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Fran Sankey
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Joyce Meyers SHOCKING doctrines
Absolutely SHOCKING
2/7/2006 (TUE)
  |  Bible: Matthew 7:15
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SHOCKING Actual Audio of Joyce Meyers teaching some very strange doctrines. who is the 'Jesus' of Joyce Meyers? Did Jesus really cease to be God when He was on the cross as Joyce teaches? hear these strange doctrines from her own mouth from her tape called 'From the Cross to the Throne' strangely enough Kenneth Copeland came out with a tape by the SAME NAME many years earlier, teaching the exact same doctrinal errors,( yet Joyce claims she got this information by divine revelation from God ) ALSO hear also how Joyce Meyers agrees with the Jehovah's Witness false bible version..and so much more.. it saddens us to see how many people are being decieved by such teachings as she is teaching. By the way..strangely this tape of hers is 'no longer avaliable' from her ministry, this may be the only place you will hear these actual audios.
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Fran Sankey
Joyce Meyers SHOCKING doctrine

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Fran Sankey
Joyce Meyers SHOCKING doctrine

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Tracet (1/15/2016)
from South Africa
“ Great Sermon! ”
Although I agree that everything must be justified by Scripture, I still think you can't say He didn't become sin because THAT is in the Bible. 2 Cor 5:21 For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.

JeffryContact via email (1/2/2015)
from cheyenne , wy
“ Great Sermon! ”
Excellent message . In the future I'll have to pay closer attention to what's being said. God bless

john mastersContact via email (10/11/2014)
from London
“ Great Sermon! ”
You might wish to read 'The Divine Exchange', by John Masters. So much we understand of the cross, so much we understand of God - and no more. You can read it at http://me2evangelize.blogspot. to-hell-nor-get-beaten.html

Treasure (9/28/2014)
from South Africa
“ Great Sermon! ”
This is NOT Joyce Meyer's voice!!! Why oh why do we have Satin trying to poison our minds here? Look at all the good work her Ministries are doing all over the world, now someone decides she's a 'Fake Christian'???? Absolute balderdash. Her Ministries do more for people all over the world than their own Governments do. Please spend your time doing good, not spreading evil.........

Hopeful mommy (9/23/2014)
from So cal
“ Great Sermon! ”
I'm actually very disappointed to hear this. I love joyce but she obviously needs to be more responsible with all of the souls who are listening to her sermons :(

Becca (7/15/2014)
from Indy, Indiana
“ Great Sermon! ”
And to the first comment on here with the name 'fran' on it, I know this is Joyce Meyers voice on this recording because I sat under her teaching for a short time until I had learned my lesson and God brought me out of that false teaching and brought me back to the foundation that is only in Jesus Christ which He laid in my life when I first came to the cross, not only that but I recognize her voice and this teaching very well, it is the final one that caused me to run far from her and others teacher's with the same heresy's.

Becca (7/15/2014)
from Indy, Indiana
“ Great Sermon! ”
Jesus clearly says on the Cross, "It is Finished." I thank Jesus for taking our place on the cross, for completing His work on the old rugged cross. He carried that cross for each of us and we now take up our crosses and follow Him. We follow the One and Only True Shepherd, Jesus Christ and know His voice and another we will not follow, we run from false sheep in wolves clothes! There are many scriptures which warn us not to put our trust in man and what we submit ourselves to in the form of teachings should always line up with God's Holy word and if it veers from God's word in translation I don't want it, been there and I know personally the damage that causes. Always search scriptures when you have questions. When I was a young Christian, I would question teachings but instead of following God's word and seeking Him for my answers I was asking the teachers and I was told not to question, to shut up and obey what I heard. It caused many hurts but I praise God for His mercy, grace and healing in me and for the great lesson I learned from it all which was Trust in The Lord and in His Word so please question and seek God with questions and search His scripture. A true obedient teacher that Christ has sent to teach us will not object to questions,just as Christ answered questions.

DaphneContact via email (4/21/2014)
from Home
“ Great Sermon! ”

Fran (12/27/2013)
“ Great Sermon! ”
The person speaking on the recording of Jesus going to hell to pain for our sins does not, to me , sound like Joyce Meyer speaking. I have no doubt that she is as you say she is but that recording doesn't sound like the Joyce Meyer I know.

