Christ is made the sure Foundation, Christ the Head and Cornerstone, Chosen of the Lord and precious, Binding all the church in one; Holy Zion's help forever, And her confidence alone Is in Christ the blessed Savior, In His righteousness alone.
Laud and honor to the Father, Laud and honor to the Son, Laud and honor to the Spirit, Ever Three and ever One; All engaged in our salvation, By His grace alone are we Safe and sure for heaven's glory, In His presence we will be.
Bible Study: "The Recovery of a King" - II Samuel 12:1-14
Today's Speaker: Brother Jim Casey will conduct the 11:00 am service today. Pray for him as he delivers God's word.
Television Broadcast: Our Reign of Grace Television program is being broadcast on WFXL Fox 31, Channel 4 on Mediacom cable. The program will air every Sunday morning at 11 AM. Pray that God will use it for His glory.
Radio Broadcast: Sunday morning at 9:30am on 98.7 FM -WISK. You can also hear the sermons on your computer. Just click on
Birthdays: Timothy Pannell - March 6th.
Where is Your Refuge?
It is a peculiar happiness to observe, that in matters of spiritual concern, the philosopher and ploughman (if truly regenerate) have the same feelings, speak the same language; they all eat of the same spiritual meat, and drink of the same spiritual rock that follows them, and that rock is Christ. Hence that similitude of experience, or to speak figuratively, that strong and striking family likeness which obtains among the converted people of God, in every period of time, and in every nation under heaven. They all, without exception, feel themselves totally ruined by original sin; they, all without exception, take refuge in the righteousness and cross of Christ, and unite in ascribing the whole praise of their salvation to the alone free grace and sovereign mercy of Father, Son, and Spirit.
By Augustus Toplady
Watchmen Upon the Walls
All the comforts and privileges that the children of God know on this side of heaven, and in heaven, proceed from the Father's everlasting love to us in Christ Jesus. Whatever grace the Lord bestows upon us, it is eternal life begun. All divine grace is everlasting. This is what the faithful watchman must declare upon the walls of Zion, that all the inhabitants and citizens may know the privileges and immunities that belong to them. And in all their trials, poverty or distress of any kind, they may come boldly to obtain relief and to believe that the King of this heavenly country will never cast them off.
By James Bourne
Thou shalt not wear a garment of divers sorts, as of woolen and linen together." (Deuteronomy 22:11)
Who should have thought that such a precept as this of Moses had a gospel signification! And yet as Christ was preached under types and figures though the whole law, we may reasonably suppose that not a single command was then given but what had an eye to Him and His great salvation. If we find the Lord so strict respecting the outward dress of the body, what may we conclude the Lord would enjoin respecting the inward clothing of the soul? If woolen and linen were offensive to be worn together, surely, we cannot appear before God in motley dress of Jesus' righteousness and our own. The fine linen, scripture saith, is the righteousness of saints. With this, which Jesus put on His people, nothing our own woolen garments must be worn. The righteousness of a creature, had we any, which in fact we have none, cannot be suited to mix with the righteousness of the Creator. And no man that is wise for salvation would put the old piece of our corrupt and worn out nature upon the new garment of the renewed nature in Christ Jesus. When therefore the Lord saith, "Thou that shalt not wear a garment of divers sorts;"my heart replies, ‘No, Lord! Let me be clothed with the robe of righteousness, and the garment of Thy salvation; then shall I be found suited for the marriage supper, when the King comes in to see His guests at His table.'
Robert Hawker
The Lord has brought us to the beginning of another new year. We all have so much for which to be thankful both in the past and for the glorious future of which we are assured in and by the Lord Jesus Christ. God has truly been gracious and merciful to us in both our triumphs and our trials. There is no way we can measure His goodness to us in this past year. We may make our resolutions and intend to keep them. We may fail in many of these, but God remains the same towards us as He blesses, preserves, and even chastises us for His glory and our good. One thing we know for sure - He will never leave nor forsake us (Heb. 13:5). We will always remain eternally in His grace because we who believe are in Christ. Our sins can never bring us under His wrath because Christ on the cross took all the wrath of God for us and fully paid our debt. Our victories and growth in grace can never make us more saved or more righteous than we already are in Him, for He is our victory and our righteousness (1 Cor. 15:57; Jer. 23:6; 33:16). Years will come and go as God has determined in His sovereign will. Some years may be better than others, but all years with Christ are ultimately glorious. We do not know what this next year will bring us, but God knows. His children are safe and secure in Christ for all eternity. Bill Parker