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News Item5/27/15 7:36 PM
Angela Wittman | Southern Illinois  Go to homepageFind all comments by Angela Wittman
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I was contemplating if I should vote for Huckabee for President, but after reading this and other articles about his defense of the Duggars', I just cannot give him my vote. His reaction to this matter seems to reek of shallowness and lack of empathy for the victims. There is no way he can win my confidence and vote now.

News Item5/27/15 4:50 PM
Angela Wittman | Southern Illinois  Go to homepageFind all comments by Angela Wittman
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Thanks Jim... Your comment really touched my heart. I remember the terror I felt as the abuser was an older male cousin I looked up to. He was probably 14 or 15 years of age and I was 10 years (or perhaps a bit younger). Praise the Lord, my mother could tell something was wrong with me the next day and I told her what happened. The abuser left me alone after his initial attempt and my parents kept me away from him. I don't even know where he is now or if he's still alive. The reason I'm telling of my experience is to point out that this really is a serious sexual sin and the victims need protection and justice. We need to warn our children about sexual sins and protect them; don't sweep it under the rug and then sign them up for a reality TV show.

News Item5/27/15 1:37 PM
Angela Wittman | Southern Illinois  Go to homepageFind all comments by Angela Wittman
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Before we cart this woman off to the stocks or worse, let's wait and hear her reasons for releasing the info. I'll be truthful and tell you that I have personal experience of being a child and having someone wake me up in the middle of the night to attempt molestation, so I'm very emotional about this issue.

News Item5/25/15 2:38 PM
Angela Wittman | Southern Illinois  Go to homepageFind all comments by Angela Wittman
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Dear no name,

You will be in my prayers. The good Lord brought my cousin to Himself for spiritual healing before her death and I look forward to our family reunion in Heaven. May the good Lord bless you even more as you are such a blessing to others, including me. Thank you.

News Item5/25/15 12:36 PM
Angela Wittman | Southern Illinois  Go to homepageFind all comments by Angela Wittman
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Thanks Unprofitable Servant! I'll share a personal story about my cousin who was a few months younger than me and who I thought of as a sister. She had negligent parents in the sense that while they clothed and fed her, they out of ignorance (perhaps) left her wide open for sexual molestation at a young age (12 years?). The extended family youths heard rumors she was being abused by a cousin or cousins. I really don't know how many molested her, but she was too ashamed to admit it was happening or seek help from others. As a consequence she grew up feeling like a used, dirty piece of trash. She then went on to marry at a young age and abused alcohol and drugs. She died from kidney failure before her 40th birthday. I still weep for her and will not be silent when I hear of abuse, nor will I sweep it under the rug; God is my witness. Amen.

News Item5/25/15 9:59 AM
Angela Wittman | Southern Illinois  Go to homepageFind all comments by Angela Wittman
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As you all pray and close ranks around the Duggars, let's also remember the innocent children who were molested and might be scarred for life. Yes, God is merciful and I'm glad Josh repented of his horrible sin and has been forgiven. However, there are still consequences for the victims. I also grew up in the 1970's and while many of my friends were into heavy petting, it was still taboo for a brother to molest his sister or other relatives. Let this be a lesson parents need to discuss and teach their children about.

News Item5/24/15 2:17 PM
Angela Wittman | Southern Illinois  Go to homepageFind all comments by Angela Wittman
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Something I'm not hearing much about is the serious nature of the young man's sin - sexually molesting younger girls when he was a teen. (Please correct me if this is not the case.) Also, if my understanding of the time line is correct, the Duggar parents knew about this sexual sin before they became a reality based TV series. I would think it more prudent for the parents to forego starring in a television program which invites the public into their home life and focus on their many children, especially this young man in particular.

News Item5/19/15 11:06 AM
Angela Wittman | Southern Illinois  Go to homepageFind all comments by Angela Wittman
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Two words to describe this congregation: No Discernment.

News Item3/3/15 1:55 PM
Angela Wittman | Southern Illinois  Go to homepageFind all comments by Angela Wittman
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I think I've finally gotten a handle on FB. In the past I would get so discouraged reading some of my "friends" posts (not out of envy, but discouragement at their preoccupation with the world) and comments that I would have to deactivate my account for a couple of months. Now I've learned to control what I see by changing the settings to where I don't see their posts. I think it's a beast one must learn to manage/control if they are going to use it as a platform to share theology and Christian news, as I do.

