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Sermon Knowing the All-Knowing God | Wayne Conrad
"What a wonderful reminder that knowing about God is not actually knowing..."
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Sermon2/16/2021 9:08 AM
Bob Vincent | Boyce, Louisiana  Protected NameContact via emailFind all comments by Bob Vincent
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The Sons of God, Part 2
Bob Vincent
“ Memory Failures ”
Dear Diane, Thank you for bringing this to my attention. Because I don’t read my notes when I preach, sometimes I slip up with ages and dates. When I catch that I try to correct the mistake. That’s what I am doing now. God bless you, Bob

Sermon2/15/2021 3:39 PM
Bob Vincent | Boyce, Louisiana  Protected NameContact via emailFind all comments by Bob Vincent
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“ Hair and Covering ”
Dear YoungMan, Would you care to prove from Scripture itself why you are dismissive of what I regard as a very straight-forward command that women wear their hair longer than men and why they should cover it in worship? Thanks so much. Cordially in Christ, Bob (OldMan)

News Item11/19/18 12:56 PM
Bob Vincent | Boyce, Louisiana  Protected NameContact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Bob Vincent
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I checked and get the same message when I attempt to play any of my sermons:
Error 502 Ray ID: 47c48b9b4ddf42d6 • 2018-11-19 17:55:01 UTC
Bad gateway

Sermon4/18/18 1:13 PM
Bob Vincent | Boyce, Louisiana  Protected NameContact via emailFind all comments by Bob Vincent
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“ Update ”
The Open doors website has an excellent update on Pastor Brunson's circumstances.

Sermon5/20/17 5:44 PM
Bob Vincent | Boyce, Louisiana  Protected NameContact via emailFind all comments by Bob Vincent
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He Must Increase
Scott Castleman
“ Humbling Message ”
Sandy and I heard this sermon at the Friday night worship service of the Presbytery of the Gulf South. Instead of a rushed, dry as dust teaching, this message had the oil of gladness and was full of the anointing of the Holy Ghost.

Sermon5/19/17 2:31 PM
Bob Vincent | Boyce, Louisiana  Protected NameContact via emailFind all comments by Bob Vincent
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“ Great Sermon! ”
This is the best Mothers' Day sermon I have ever heard: It was true to the Bible, gospel-centered, and full of practical application. Sandy and I were both encouraged and convicted.

Sermon8/6/16 9:47 PM
Bob Vincent | Alexandria, Louisiana  Protected NameContact via emailFind all comments by Bob Vincent
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“ Second Response to 'Thanks' ”
If you go to: rbvincent (dot) com (forward slash) BibleStudies (forward slash} lies (dot) htm you will be able to see how I have addressed each of those issues. Cordially, Bob

Sermon8/6/16 1:08 PM
Bob Vincent | Alexandria, Louisiana  Protected NameContact via emailFind all comments by Bob Vincent
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“ Response to 'Thank's' ”
Dear Carmelo, No, what I said was that the God I serve is able to defend those who have come under my protection without my having to sin. He will always provide the way of escape so that we do not have to follow the devil's methods. God NEVER lies, and he warns us to model our behavior on his. That is not the same as revealing privileged information: while we must never lie, we must also not reveal things that must be kept secret. The key is praying and asking God for wisdom and protection. Rahab is not commended for her lying anymore than she was commended for working as a prostitute: she is commended for siding with the people of God against her own people. It was this act of faith that secured her deliverance and the deliverance of her house. Furthermore, trained interrogators can read people's eyes, facial expressions and body language. Unless somebody is a sociopath, he is likely to be caught at lying. Pray, keep your secrets secret, don't lie, and trust God for the outcome. Satan often uses extreme examples to soften us up so that we begin to lie about little things on a daily basis. I hope this helps, Bob Vincent

News Item5/2/13 9:56 AM
Bob Vincent | Alexandria, Louisiana  Protected NameContact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Bob Vincent
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America lost its first war after outlawing prayer and Bible reading from our public schools in 1962 and 1963. I was in high school when this happened. Shortly after we spat in God's face, over 58,000 Americans died for absolutely nothing in Vietnam, to say nothing of the losses from other nations. We have lost Iraq, and we are going to lose Afghanistan. Today is America's National Day of Prayer, and I am to pray for our military in our city's observance. I pray for their safety. But my beloved country has been under judgment for fifty years.

