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News Item11/12/17 5:55 PM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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mind control

this is how you can have a major female teacher of the SBC freak out before an election based on total corruptible information...and probably still believing it a year later.

will mass shootings wake the SBC up from their cultural marxist slumber?

"my pastor gets more likes than yours"

turn us all into perpetual junior high public school cheerleaders instead of maturing into responsible adults!

"always smile" -- what "nice" people.

News Item11/3/17 2:39 PM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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Mike wrote:
Something said in Acres, USA mag a few decades ago, It is more profitable to look for a cure for cancer than to find one. Applies here as well, imo.
only nazis want cures, you crazy capitalists! what? a country magazine, you racists! I'm feeling just a little bit uncomfortable around here, you all better censor yourselves or I might throw a chair across the room!

News Item10/11/17 11:57 AM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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what do you find behind the screen of all these lobbies and media that push to end protection of children from the norms of society?

Title: Corey Feldman: Pedophilia is Hollywood's Biggest Problem

News Item10/7/17 3:09 PM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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the bible has been authenticated in so many ways. it is trustworthy and reliable and the WOrd of God.

Even if the world erupts into chaos, we can know that Christ is our Rock and our Salvation.

News Item10/7/17 2:56 PM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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deep state, isis, multiple shooters...

....this would lead one to want to defend their fellow countrymen, not disarm them.

guess its easier for the feminized statists to debate falsehoods that enter the reality taking the west down.

News Item10/2/17 12:24 PM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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commnst rev

the left brings them in.

see kaper's football relationship to islm (taking on national anthem)

to women's march leaders relationship to islm

see new convert to islm shooter at LV.

see scalise story, just returning to congress after being shot

see scalia

see attacks yesterday in Canada, did not ISIS claim?

see h@te crime laws in Canada to silence the pulpits

see EU bringing in sharia refugees to take down their nations

see catalonia voting to separate from Spain - promising mega mosques to those who support

see ISIS funding in Syria, see McCain posing with western funded jihadists in Syria

see Trump running on changing course and ending ISIS!!

see Trump challenging the commnsts by ending TPP!

I do not mean to dismiss those suffering right now. There will be a time to grieve.

News Item9/4/17 12:26 PM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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can't get over that first grade little girl, think it was California, where she saw a little boy she knew who was in K, and referred to him to say hello, and was whisked away by school staff, chastised on playground and in office....

...because he had "turned into a girl" and she had been "insensitive".

this kind of abuse, anguish, will cause a generation to be mentally disturbed....

now add to that the heavy metal exposure etc that they are receiving, no wonder so many kids today have neurological disorders.

people fractionalized by a system that is antichrist.

Praise be to our loving heavenly Father, a true Father to His children, there is no shadow with Thee.

News Item8/10/17 10:03 AM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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when the pulpits have had enough of the "religion of tolerance" lobby and said enough and Christians speak the truth and say "enough"...then they would be forced to back down.

but they have taught false pietism which teaches that the highest calling of the Christian is to remain silent and just "love people as they are"

which is perfectly aligned with cultural Marxism...

and so, the result will be that the pedophiles put their aim at Christian children.... and there is nothing holding them back.

Christ said....You are my Ambassadors.

see this article: they aim at Christian preschool teachers to purge them from the ranks of teaching. Christian families are forced into working because of ocare and lack of jobs.... Christian children right into the hands of the ADL Lobby and their agenda.

News Item8/10/17 9:50 AM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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the "religion of tolerance" lobby wants to dictate to the President their will, not the will of the people and their God.

News Item8/10/17 9:48 AM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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ADL and the "religion of tolerance" is achieving their goals while Christians are too afraid to name it.

was just reading in a school in Virginia they will now include race as consideration for honors classes.

as we promote religious freedom and individual rights its all about racial supremacy and destruction of Christian message for them....

News Item6/13/17 4:27 PM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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so the last admin was spying on everyone, calls it "investigating", finds no evidence of collusion(ie any dirt they could find, and got mad that they didn't find any) and then their minions in the congress drill the new admin on the non evidence that came from their spying that they did under the table....

everyone is sitting in the wrong chair.

what a time to be alive.

