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Calvary Baptist Church
Rev. James Gangwer  |  Essex Junction, Vermont
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Calvary Baptist Church
61 Main Street
Essex Junction, VT 05452
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Thanksgiving service
November 21, 2023 17:4PM
Don't forget the midweek service has been moved to tonight at 7 pm. We all meet together to praise, give testimony of God's grace and goodness, and work in our lives over the last year, as well as a time of corporate prayer. See you in church!
Daylight Saving Time ending tonight
November 4, 2023 20:20PM
Don't forget to set your clocks back one hour before going to bed this evening. Enjoy the extra hour's rest and we look forward to seeing you in church tomorrow!
Church business to attend on Wednesday 3/8/23
March 6, 2023 11:45AM
Please plan on a business item discussion Wednesday evening. Members should attend in person if able to discuss/vote on moving forward with the church truck; a great option has been located that is within the criteria put forth by Pastor's letter from 3/5/23. Phone/email contact will be attempted for those members who generally don't make it in person for midweek services. Please contact Pastor or Steve for further details.
Men's Prayer Breakfast - March 4 - CANCELLED
March 3, 2023 18:13PM
Due to the pending snow forecast, we are cancelling our prayer breakfast for March. We will look forward to meeting in April.
Service cancellation - Wednesday, January 25, 2023
January 25, 2023 17:5PM
Due to worsening weather conditions and expected hazardous driving conditions, we are cancelling our services for tonight. Please stay safe, gather with your family at home and spend some time in worship and prayer for those who must be out during this weather system. See you on Sunday, by God's grace. CBC Staff
Merry Christmas
December 25, 2022 10:21AM
As we celebrate the earthly birth of our Savior today, may your hearts be enlivened and blessed as you consider the gift of Christ. "Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning." James 1:17
Thanksgiving service
November 22, 2022 12:47PM
Just a reminder that our midweek service will be tonight at 7 pm instead of tomorrow. General assembly, no youth group breakouts tonight, just great blessings, testimonies, hymns, and praises for all that God has done and is doing in your life as well as a short challenge from God's Word. See you at 7.
Schedule Reminder
October 23, 2022 8:37AM
Please remember that we are now observing our winter schedule of services. The Sunday evening service is now in the afternoon at ~1pm after a lunch break onsite after the 11am service. Bring something to share.
Winter Service Schedule
October 15, 2022 16:21PM
Please don't forget that tomorrow, Sunday, October 16, Calvary Baptist Church will be shifting our service schedule to the winter hours. SS 10am, Morning Service 11am, Afternoon service 1pm. No 6pm service. Lunch onsite, bring something to share. See you tomorrow!
Wednesday, May 18, 2022
May 18, 2022 9:1AM
Mike Doolan memorial service live stream begins 1:00 pm. --No Wed. evening church service tonight--
Wednesday, May 18th
May 16, 2022 18:33PM
There will be no evening service due to a memorial service for Mike Doolan that afternoon.
Mother's Day, May 8, 2022
May 5, 2022 13:27PM
We wish all our mothers, wives with children, and future mother's a very Happy Mother's Day this year. Calvary Baptist Church will not be holding an afternoon or evening service on Mother's Day so you can spend the time honoring God's provision and grace by honoring the Moms in your life. Be a blessing and be thankful for your blessings!
Sunday, Feb. 20, 2022
February 19, 2022 21:5PM
Sunday's services will include the morning Sunday school hour and the 11am service only. There will not be an afternoon or evening service due to a church family fellowship as our Pop and Rosa relocate to Florida this week.
Sunday, December 26, 2021
December 26, 2021 12:21PM
As this is the last Sunday of the year, if you wish to have your tithes and offering worship included in this calendar year, you may consider our Online Giving option through the church website. We are planning on holding our usual mid-week service on Wednesday, though we typically do not set aside time for worship through tithes and offerings during that time, you could see the church treasurer if not comfortable using the online giving option. Please contact us with any questions.
Cancelled services Sunday December 26 2021
December 26, 2021 9:3AM
Today's services ( Sunday, December 26 ) have been cancelled due to a few folks that are feeling under the weather, not COVID related, but also the questionable road conditions in several areas. Please take time with your families to pray for safety for those who must be out and about and for those who are not feeling well today.
