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Sermon11/22/19 9:22 AM
Thankful to God from Florida  Find all comments by Thankful to God
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“ Great Sermon! ”
I never thought Chick-fil-A would ever wilt and fold for ANY reason. This is one company that I believed would "endure to the end." Whew! Wow! What a disappointment. Thank you Kevin Swanson and Generation Radio for explaining what really is going on and doing so in a thorough manner. I am hurt and disappointed with this surprising decision by the company I always bragged about, NEVER EVER believing they would do anything like this. Sodomites seem to be winning all the time, now. America is the new Sodom and Gomorrah, only more bold and arrogant. I'm done with this once admirable company. I now wonder what they will do next? The sodomites win AGAIN! I hope that all Christians will stop patronizing the business by not eating there any more. Again, thanks for sharing this information with us by making it available for us here on SermonAudio.

Sermon11/20/19 10:15 AM
Tom from California  Find all comments by Tom
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“ Great Sermon! ”
While we totally agree that it's shameful that professing evangelicals have such a low view of abortion as the vile, wicked sin that it is, dismissing people who opposed illegal immigration as wanting to just keep the Mexicans out is a cheap shot and basically an ad hominem. Christian of all people should have an understanding of the rule of law.

Sermon11/12/19 3:06 PM
Angela L Mentink from Nebraska  Contact via emailFind all comments by Angela L Mentink
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Great podcast! I’m not an expert, and I’m not a smart person, but I wonder if a critical piece to the mental health crisis might be caused in part from the food as well. My observation is that our country is overfed and undernourished. Food has changed so much since my great grandparents’ generation. We have added chemicals to the food that have been scientifically proven to cause disease, and our food is being grown in dead soil with conventional farming practices, resulting in very poor quality nourishment. We have such a desire for cheap, convenient food, so we don’t have to spend much time at home and instead can entertain ourselves. Reading the Bible and more recently your books has opened our eyes to the greed of man. I used to believe that these big food companies and our government had our best interest in mind, but I’m afraid it’s quite the opposite! Through the work of the Holy Spirit and daily reading of God’s word we have improved our family’s physical and mental health by growing and preparing a large portion of our large family’s needs. We certainly don’t have perfect health, but this change in diet has improved it and added hours of productivity to our day. All glory to God, this was not us! I have to wonder if it might help others as well.

Sermon11/9/19 8:30 AM
Thankful to God from Florida  Find all comments by Thankful to God
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Four years later, regarding the first/only comment that was posted here, I agree with JacTrac's comments. Fox still remains the lesser of the evils of all popular "news" shows. I never, even in my wildest dreams, would've come close to imagining how popular the sin of sodomy would become. Even church organizations, organizations--not the true church -- Ekklesia, have embraced and are actively accepting and promoting this sick sin and those who endulge in it. Sodomy has never been accepted by God, neither in the Old, nor the New Testament, and never will this ungodliness, no matter how much it is promoted here in America, be acceptable to God. It is an abomination.

Sermon11/7/19 12:32 AM
Anonymous Name  Find all comments by Anonymous Name
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“ Not enough sermons discussing POTC ”
There are not a lot of sermons discussing the Pirates of the Caribbean movie series. This is one example.

Sermon11/3/19 9:21 PM
Chris in Vancouver from Vancouver, BC  Contact via emailFind all comments by Chris in Vancouver
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“ USSR ”
Regarding Karl Marx pushing abortion in the USSR, Marx died in 1883 and the USSR came to be in 1922. Also, are you calling today's Russia the USSR?

Sermon10/24/19 1:36 PM
Iron Sharpens Iron Ministries from Minnesota  Find all comments by Iron Sharpens Iron Ministries
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Yes, Bible is clear do not owe anyone anything and that includes money to your financial institution. The Bible also says I could do everything in Christ who strengthens me and we could get out of debt because Christ can give us the wisdom, strength, and discipline to be debt-free. We need more sermons on being debt-free in our churches.

Sermon10/24/19 1:31 PM
Iron Sharpens Iron Ministries from Minnesota  Find all comments by Iron Sharpens Iron Ministries
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“ Yes, but....! ”
What about proverbs 31? Where a woman is obviously buying and selling land she's a realtor, tailor, seamstress, and so on. What about the Roman empire where half of the population were slaves included women. If a woman is a slave and has a family, did she have the right to go to her master and tell him "I'm sorry I have to stay home and can no longer be your slave?" What about communist countries where it is illegal not to work? Does a woman quit her job and risk going to prison or paying fines? So I believe Titus 2 is a passage were preachers just come with their preconceived biases and try to explain it not realizing there are situations that force woman to work.