News Item6/13/17 11:20 AM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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since the DNC seems more concerned about getting their computer back than finding out how their own (many saying he was the leaker), as in Seth Rich, was attacked on the street, and somehow worsened in the hospital, why not add this to the list?......

Title: Holistic doctor gunned down outside organic restaurant in Colorado as war on natural health continues

"In just over one year, more than 60 holistic doctors and researchers have been found dead, most of them in suspicious circumstances."

News Item6/13/17 10:01 AM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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how is this being allowed?

News Item6/13/17 8:42 AM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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the bible becomes hate speech?

then new testament called anitsemitic?

lines up with the violent antifa communists on the streets....

interestingly enough...

this is where things go if the lawless child traffickers, drug and arms runners are not prosecuted.

News Item6/12/17 9:18 AM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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anyone watch the chilling interchange between Bernie and the Christian nominee? ... a chilling representation of the problem at hand. Bernie, being Jewish, finds the Christian claim of singularity to be a crashing clanging symbol against his personal pride... even to say that if he has his way, no Christian will be in any position.

..and here our pastors are bound by this system and its pride against Christ....

...and our church leaders cannot identify this cultural Marxist movement and how it has taken shape throughout this century and now here.

...but it is showing itself and saying, your claims in 1Peter will not be accepted, and the singularity of Christ will not be accepted....

and yet we have a church at every corner and a Christian in every work center who supposedly claims the singularity of Christ...

...what is the meta narrative here? what is coming to pass?

"Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth for ever.

"For all flesh is as grass, and all the glory of man as the flower of grass. The grass withereth, and the flower thereof falleth away:

"But the word of the Lord endureth for ever. And this is the word which by the gospel is preached to you" 1Pet23-5

News Item6/10/17 10:21 AM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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Gay Allen wrote:
what do you do with all the dues people pay and then the sales, are the employees aware of this?
so your theory is that if anyone is making money (which they probably aren't) that they owe everyone something? well, that's called communism, and communism is depopulation, and that may be why so many are homeless, no?

News Item6/10/17 10:17 AM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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Jim, why should a woman mediate through men when God's plan is to mediate through the Son?... or is it that since she does not advocate that women are mediated through the STATE that all the women will crumble? it seems your comments not only reject the headship of Christ for the Christian but also the headship of the father in the home.

if a woman does not have the STATE to be the father, she will have to get married to have children the father being responsible.... when the welfare laws kicked in in the 60's they would inspect the homes to make sure there was no daddy (daddy on the streets) -- it was meant to subjugate the poor, and it has.

News Item6/10/17 10:04 AM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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Christopher000 wrote:
Thanks Penny. My apologies if I offended anyone. Real life ain't always pretty, but my big mouth and open book nature should be checked at times, I guess.
you didn't offend or "disturb" anyone... I'm surprised the gentlemen are silent on this matter. Good day to ya.

News Item6/10/17 9:59 AM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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Melania lived under communism.

interesting to see the old eastern block countries reject the EU Islamic invasion and work towards positive relations with US

just like "climate change"... its about national sovereignty and politics....

News Item5/23/17 10:29 AM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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until there are actual jobs to be had, universities will be the propaganda mills that they are.

disnee movies, dreaming of the best me... dreaming and dreaming because nothing will ever be, then they dream of a girl or a boy, have an abortion or two, get their degree, live in mom's basement and get paid to troll commenters who have made something of themselves.

how can you take a nation off of welfare and food stamps when there are no jobs?

they have to be mind controlled, they are being formed into the army that is needed.

since the goal is depopulation.

was thinking about how islam they castrate and mutilate females before they are of consenting age.

and how the left insists on "castrating" their own people.

....because the markets have shut down, there is competition and rampant confusion about what our society really faces...

and if we faced it, the there would be some trials and relooking at the "FED" agreement of 1913.

it would be better to forgive their debts, declare the propaganda machines for what they are and do a reset.

why aren't the public schools creating an educated society after 12 years? the farmers of old would graduate by 8th and know their history, know their language and know math.

they are little Marxists by a young age.

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