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What's your gas price in your area? (add a comment and indicate where you are from)
Created: 9/1/2005 | Last Vote: 14 years ago | Comment: 16 years ago
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Survey11/26/08 1:43 PM
John UK | Wales  Find all comments by John UK
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Recently, price of fuel in Wales was one pound twenty five per litre.

Now it is about ninety-five pence per litre.

I still think we should bring back the horse and cart, donkey, whatever.

Survey9/19/08 1:02 PM
Neil | Tucson  Find all comments by Neil
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Wikipedia says that in the UK, petrol tax is 50 p/liter, plus 17% VAT, which works out to about 69.5 p/liter or $5.20/US gal! I presume your MPs aren't so hypocritical as to blame the oil cos. for high prices!

US fuel price breakdown:

I think fuel taxes are most justified when they finance (in the US at least) state highway construction & maintenance, like a "user fee." This presents a problem with electric vehicles, however. But I'd rather the states got the revenue than the Feds. I now believe that Ike's Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1956 was an error, for several reasons.

Survey9/19/08 12:41 PM
doctormo | Northern Ireland  Contact via emailFind all comments by doctormo
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Where I live we pay over $10 per gallon and that's after it has started to come down! We also pay more for household fuel, electricity, groceries, clothes, cars, housing, entertainment, you name it we pay more than Americans and have always done so! So when I hear Americans moaning about the price of gas as they call it I have to laugh! However, when I think of the way in which America is being systematically destroyed morally,
economically, militarily, religiously and in everyway imaginable by the Global Elite I feel kind of sorry for them!

Survey7/19/08 4:20 PM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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$4.25 for premium unleaded in Atlanta.

Survey7/19/08 4:05 PM
Mike | New York  Find all comments by Mike
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I do find fascinating how immediately gasoline prices escalate following oil price increases. (even if the latter were based on future potential events which seldom develop, and when they don't, the price remains up anyway) But when the oil price drops, the lag is long, isn't it? Either nothing, or very little happens to the gasoline price. If this is supply and demand, it's a lopsided version of it. Must be the demand for money exceeds the supply of integrity.

Survey7/19/08 1:04 PM
Neil | Tucson  Find all comments by Neil
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1 barrel = 42 US gal. Fed excise tax is $.184/gal; states may impose additional duties. Do the arithmetic to see how much oil cos. really get at current prices.

Survey6/4/08 3:49 AM
aussie | NSW  Find all comments by aussie
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AnonymousB wrote:
$1.66 AUD per Litre, which is $5.85 USD per US gallon
I think you will find that it is more like $7.47 au per gallon not $5.85. Anyhow it doesn't matter, they have got us over the proverbial barrel haven't they. Bring back Jed Clampert.

Survey5/31/08 8:49 PM
Dr. Phil  Find all comments by Dr. Phil
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Aussie wrote:
AT the moment I am paying about $7.00 a gallon for my petrol. You yanks have had it good for years and showed little concern about how much gas you used because it was a cheap commodity. It seems to me that it is the "I'm alright jack syndrome". It does hurt to be screwed by greedy people, and I think enough is enough. Lets fight back by using LPG. Don't get me wrong, I love Americans, If you took them out of the world a great vacuum would exist for all sorts of evil powers to dominate. Americans and Aussies have always helped each other, let us continue on in that brotherhood.

I agree that Australia is one of our greatest allies, but my friend please do not forget that the production of gasoline on the largest scale began here in America, and of the better part of the twentieth century we were selling our oil when the Arabs were milking camels in the desert and when gas was 25 cents/gallon because it was "so plentiful". As you can see, the Muslims are not so generous, and they will be even less generous as their supplies of oil dwindle.

Survey5/31/08 8:34 PM
Aussie | Australia  Find all comments by Aussie
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AT the moment I am paying about $7.00 a gallon for my petrol. You yanks have had it good for years and showed little concern about how much gas you used because it was a cheap commodity. It seems to me that it is the "I'm alright jack syndrome". It does hurt to be screwed by greedy people, and I think enough is enough. Lets fight back by using LPG. Don't get me wrong, I love Americans, If you took them out of the world a great vacuum would exist for all sorts of evil powers to dominate. Americans and Aussies have always helped each other, let us continue on in that brotherhood.

Survey5/18/08 11:21 PM
Neil | Tucson  Find all comments by Neil
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No offense taken; I don't blame people for time commitments. I have little more worth saying except to remind folks that gas prices are also a function of refining capacity, & refineries seem hard to build these days thanks to green regulations, NIMBY, etc.

Survey5/18/08 10:09 PM
cindy | northwestern PA  Find all comments by cindy
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I apologize if I came across as rude because I did not respond to your comment but as before on this site and others that I have left comments, I did not want it to turn into a polemic merry-go-round because I simply do not have the time to interact. Blogging and interacting on the internet is indeed time consuming.

