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Generations Radio
Kevin Swanson  |  Parker, Colorado
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Sullivan, Thomas from Owensboro, Kentucky
As I listened to this discussion sitting at the kitchen counter eating supper;I had a startling illustration of the discussion....
Kevin Swanson | What Is the Worldview of A.I.?
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Sermon12/7/2020 9:50 PM
Child of God from Florida  Find all comments by Child of God
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Obama is an ungodly man who was blatantly guilty of misquoting Scripture

Sermon12/1/2020 10:42 AM
Angie from Nebraska  Contact via emailFind all comments by Angie
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Very well said! I have to wonder if this is the "calm" before the storm in our country. In the past God has used hard times and suffering to bring His people back. Loved the testimony of the baker from the World View in 5 Minutes. So admirable and encouraging to hear his story! We must pray for our country!

Sermon11/21/2020 2:36 PM
FRank Lee from Land of Nod  Find all comments by FRank Lee
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Good to see mention made of what the Bible teaches about the family, esp since Paul gives clear instructions to Timothy about how widows are to be handled, and from that you can see how he thinks older Christian women should live. He says they should receive aid from the church only if they have practiced hospitality, 'washed the feet of the saints' which I think refers to doing good works in the church (not at some animal shelter or some homeless shelter)

Sermon11/18/2020 8:16 AM
Angela Mentink from Nebraska  Contact via emailFind all comments by Angela Mentink
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Our family tested positive for Covid a few weeks ago. It was very mild, praise the Lord. We picked it up at the dentist office and we were all wearing masks. The most helpful thing we did was soups made with homemade bone broth (all ingredients coming from our beyond organic farm), lots of sunshine, and a few naps. My worst day was when I ate some suucanut (sugar). I do believe the Lord gives us a lot of wisdom through His word, and I believe most people have lost sight of the importance of good farming practices. Using all these chemicals has decreased the vitamins and minerals in the food and we are bombarded with chemicals in the air all summer in our area. The cancer rates in our area are soaring. Lord please heal our land! I also agree with honoring your mother and father. So important!!

Sermon11/14/2020 4:36 PM
Edward from Nigeria  Find all comments by Edward
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“ Truth revealed ”
Your sermons are spirit-filled and complies with biblical views and balance. I have been most blessed since I started listening to your sermons. I pray for more grace

Sermon11/6/2020 11:56 AM
Louis Sabean from Nova Scotia  Contact via emailFind all comments by Louis Sabean
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“ Great Sermon! ”

Sermon10/23/2020 11:11 AM
Chris from Vancouver from BC  Find all comments by Chris from Vancouver
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Right on Angie!

Sermon10/21/2020 1:54 PM
Angie from Nebraska  Contact via emailFind all comments by Angie
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Our family is following Proverbs 6 6-9 Go to the ant, O sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise. 7 Without having any chief, officer, or ruler, 8 she prepares her bread in summer and gathers her food in harvest. 9 How long will you lie there, O sluggard? When will you arise from your sleep? We grow a lot of our own food for our big family and store it up for winter. I have ordered enough wheat and other necessities to get through the winter. Storing up food for many years would be hoarding, but having enough to get through the winter is very wise. We quit buying and eating processed foods many years ago, so we no longer buy Oreos. Our own experience is that we are better servants of Christ eating a clean diet, because we have greater energy for serving and much less health issues. I pray we never have to go back! It is our own personal conviction to avoid Oreos for health reasons, but as a Christian, I really try to support Christian businesses first so as a personal conviction, I would stop buying them. Thanks for the program!

Sermon9/26/2020 10:47 AM
FG from USA  Find all comments by FG
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Wasn't Tim Keller at the fore in forming Gospel Coalition?

Sermon9/20/2020 9:29 PM
Jennifer Mason from Memphis  Contact via emailFind all comments by Jennifer Mason
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“ Great Sermon! ”
I believe if someone would dig a little deeper into this child’s environmental background, I believe they’d find something not quite so right going on in her environment.

Sermon9/8/2020 6:36 AM
Aileen Willoughby from Bradenton Fl  Contact via emailFind all comments by Aileen Willoughby
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“ Great Sermon! ”
One of the best most straightforward preachers in this current day of unrest and sin-filled immorality-satanic-driven atmosphere surrounding us. Praise God for raising up men like Kevin.

Sermon8/27/2020 9:51 PM
Elizabeth from Outside the US  Find all comments by Elizabeth
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“ Great Sermon! ”
I was recently reminded the ither day that Christians are forgetting a very important fact about the rainbow. That rainbow is God’s. It is His covenat to inhabitants of the earth, that He will not destroy the world again by a flood. But by fire. It scares me that folk have co-opted this very signigicant symbol and in a sense are condemning themselves in the process. This whole thing is Romans chapter One on display.

