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What form of music should be used in praise?
Created: 5/28/2007 | Last Vote: 10 years ago | Comment: 10 years ago
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Survey3/2/14 6:06 PM
John Yurich USA | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich USA
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Country Gospel, Polka Gospel, Traditional Organ and Piano Church hymns.

Survey5/18/10 7:29 PM
Mike | New York  Find all comments by Mike
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Psalms Only wrote:
There are lots and lots of people who "praise" God in a building called a church on Sundays. Roman Catholics, JW's, Liberals and the like.

Whether Praise comes before God is whether Praise is brought by the Holy Spirit and Christ to God.

True, the Lord does not hear praises of unbelievers, but that is due to unbelief, not the type of praise. Were they to sing Psalms, neither would they be heard, for the Holy Spirit would not bring it, for they do not have him. Thus it is not the words that bring praise, but the heart condition of the one bringing praises that determine acceptability.

Psalms Only wrote:
There is no other Book.... which you will reject, - why do you suggest we can drop this part of the Word of God?
And why do you suggest that we can replace this Praise Book - with the efforts of sinners?
Why do you say that I suggest we drop the book of Psalms? You read funny.

Why do you say hymn-singing requires replacement of the Psalms? I know of no hymn writer that even hinted at such. If you praise God best by singing Psalms, it is well with your soul. As for sinners efforts, do you say a forgiven sinner has naught himself to praise God about?

Survey5/18/10 5:29 PM
John UK | Wales  Contact via emailFind all comments by John UK
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Mr "Psalms-Only" is one of those rare whole Bible men who believes in sola scriptura methinks.

And there is just no gainsaying the biblical position on the use of psalms only in the true worship of God within a church context. This is one of those subjects which calls for the scholars to explain the use of certain words in the New Testament. Namely, "psalms, hymns and spiritual songs".

I'm not sure how our Lord responds to the singing of uninspired songs in worship; many of the good hymns could hardly be classed as "strange fire" could they?

One thing for sure, I can walk down the street singing Amazing Grace, and feel most edified by the doing of it.

Survey5/18/10 5:00 PM
Psalms Only  Find all comments by Psalms Only
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Mike wrote:
It is hardly a denial of David's praise in Scripture, nor is it Liberalism to praise God with the words of your own heart. Does God require of his adopted sons that they only speak to him through the words of a son named David? The only Son we can rightly praise God through is Jesus Christ. That means YOUR words of praise are acceptable.
There are lots and lots of people who "praise" God in a building called a church on Sundays. Roman Catholics, JW's, Liberals and the like.

Whether Praise comes before God is whether Praise is brought by the Holy Spirit and Christ to God.

The problem of Hymns is that they REMOVE - REJECT the inspired Praise Book of God set within the pages of His Holy Scriptures.

Trouble is Mike that nowhere in Scripture do we find an instruction to wait till the 17th century (or thereabouts) for the words and music to praise God in the "proper" way.
There is no other Book in Scripture which you will reject, - why do you suggest we can drop this part of the Word of God?
And why do you suggest that we can replace this Praise Book - with the efforts of sinners?
BTW the Liberalism accusation is a statement of where the Free Church of Scotland may be going, - possibly to join the C of S.

Survey5/18/10 4:30 PM
Mike | new York  Find all comments by Mike
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Psalms Only wrote:
Another step in the journey of Liberalism. Another stitch in the jersey of denying the inspired praise of God in Scripture.
It is hardly a denial of David's praise in Scripture, nor is it Liberalism to praise God with the words of your own heart. Does God require of his adopted sons that they only speak to him through the words of a son named David? The only Son we can rightly praise God through is Jesus Christ. That means YOUR words of praise are acceptable.

Survey5/18/10 4:00 PM
Psalms Only  Find all comments by Psalms Only
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The Free Church of Scotland, Psalms only, is debating whether to sing Hymns as well as Psalms.

Quote:: "Free Church of Scotland congregations like this one in Stornoway traditionally sing psalms unaccompanied.