Rosemary CantuContact via email (4/18/2012)
from United States
“ Great Sermon! ”
Wow! Something inside of me just couldn't get a grip on what she stands for, though I never really heard her speak. The Holy Spirit knows how to protect His children. I teach others the power in His name and the dominion we've been given because Jesus died on the cross. I back her up on the topic of sin. We are no longer sinners but saints who sin. We are righteous, and justified b/c of Christ. This is bible!

warren (2/11/2012)
from phoenix, az
“ Great Sermon! ”
I was on my way to listen to Joyce Meyer this morning but turned around for several reasons. Partly, it is because I was late and find it hard to be on the third tier even with big screens. I have attended Calvary Chapels who believe she is a false teacher. I have watched her often on television and even gone to her conference in the past. What I think about while I listen to this audio message is that Jesus told one the thieves that he would be with him in paradise that day. No mention by Jesus about having to take a detour in hell for some more suffering. My question is what do I do about the church who hosts her conference here in Phoenix. Recently, I have started attending this church and am giving my tithes to it. It is hard for me to accept that all the 'good' done by Joyce Meyer and this hosting church is negated by this seeming heretical teaching. But I have more questions than answers at this point.

Clark C. Raulerson (1/14/2012)
from High Springs, Florida
“ Great Sermon! ”
This is not new but very disappointing. I first heard this from Kenneth Copeland on a tape. I could not believe my ears and took the tape out and threw from me. Later I listened to the rest hear the whole matter. To teach something so blatantly false on the atonement is far too serious to ignore. There's no telling what opportunities are given to satan to deceive mess anyone's life up. In SOME cases it has gone from bad to worse with trances, traveling in spirit (astral projection, witchcraft) and as David Wilkerson would say, "weird manifestations." This is just outright rebellion.

Rhonda CooperContact via email (12/17/2011)
from Austin Texas
“ Great Sermon! ”
I was given Joyes book "Help Me I'm insecure" by my sister who loves Joyce's ministries. I have been going through depression and anxiety for quiet some time. I am sleeping when Joyce's show is on TBS. I just can't seem to quit messing up. It's not drugs it is I just am not as strong as I used to be. I keep messing up things. Most of them are small things. But it makes me fill so stupid and I fill I don't do anything right. I have a very supportive family and my faith in God is strong but my faith in myself is almost absolute. I pray and and totally believe in God. I know God has answered many of my prayers. When I was so depressed and not leaving my bed, I told God I am putting my life in his hands because I had planned my suicide and the next week my sister and parents asked me if I would go to Brookhaven hospital and I did. Between getting my sleeping and eating habits straightened out and Pastor Bob. I came out better. I was raised in the church and God blessed me with the most wonderful parents. I have always considered myself a Christian, I believe in God and have faith in him but I am not much of a church goer. I have tried many but have not felt comfortable in them for different reasons, plus I have a hard time getting up and out. My sister and son are great fans of Her

gail (7/25/2011)
from ct
“ Great Sermon! ”
it is so sad how many people DO NOT search the scriptures any more to test the spirits.... VERY SAD how many are being mislead!! God bless u for being so bold in Christ to expose the truth!!!!

WandaContact via email (7/13/2011)
from Virginia
“ Great Sermon! ”
Thanks for this insite.

GentiContact via email (6/14/2011)
from eastern europe, Albania
“ Great Sermon! ”

robert (5/25/2011)
“ Great Sermon! ”
She also says if a person isn't rich than God is not with them.

JanieContact via email (4/17/2011)
“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank you very much for bring all things to the light of scripture, I to many years ago was caught up in her teaching since then, I too have been telling women that we cannot rely on people who teach a feeling based teaching, but rather hold ALL things up to Scripture. God cannot lie and His word is truth. Thanks again God Blessings upon you! Janie

Christophorm (12/6/2010)
“ Great Sermon! ”
Hey Fran you are correct on everything except the "BIG ONE"...Jesus Christ is the lamb of God that "took sin"...and all sin(christian or non-christian) is of the devil my friend 1 john 3:8..Jesus did'nt suffer to make sinners covered but to cleanse overcomers by faith, that they are dead to sin through the cross...better get this part right !

judy ann rabeyContact via email (11/15/2010)
from Canada
“ Great Sermon! ”
This was very interesting. For many years I have felt there was something not quite right with her teachings. I thank God that he keep me from becoming attached to her teachings and that I clicked onto you web site. I keep telling my sister that Joyce Meyers does nothing for me. I am going to have her listen to your sermon.

much2niceContact via email (11/14/2010)
from Upstate NY
“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank you.