News Item2/22/15 7:30 PM
Angela Wittman | Southern Illinois  Go to homepageFind all comments by Angela Wittman
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Michael, When I first read the story I thought about the mainline churches that went liberal years ago and who are now barely keeping their doors open. A mega church pastor showing his true colors doesn't affect me because I am not in his church. I would hope this news would stir up a faithful remnant at Grace Point who will speak out and find a faithful church to join. I'm glad the good Lord is exposing this wolf in sheep's clothing and I would hope Grace Point fires him. However, it sounds like the leadership is in agreement and if that's the case, the faithful Christian has no choice but to leave.

News Item2/22/15 8:13 AM
Angela Wittman | Southern Illinois  Go to homepageFind all comments by Angela Wittman
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Christians need to flee from this... Lack of money coming in is probably all that will get this pastor and his elders attention.

News Item2/20/15 10:13 AM
Angela Wittman | Southern Illinois  Go to homepageFind all comments by Angela Wittman
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I agree.

News Item2/19/15 5:19 PM
Angela Wittman | Southern Illinois  Go to homepageFind all comments by Angela Wittman
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It's been a while since I've commented at SA, so I don't know who SteveR is, but I remember Frank as being a kind, retired gentleman. I'm really disturbed by SteveR's comments directed toward him and pray he will stop making them. As has been pointed out, it appears the ladies are in agreement with Frank and we're probably from all different walks of life and at different stages of our walk with the Lord.

News Item2/19/15 1:43 PM
Angela Wittman | Southern Illinois  Go to homepageFind all comments by Angela Wittman
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I don't want folks to think all was peachy immediately... I had to work out my faith and belief during tough periods of testing, but after much prayer, tears and finding encouragement in God's Word, He came through for both my husband and me in a big way.

News Item2/19/15 1:01 PM
Angela Wittman | Southern Illinois  Go to homepageFind all comments by Angela Wittman
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I'll add my hearty "amen!" to Frank's post... When I left the workforce, I entrusted both my finances and marriage completely to the Lord and guess what? My marriage blossomed and my husband's income increased!

News Item2/18/15 9:46 AM
Angela Wittman | Southern Illinois  Go to homepageFind all comments by Angela Wittman
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Why on earth is he even commenting on this? I think Judge Roy Moore is the man with the expertise to listen to in this matter. This kind of stuff keeps me from even considering becoming a Baptist; I would probably cause a riot.

News Item2/17/15 10:11 AM
Angela Wittman | Southern Illinois  Go to homepageFind all comments by Angela Wittman
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Thanks for the link Jim. I included it with the story about this at my blog.[URL=]]][/URL]

News Item12/28/14 8:26 AM
Angela Wittman | Southern Illinois  Go to homepageFind all comments by Angela Wittman
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Just a quick comment - There really is such a thing as the "Regulative Principle" for Worship and it doesn't include incorporating pagan or manmade practices. If you care to, you can click on the home icon above for a blog I maintain and scroll down for a series of articles regarding the practice of observing Christmas I've featured. Thanks.

News Item11/9/14 2:51 PM
Angela Wittman | Southern IL, USA  Go to homepageFind all comments by Angela Wittman
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In response to prays comment: Yes, we need to pray for the Driscoll's, but let's not forget the victims of Mr. Driscoll's abuse and teachings. Any man that does what he did should be defrocked and shunned. (Just re-read pray's comment - sorry I misunderstood and see that you include the victims.

Sermon10/27/14 3:09 PM
Angela Wittman | Southern Illinois  Find all comments by Angela Wittman
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“ Great Sermon! ”
I'm very happy to share this sermon series before October 31 of 2014. It seems to me that once we open the door to allow unbiblical practices in the Church, it will be almost impossible to go back to the principles of the Reformation. I'm grieved that American Vision has compromised when it comes to Reformation truths and principles. I sincerely hope and pray they will take Pastor Schwertley's words in this sermon series to heart. Amen.
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