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551 total votes have been cast on this survey | 15 user comments  ( edit survey )

Define your time reading God's Word
Created: 7/23/2008 | Last Vote: 6 years ago | Comment: 15 years ago
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 •   I both study and read God's Word as often as I can.
  44% | 242 votes

 •   I read God's Word faithfully; every day if possible.
  40% | 221 votes

 •   I read God's Word occasionally; once a week or more.
  9% | 50 votes

 •   I seldom read God's Word; not enough time.
  3% | 16 votes

 •   I do not read God's Word at all; not interested.
  1% | 6 votes

 •   No answer. Skip this survey, I do not care to vote on this topic.
  3% | 16 votes


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Survey7/16/09 6:27 PM
John UK | Wales  Find all comments by John UK
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jlevrier wrote:
I am not a member of Crossroads Church, but do like the sermon on Isaiah 28 that does into detail regarding verses 10 and 13 and ties the context into the four "woes"....
Thank you Jeanne, I was a little concerned if maybe you were caught up in it.

I read through the passage, and it reminded me of the words of Jesus, but I've not studied it, so cannot comment further. I would think Spurgeon has preached a good message on this.

But the word of the LORD was unto them precept upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little; that they might go, and fall backward, and be broken, and snared, and taken.
Isaiah 28:13 KJV

Therefore speak I to them in parables: because they seeing see not; and hearing they hear not, neither do they understand. And in them is fulfilled the prophecy of Esaias, which saith, By hearing ye shall hear, and shall not understand; and seeing ye shall see, and shall not perceive:
Matthew 13:13-14 KJV

How grateful we Christians should be to God for giving us eyes to see and ears to hear. Thank God for new birth and renewed faculties!

Survey7/16/09 6:01 PM
jlevrier | Texas  Find all comments by jlevrier
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John UK wrote:
Are you a member of this Crossroads Church, j?
Having celebrated 45 years of ministry under the leadership of six Pastors, Crossroads Church represents a mature congregation at the center of the Pentecostal - Charismatic tradition.
I am not a member of Crossroads Church, but do like the sermon on Isaiah 28 that does into detail regarding verses 10 and 13 and ties the context into the four "woes". I do hope anyone interested will link to that excellent sermon which also states: The saying "Line upon line" comes in a chapter which begins a four chapter set, each opening up with a pronouncement of woe to the people of God; these chapters may be linked to 11 earlier chapters which also contain such messages of woe, Isaiah 13-23.

In our passage, the "woe" is given to Ephraim. You remember him, he was Joseph's younger son who received a favored blessing from Jacob before he died.

I just love God's Word and God's people and used Dr. Chadwick's sermon since I am at the library and did not have access to my own Bible etc.
In His Love,

Survey7/14/09 4:18 PM
John UK | Wales  Find all comments by John UK
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Are you a member of this Crossroads Church, j?

Having celebrated 45 years of ministry under the leadership of six Pastors, Crossroads Church represents a mature congregation at the center of the Pentecostal - Charismatic tradition.

Survey7/14/09 3:47 PM
jlevrier | Texas  Find all comments by jlevrier
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With all due love and respect, the passage from Isaiah 28 should be read in context. For an example of a true Biblical saying which is often misunderstood, we could look at this expression, "precept upon precept, line upon line."

This is usually interpreted to mean that life is like that - when constructing a house you put "brick upon brick" until the building is up; in writing a book you put "sentence upon sentence" until the book is finished. In fact I just heard this expression used recently in relation to my wife's painting. She was explaining that a painting of beautiful flowers has layer upon layer of paint - someone responded with, "That's just like is says in the Bible, 'line upon line.'"

The message conveyed by this is, "Be patient, after all 'Rome wasn't built in a day.'" "A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step." Little by little, step by step, mile by mile, progress is made for those who can tolerate the pace, for those who can't, the message is, "haste makes waste."

But is that what this Bible expression means?

Survey6/9/09 4:41 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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My wife and I listen to about 5 chapters a day after we eat dinner. We use a CD copy of the old KJV audio Bible, read by Alexander Scourby. It's even better when you read along with the speaker using a printed Bible.

Survey8/21/08 5:16 PM
Levall | Wisconsin  Contact via emailFind all comments by Levall
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[URL=]]]Barna Group study[/URL] In a word; no.
Check out the latest Barna Group study (Christian based research)
By and large persons of all Christian faiths had about the same rate of divorce as atheists and agnostics. (generally within 3%, the range of error for the test.)
The data is inconclusive enough to make getting a straight "the Bible helps keep marriages together" difficult. The best answer is "it couldn't hurt."

Alan H wrote:
[URL=]]]Man Makes Bible Required Reading...for 72 Years[/URL]
He and his wife have been married for 60 years; wonder if the Bible had anything to do with it? Silly question...

Survey8/18/08 8:15 PM
Alan H | Washington State  Protected NameFind all comments by Alan H
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[URL=]]]Man Makes Bible Required Reading...for 72 Years[/URL]

He and his wife have been married for 60 years; wonder if the Bible had anything to do with it? Silly question...