The group, believed to be a minority of church office- bearers, wants to introduce hymns and play musical instruments during services.

At present, the Church excludes instrumental accompaniment and limits its music to the unaccompanied congregational singing of psalms.

Those pressing for change deny suggestions they are motivated by a need to attract new members amid falling congregations, or to woo Church of Scotland members who may leave the Kirk in the row over whether gay people should be allowed to become ministers"
[URL=]]]The Scotsman Article[/URL]

Another step in the journey of Liberalism. Another stitch in the jersey of denying the inspired praise of God in Scripture.

Survey2/1/10 3:55 PM
John UK | Wales  Find all comments by John UK
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Dawrak wrote:
Do you agree that everybodies experience of this point in their life is different? Take Paul for example, no singing and dancing there, he was blinded. And yours truly also, my experience was much less emotively
expressive, and somewhat painful. When sin is revealed in the believer is it a "joy to behold?"
Of course every conversion has its own distictives. Spurgeon's testimony just happens to tally with the majority.

One thing is for sure, the Lord designs that the recipients of his grace, upon being relieved of a big condemning burden of sin, should be so overjoyed that they would tell the whole world immediately, if such a thing was possible.

Survey2/1/10 3:25 PM
Dawrak  Find all comments by Dawrak
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Michael Hranek wrote:
And just WHY??? Wouldn't you want to connect it to sermon writting?
Because it is dealt with differently in Scripture.

Mike wrote:
If it is your meat to hold to this, you have the freedom to do so.
Mike. You must be getting old.

John UK wrote:
was so joyous that I could scarce refrain from dancing. I thought on my road home from the house where I had been set at liberty, that I must tell the stones
Do you agree that everybodies experience of this point in their life is different? Take Paul for example, no singing and dancing there, he was blinded. And yours truly also, my experience was much less emotively
expressive, and somewhat painful. When sin is revealed in the believer is it a "joy to behold?"

Survey2/1/10 4:19 AM
John UK | Wales  Contact via emailFind all comments by John UK
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When the Lord first pardoned my sin, I was so joyous that I could scarce refrain from dancing. I thought on my road home from the house where I had been set at liberty, that I must tell the stones in the street the story of my deliverance. So full was my soul of joy, that I wanted to tell every snow-flake that was falling from heaven of the wondrous love of Jesus, who had blotted out the sins of one of the chief of rebels. But it is not only at the commencement of the Christian life that believers have reason for song; as long as they live they discover cause to sing in the ways of the Lord, and their experience of His constant lovingkindness leads them to say, "I will bless the Lord at all times: His praise shall continually be in my mouth." See to it, brother, that thou magnifiest the Lord this day.

"Long as we tread this desert land,
New mercies shall new songs demand."

From this morning's reading CHS

Survey1/31/10 6:58 PM
Mike | New York  Find all comments by Mike
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Dawrak wrote:
Which part of the verse on psalms hymns and spiritual songs declares that man is to write his own praise hymns and songs???
Further which part of said verse declares we are to await the arrival of future centuries which practice the writing of hymns and reject the Lord's own song book in Scripture?
(Oh and please don't insult anyones intelligence by connecting this with sermon writing)
If it is your meat to hold to this, you have the freedom to do so. Christ died for you, too.

Survey1/31/10 2:53 PM
Michael Hranek | Endicott, New York  Find all comments by Michael Hranek
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merry singing day wrote:
Also, why no musical instruments in public worship until the Romanists brought in the organ 800 years after Christ? Where is the organ used in the NT worship and which hymns?


Oops! In the Psalms themselves the Word of God tells us of using instruments in praising God. Also dancing. So I do hope you are all dancing in you alls churches. Won't just want to pick and choose those verses you like and throw the others away would you

And just WHY??? Wouldn't you want to connect it to sermon writting???
Would that make the interpretation Psalms exclusively (maybe even without musical instruments) look bad, like it wasn't really Biblical but some kind of modern day Phariseeical bondage?

