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Spirit and Truth, Elijah, Water Baptism and More...
FRIDAY, MARCH 17, 2017
Posted by: Hackberry House of Chosun | more..
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  1. John 1:21. Elsewhere Jesus claimed that John the Baptist was the Elijah that was to come. Here, John denies being Elijah. Explain.

John came in the spirit and power of Elijah. Jesus was not teaching reincarnation here, only that the man who came into the world at this time, to prepare the way for Him, was very similar to the prophet of Mt. Carmel who preached righteousness in another age.

The Scriptures do indicate, though, that Elijah and one other prophet, are standing before the Lord even as I write, waiting for a re-introduction into our atmosphere at the very end. Revelation says they will come, die, be resurrected, and thus keep the appointment that all men must keep until Jesus’ catching away of the church on His return.

This will be the real Elijah, preserved without death in Heaven now. John was simply saying he was not that Elijah.

  1. John 1:45-51. Who is this Nathaniel? And when did he see what Jesus predicted?

Tradition has it that this is none other than Bartholomew, one of the 12. He is usually listed with Philip, the man who evidently brought him to the Christ. As to the promise of a vision, the commentaries are everywhere on this. Everywhere but literal, which means I will differ with them.

No one suggests that this Jesus, this seemingly ordinary “Son of Man,” this human being, is going to greet Nathaniel when he (Nathaniel) leaves this earth and goes to his eternal home. There he will indeed see what Jesus said he would see. And we have no idea what the rest of Bartholomew’s life was about after Jesus ascended to Heaven. Why could Jesus not have revealed Himself in this special way to the man of “no guile”? The fact that the prophecy fulfillment is not recorded in Scripture does not give us justification to be speculating, and manipulating the text.

I believe Nathaniel has by this time experienced the fulfillment thousands of times over, as have the other disciples! And as will we.

  1. John 3:5. What does water have to do with the new birth?

How the battle has raged among us over this one! This is now the second reference in the Gospels to the place of water in our ongoing relationship with the Lord. The spiritualizers take water out of the mix altogether and say Jesus was talking about a spiritual water. But then, what is the Spirit of which He speaks in the same breath? No, will not do.

Others say that when a person is born the first time he is born of “water”, as in the “water” that breaks just before a woman gives birth.

So that has Jesus saying, “… unless one is born of his mother and born of the Spirit…” Which sounds a little strange. Why would being born of a mother be listed as a requirement for entrance into the Kingdom? Wouldn’t natural birth be assumed?

Why not try the literal approach? In other words, why not take Jesus at His word?

What?! Baptismal regeneration!? Water takes away sin? Are you a Catholic?

Calm down. Just trying to discern His words. No, water cannot take away sin. Just like – per Peter’s logic – water did not save Noah’s family, but was a response to their safety within the ark. But he also says they were saved “by water.” No water, no flood. No flood, no judgment on sin. No flood, no taking of the boat to a new place, and so on.

Water has always been a part of the perfecting of God’s people. Even under the law, there was a laver full of water, put there for physical washing which stood for spiritual purity. That water did not save or actually sanctify anyone, but tell that to Moses or his God!

We can say that water baptism itself does not save anyone, but tell that to Jesus and the apostles and everyone who came to the Lord in the book of Acts. Somehow, water is to be a part of our friendship with Jesus. No water, imperfect obedience, said the Son of God to John the Baptizer.

  1. John 3:13. The Son of Man was in heaven while speaking with Nicodemus?

If Heaven is where God is, then yes, Jesus was in Heaven even while here. Heaven invaded earth through the God-Man and the anointing upon Him. He wants us to be living in Heavenly realms, too.

  1. Matthew 4:12. Why did Jesus not visit John in prison, even leaving the area altogether?

We rule out cowardice and avarice of any kind to begin with. What are we left with? He knew John was arrested, so He left for Galilee. Something is missing in our understanding here.

Perhaps we are thinking of our own situations and asking, Why didn’t He visit me there?

But did He leave you there? Did you not hear from Him at all when you called upon Him? Did the wisdom finally come, the understanding?

We, perhaps like John, want all the answers now. John eventually reached out to Jesus one more time, and Jesus’ response was immediate. He reaffirmed to the Baptist that He – Jesus – was indeed the man John had proclaimed Him to be. His life had been a success. But the underlying suggestion was also there: Your work is done. Time to move on.

Jesus took John’s imprisonment as a signal that His own ministry was now to begin in earnest. John had laid the foundation. Now John could do no more. He would minister to John as needed, but would no longer expect John to be the basis for His own acceptance. John is gone. Now to Galilee. He decreased, now it is time for Me to increase.

A multitude of lessons can be drawn from this, and I leave you to make the application…

  1. John 4:23-24. What does it mean to worship in spirit and truth?

I believe every person should research this question on his own. I will share the little I know, but the subject under study is huge. Be sure you answer this correctly.

First, we have to deal with capital letters. Was Jesus saying that we worship with “our” spirit, or with the Holy Spirit? There is a relationship there, but it is not the same idea exactly. When Paul spoke of praying and singing, he talked about doing those things with the Spirit, as opposed to doing them with the “understanding.” Is true worship totally controlled by the Holy Ghost, with us as bystanders watching it all happen? What is our part?

The point Jesus seemed to be making to the woman is that true worship has nothing to do with a location, a building, a set form. It is from within the person and can happen anywhere. But by mentioning “spirit and truth” He sets us on a search here for clear understanding of what a proper worship experience should be.

Is worship merely singing worship songs? Raising hands? Dancing? Loud music? Some of those things pass over into the soul, but does not the Lord want us to love Him with every fiber of our being, body, soul, and spirit?

And worshiping in “truth”? Does that mean I have to go to your church to worship properly, because your church has all the truth? Does it mean having a detailed and accurate knowledge of Who Jesus is? Or is it referring to the truthfulness of the worshiper, that is, his sincerity and honesty? In other words, he is not a hypocrite, he worships truly, from the heart?

You see what I mean? The question of worship is a vital one and not as simple as we have been told. Why? Because the Father is looking for people to worship Him properly. If He is looking all over the planet with His multitude of eyes everywhere, don’t you want to be found of Him, worshiping Him in a way that involves your whole being and His whole worthiness?

Category:  Bible Study

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