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133 total votes have been cast on this survey | 11 user comments  ( edit survey )

Do you attend a mid-week Prayer Meeting?
Created: 12/9/2009 | Last Vote: 6 years ago | Comment: 14 years ago
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 •   Yes
  67% | 89 votes

 •   No - (My church does not have one)
  11% | 15 votes

 •   No - (I do not feel the need for it)
  5% | 7 votes

 •   No - (I do not like the format/dynamics - length or type of praying etc.)
  4% | 5 votes

 •   No - (I am to shy to pray publicly)
  5% | 6 votes

 •   No answer. Skip this survey, I do not care to vote on this topic.
  8% | 11 votes


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Survey1/3/10 3:12 PM
Warmington by sea | from beside the white stuff  Find all comments by Warmington by sea
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Mike wrote:
Is that your take on the meaning of "two or three are gathered together in my name..."?

But re prayer.

"5 And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are: for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward. 6 But thou, when thou prayest, ENTER INTO THY CLOSET, and when thou hast SHUT THY DOOR, pray to thy Father which is IN SECRET; and thy Father which seeth IN SECRET shall reward thee openly. 7 But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking. 8 Be not ye therefore like unto them: for your Father knoweth what things ye have need of, before ye ask him."

Survey1/3/10 12:37 PM
r.a. | Midwest USA  Find all comments by r.a.
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I would like to reply to the question Do you attend a mid week Prayer Meeting? Does the questioner consider people who might work second shift, as I do, and therefore my work schedule prohibits my attendance to mid week services. Secondly does the questioner consider spouses who are prohibited from attending any services whatsoever due to theological differences within their own family?
Thirdly, how about financial difficulties of attending mid week services? If it takes one hour to get to the services there is a problem with financing extra trips to the city.

Survey1/3/10 11:55 AM
Mike | New York  Find all comments by Mike
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gess hoo wrote:
The only folks you need to put together for prayers John is, God to listen, Jesus to mediate and the Holy Spirit, indwelling, that you may pray in the Spirit.
Which means that it is a good job that they are omnipresent, ain't it John.
Is that your take on the meaning of "two or three are gathered together in my name..."?

Survey1/3/10 11:43 AM
John UK | Wales  Contact via emailFind all comments by John UK
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gess hoo wrote:
The only folks you need to put together for prayers John is, God to listen, Jesus to mediate and the Holy Spirit, indwelling, that you may pray in the Spirit.
Which means that it is a good job that they are omnipresent, ain't it John.
Now there's a strange answer to a simple question.

Survey1/3/10 11:32 AM
gess hoo  Find all comments by gess hoo
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John UK wrote:
If two go out to preach the gospel, should they pray together first or separately in their closets?
The only folks you need to put together for prayers John is, God to listen, Jesus to mediate and the Holy Spirit, indwelling, that you may pray in the Spirit.
Which means that it is a good job that they are omnipresent, ain't it John.

Survey1/3/10 10:34 AM
John UK | Wales  Contact via emailFind all comments by John UK
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Feeblemind wrote:
Any bible bereans....
From [URL=]]]Prayer-Meetings[/URL]
"Look at prayer meetings...firstly, they are duly slotted into the regular weekly routine - and that is the biggest mistake. Prayer is meant to be impromptu and offered at any time. Secondly, at these prayer meetings, the 'prayer warriors' always take pride of place. But are they all prayer-warriors...or are some just people with golden tongues who love to speak out in public? The question is tough but necessary. Thirdly, these prayers are either very broad or very personal - the first is useless and the second is not for public ears. Indeed, Christ instructed us to pray in private!......"

This is most interesting stuff!

After all, we should not want to waste time mouthing words without purpose, especially if it involves disobedience. Now I do not yet understand exactly what prayer is, and I am willing to learn; but surely, as you say, our blueprint for it must come from the scriptural plan, not a tradition or other man-made concoction.

If two go out to preach the gospel, should they pray together first or separately in their closets?

Survey1/3/10 9:16 AM
Feeblemind  Find all comments by Feeblemind
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"What I do not accept are prayer meetings as they exist in our churches today. I cannot and will never accept them because scripture does not support them, nor does it teach that we may hold them." "there is nothing in scripture to support regular, pre-determined, corporate prayer."

[URL=]]]when prayer is a crutch[/URL]

Any bible bereans intersted in reading the above and answering the points with scripture to show the necessity of a midweek corporate prayer meeting? Helps answer the topic.

Survey1/3/10 7:20 AM
Michael Hranek | Endicott, New York  Find all comments by Michael Hranek
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John UK wrote:
On New Years Eve at 11.00pm a friend and I began a time of prayer....
John UK
Good Post.
Jesus has indeed given us the PROMISE that wherever two or three gather together IN HIS NAME there He is in the midst.

And although I know we can enjoy prayer meeting away from the church house, still that is the place where genuine fervent church-wide prayer meeting of much intercession ought to be going on as people humbly meet together IN HIS NAME to be about His business.

Pastors IMHO ought to repent big time and lead their congregations back to having a real prayer meeting. NOT a heartbreakingly worthless one as Paul Washer discribes here on SermonAudio in one of his messages.

There may be erroneous thinking that has contributed greatly to the prayerlessness of 'our churches' it is this: similar to pagans church members have wrongly looked at prayer as the means of getting what we want from God RATHER THAN looking at prayer as SERVING GOD coming to Him as His beloved children asking for His mercy, for Him to do what He longs to do in the lives of others...certainly that includes things such as their SALVATION and every right thing for their well being as their lives are delivered from Satan and into His perfect will.

Survey1/3/10 6:57 AM
John UK | Wales  Contact via emailFind all comments by John UK
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On New Years Eve at 11.00pm a friend and I began a time of prayer, thinking that an hour would be sufficient before the world disturbed the peace with their fireworks and drunken antics.

As it turned out, the Lord drew near to us and filled us with his peace and joy, and drew us further into prayer. Even at 12.20am, neither of us really wanted to stop praying, because the fellowship of the Lord was so sweet.

Even the firecrackers did not interrupt this communion with God.


If two saints can be led of the Spirit into 50 minutes of prayer, why on earth does the local church only allow about 30mins of midweek prayer for between ten and eighty saints?

Is there no-one left on earth who takes prayer seriously? Or is the entire church so backslidden that prayer-meetings are become a mere form, an empty shell, a worship with the lips but with hearts far from God? A ritual no better than the Catholic Mass or the televangelist rant?

Beloved, I only say these things for encouragement; I learnt something on NYE - that if saints will discipline themselves to do some serious praying, God will take note and act.

Let's have longer PM's at church!!

Survey12/12/09 7:08 AM
Michael Hranek | Endicott, New York  Find all comments by Michael Hranek
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Wow! What an interesting question.

To which I have to consider how many churches actually have a "church prayer meeting" and not just a prayer meeting at church for those who are not involved in other activities such as children and youth programs, choir practise, and a mid week Bible study?

Survey12/12/09 3:13 AM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Our church has a number of small groups that meet every other week on a given day and time, usually at a private house. I only attend one but some in my church attend two or more.

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