Happy Thanksgiving!
November 25, 2021 10:32AM
May God grant you a wonderful day of fellowship with friends and family, whether near or far. As we love and serve One God in One Spirit together, let the love of Christ touch all our hearts and remind us of His love for us, that we might rejoice in His goodness and share His love with others.
Sunday, May 30
May 29, 2021 16:16PM
Please be aware that there is a small car parade planned to begin in Essex JCT at 10am. Traffic at 5 corners may be congested between 930 and 1030 due to cars gathering and getting started in their parade. Plan accordingly, and we will see you in church.
Sunday, April 11 - business meeting
April 11, 2021 7:56AM
Please be reminded that our church business meeting is scheduled for today at 1:15 in lieu of the Adult Sunday school hour. No SS classes are scheduled as all members should participate in the meeting. Also, the meeting will be live streamed, but please understand, only those members present will be able to vote on any given matter. Please pray for God's guidance and wisdom. See you in church!
CBC Services this month
March 13, 2021 8:45AM
Don't forget to turn your clocks ahead tonight for DST - we wouldn't want you to be late for church! Also, please be reminded that CBC will be maintaining a modified Sunday service schedule throughout March - 9:30am (masks required), 11:00am (CDC and VT guidelines followed), and 1:15pm Sunday School (CDC and VT guidelines followed) - no Sunday evening service. Praise God in every situation and circumstance! "Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power..." Rev. 4:11a
Sermon Audio server troubles
February 21, 2021 11:35AM
Please know Calvary Baptist is doing all we can to monitor our live stream. Sermon Audio is currently showing some troubles with their servers. The stream should be working now, but you might need to refresh your browser window to get a valid feed. CBC staff.
Sunday, Feb. 21, 2021
February 20, 2021 20:31PM
Please remember the current service schedule change: 09:30 AM - Early worship service - full time masks required 11:00 AM - Regular worship service schedule (w/ Junior church)- CDC masking/distancing guidelines to be followed 1:15 PM - Sunday School (Adults, teens, younger children) No 6:00 PM service. Please pray for God's grace to abound and God's guiding wisdom to direct as we continue to navigate these times so that ALL we do will bring honor and glory to God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
Wednesday, February 3
February 3, 2021 9:33AM
This week's mid-week service will be BOTH in-person and live streamed. For those choosing to attend in person, please refer to pastor's letter to the church regarding our responsibility toward others, especially after last month's closures due to COVID-19. Tonight's service will be general assembly - no youth classes. We are looking forward to being back in church!
Wednesday, January 27
January 26, 2021 18:50PM
This week's mid-week service has been cancelled. Please plan to join us online for a Live Streamed service on Sunday, January 31 at 11 AM.
Sunday, January 24
January 23, 2021 17:40PM
There WILL be an 11 AM Live Streamed (only) service at Calvary Baptist Church. There will not be a Sunday School hour and no evening service. Please join us online at 11 AM as Brother Matt Hopkins will be preaching.
Wednesday, January 20
January 19, 2021 15:6PM
Sadly, due to quarantine and recovery time (COVID-19) our Wednesday service will be cancelled this week. Please continue to check the church website for additional information as it will be posted as needed. May God's will be done!
Sunday, January 17, 2021
January 16, 2021 14:36PM
Due to the ongoing effects of the COVID-19 virus, services must be cancelled for Sunday, January 17. Please continue to lift up in prayer the church and the many in our communities, that continue to with this virus. We are anticipating opening a Live-streamed Only service starting January 24th. More information will be provided as we approach that date. Remember 1 Thessalonians 5:17 "Pray without ceasing" because Jesus continues to intercede on our behalf also. John 17:9 reminds us "I pray for them..."
Wednesday, January 13
January 12, 2021 14:48PM
Services must be cancelled again for this coming Wednesday, January 13. A pastoral letter of information will be sent out this week to our local members and friends in regular attendance to explain/clarify the need for the recent closures. Please continue to pray for God's intervention and guidance for getting back to regular services.
Sunday, January 10, 2021