Sermon10/24/19 8:34 AM
David Forest from Minnesota  Find all comments by David Forest
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Why Johnny Can't Sing Hymns
Kevin Swanson
“ Great Sermon! ”
I do understand where Mr. Swanson is coming from. I also enjoy hymns. But one must not be blind in the age we live in and face reality. Churches are switching more and more to contemporary/rock. In 20 years hymn singing churches we be a minority. Mostly among the Protestants churches. Evangelicals churches will all switch from hymns to other forms of music.

Sermon7/30/19 1:40 PM
Angela L Mentink from Nebraska  Contact via emailFind all comments by Angela L Mentink
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“ Great Sermon! ”
I have a neighbor that is a great example of Proverbs woman. She grows a lot of food and doesn't waste anything. She goes to a lot of work to give away her excess, lovingly makes meals for the mission, takes excess to the grocery store to give away, cares for her husband and grown children, does all the accounting for her husband's business even though she hates it, helps widows and orphans, and volunteers for many things. She has definitely strengthened her arms and doesn't boast to everyone about what she is doing. She believes people think she doesn't do anything because she's not working outside the home, but she is the hardest working woman I know. She is an amazing example to me.

Sermon7/25/19 8:27 AM
Diane from AL  Find all comments by Diane
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Sounds to me like the giving outs free water is just a form of casting pearls before swine. These people are not interested in hearing any form of criticism about their sin.

Sermon7/10/19 10:21 AM
Paul Labadorf from Greenville SC  Contact via emailFind all comments by Paul Labadorf
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“ A matter of authority ”
I agree with what you said. I am noticing a general trend to set aside God's authority for "being relevant" in society. This is why we have emerging and emergent churches.

Sermon7/10/19 10:14 AM
Josh TN from TN  Find all comments by Josh TN
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“ J. D. Greer ”
I would like to look up J. D. Greer’s comments myself. How can I do that? I was surprised you didn’t reference those comments.

Blog6/23/19 6:48 AM
lweindia from dwarka  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by lweindia
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best website comapny

Sermon5/27/19 1:30 PM
Mark Espinosa from Texas  Contact via emailFind all comments by Mark Espinosa
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“ Great Sermon! ”
We show our children what LGBT is and how it goes against the Bible We pray for children and grandkids that we can not condone this evil behavior.

Sermon5/24/19 10:54 AM
Cora Suither from PA  Find all comments by Cora Suither
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Yep! Men are the culprit. It began at the judicial bench. In the past, divorced women with children had to struggle because of judicial inequities that literally released men from their full responsibilities. What is the difference between cops killing black fathers and women killing babies because the father is absent from the home? Is anyone paying attention to the number of black women being killed at the hands of law enforcement? Law enforcement? Laws. Trump breaks them every day. The religious leaders support him openly. Christians, of a certain kind, keep silent. We are all lawless. We accuse some and excuse others. Dems support abortion. Both Dems and Reps support Planned Parenthood. Pecker of AMI has the laundry of Trump supporters. Mark it down!

Sermon5/24/19 5:35 AM
Cheryl from New Jersey, U.S.  Find all comments by Cheryl
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“ Overcomer? Not! ”
Was Billy Graham an overcomer? According to the biblical definition, no. Paul worried that his flock could be overcomers, while he himself could make shipwreck of his Christian life; an apostle whom Jesus handpicked. If there could've been a condition of once saved, always saved, I think Paul would've met it. I stopped listening to Billy Graham when I heard him say,Don't leave here today without knowing you've taken care of this;then you won't have to worry. Don't worry about your friends, they'll wait for you! it'll only take 5 minutes! He supported Pope Francis who said, shortly after being nominated, " It is not necessary to believe in Jesus to get to Heaven. Just continue doing good". Most Orthodox Catholics think he's a heretic, but Graham approved! I believe he did start out running well; but desire of worldy gain took over;So he said what people wanted to hear and got famous. Lloyd Jones said after hearing him,I don't see the Holy Spirit, only charisma. The churches in the host cities of his events saw no rise in church attendance, and why would they? It only takes 5 minutes! Graham said himself, he would be surprised if 4% of those altar calls were real converts, (yet 100% believed they were saved, and Graham's ministry pocketed the $$).If that isn't shipwreck, what is?

Sermon5/17/19 8:41 AM
Barbara thomas from Texas  Find all comments by Barbara thomas
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Very enlightening. I homeschooled my 5 kids and am now a grandmother of 4 soon to be 5. Very concerning for their future education.

Sermon5/16/19 7:46 AM
Angelica  Find all comments by Angelica
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Narcissist culture, Those whose minds are seared and hearts have hardened.

Sermon5/3/19 4:17 PM
Douglas Fir from Zones Four to Six  Find all comments by Douglas Fir
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“ Thought provoking ”
It does make you wonder about people who spend so much time getting their doctrines right. Many nonbelievers will hold up this story for a long time to say, 'What good is your Belief System?

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