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Theo Hikmat  |  Smyrna, Tennessee
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Sermon5/19/10 4:54 AM
James glory from Yorkshire, England  Contact via emailFind all comments by James glory
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“ Great Sermon! ”
This is very well put together and is indeed the truth. I suggest that people embed links to this sermon/presentation on twitter, facebook and others as I have. People must be aware of this evil de3vilry. Well done! Praise Jesus, the only mediator between man and God. Visie my site with 500+ full length teaching and KJV Video sermons too. NO SPAMMERS PLEASE!

Sermon4/3/10 1:54 PM
Rhonda from Oregon  Find all comments by Rhonda
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“ Thank you for ths Truth ”
I just wanted to say that I was going to Joyce Meyers website to listen to a message when I came across your site and sit here in shock and amazement at this revelation. To hear her talk and boasting of these things is a sad day. But I thank our Heavenly Father that you have opened my eyes to what is really being said by this woman. We must pray for her and for those who are following these teachings. I am blessed today to have found you.

Sermon2/23/10 7:33 AM
Florin Motiu from Oradea, Romania  Contact via emailFind all comments by Florin Motiu
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“ Complex. ”
Interesting, complex, useful message. Great scientific arguments. We appreciate God better knowing how complex is a man, how complex He made us and the rest of creation.

Sermon2/14/10 2:41 PM
Dogface Soldier from East Coast  Find all comments by Dogface Soldier
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Dear Keith - Final response (2 Corinthians 5:21) Joyce Meyer Sermon MacArthur Study Bible Footnotes: pg 1740 "the righteousness of God." Another reference to justification and imputation. The righteousness that is credited to the believer's account is the righteousness of Jesus Christ, God's Son (see notes on Ro 1:17; 3:21-24; Php 3:9). As was not as sinner, but was treated as if He were, so believer's who have not yet been made righteous (until glorification) are treated as if they were righteous. He bore their sins so that they could bear His righteousness. God treated Him as if He committed believers' sins, and treats believers as if they did only the righteous deeds of the sinless Son of God. (I hope this clears it up for you my Brother in Christ.Army Strong!YESHUA STRONG!)AG

Sermon2/14/10 2:40 PM
Dogface Soldier from East Coast  Find all comments by Dogface Soldier
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Dear Keith, My response Continued: 2 Corinthians 5:21 (Joyce Meyer) MacArthur Study Bible Footnotes pg 1740 "sin on our behalf" God the Father using the principle of imputation, (see note on v. 19) treated Christ as if He were a sinner though He was not, and had Him die as a substitute to pay the penalty for the sins of those who believe in Him (cf. Is 53:4-6; Gal 3:10-13; 1 Peter 2:24). On the cross, He did not become a sinner (as some suggest), but remained as holy as ever. He was treated as if He were guilty of all the sins ever committed by all who would ever believe, though He committed none. The wrath of God was exhausted on Him and the just requirement of God's law met for those for whom He died.

Sermon2/14/10 2:37 PM
Dogface Soldier from East Coast  Find all comments by Dogface Soldier
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Dear Keith - here is my response to you regarding your concern with the verse 2 Corinthians 5:21 (Joyce Meyer Sermon) My Response: Footnotes from MacArthur Study Bible Page: 1740 NASB. Here Paul summarized the heart of the gospel, resolving the mystery and paradox of vv. 18-20, and explaining how sinners can be reconciled to God through Jesus Christ. These 15 Gr. words express the doctrines of imputation and substitution like no other single verse. "who knew no sin" Jesus Christ, the sinless Son of God (see notes on Gal 4:4,5; cf. Lk 23:4,14,22,47; Jn 8:46; Heb 4:15; 7:26; 1 Pe 1:19; 2:22-24; 3:18; Rev 5:2-10).

Sermon2/11/10 3:11 AM
Carmelo from Texas  Find all comments by Carmelo
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Praise God for your ministry and for the sounding of the trumpet! I know that God has set some of us as the watchman on the tower to sound the trumpet when we see the approaching storm or enemy coming. Ithank God for ministries like this one that warn and expose the false doctrines of many so called prophets, ministers, and bible teachers. It is not gossip for gossip deal with rumors, but it they are facts that are true and they are loud and clear when taken to the light of scripture. I pray that all believers awake from the demonic sleep that comes upon many who place their focus on the messenger and not the message. Jesus warned us to beware the wolves who come in sheep's clothing. Thank you once again and God continue to bless this ministry.

Sermon11/12/09 12:10 AM
LaDarius Hill from Wilson, NC  Contact via emailFind all comments by LaDarius Hill
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“ DYNAMIC Sermon! ”
Blew me away. EXTREMELY informative, Mind Gripping teaching. If you have something on Eddie Long, I want to hear it.

