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Sermon7/24/2022 9:10 PM
Candy Olson | Illinois  Contact via emailFind all comments by Candy Olson
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Don't Negotiate With Terrorists
Pastor Jonathan Shelley
“ Great Sermon! ”
I cannot tell you how much I enjoyed this Sermon ~ thank you for standing on God's truth. Pastor Jonathan, I stand with you & Steadfast. I never even garnered this perspective when reading about the sods, but it is right there in front of me. Not even the Angels or Lot preached to the sods - did not even warn them that God was going to destroy their cities with fire and brimstone. Also, it was sods who started the first Civil War between the 12 Tribes. You are correct - they are terrorists. I do not negotiate with terrorists. God bless.

Sermon7/13/2021 7:47 PM
Candy Olson | Illinois  Contact via emailFind all comments by Candy Olson
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Free From Death
Mike Hoggard
“ Great Sermon! ”
Very nice correlating the woman at the well with Israel, but he lies the conundrum: IF a Jew is born again (like Nicodemus & the 12 Apostles, then that means that he or she is part of the Church of Christ just like EVERY born again believer. When you teach that Israel is different from a born again believer, you lose the message of the Gospel. Both a Jew & Gentile can be born again. I do not believe that a Jew is given special treatment to get into heaven, as God gives salvation (HIS GIFT) to every man who believes. Jesus also told Nicodemus in John 3: "Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God." THAT is the requirement for both Jew and Gentile, so what is this special treatment of the Jews that you keep talking about? I have read Hebrews & I know what it says about restoring Israel, but wasn't Israel restored on May 15, 1948? Are they not given the chance to believe the Gospel and get saved? The BLOOD COVENANT of Christ is for ALL Mankind - both Jew and Gentile. I also believe that the number 5 is the number for GRACE & the number 23 represents death, as it is written. Perhaps I am not understanding you correctly regarding the restoration of Israel. God bless.

Sermon5/24/2021 12:50 AM
Candy Olson | Illinois  Contact via emailFind all comments by Candy Olson
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Sword of the Spirit
Mike Hoggard
“ Great Sermon! ”
Satan's primary tactic in opposing God and evading the sword of the Spirit is not to foster atheism but religion; not to prove there is no God but to be worshiped as God. Satan's boast, "I will be like the most High" (Isaiah 14:14), admits God's existence but exalts self to the same lordly level. Satan became, in fact, "the god of this world" (2 Corinthians 4:4). He damns far more souls with the lure of power and success and with pride than with overt degradation. He didn't tempt Eve with alcohol or bestiality but with the highest ambition: to be like God. Satan's purpose is not to prove that Christ never existed, but to have his man, Antichrist, worshiped as Christ. A perverted "Christianity" is Satan's ultimate weapon.

Sermon4/2/2021 11:15 AM
Candy Olson | Illinois  Contact via emailFind all comments by Candy Olson
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“ Great Sermon! ”
I do not celebrate Easter or any other Pagan holiday. I celebrate Jesus every day and his resurrection power. HE is my PASSOVER every day. I get to go to heaven, because of HIM. 1 Corinthians 5:7 "Purge out therefore the old leaven, that ye may be a new lump, as ye are unleavened. For even Christ our passover is sacrificed for us" ~ ❤

Sermon3/15/2021 1:52 AM
Candy Olson | Illinois  Contact via emailFind all comments by Candy Olson
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“ Great Sermon! ”
One of the best Preachers my ancestors had the honor to know, and I have the honor to listen to via this website. He is truly missed. I wish we had 10,000 Preachers like Brother Lester Roloff. He truly was a Modern Day Moses, but under grace instead of the law. May God raise up God-fearing men and put them behind our pulpits again.

Sermon3/9/2021 6:19 PM
Candy Olson | Illinois  Contact via emailFind all comments by Candy Olson
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The Second Beast
Charles Lawson
“ Great Sermon! ”
Blessed, I marvel at how you do not realize that if you are born again and God has given you a heart transplant, then you have been SEALED with His HOLY MARK in your forehead (mind) already. 666 is the Mark of the Beast & that mark will be put on the Worldly Church converts, or rather unbelievers. You must worship in Spirit and in Truth and allow the Holy Spirit to guide you - you cannot discern anything using a carnal mind. LORD, help your Church discern what is to come. Amen.

