Good Sermon Appreciated your sermon. May the Lord continue to consecrate your words for His glory! I have a few friends in England, and if I, Lord willing, I ever travel there, I would love to attend and meet you. God bless
Great Sermon! We have very much enjoyed and profited from this sermon series! And what will this current century hold for the church? Victory! Christ will advance His cause in the world!
Great Sermon! In a time when the tide has turned dramatically against the church, it is reassuring to know that God is in control of all things, and has foretold not only the evil doings of Christ's enemies, but also Christ's triumph over them!
Great Sermon! Our time seems so like that of the 18th century, with the emphasis on human reason and the despising of God's Word. May the Lord send us another revival which will sweep out all the wickedness and bring in the righteousness of our Saviour!
Outstanding Sermon! So thankful for the Gospel, which is powerful to save, powerful to survive in a hostile world, and powerful to spread throughout the whole world in spite of the oppositions of evil men and devils!
Excellent Sermon! This sermon really helped me understand how Revelation 11 relates to the fifteenth century church, and also challenged me to let my Christian witness burn brighter in this dark and blinded world!
Great Sermon! The resemblance the Romish Babylon bears to Babylon of Old is truly striking, and very instructive as to the nature of this false religious system which is so well accommodated to the sinful inclinations of rebellious sinners, yet completely without any ability to save those who are so drawn to it. What a marvelous blessing it is to know the true Jesus and His salvation!
Great Sermon! What a wonderful contrast between the Lord Jesus Christ, who came to deliver His people from their sin, and the Antichrist, who seeks to usurp Him!
Great Sermon! Truly, there is nothing new under the sun! God brings about similar historical circumstances in the progressing eras of history because man's fallen nature is the same in every era, and therefore the same lessons need to be taught, generation after generation. A great lesson from church history!
Great Sermon! Although Tertullian, Cyprian, and Origen made valuable contributions to the church, they also planted seeds which would yield bad fruit in later times. How carefully we should walk, knowing that the errors of even godly men can lead to negative consequences!