28/08 3:22 PM
enough already | usa  Find all comments by enough already
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GG- the 'topic at hand' on this and every thread is truly the salvation of lost souls. It isn't denomination vs. denomination, prots vs. rcc, there is one true church, people from all walks of life are called by God through His Son, this is the church Christ is head of. The only way to 'join' this church is through the grace and mercy of God, as He draws lost sinners to Christ. They then confess their wickedness, repent of sin, and surrender to the authority and lordship of Jesus Christ alone. God calls us to be loyal to Him alone, not Him plus idol worship of and prayer to Mary, not ritualistic prayers and routines, not working your way to heaven, yet never being assured of getting there; but a wholehearted commitment to Christ as King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

News Item9/28/08 8:51 AM
enough already | usa  Find all comments by enough already
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Sadly, Lance needs to be prayed for. He holds in high esteem his beloved RCC church, their doctrine, their tradition, and all that it stands for. In doing so, Lance breaks a vital commandment, 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your mind, all your soul, and all your strength'...his first love is a church, a man made tradition, a church doctrine written by and adhered to by mortal men. He is blinded by deception and apostasy, thinking you can work your way into heaven if you follow the teachings of mortal men. Salvation is a gift Lance, given by God, it is free. If you truly did belong to Christ, your heart would change. Your life, your words, and your actions would reflect this new creation. You would see loyalty to a denomination, a made up tradition, and all else it entails is useless. May God open your eyes to His truth, for only He can do so. No 'routine' will save you.

News Item9/26/08 7:58 PM
enough already | usa  Find all comments by enough already
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Engineer, I conclude you are divisive and like to argue, you twist words to suit your argument. As far as those who 'call you on the carpet', I am afraid the list is growing. I will waste no more time on your merry go round. You obviously must have the last word, and insist on being right. Have at it.

News Item9/26/08 3:49 PM
enough already | usa  Find all comments by enough already
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Engineer, Can you NOT read???
I said, "IT HAS BEEN SAID HE IS HARSH", The true author of the open letter is the one who called Cloud 'harsh'. I was only repeating was was said in the letter. WHAT PART OF THAT DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND? I AM NOT THE AUTHOR OF THIS LETTER! Do you comprehend my statement? Again, I did NOT write the open letter I referenced to, so please quit falsely accusing me of such.
Have you read Kenny's post? He confirms what I read in that open letter, and I quote Kenny, "He can be a real horse's backside". Those were NOT my words either.
If you defended Christ as vigorously as you do Cloud, you'd turn the world upside down.

News Item9/25/08 8:54 PM
enough already | usa  Find all comments by enough already
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ADC writes 'Chris Perver{t}' does this guy get by with belittling people continually, calling them liars, perverts, etc., and is STILL ALLOWED TO POST?

News Item9/25/08 5:44 PM
enough already | usa  Find all comments by enough already
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Rogerant, thank you for your truthful insight, I also appreciated your comment concerning J. MacArthur's questioned salvation, 'who then can be saved?' You helped to bring clarity to this muddied mess; may God bless you.

News Item9/25/08 3:36 PM
enough already | usa  Find all comments by enough already
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Engineer, Before you fly off the deep end with your false accusations, re-read what I ACTUALLY said...'it has been said he is harsh' which is stated in the open letter to him at the website I gave. If you are going to go for my jugular, at least get my comments right!!! There is no evidence stated by Preacherjon to justify calling MacArthur an apostate; that, sir, was the WHOLE POINT of my posting. This is a serious accusation, how is one saved {p.j. says he thinks MacArthur is, yet he says Mac bears no fruit} and yet deserves the accusation of 'apostate'?
The open letter at the website address given by me was NOT WRITTEN by me!! I think you owe me an apology, you should know what happens when you assume!
I stated quotes from that letter as a reference given by p.j. as to why HE attacked MacArthur in the first place!
It's sound advice, if something doesn't pertain to you, then stay out of it.

News Item9/24/08 9:29 PM
enough already | usa  Find all comments by enough already
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Preacherjon-I did some research on your Bro. Cloud,it appears he is a bit unkind to anyone who adheres to the doctrines of grace. It has been said he is harsh and critical with those who differ on almost any detail of biblical, spiritual, or moral truth. The rest of the open letter to Bro. Cloud can be read at www. aformof
This would explain his attack on John MacArthur. This does NOT condone accusing MacArthur of being an apostate, by you, or Bro. Cloud. I urge you to seek the Lord and refrain from making railing accusations toward men of God, just because they don't believe exactly as you do.

News Item9/24/08 9:11 PM
enough already | usa  Find all comments by enough already
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I beg your pardon, but what you said was this, "He is a new evangelical ecumenist. APOSTATE", from your post on 9/22/08 at 8:51 p.m. You base your accusations against this man from an article by Bro. David Cloud??!! Shame on you!!As far as confidence in man, it would seem you put quite a bit in Bro. Cloud. The bible calls for us to have respect for the elders of the church, of which Dr. MacArthur is. That doesn't mean I am a 'groupie' of his. I respect the wisdom God has given this man, and I give all glory to the Father for men such as Dr. MacArthur. I also pray for him, because like me, he is still in the flesh. May the Lord deal with you justly and fairly for your railing against a man of God.
Good day to you too.
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