Tom D.Contact via email (9/24/2010)
from Englewood , Fl.
“ Great Sermon! ”
Yes Joyce and Rick Warren one and the same, He say's Jesus shared the sins of the world with us,and John the baptist said behold the one who takes away the sins of the world.My church had the people read this book and study it and the elite of the church said they saw nothing wrong with it.Wow.Also a phrase in the purpose driven life book that says as above so below which is used in witchcraft.How dare he.

Favourite Khumalo (8/27/2010)
from South Africa
“ Great Sermon! ”
I wonder if this would make an issue if this was on a movie or a stage play(I mean Joyce Meyer illustration of what happened to Jesus in hell)

AmberContact via email (5/29/2010)
from Arkansas
“ Greatly Questioning ”
I'm greatly shocked by what Joyce said. I would not have believed you if you had not had audio clips to show me. I can't help but to wonder the condition of Joyce's heart today in 2010 so many years after 1990 and 1996 (when the two screamingly wrong media were published). Please do not misunderstand my misgivings. I believe Joyce should answer for what she proclaimed as Truth.I believe that God used Joyce's teachings as an instrument to show me the errors in my thinking.I did not find this site by searching out to defend Joyce but to see what the internet had to offer on a search titled "1 Timothy 2:11-12" and "Joyce Meyer". I was not prepared to hear what had to show and I am not sure where to go from here. I do believe that instead of passing judgment on things that were said 10+ years ago we should focus now on seeking out what Joyce has to say about those past errors.

Rhonda (4/3/2010)
from Oregon
“ Thank you for ths Truth ”
I just wanted to say that I was going to Joyce Meyers website to listen to a message when I came across your site and sit here in shock and amazement at this revelation. To hear her talk and boasting of these things is a sad day. But I thank our Heavenly Father that you have opened my eyes to what is really being said by this woman. We must pray for her and for those who are following these teachings. I am blessed today to have found you.

Dogface Soldier (2/14/2010)
from East Coast
“ Great Sermon! ”
Dear Keith - Final response (2 Corinthians 5:21) Joyce Meyer Sermon MacArthur Study Bible Footnotes: pg 1740 "the righteousness of God." Another reference to justification and imputation. The righteousness that is credited to the believer's account is the righteousness of Jesus Christ, God's Son (see notes on Ro 1:17; 3:21-24; Php 3:9). As was not as sinner, but was treated as if He were, so believer's who have not yet been made righteous (until glorification) are treated as if they were righteous. He bore their sins so that they could bear His righteousness. God treated Him as if He committed believers' sins, and treats believers as if they did only the righteous deeds of the sinless Son of God. (I hope this clears it up for you my Brother in Christ.Army Strong!YESHUA STRONG!)AG

Dogface Soldier (2/14/2010)
from East Coast
“ Great Sermon! ”
Dear Keith, My response Continued: 2 Corinthians 5:21 (Joyce Meyer) MacArthur Study Bible Footnotes pg 1740 "sin on our behalf" God the Father using the principle of imputation, (see note on v. 19) treated Christ as if He were a sinner though He was not, and had Him die as a substitute to pay the penalty for the sins of those who believe in Him (cf. Is 53:4-6; Gal 3:10-13; 1 Peter 2:24). On the cross, He did not become a sinner (as some suggest), but remained as holy as ever. He was treated as if He were guilty of all the sins ever committed by all who would ever believe, though He committed none. The wrath of God was exhausted on Him and the just requirement of God's law met for those for whom He died.