So in response to your comment on 4/17 @ 11:49 am, I will leave this:

You are correct in saying no one knows for sure the reserve estimates but I will say that the earth's crust contains only so much oil that can be extracted for a (and here's the operative word) "reasonable cost",
that even no amount of money or brain can change that fact and the reason the oil industry needs all the technology is because oil is becoming more difficult to find and extract. And yet all our technology has been unable to prevent the decline in US oil production over the past 30 years.

Money and brains cannot repeal basic geological laws. Since there is only a finite number of economic oil patches in the world, global oil production must eventually decline.

Without cheap energy, our civilization would be unable to sustain itself much above the 19th century. We no longer have an infrastructure that works without cheap oil.

Survey5/6/08 8:00 PM
AnonymousB | Australia  Find all comments by AnonymousB
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$1.66 AUD per Litre, which is $5.85 USD per US gallon

Survey5/5/08 1:50 PM
Patrick Hamilton | UK  Find all comments by Patrick Hamilton
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£4.50 or $8.90 a gallon.
Most of this is tax thanks to our great leader Gordon Brown - Tony Blair's replacement as Prime Minister. Tony has gone off to work for the pope and promote the pope as the saviour of the world.
Before he left office he was already carrying out the popes work - the destruction of protestant UK.

Survey5/5/08 3:15 AM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Here in the SF Bay Area it's hard to find premium for less than $4/gal,
but regular can still be found for about $3.75/gal in some places.
Diesel routinely sells for about $4.50, making me feel bad for all
the truckers.

Survey4/30/08 8:47 PM
rhymnrzn2zion | Dayton, OH  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by rhymnrzn2zion
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For the most part stations are at $3.65 around here. If it takes a little leaven to leaven the whole lump, this loaf is a failure in the kitchen of experiments.

The common phrase "a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do" is to the working man justified as he weighs the profitability: but all things in this world (even at their best state) are dung to be forsaken compared to the liberty we are called with in Christ Jesus.

Survey4/24/08 10:40 AM
Cindy | northwestern PA  Find all comments by Cindy
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The government is making a very costly mistake is giving billions of dollars in tax subsidies to farmers to produce alternative energy source. That clearly is not going to fix our energy dependence and energy crisis. They need to invest in nuclear energy but the environmentalists have our hands tied behind our back. What is it going to take and how high is gas going have to go before something is done.

Now we have food crisis due to shortages around the globe due to not only demand but high gas prices for fuel to transport that food and a shortage of wheat and corn from ethanol production. Rice has nearly doubled.

I read in the Economist that Brazil was the latest country to find oil. Rio Je Janero (I think I spelled that right) was the exact place. Apparently this puts them as an oil producing country on par with Saudi Arbia and Venezuella. But Venezuella's oil is crappy compared to the light sweet crude from the Saudi fields.

We get most of our oil from the Canadian tar sands and we are the leading coal producing country in the world, but burning coal to make gasoline emits fossil fuels into the ozone causing "global warming".

Clearly we have LARGE problems!

Survey4/24/08 10:05 AM
rhymnrzn2zion | Dayton, OH  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by rhymnrzn2zion
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As we shell out 3.60 for gas to pay them who are sitting on the pile, let us remember the words of Christ

It is MORE BLESSED to GIVE than it is to recieve: and if there is any perverting of the balances, it could turn into hot coals on the heads.

Survey4/19/08 11:23 PM
Wayne M. | British Columbia, Canada  Find all comments by Wayne M.
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Here in northwest, central British Columbia the price of gas has been $1.27 per litre for weeks now. This works out to $4.80 per gallon. Since Canadian dollars are equal to U.S. dollars, that would be about $4.80 U.S. dlrs per U.S. gallon.
The British Columbia (provincial government) has begun a carbon tax on gas. I think it is 2 cents per litre at the moment, which is about 8 cents per gallon. It will increase over the next several years. The madness of the great global warming swindle has begun to hit the pocket book. I said this would happen about a year ago. If the global warming scare mongers have their way, we will be increasingly hit with higher costs of living and taxes, to fund the pipedream effort to control global warming, while China, India, Russia, and other countries continue to emit vast amounts of carbon dioxide.

Survey4/19/08 8:23 PM
Daddy | Taking Untruth to the Woodshed  Find all comments by Daddy
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When are people going to get mad and boycott the gas industry?

It does not have to be all the gas stations. Just pick one just to send a message.

Survey4/19/08 8:15 PM
Mike | New York  Find all comments by Mike
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janoy wrote:
I live in Edmonton Canada and right now our gas prices are 1.17 per litre so that makes it almost 5.00 a gallon. It is going to be higher I hear.
Yes, we are being conditioned to expect higher prices as well. NBC did an in-depth report on the price increases tonight. Told us prices are increasing dramatically. Wow. I didn't know that! Funny how there is no investigative reporting on the subject. Supply and demand as an excuse runs out of credibility after awhile.

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