Survey1/31/10 2:46 PM
Dawrak  Find all comments by Dawrak
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Mike wrote:
Then the Scripture should have read "Psalms, Psalms, and Psalms." Or at least "Psalms," without reference to anything else which means nothing else.
Which part of the verse on psalms hymns and spiritual songs declares that man is to write his own praise hymns and songs???

Further which part of said verse declares we are to await the arrival of future centuries which practice the writing of hymns and reject the Lord's own song book in Scripture?

(Oh and please don't insult anyones intelligence by connecting this with sermon writing)

Col 3:16 Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.

BTW You do realise that the Book of Psalms contains psalms, hymns and spiritual songs don't you?
The Lord is hardly likely to leave out any necessary forms of praise from Holy Writ, - is HE!!

Survey1/31/10 2:18 PM
Michael Hranek | Endicott, New York  Go to homepageFind all comments by Michael Hranek
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merry singing day wrote:
So you haven't studied the subject then.
merry singing day
Thanks for posting back. Do you really mean that "you haven't been indoctrinated into the unScriptural bondage of Psalms only???" Yup! That's right

Mike from NY gave a very good observation, Psalms (Okay we have them in Scripture), Hymns (Some are in Scripture and men do in fact write some, even today) and Spiritual songs (to me kind of like when a child of God spontaneusly express love, adoration and worship to or about God, to or about the Lord Jesus Christ or even takes the time and makes the effort to compose one in harmony and agreement with the Truth of Scripture to encourage others in their faith.)

Now if you want Bible...and I assume you really do want Bible then remember in worshipping the Father in Spirit and in Truth, "You shall LOVE the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your mind" NOT WITH SOMEBODY ELSE'S Thank You Very Much.

And please don't take it too hard that I don't have time to listen to somebody try to rob me of my liberty in Christ by imposing whatever their modern version of "circumcision" is upon my faith.

or don't you approve of "Jesus loves me this I know ...."

Survey1/31/10 10:13 AM
merry singing day  Find all comments by merry singing day
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Michael Hranek wrote:
Mike NY
Good Comment!
So you haven't studied the subject then.

[URL=]]]James Kerr[/URL]
You might want to read the above by James Kerr.

Also, why no musical instruments in public worship until the Romanists brought in the organ 800 years after Christ? Where is the organ used in the NT worship and which hymns?

How come there are 5000 plus preserved manuscript evidences for the bible in your hand, but not one scrap of any preserved NT and early hymns? Why did God then preserve the Psalms? Mmmmmm

[URL=]]]Exclusive Psalmody[/URL]

Listen to the sermon preached only this week and it might prove 'providentially' enlightening

Enjoy your studies, if full of the joy of the Lord this day you'll love to sing the psalms today! Luke 24: 44, 45

Full of Christ are they not?

James 5: 13

Survey1/31/10 6:46 AM
Michael Hranek | Endicott, New York  Find all comments by Michael Hranek
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Mike wrote:
Then the Scripture should have read "Psalms, Psalms, and Psalms." Or at least "Psalms," without reference to anything else which means nothing else. Don't fall into the trap of changing word meanings, bro, to accommodate theology, as those hypermen are wont to do.
Mike NY
Good Comment!

Survey1/30/10 8:03 PM
Wake up | aust''  Find all comments by Wake up
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1Co 14:15 What is it then? I will pray with the spirit, and I will pray with the understanding also: I will sing with the spirit, and I will sing with the understanding also.
One can only pray or sing with the understanding the written Word.But this other. The Spirit the Living Spirit. The Spirit is the expression of the Word in extempory expression. The Psalms are prayers - as david said..Ps 72:20 The prayers of David the son of Jesse are ended.
To those who claim Psalms ONLY Then the priciple Prayer of God Only too Must stand as the anglican do. The book of Psalms is a Prayer Book. Paul is not expressing repatition even a child would reveal. Spiritual songs does not mean it has to be God breathed as some would have you be convinced the word is "spiritual" look it up. Pilgrims progress is a spiritual book about the God Breathed book. Spiritual as apposed to carnal. But some zelots will blind themselves to the simple fact Psalm, Hymns and Spirital songs means what it plainly states. What is it then? I will pray with the spirit, and I will pray with the UNDERSTANDING also(pray prayers from the Bible word for word): I will sing with the spirit, and I will sing with the UNDERSTANDING also(sing praises from the Bible word for word).