Dogface Soldier (2/14/2010)
from East Coast
“ Great Sermon! ”
Dear Keith - here is my response to you regarding your concern with the verse 2 Corinthians 5:21 (Joyce Meyer Sermon) My Response: Footnotes from MacArthur Study Bible Page: 1740 NASB. Here Paul summarized the heart of the gospel, resolving the mystery and paradox of vv. 18-20, and explaining how sinners can be reconciled to God through Jesus Christ. These 15 Gr. words express the doctrines of imputation and substitution like no other single verse. "who knew no sin" Jesus Christ, the sinless Son of God (see notes on Gal 4:4,5; cf. Lk 23:4,14,22,47; Jn 8:46; Heb 4:15; 7:26; 1 Pe 1:19; 2:22-24; 3:18; Rev 5:2-10).

Carmelo (2/11/2010)
from Texas
“ Great Sermon! ”
Praise God for your ministry and for the sounding of the trumpet! I know that God has set some of us as the watchman on the tower to sound the trumpet when we see the approaching storm or enemy coming. Ithank God for ministries like this one that warn and expose the false doctrines of many so called prophets, ministers, and bible teachers. It is not gossip for gossip deal with rumors, but it they are facts that are true and they are loud and clear when taken to the light of scripture. I pray that all believers awake from the demonic sleep that comes upon many who place their focus on the messenger and not the message. Jesus warned us to beware the wolves who come in sheep's clothing. Thank you once again and God continue to bless this ministry.

LaDarius HillContact via email (11/12/2009)
from Wilson, NC
“ DYNAMIC Sermon! ”
Blew me away. EXTREMELY informative, Mind Gripping teaching. If you have something on Eddie Long, I want to hear it.

William Cody BatemanContact via email (8/26/2009)
from Western Kentucky
“ Great Sermon! ”
Very informative. The audio lends such credibility to efforts of Christians toward exposing these charlatans for what and who they are. Why is the church asleep? Does no one read the scriptures anymore? (http://codybateman. org)

Daniel R HanlonContact via email (5/2/2009)
from Camden, South Carolina
“ Great Sermon! ”
I threw away ALL "WORD OF FAITH" CD, books and tapes. First in trash was Kenneth Copeland, I was in Fort Worth and COPELAND's name was GLORIFIED and not Jesus Christ. (MATTHEW 6:33)

WAYNE DILGERContact via email (11/12/2008)
“ Great Sermon! ”
I am so proud of you for exposing FALSE TEACHERS such as Joyce Meyers and friends.Its so scary that so many precious souls may be lost because of these teachings,and whats even more horrifying is when you think your Safe watching The Praise The Lord channel or TBN and you see the likes of Benny Hinn or Kenneth Copeland Teaching Heresy. WHY DON'T THE THE GUEST AND SPEAKERS WHO ARE TRULY CHRISTIANS "BAN THEIR PROGRAMS" OR REFUSE TO BE APART OF THESE PROGRAMS AND SHED LIGHT ON PAUL & JAN CROUCH?

vanessa evelynContact via email (11/12/2007)
from Brooklyn ny
“ Great Sermon! ”
anyone that boast "I am preaching good, am a preachin' good right now!" reveals a sign of ARROGANCE, this woman so full of herself I do not ever hear Christ when she speaks, I hear JOYCE, she is a (g)od unto herself, she has not read Micah 6:8, it is so sad, the higgins, the benny hinns the copelands, the cleflo's the joel olstens the td jakes, it is all sad, they frighten me, they NEVER preach about salvation, righteousness, Holiness, the Blood, repentance, sin, hell, or Math 28:18 spreading the Gospel, these are not concerns of theirs, they seem to believe God came to earth to make us rich and comfortable spare us of worldly pain and to use of gifts to Have have and have, did some one rip 2 Timothy 3:12 out of their books? i am also concerned that ms. meyers is in violation of scripture, a woman must not be the head over men in CHURCH, not to be confused with sharing the gospel with everyone, we are not to asurp auth it is so clear, see for yourself 1 Cor 14:33-37, and God was not writing to the corinth church back then, God wrote this to us ALL SEE Titus 2:11-12, it all applies in this present age, all of it according to 2 Tim 3:16. Be careful to follow these tel evangelist super stars, in John 12:48 God makes HIMself clear, the verse before and below it also speaks volu

