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News Item4/12/2020 12:23 AM
That Guy | Virginia  Find all comments by That Guy
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I would like to remind all of you that these stay home orders WOULD NOT BE HAPPENING if people:
1) quit touchng their face
2) stayed 6 ft apart
3) washed their hands

We've created a society to stupid to follow these rules, so we get treated like we are that stupid.

Your 16 year old doesn't clean his room voluntarily, you make it so the room gets cleaned.

Congratulations, we're now all ready for the Nanny-State. Want it to spoon feed you more of that yummy money that it took from your wallet? There, that makes it allll better.

Time for us all to wake up and grow up. Be responsible for yourself, then for your brother.

If you are not responsible to and for yourself, how do you hope to help your brother?

News Item3/10/2020 10:21 AM
That guy | Md  Find all comments by That guy
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I washed my hands for 30 seconds but the blacklight still showed Jim Lincoln virus all over SA.

News Item1/26/2020 11:58 PM
That Guy | The Planet of Common Sense  Find all comments by That Guy
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Hmm where have I heard this before?

News Item1/21/2020 2:43 AM
That Guy | Virginia  Find all comments by That Guy
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Take away their iPhones, and then give them iPads with their books on there.

Sounds like a perfectly lunatic plan to me. Lets do it.

News Item1/8/2020 2:43 AM
That Guy | Virginia  Find all comments by That Guy
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This is an idea, even with using a website to match, that is well over a decade old.

Not only is there nothing new under the sun, but nothing new in shadow and dark of night either.

News Item12/30/19 1:31 AM
That Guy | Virginia  Find all comments by That Guy
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Shoudln't be surprising that a person who has no problem being part of a buch which has Vicars to vicariously stand in God's place has not read his whole bible,

The Old and New Testaments tell us quite clearly that the followers of God were then considered immoral by unbelievers.

They were seen as not only immoral, but as faithless and godless because they didn't worship every tree and natural event and mood which had a godling ascribed to it.

News Item10/30/19 7:34 AM
That Guy | Virginia  Find all comments by That Guy
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While the comments shown in the except are true, there were also true of his predecessor.

Bias works in many ways.

News Item8/12/19 4:11 AM
That Guy | Virginia  Find all comments by That Guy
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(This news item is no longer available)
Somebody definately got things mixed up. Title and article are very different things.

News Item7/28/19 2:30 AM
That Guy | Virginia  Find all comments by That Guy
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So many go to seminary to learn to preach and are taught to be critical instead. Question all, but in furtherence of faith and deeper understanding, not in destruction and disbeleif. It's too late and I can't spell. Sorry.

News Item7/28/19 2:24 AM
That Guy | Virginia  Find all comments by That Guy
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And what if the school employees, as free citizens and of their own volition,want to partcipate. Are they allowed to? Does a teacher who bows her head and says "Amen" at the end need a sign saying "i'm praying as a free citizen of my own volition and not as a school faculty member"?

What a mess.

News Item7/7/19 2:46 AM
That Guy | Virginia  Find all comments by That Guy
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Neil from Tucson writes:
There's reading, and then there's heeding.

That just needed repeating. I have nothing better to say.

News Item6/30/19 12:34 AM
That Guy | Virginia  Find all comments by That Guy
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50 years ago we were told all the data was pointing at us entering a new ice age.

Now all that same data points at us entering a massive heat wave.

And people say science is boring.

News Item6/26/19 8:12 PM
That Guy | The Planet of Common Sense  Find all comments by That Guy
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We are inclusive as long as you agree, embrace and rally for our perspective.

News Item6/5/19 12:00 AM
That Guy | The Planet of Common Sense  Find all comments by That Guy
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Darth Vader Ginsberg is an idiot, no discussion necessary.

News Item5/29/19 2:02 AM
That Guy | Virginia  Find all comments by That Guy
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(This news item is no longer available)
As to the linked data:

The man being discussed is not Martin Luther King, but Martin Luther King JR.

He was ordained, but was one of tue first to 'preach' the 'gospel' of social justice. God provides the means to total justice. Love.

You can do no wrong to another if you love them, weep for them, care for them, and nurture them. As Christ showed in His example. He sat with sinners, not flailed them. Those flailed were they that with knowledge of their misdeeds, saw fit to do them anyway.

News Item5/29/19 1:55 AM
That Guy | Virginia  Find all comments by That Guy
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(This news item is no longer available)
Well, my suggestions to others to come here have now ceased without a very well stated explanation of how comments are 'moderated' and linked content is not.

A whitewashed tomb this has become.

News Item5/29/19 12:59 AM
That Guy | Virginia  Find all comments by That Guy
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How is it that ad hominim attack such as the one by Christopher000 make it past moderators?

That would get squashed by mods and fellow members at a work related forum I frequent.

If anything is good. If any thing is pure...

Disagree as befits the saints, please.

News Item5/18/19 5:55 AM
That Guy | Virginia  Find all comments by That Guy
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As usual, speakmlies and make peolle believe your opinion is fact.
We want safe procreation, safe homes, safe women, safe children and and safe unions. That only happens in a culture that values marraige. And families.

A woman having children by multiple men who now ignore her will be no better off by committing multiple murders instead of getting child support and being a mother first instead of a girlfriend with 'baggage'.

Did it ever occur to her that *ALL* STDs would vanish if just one generation only joined with their spouse? That's a lot of money that could be spent on upgrading the daily living status of underfortunate, ill, and infirm. Isn't that what Socialists are after?!

We now have the liberal left preaching abstinence. Well, until they can kill the most innocent party to their deeds at least.
But still, the liberal left supporting abstinance, who would have dreamed that?

News Item5/18/19 5:40 AM
That Guy | Virginia  Find all comments by That Guy
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You might think that nobody ever heard of the Postal Service, telephones, bulletin board systems, email, online discussion forums, text messages...

I have made wonderful, enduring, supportive, Godly and loving friendships with and keep them through such trogdlyte means.

We all managed to keep in contact very well before Xanga, Myspace, Fakebook, Google+...

What *has* changed is these new platforms allow people to get dopamine hits -just like gambling addicts- every time a contact who is most likely a person they barely know approves of their life. "My biscuit picture got 6000 thumbs up" "My youtube soft porn karaoke video has 2 million views"

We have stopped listening unless the voice agrees with our opinion and now only yell at people with whom we have differences instead of talk with them.
We have stopped believing that right and wrong are facts, instead of opinions.

We have stopped looking for approval of our actions from our Maker, and started looking for it from ourselves.

News Item5/18/19 5:39 AM
That Guy | Virginia  Find all comments by That Guy
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You might think that nobody ever heard of the Postal Service, telephones, bulletin board systems, email, online discussion forums, text messages...

I have made wonderful, enduring, supportive, Godly and loving friendships with and keep them through such trogdlyte means.

We all managed to keep in contact very well before Xanga, Myspace, Fakebook, Google+...

What *has* changed is these new platforms allow people to get dopamine hits -just like gambling addicts- every time a contact who is most likely a person they barely know approves of their life. "My biscuit picture got 6000 thumbs up" "My youtube soft porn karaoke video has 2 million views"

We have stopped listening unless the voice agrees with our opinion and now only yell at people with whom we have differences instead of talk with them.
We have stopped believing that right and wrong are facts, instead of opinions.

We have stopped looking for approval of our actions from our Maker, and started looking for it from ourselves.

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