Sermon8/26/09 4:20 PM
William Cody Bateman from Western Kentucky  Contact via emailFind all comments by William Cody Bateman
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Very informative. The audio lends such credibility to efforts of Christians toward exposing these charlatans for what and who they are. Why is the church asleep? Does no one read the scriptures anymore? (

Sermon6/25/09 6:36 PM
Judi D from SW Missouri  Find all comments by Judi D
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“ Great Sermon! ”
This Preacher cared so much for souls, that he came to my home one very cold and snowy January night, 1969 and led me to the Lord. I had the privilege to sit under his preaching for several years before the Lord called him away into evangelism. Praise God for preachers like Al Lacey. I would LOVE to have more of his sermons here to download if anyone has them ! (If you're near Grand Jct.,CO you might find him preaching at Landmark Baptist church there)

Sermon5/2/09 6:16 AM
Daniel R Hanlon from Camden, South Carolina  Contact via emailFind all comments by Daniel R Hanlon
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“ Great Sermon! ”
I threw away ALL "WORD OF FAITH" CD, books and tapes. First in trash was Kenneth Copeland, I was in Fort Worth and COPELAND's name was GLORIFIED and not Jesus Christ. (MATTHEW 6:33)

Sermon3/30/09 12:33 AM
Stan Jeffferson, Jr from Baltimore, Maryland  Contact via emailFind all comments by Stan Jeffferson, Jr
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The Gospel In Plain Words
Various Speakers
“ Thank you, Mystery Minister! ”
We're praying that God keeps your spirit, soul, and body, Mystery Minister! Your messages (Religion of Global Warming, Myth of the Pre-Trib rapture, Dark Days are Coming, Benny Hinn and Beyond, Bible Version Issue Explained) have been very helpful, as has this message (Gospel in Plain Words). Thank you again for your work and your ministry!

Sermon3/27/09 5:22 PM
brother miller from louisiana  Find all comments by brother miller
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“ Great Sermon! ”
What truth. I burned these two messages to CD`s and am mailing them out to those who have a stage on Christian so-called TV. Pray that God will bless these CD`s as they go out and pray they will be accepted.Pray that God`s book the King James will once again have rule and reign in God`s peoples lives. Thank you again UCN and God bless you. God bless sermon Audio also.

Sermon3/25/09 12:50 AM
Sheri Early from Tennessee  Find all comments by Sheri Early
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The Gospel In Plain Words
Various Speakers
“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank you for presenting the word of God in such simple form. Very humbling indeed. Awesome Job brother.

Sermon1/6/09 9:19 AM
Steve Brown from Chattanooga, TN  Find all comments by Steve Brown
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The Gospel In Plain Words
Various Speakers
“ Great Sermon! ”
thank you for the clear message. The gospel is the power of God unto salvation. The only thing i would like to add is something that must be considered and mentioned. Whips and thorns were the least of what Jesus suffered on our behalf. He suffered the holy hatred of God; the wrath of His own father that we deserve. Jesus was forsaken by His Father, bearing the full penalty for our sins. That is why He sweat blood in the garden because He knew what He faced. He was not distressed by what man would do to him, He was distressed about what God was about to do. (see Isaiah 53; Psalms 22) Than you brother for the message

Sermon12/15/08 5:31 PM
Mary Hostak  Contact via emailFind all comments by Mary Hostak
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The Gospel In Plain Words
Various Speakers
“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank you for the simple word of God. You did not add to it nor did you take away from it. I pray that millions will pick up the bible and read it or I fear for them that they WILL be deceived.

Sermon11/21/08 8:50 AM
Richard Arthur from South Africa  Contact via emailFind all comments by Richard Arthur
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“ Great Great Great Sermon! ”
Told in a way that any person whether they be a professor or a lay man would understand. This is just a brilliant sermon. THANK YOU.

Sermon11/12/08 7:34 AM
WAYNE DILGER from LAS VEGAS  Contact via emailFind all comments by WAYNE DILGER
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“ Great Sermon! ”
I am so proud of you for exposing FALSE TEACHERS such as Joyce Meyers and friends.Its so scary that so many precious souls may be lost because of these teachings,and whats even more horrifying is when you think your Safe watching The Praise The Lord channel or TBN and you see the likes of Benny Hinn or Kenneth Copeland Teaching Heresy. WHY DON'T THE THE GUEST AND SPEAKERS WHO ARE TRULY CHRISTIANS "BAN THEIR PROGRAMS" OR REFUSE TO BE APART OF THESE PROGRAMS AND SHED LIGHT ON PAUL & JAN CROUCH?

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