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News Item11/23/19 2:41 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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Pattern recognition is the name, not racism. Even a liberal group recognizes that blacks and firearms don't do well together:

the Center for American Progress has inadvertently accomplished with their latest report on gun homicides in the USA: the greatest predictor for gun violence in a state is the percentage of blacks living in the state.

The more blacks living in the state, the greater the number of firearm homicides. [Gun Violence in America: A State-by-State Analysis, American Progress, November 20, 2019]

News Item11/22/19 4:39 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Find all comments by Douglas Fir
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So many ways to deal with this issue, but one is based on the Bible, and you know what that means, dear reader: 1 Timothy 5 stands out as a Guide for Older Christian Woman that can also be seen as "Having Lived Life According to God's Plan, What Does Her Last Days Look Like?"
So how does this chapter apply to 'women in the military failing tests'?
Well, first, it's logic-women's bodies are not meant to be involved in military activities, just like women do not play in major league sports of any kind with men. Can you name one? NFL? SEC football? golf? tennis? NBA? NHL? MLB?
Someone does not get the Main Message of the Bible--men and women are differently abled. Men do not have babies, women do.
The world is set against the Bible, so forget about trying to convince them we are right and they are wrong. It's like trying to convince blacks in the US to vote for President Trump in 2020. It's not going to happen! 99 percent of them will continue like mind-numbed robots to vote for anyone having a D after their name on their ballots.
2. Widows (also key theme in book of James where he says 'real religion' is caring for widows (not engaging in endless discussion of the Last Days of the Great Planet Earth-hey Hal, what's up with that?) should be taken care of by their own families.

News Item11/22/19 3:54 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Find all comments by Douglas Fir
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No matter to me what a private restaurant chain does with their money. Some seem to set them up as a representative of their values. I wonder why--can't they do it on their own? Someone has called this 'bumper sticker Christianity' and others say it is just another case ('there you go again')of Christians not being able to talk about God because maybe they have no idea who he is, but will readily talk about how they are against A or B or C.
I wish for every time a Christian airs their opinion in public, they would have a tag-along message of the plain gospel for people who have no idea why Jesus came, why he died, etc.
The most recent missive from Barna Research Group says that 'evangelicals' (as defined by them) make up only 8 percent of the US population.
Politicians like to court their vote by holding up a shiny item (like fishing lures) like abortion or sodomites.

News Item11/22/19 3:28 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Find all comments by Douglas Fir
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I wonder if the attendees were given any money or other things to attend. There are very few Christians in these countries where he is visiting, and I doubt he is going to raise the attendance level at any Catholic churches in the area.
So you wonder--why does he go?
I guess logic is something people forget in this day of world-connected-ness, where a house fire in Hoboken is reported on your 10pm TV nightly news, as if it affected the thousands who are watching.
Notice how the weather folk have been droning on and on about that storm 'Sebastian' which has no impact on anyone in the US except for a few dozen cargo ship owners who might have a couple of their ships out there, and they certainly won't be watching the 10pm TV news to find out about their ships.
It's the same way with those old PBS shows, "This Old House" which feature remodeling old houses, and spending millions of dollars on them, so much so that you wonder...why not tear down and build something newer, safer, less lead paint, less asbestos, less lead pipes, etc. Or the woodworking show that features tools that cost thousands of dollars, and workshops that only a few farmers with barns could hold.

News Item11/21/19 2:46 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Find all comments by Douglas Fir
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Corporate modes of conduct do not interest me that much. The USA has 'bigger fish to fry' like the immigration crisis and the problem with blacks killing whites.

News Item11/21/19 2:43 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Find all comments by Douglas Fir
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I don't understand why the senator wants to give women the right to kill their babies, yet prevent grown men and women from having guns to defend themselves?
Just ask the Baltimore YWCA about their 31yr old white staffer gunned down in his own home in Baltimore. Three black men surrounded his humble abode, pounded on the front door for him to appear, and then shot him dead. What was his crime? Being white in a black city?

News Item11/21/19 2:40 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Find all comments by Douglas Fir
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I guess they did not have a hurricane bearing down on them, nor did they need a ride-sharing service.

News Item11/21/19 2:36 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Find all comments by Douglas Fir
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Yes, indeed, they are rare. I've read stats that show that homosexuals make up only 2 to 3 percent of the total population, but people persist in using the 10 percent number. Even their own publications say this is fiction.
Many times promoters will get through the math by saying, if you had 100 people in a room, ten would be homosexuals. Wrong!
It's more accurate to say, you have 1,000 people in a big room, say a basketball game, evenly divided men and women, you will find 2 percent of the 500 men to be sodomites. That's only 10 guys, and then among the women, 5 or less would be 'women who prefer women.' So that's only 15 out of 1,000, and oh, don't forget the bisexual and trans...well they make up even less, say 1 or 2.
Now here's the Real Secret: What does Q stand for? Questioning...which means what? How can you determine who is questioning?
Have you ever met a big hefty guy with a beard who says he is 'questioning' his identity?

News Item11/18/19 5:21 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Find all comments by Douglas Fir
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Solution: lower the standards so women will qualify. I've heard this has already been done for Navy aviators.
But it won't work in the NFL or MLB.

News Item11/18/19 4:01 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Find all comments by Douglas Fir
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IT would not work in CHina, where the phone is their preferred method of paying in stores. Japan stores that have a lot of Chinese tourists have had to adapt their payment systems to allow them to pay with their phones.
Nowadays, kids do not know what 'dial a number' means, unless they are watching old TV shows like Perry Mason or Andy Griffith.