Survey7/27/08 10:41 AM
Teresa  Find all comments by Teresa
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Alan H wrote:
C. H. Spurgeon was one of the greatest and most well balanced men in his understanding of Biblical truth, both in his preaching and in his theology. He was a Calvinist by conviction, but he was also a very active evangelist, believing that God indeed saves sinners, but not without the use of His own prescribed means. Spurgeon did not focus on preaching election, though he believed that doctrine, but rather his primary focus was on preaching Jesus Christ and Him crucified. Without Jesus Christ, election is but a meaningless word.
I agree. Spurgeon was balanced in his understanding of God's Sovereign choice in election and man's responsibilty. I have read his writings and been comforted by them for many years. I look forward to thanking him when I get to heaven.

Thank you for recommending and posting the link to his sermons. I was delighted to find them when I found SA. Now, if only I could hear his voice (though I am so thankful to the readers who make it possible to hear an audio msg) - He spoke to crowds of 10,000 w/o our means of amplication. Amazing! I understand that Whitfield did the same. God gifted His messengers, didn't He?

Survey7/26/08 1:21 PM
Alan H | Washington State  Protected NameFind all comments by Alan H
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Teresa wrote:
Alan, thank you for posting this link to Spurgeon's sermon. How wonderful to hear the sermons of Spurgeon more than 100 years after his being with the Lord. The Lord is so good to pour water on my dry and thirsty soul.

God bless you for your time and effort in encouraging others whom you may never meet this side of heaven.


Thank you for your very kind and encouraging words. It is my opinion that C. H. Spurgeon was one of the greatest and most well balanced men in his understanding of Biblical truth, both in his preaching and in his theology. He was a Calvinist by conviction, but he was also a very active evangelist, believing that God indeed saves sinners, but not without the use of His own prescribed means. Spurgeon did not focus on preaching election, though he believed that doctrine, but rather his primary focus was on preaching Jesus Christ and Him crucified. Without Jesus Christ, election is but a meaningless word.

I would encourage you to consider some of the other sermons by C. H. Spurgeon on Sermon Audio.

[URL=]]]C. H. Spurgeon - The Prince of Preachers[/URL]

Again, thank you!

Survey7/26/08 10:50 AM
Teresa  Find all comments by Teresa
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Alan H wrote:
[URL=]]]How to read the Bible C.H. Spurgeon[/URL]
Alan, thank you for posting this link to Spurgeon's sermon. How wonderful to hear the sermons of Spurgeon more than 100 years after his being with the Lord. The Lord is so good to pour water on my dry and thirsty soul.

God bless you for your time and effort in encouraging others whom you may never meet this side of heaven.

Survey7/25/08 9:02 PM
Alan H | Washington State  Protected NameFind all comments by Alan H
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[URL=]]]How to read the Bible C.H. Spurgeon[/URL]

Survey7/24/08 3:09 PM
JD | .  Go to homepageFind all comments by JD
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Michael H,

I lked your last question. Does your pastor study the word of God and love it. My pastor sure does. He is one of the most dedicated men I have ever met.

I have just uploaded a very wonderful message from last Sunday. It is titled "Spiritual Christians" and it is a powerful message and was a great blessing for me to hear. I invite you to listen when you have time.

Survey7/24/08 3:04 PM
DefenderofTruth  Find all comments by DefenderofTruth
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Michael Hranek wrote:
Are you my friend from Knoxville?
I love the Bible. It was one of the greatest blessings and joys in my life, after having been raised Roman Catholic where they didn't you to read the Bible for yourself, to I or anybody elese could read God's Word for ourselves and NOT have to take some ordained seminary educated(?) minister's word for what God Himself says to us in Scripture.
A related question might be along the lines of: Can you tell or not if your pastor loves the Word of God and spends time reading and studying himself?
Yes, I am your friend from Knoxville, and thank you for considering me as such given my unloving exit from these forums several days ago. You are kind.

I agree with your question.

Survey7/24/08 2:31 PM
Michael Hranek | Endicott, New York  Find all comments by Michael Hranek
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Are you my friend from Knoxville?

I love the Bible. It was one of the greatest blessings and joys in my life, after having been raised Roman Catholic where they didn't you to read the Bible for yourself, to I or anybody elese could read God's Word for ourselves and NOT have to take some ordained seminary educated(?) minister's word for what God Himself says to us in Scripture.

A related question might be along the lines of: Can you tell or not if your pastor loves the Word of God and spends time reading and studying himself?

Survey7/24/08 1:50 PM
DefenderofTruth  Find all comments by DefenderofTruth
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I started reading KJV in the '60's. Read the NT through during the summer of my 13th or 14th year, and haven't stopped. I love the Word of God. When I was in my 20's and 30's, I made a habit of reading every evening before going to sleep, and it was during that time that I also began to read Spurgeon's "Morning and Evening." I'm now in my 5o's, and I don't read as much as I would like, but I have Bibles throughout the house, so that I can read whenever I sit down to relax. "Line upon line, a little here, a little there..." and you think the thoughts of God, speak His Word, and measure what you hear by known Scripture.

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