Sermon3/9/2021 6:07 PM
Candy Olson | Illinois  Contact via emailFind all comments by Candy Olson
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The Book of James
Charles Lawson
“ Great Sermon! ”
While I respect Brother Lawson's declaration that James applies to the 12 tribes which are scattered abroad, I believe that he forgets that born again believers are part of these tribes as we are all spiritually sons and daughters of Abraham via adoption. When I read God's incorruptible WORD, it reads me. All of God's words speak to me. James 1:12 tells us this is true: "Blessed is the man that endureth temptation for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the LORD hath promised to them that love him." This Scripture alone addresses all of those born again of the Holy Spirit. God bless.

Sermon2/13/2021 5:03 PM
Candy Olson | Illinois  Contact via emailFind all comments by Candy Olson
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“ Great Sermon! ”
These devils actually believe that they can cancel Christ. They thought the same thing after they crucified him & what happened? He was RESURRECTED!!! These devils are provoking a HOLY GOD & Lucifer & his minions will LOSE this spiritual battle & the WAR. It does not matter what plan or plans they have for us, because none of it gets done without my Father, Abba's, permission. We are on the battlefield for Jesus & we are winning souls to Christ ~ ❤ THAT is what matters ~ God bless, Beloved ❤ Onward Christian Soldiers ~ 👣📯🙏

Sermon1/21/2021 5:25 PM
Candy Olson | Illinois  Contact via emailFind all comments by Candy Olson
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“ Great Sermon! ”
What I find disconcerting the most is that professing Christians cannot discern the Worldly Kingdom versus God's Heavenly Kingdom. This is not our home. Heaven is where our treasures are & where our souls yearn to return. I realize that it is easy to get hooked into this world, but if we follow Christ and not man, then God says that our spiritual walk with Him will keep us from coveting this world. Trust GOD & lean on His understanding - He will deliver His children. God bless.

Sermon1/14/2021 9:03 PM
Candy Olson | Illinois  Contact via emailFind all comments by Candy Olson
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“ Great Sermon! ”
I cannot believe that so many professing Christians fell for a letter (Q), because they wanted to believe the farce of dark to light. Q even used "New Age" language, and they still anchored to those Q drops like flies drawn to honey. I told them that Q was nothing but "quantum" Queen reigning over a collective hive,and I prayed without ceasing that God would open their eyes towards this Hegelian dialectic, but to no avail. I guess God has to take of us through a lot of things before we can understand the battlefield that has been here since our first grandparents ate the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden. God's will be done. Thank you for a great podcast, God bless.

Sermon12/24/2020 1:05 AM
Candy Olson | Illinois  Contact via emailFind all comments by Candy Olson
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Matthew 24 - False Pastors
Mike Hoggard
“ Great Sermon! ”

Sermon12/4/2020 1:57 PM
Candy Olson | Illinois  Contact via emailFind all comments by Candy Olson
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Please forgive me if I do not listen or trust for ANY reason a bunch of demonically charged rejects claiming to be leaders of America who KILL BABIES, EMBRACE SODOMY, HATE GOD, or who say that STRIP BARS can stay open, but CLOSE CHURCHES. None of this pLandemic does not pass the smell test. 1 John 2:18 "Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time." BTW – some of my family and friends have had Covid & they were sick for a few days, but recovered quickly. This man-made virus presents differently in different people. The Bible warns us of pestilences in the last days. Jesus tells us to TRUST HIM for HE is our HEALER. All of my faith is in Christ. Nothing to the cross I bring, but always to the BLOOD OF CHRIST I cling. God bless.

