Calvary Protestant Reformed Church |
Rev. Allen Brummel | Hull, Iowa
Podcast + Codes Enjoy sermons from this broadcaster on a variety of mobile devices.MyChurch: calvaryprc | Set MyChurch Code#: 72872 |
I. The Contrast II. The Witness III. The Continued Speech Scripture: Genesis 4 Text: Hebrews 11:4 |
My Only Comfort I. What It Is II. My Need of Comfort III. My Consciousness of Comfort Scripture: Isaiah 43 Text: Lord's Day 1 |
I. A High Calling II. An Urgent Instruction III. A Critical Purpose |
I. The Death II. THe Necessity III. The Profit |
I. In Me II. In the Church III. In Glory |
I. The Coveting II. The Demand III. The Grace |
1. The Meaning 2. The Spheres 3. The Promise Ephesians 6 Lord's Day 39 |
1. God's Divine Testing 2. The Spiritual War 3. The Instruction Necessary Judges 3:1-4 |
I. The Admonition II. The Possibility III. The Blessing |
I. Our Sinful StrayingII. God's Servant Punished |