Sermon8/22/2020 12:23 AM
Phillip McKenzie from Melbourne Australia  Contact via emailFind all comments by Phillip McKenzie
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Why Johnny Can't Sing Hymns
Kevin Swanson
“ The beauty of holy worship ”
I preached a message by this title earlier this year and taken from the text: "Give unto the LORD the glory due unto his name: bring an offering, and come before him: worship the LORD in the beauty of holiness."  1 Chronicles 16:29 I strongly contend that holy worship is only fulfilled by the singing of hymns and not the modern contemporary worship sung in churches today. There are many reasons for this; the most notable is the command to put difference between the holy and the profane [holiness and worldliness].

Sermon8/14/2020 5:20 AM
Ian Bristol from SC  Find all comments by Ian Bristol
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“ Great Sermon! ”
It's amazing how so many even solid Christian conservatives blindly buy into the conventional narrative of the War of Northern Aggression! From a historical standpoint, it really leaves them no foundation for understanding the good *and the bad* in the 1960's civil rights movement, understanding segregation, understanding it's context, and understanding how the social "justice" movement came to be.

Blog8/7/2020 10:44 AM
ghd sports from united states  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by ghd sports
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i love the series of the spider man,
waiting for more.

Sermon8/4/2020 10:50 PM
Feminine but NOT a feminist  Find all comments by Feminine but NOT a feminist
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Barack Obama, the Antichrist?
Kevin Swanson
“ Great Sermon! ”
I don’t think Obama is a believer in Christ Jesus but he has regularly shown himself to be an Antichrist.

Sermon7/23/2020 9:25 PM
Nathan Ricciardelli from Wilmington, NC  Contact via emailFind all comments by Nathan Ricciardelli
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“ Thank you for this relief and wisdom ”
Hello fellow believer, I listen every morning to your uploads to sermon audio. I enjoy them at work as I multi-task. You and your teams work provides a great relief for me daily when I hear about God's work being done and a Christian perspective of what is happening around the world. Continue praying for godly men to step up and tell everyone this is our fathers world, and we need to pray for mercy. Thank you for this podcast and the world view. Your brother, Nathan

Sermon7/7/2020 12:29 PM
Anonymous Name  Find all comments by Anonymous Name
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“ Stitch: Genetic Abomination From Outer Space ”
It should be noted that Stitch, who was first introduced in Lilo & Stitch in 2002, is really a genetic abomination from outer space. Although he resembles a blue koala, he has serrated teeth in his mouth as well as four arms. As we know, aliens are really fallen angels as well as Nephilim (נְפִילִים), and the Nephilim, which are the offspring of fallen angels, have their origins in Genesis 6:1–4. This shows that even media geared towards general audiences like Lilo & Stitch are making abominations like the Nephilim look like heroes in the public eye, even though the Nephilim are abominations in The Sight of The Lord.

Sermon6/21/2020 2:09 PM
Yolanda from AZ  Find all comments by Yolanda
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Barack Obama, the Antichrist?
Kevin Swanson
“ Great Sermon! ”
I am convinced now more than ever before that the anti-Christ is one who professes to be a believer of Christ, believes in Christ, and relies upon Christ the person of Christ and the work Christ did on behalf of man and God. Yet he talks more often about fallen men and their deeds. The result is that we compare ourselves with man which makes us self-righteous instead of being humbled by the knowledge we have of Christ. I believe the Ten Commandments sums up what man is unable to do and why Christ came; if we lift him up. There are enough wolves in the pulpits today destroying sheep by distorting God's Word and changing the nature and character of Christ we should be warned about. The Word of God talks about them and how to avoid deceit. It warns us of the Spirit of this present age. If Obama claimed to be pastor/preacher of God's word, I could see why we should be warned. Every person who has heard of Christ and denies what he has heard is anti-Christ. Not just Obama.Pulpits are filled with pastors who become political and compare politicians and other public figures to suit their own agenda.Christ is our agenda. His spirit will give us discernment about the path we should take. Moralism does not save.

Sermon5/30/2020 6:52 PM
Natalie from Sydney, Australia  Find all comments by Natalie
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“ Thank you ”
Thank you for introducing me to Dr Peter Jones and his TruthXchange website. I had never heard of either before. I will read as much of his stuff as I can get my hands on as what you and he were talking about has happened in my own family and is certainly happening in my country. Post-secularism is definitely a thing...

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