Sermon11/21/2020 1:34 AM
Candy Olson | Illinois  Contact via emailFind all comments by Candy Olson
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Invasion of the gods
Mike Hoggard
“ Great Sermon! ”
Remember sores and boils? I bet this vax will lead to that. No thanks. They can take my head off instead. Some things are worse than death. I believe that these 3.3333333333X little gods are already here & all 3 branches of our government are serving them. This means that the Hegelian Dialectic is in effect & nothing that has been told to the world is actual truth. I believe God Almighty - not ANY man, including any person in government or on that tv screen. Isaiah 36-40 highlights what this world is facing right now without a leader such as King Hezekiah. This is why Jesus says "follow me." Man cannot lead unless he is led by the Holy Spirit & I do not see anybody up on that Hill or any other nation's leaders being led by the Holy Spirit. Jesus is the one and only King. There is no King, but King Jesus. Amen.

Sermon11/10/2020 5:36 PM
Candy Olson | Illinois  Contact via emailFind all comments by Candy Olson
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“ Great Sermon! ”
I believe that we have to stand for God's Word in every aspect of our lives. My family hit a snare recently. My Aunt Cheryl wanted to know if I was going to vote for her in some high governmental position she was hoping for, and I gave her a firm, "No. I love you, but God says that women are not to usurp authority over men." She has not spoken to me since. I love her, but I will not support her WORLDLY behaviors and lusts. I will pray that she receives eternal salvation before she leaves this earth. Same goes for my gay niece - I will never accept that wickedness from any of my family or friends. I get sick to my stomach just knowing about it, but I will continue to pray that my niece gets right with God before she dies, as well. There are so many other examples, but I am not writing a book. God bless & PEACE be unto you, Beloved.

Sermon10/23/2020 4:20 PM
Candy Olson | Illinois  Contact via emailFind all comments by Candy Olson
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“ Great Sermon! ”
The public, and most medical professionals, are awed by the whole concept of genetic sequencing. They accept the process as a holy of holies. If researchers in their lab claim they’ve “sequenced the virus,” the virus must exist. How else could its genetic structure have been discovered? Of course, the virus doesn’t have to exist at all. We are talking about an illusion - stage magic - and if we could force him to explain his trick, the magician would say: “Notice, I begin with a fragment of RNA that I assume is part of a larger new virus. My assumption isn’t proven, BUT I simply make the claim.” Just more witchcraft, Brother. Keep exposing it. God bless.

Sermon10/23/2020 3:26 PM
Candy Olson | Illinois  Contact via emailFind all comments by Candy Olson
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“ Great Sermon! ”
The only "Great Awakening" is the one that brings you to the feet of Jesus Christ ~ đź‘‘

Sermon10/14/2020 2:27 PM
Candy Olson | Illinois  Contact via emailFind all comments by Candy Olson
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“ Great Sermon! ”
What is 5G in biblical terms? GENESIS 5 - all of the generations of ADAM. Now, Elon Musk is launching thousands of satellites via 6G - - think about it! GENESIS 6 - Sons of Gods having babies - mingling their DNA with earthly women (product = giants). What is 7G? GENESIS 7 - days of Noe. This is REAL, Beloved. Luciferians are running this world and they will make their end goal, as it is written.

Sermon10/9/2020 7:47 PM
Candy Olson | Illinois  Contact via emailFind all comments by Candy Olson
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Spot on! Rock, Country, Rap, R & B, Reg-ea, Heavy Metal, Christian Rock, Blues, Funky, Folksy, and all other music that exalts SELF instead of my Lord Jesus Christ is part of "Satan's Hall of Eternal Flame," as I like to call it. God hates it all. Preach on, Brother Jason. God bless.

Sermon10/3/2020 9:09 PM
Candy Olson | Illinois  Contact via emailFind all comments by Candy Olson
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“ Great Sermon! ”
AMEN! I do not support the witches, warlocks, and devils, OH MY! All 3 branches of our government are full of these dark spirits. Ephesians 6:12 "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." Preach on, Brother of Christ. God bless.

Sermon9/27/2020 6:43 PM
Candy Olson | Illinois  Contact via emailFind all comments by Candy Olson
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Feminism has destroyed so many women, homes, families, and churches. PREACH IT!!
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