RandyContact via email (8/2/2007)
“ Great Sermon! ”
As a Christian Man,Like John MacArthur I am blown away at the complete lack of Discernment in Christian Women these days.It seems that so many will swallow ANYTHING Popular,especially from a TV Celebrity. Where are the Women who will rely on Scripture alone for Doctrine Truth ? The TBN Hucksters like Joyce Meyer are fleecing the Female Flock with a Phony Man-Centered False gospel. Oh to hear the cries of the Reformation again ! Christ Alone, Grace Alone,Faith Alone,Scripture Alone, to the Glory of God Alone. Postmodernism has so poisoned the Church it doesn't even know it's History . It is lost to Emotions,Feelings,and Experiences and the Desire for Worldly Success. I wish we could force every Woman in America that Confesses Christ as Her Lord & Saviour to sit down and watch the 2003 Movie " LUTHER " . Maybe they would regain some kind of Balance.

Faithful Remnant (3/13/2007)
“ Interesting.... ”
Not sure I agree with all on either side. The biggest issue for me would be allowing a woman to preach, teach, or establish doctrine in a congregation.

Tom NorbergContact via email (3/13/2007)
from Tom Norberg
“ What do you make of : ”
Colossians 1:18 "And he is the head of the body, the church; he is the beginning and the firstborn from among the dead, so that in everything he might have the supremacy." That refers to Jesus. Clearly Myer's teaching is extra-Biblical. But, how can we understand this scripture?

Keith89120Contact via email (3/7/2007)
“ Wow! ”
Wow! Joyce Meyers is way out there. I really enjoyed the way that Mr Sankey had this sermon organized. Loved the audio clips of Ms Meyers spouting her stuff. One critism, the Bible does say that Jesus was made sin in 2 Corinthians 5:21 God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God. Yes, I know there are several ways to look at this verse, but Fran goes after Joyce on her false doctrines. You should bring this verse into play and make a better arguement. That aside fantastic job. Thanks

CarolContact via email (3/3/2007)
from Toronto, Canada
“ Great Sermon! ”
Great sermon exposing the false prophetess Joyce Meyers. The false doctrines are many and coming at us at breakneck speed. God give us the discernment in this time we live in.

VernonContact via email (2/26/2007)
from Tifton, GA
“ Very Much Needed! ”
In a day when false gospels seem to be drawing larger and larger crowds, it is even more refreshing to hear this message! Fran Sankey's teachings are a great blessing to truth seekers.

Stephen GreenContact via email (2/21/2007)
from Newtownabbey, N Ireland
“ Great Sermon! ”
Keep exposing heresy and apostates like Joyce Meyers! How anyone could possibly listen to, or sit under the ministry of a woman, false teacher after hearing her say that Christ ceased to be the Son of God on the cross is beyond me! 1 Timothy 2:12

Scott McMahanContact via email (2/8/2007)
from Internet
“ Don't miss Sankey's Osteen MP3 ”
Fran Sankey also has a good, in-depth presentation on Joel Osteen, who was recently named America's #1 Christian pastor, although like Meyer he is not a Christian either. Sankey's audio web page is: http://www.towertotruth .net/audio.htm A direct link to the MP3: z25

Luc AubeContact via email (2/7/2007)
from Ottawa Canada
“ Great teaching but...... ”
While it is Biblical to expose error and bring it to the light. The basic problem with Joyce Meyer is not what she is teaching. The problem is that she IS teaching. This is clearly forbiden in the Bible (1Ti 2:12 But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence). So, any women teaching a gathering of believers is in sin and should be rebuked even before we get to what is being taught. But, based on the millions of books she sells, most people will simply interpret 1 Timothy 2:12 in a manner that suits them. God help us all.

Betty P (2/6/2007)
from Florida
“ A Must hear! ”
this is powerful stuff, thanks UCn

Scott McMahanContact via email (2/6/2007)
from Internet
You've seen her face on TV ... in Wal-Mart ... everywhere! But she is NOT A CHRISTIAN by any known, orthodox standard. She is a Word of Faith believer, and they're not Christians. Listen to this and hear her in her own words - this sermon has clips of Meyer talking about what she believes. And quotes from her published materials.

Shawn T (2/6/2007)
from Texas
“ Powerful Sermon! ”
wow..very informative!!

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