Survey1/24/10 8:06 PM
ErnieG  Find all comments by ErnieG
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I just voted for "All of the Above" because I didn't want to leave out
"Contempary" as many of the IFB Churches are using them and some are quite well written.

The IFBC are also using "Patch the Pirate" songs for the children, and there is NO WAY you can exalt a pirate!!! (Next thing they will be singing "Carlos, the Drug Dealer" songs, because they have a good message! (No offense made to anybody named Carlos, Since most of drugs coming in are from south of the border)

My "Hedges and Highway Minstry" will include Contempory Music because I have also written some songs that could be classified as such. Only one of the Christian Churches I asked would play them, and a Mormon church just played the music without the words. After the service, they asked me to become a member again. I said, "No thanks, I've been there and done that"!

I said what Gal 1:8 says from their KJV Bible. I said, "There is no angel moroni in the Bible. And Paul said let them be accursed or damned to those preaching a different gospel! And besides,there were NO witnesses to the golden tablets. The burning in your bosum is only indigestion! NOTHING that Joseph Smith said has every come true. The Mormon church is a non-prophet organiztion!

Survey1/24/10 6:19 PM
Mike | New York  Find all comments by Mike
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whichhymn wrote:
Hey Mike
Don't fall imnto the trap of not thoroughly studying the topic, eh? Not that you are not an expert on everything good sir
No expert here, whichhymn. But I can read!

From your suggested site:

"At the time of the Reformation the Church abandoned Latin hymns and adopted the practice of singing metrical psalms. John Calvin wrote in his 1542 service book: 'What Augustine says is true, namely, that no one can sing anything worthy of God which he has not received from him. Therefore, after we have carefully searched everywhere, we shall not find better of more appropriate songs to this end than the Psalms of David, inspired by the Holy Spirit"

No wonder the confusion, if you believe this sort of thing. One might suppose no one else on Earth other than David has been inspired of God to write music. (Makes you wonder what God's people sang before David. Perhaps they were mute?) What God limiting nonsense this is. Oh well, that certain theology has to be upheld. God spoke to the Reformers only, then sat back to let the world run its course, right? Except for earthquakes, of course, which he personally directs at the evil Haitians and the missionaries serving God there.

Survey1/24/10 4:41 PM
whichhymn | matthew26.30  Find all comments by whichhymn
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Mike wrote:
Then the Scripture should have read "Psalms, Psalms, and Psalms." else. Don't fall into the trap
Hey Mike

Don't fall imnto the trap of not thoroughly studying the topic, eh? Not that you are not an expert on everything good sir

But to help you along

[URL=]]]Psalm all about it![/URL]

Survey1/24/10 4:15 PM
John UK | Wales  Contact via emailFind all comments by John UK
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Mike wrote:
Then the Scripture should have read "Psalms, Psalms, and Psalms." Or at least "Psalms," without reference to anything else which means nothing else. Don't fall into the trap of changing word meanings, bro, to accommodate theology, as those hypermen are wont to do.
I thank thee bro Mike for your concern that I fall not into the ditch on this. I have been prayerfully studying the subject over the last several months, and can find no argument against the three greek words used for our translation being referrred to the psalms. The evidence seems to be irrefutable and cannot be gainsaid. This seems to be one case where personal preference can be so powerful as to ignore the facts.

However, you may still sing your Baptist songs at home Mike, in private, but when you attend church, it is best not to play the Nadab and Abihu.

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