News Item11/16/19 2:00 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Find all comments by Douglas Fir
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I guess he doesn't spend too much time on social media or playing video games. Meanwhile, the average retiree in the US watches TV for 51 hours a week, and this statistic was taken before the onslaught of smartphones began.

News Item11/15/19 10:46 AM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Find all comments by Douglas Fir
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A friend told me that he got in the mail a big envelope from 'NARAL' the group that promotes death (abortion). Outside the envelope it said something about 'support women's reproductive rights'
Too bad they don't realize half the babies being killed (aborted) are females, so they are ending any choice for those babies to have babies when they grow up.
What we have is a Culture of Death, death to things like the family, biblical roles for women, etc. And the church is trying to be 'relevant' by not opposing any of this culture.
Instead, it should be standing up for families, for widows, for babies.

News Item11/15/19 10:43 AM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Find all comments by Douglas Fir
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Thanks, 'Frank,' for putting the exact verse out there.
Feminism is indeed part of the same curse, but it is now so ingrained in Western culture that it is nearly a crime to speak against it, even in Christian circles.
Some will say, 'There you go again, defining yourself by what you are against!'
Well, we are just telling what the Bible teaches.

News Item11/15/19 9:52 AM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Find all comments by Douglas Fir
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I am so glad he has identified this issue as a problem in today's society. Isaiah 3 is a good chapter that I have cited here before, where it is a curse for the nation that children rule.
It is an uphill battle. I was listening to a national Christian radio network the other day with a program that really is nothing more than a constant promo for new books coming out (they should tell us how much the publisher is paying them!), and the book being discussed was about raising boys (as if, in the millenia since the church began, no one had thought of writing a book on this!), and the first thing the hostess mentioned was all about feminism. Hello! The book is about boys, not feminism. Let's hear what New Ideas the author has to say about boys, esp. today with so many negative influences.

News Item11/14/19 2:05 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Find all comments by Douglas Fir
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Does anyone remember the story posted here at SA about the protestors singing hymns? It made it seem like it was a Christian protest. I guess it really isn't, right?
Second, let's do a Reality Check: didn't these folk know that Big Changes were in store for them as the Chinese on the mainland took back the land that had always been 'theirs' except those International Masters, the British, got involved with opium in the area. Next thing you know, we had the Opium Wars and after that, Hong Kong was now a British colony. (please don't trust wikipedia to review any of these details, best to go to an old-fashioned library with encyclopedias you can look up).

News Item11/14/19 1:59 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Find all comments by Douglas Fir
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The Dems are showing themselves to be the real dopes they are; this whole process is just shooting themselves in the foot.
It would be better for them to work on the nation's problems like the funding of Medicare and Medicaid, Social Security Disability, etc.
But I ask for too much! No, they are insane with rage about President Donald Trump, who they have wanted to overthrow as soon as Election Night was over. One of my most interesting experiences in watching live TV (right behind the arrival of the Nina, Pinta and Santa Maria)was that Election Night, to see how the Talking Heads reacted to the fact that Hillary was not going to win.
I knew right then that the media had 2 choices--cover the facts or make up reasons to justify their unhappiness. They have chosen the 2nd. They should have looked at the facts--how did he win? who voted for him and why? If they had reported these Real Facts, then even the Dems would have known what was going on, and been able to answer it with their own plans.

News Item11/14/19 1:53 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Find all comments by Douglas Fir
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Good to see that Franklin Graham is really telling it like it is. He could also have asked Moyers about his experience as press secretary for LBJ, one of the most foul-mouthed presidents that this country has ever seen! He also had a lot of 'not nice' things to say about people like Martin Luther King, Jr. who he had his pit bull, J. Edgar Hoover, do intensive research on. If people would read that research today, they would have an 'irregular bowel movement' every time they saw some street named after him!

News Item11/13/19 12:08 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Find all comments by Douglas Fir
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It's good to see that the facts of the case are beginning to emerge where everyone can see them, as long as the mainstream media will not deny them or say something is wrong with this story, but we can't tell you what.

News Item11/13/19 8:41 AM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Find all comments by Douglas Fir
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Baptist battles
Thanks for posting this historical item. Church history is one thing that is very often neglected today. As I said in my comment about new books, if we owned a Christian bookstore and a very large basement or warehouse, we could keep every book that has been promoted over the years and find patterns that would be interesting to follow.

News Item11/12/19 4:09 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Find all comments by Douglas Fir
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This reminds me of that verse in the Bible that says, of the writing of books there is no end. And that was in the days before Gutenberg invented the printing press!
It seems that every time I turn on Christian radio to hear a program, it is about some author promoting their book. Of course, they act as if their book is the Latest and Greatest Thing since boiled peanuts or sliced bread.
I wish I could find every book written in the past 50 years and sold in Christian bookstores, just to put catalog them to see how our culture has changed over the years.
You could say that in the New Testament Days, there were disputes that appear in the Bible, like 'I am of Apollos' and 'No, I am of Paul, the Apostle' or another saying 'No, I am of Peter, who walked with Jesus'
Didn't Paul tell in one of his letters that he wished 2 women would agree?
Seems like complaining about church or doctrine or worship services seems to be part of the package! Makes you want to turn to the peace and quiet of those meditating Buddhists, except when you remember the news story you saw a couple years ago, where different groups of Buddhists were fighting each other in Burma (or Thailand?).
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