January 9, 2021 10:28AM
NOTICE: All services for Sunday, January 10 have been cancelled due to the impact of COVID-19. Unfortunately, this means also that there will not be any live streaming this Sunday. Please pray that as God has allowed this occurrence, his Holy Spirit will strengthen our spirits to endure faithfully, as we are called to do, being 'sober and vigilant', doing "all to the glory of God". Calvary Baptist Church
Wednesday, January 6, 2021
January 6, 2021 15:23PM
Our Wednesday evening service has been cancelled for tonight, Wednesday, January 6. Please contact us with questions. This notice will be posted on the church website shortly. Calvary Baptist Church
December 27, 2020
December 27, 2020 8:14AM
Reminder: There is no Sunday School today - Service begins at 11:00 am. Also, there will not be an evening service today. Live Streaming was restored as of last evening (Saturday). It was a local technical issue that caused much inconvenience for Christmas Eve. Recorded DVD copies of the Christmas Eve service are available upon request. Please pray that God will allow for the live stream to work as intended today and going forward. Calvary Baptist Church
Reminder for Sunday, October 18
October 17, 2020 14:36PM
This is a reminder that we have resumed our regular service schedule. As of Thursday, October 15, Governor Scott has extended the current, unchanged facial covering and social distancing executive order through November 15, 2020. Pray for God's wisdom, guidance, and intervention to accomplish His will through these times!
Reminder for Sunday, August 2
August 1, 2020 17:34PM
Please be mindful of the Vermont state mandate, effective August 1, 2020, requiring every individual to wear facial coverings when not able to maintain a six foot distance from others (not in your immediate family). This applies to both indoor and outdoor settings. The full statement can be seen through the link that is posted on our website's home page. Please be considerate of others who may not share your personal perspective of the necessity of this requirement. Thank you for being faithful to God!
Sunday, July 12 service reminder
July 11, 2020 20:56PM
Please be reminded that tomorrow's [July 12] service schedule has been altered for Calvary Baptist Church, Essex Junction. The service schedule is as follows (no in-person attendance): 10:00 A.M. - Adult Sunday School 11:00 A.M. - Morning Worship Service 6:00 P.M. - Evening Worship Service Please pray that we will be able to resume our (limited) attendance services as soon as possible. When we do resume our split services, they will again be the early/late morning, and evening Sunday School schedule. CBC
CBC Services this week
July 7, 2020 11:40AM
Services on Wednesday evening (July 8) and all day Sunday (July 12) will be live streamed only. Please note: services on Sunday, July 12 will follow our original service schedule: 10 AM Adult SS, 11 AM Worship service, 6 PM Worship service. This change is due to the Calvary Baptist 'no in-person attendance' policy that remains in effect through Monday, July 13 (at least). As always, please check the church website for updates and schedules and any further details that may be available.
Sunday, July 5 church services - Pt 2
July 4, 2020 15:38PM
Please be sure to regularly check the Calvary Baptist Church website at for any updated information regarding upcoming church services.
Sunday, July 5 church services
July 4, 2020 15:34PM
Due to a recent positive COVID notification, Our July 5th services will ONLY be available via Live Stream. The church building will be closed to in-person attendance. As further information is available, we will provide updates regarding the evening and mid-week services. Thank you for your understanding and prayers as we do all we can to ensure a healthy physical environment for everyone.
Test message from Calvary Baptist Church
May 3, 2020 15:36PM
This is merely a test of the push notification system to confirm it works as expected. Sermon Audio seems to be having some trouble with their live streaming provision. They are working to resolve those issues on an ongoing basis and Calvary Baptist Church is also working on researching contingency plans to add alternate sources for times such as these. Thank you for your support, patience, and faithfulness. CBC staff


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Free 6-week small group study from NAMB with vid­eos, leader guide, & sermon prompts.

New Book from John F. MacArthur

"The War on Childr­en: Prov­id­ing Refuge for your Children in a Host­ile World"

MacArthur Old Testament Commentaries

New series from John Mac­Arth­ur. Jon­ah/N­ahum & Zech­ar­iah now avail­able.

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