News Item10/23/12 6:41 PM
Bob Vincent | Alexandria, Louisiana  Protected NameContact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Bob Vincent
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The Last Time Dr. Graham got immersed in politics: "Nixon, Graham anti-Semitism on tape," _Chicago Tribune_, Mar 1, 2002, pg. 8,

Rev. Billy Graham openly voiced a belief that Jews control the American media, calling it a "stranglehold" during a 1972 conversation with President Richard Nixon, according to a tape of the Oval Office meeting released Thursday by the National Archives.

"This stranglehold has got to be broken or the country's going down the drain," the nation's best-known preacher declared as he agreed with a stream of bigoted Nixon comments about Jews and their perceived influence in American life.
"You believe that?" Nixon says after the "stranglehold" comment.

"Yes, sir," Graham says.

"Oh, boy," replies Nixon. "So do I. I can't ever say that but I believe it."

"No, but if you get elected a second time, then we might be able to do something," Graham replies.

Later, Graham mentions that he has friends in the media who are Jewish, saying they "swarm around me and are friendly to me." But, he confides to Nixon, "They don't know how I really feel about what they're doing to this country."

. . . Haldeman's diaries noted . . . "Graham has the strong feeling that the Bible says there are satanic Jews and there's where our problem arises."

Sermon10/22/12 10:23 AM
Bob Vincent | Alexandria, Louisiana  Protected NameContact via emailFind all comments by Bob Vincent
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“ Why I changed my mind ”
Most people's understanding of Genesis 6 is summed up by John Calvin: "That ancient figment, concerning the intercourse of angels with women, is abundantly refuted by its own absurdity." His understanding and his rationale governed how I read Genesis 6 for decades. However, some years ago, I began to question some things in Biblical texts, self-consciously holding my world view in suspension. In other words, as a late twentieth century man (when I began to attempt to read the Bible without Modern glasses), I began to question many anti-supernatural interpretations. Of course, reason is an important tool in Biblical interpretation, as traditional interpretations can be, but finally Scripture compared with Scripture trumps our dismissing an interpretation because it appears to be refuted "by its own absurdity." Below are some of the questions that caused me to entertain a different understanding of Genesis 6 than the view adopted by Calvin's dismissal "by its own absurdity."

Sermon10/22/12 10:22 AM
Bob Vincent | Alexandria, Louisiana  Protected NameContact via emailFind all comments by Bob Vincent
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“ Why I changed my mind ”
1. The Hebrew phrase, B'nai Elohim, which is found in Genesis 6, always refers to angels in the rest of the Hebrew Bible. 2. The peculiar offspring of Genesis 6 points to something more than simply "Christian" boys marrying worldly girls. 3. The calling down of divine judgment that destroyed the entire human race except for eight souls points to a breaking of divine order unprecedented in history. 4. Why are some evil spirits confined in the abyss and others are not? 5. Why does Peter use a form of the Greek word Tartarus, a _hapax legomenon_, to describe the place of these spirits' confinement when that word refers to the special place of confinement of supernatural non-humans in Classical Greek? 6. Why does Jude cite the Pseudepigraphal book of Enoch, especially in light of the extensive description of angel-human coitus and its effects found in that book? 7. Why does Jude compare the sin of the angels with that of the Cities of the Plain? 8. Though it is contrary to their estate to marry, the Bible does not indicate that angels are genderless. Why is it that the two angels who ate with Abraham were objects of lust to the male population of Sodom?

News Item10/21/12 10:35 PM
Bob Vincent | Alexandria, Louisiana  Protected NameContact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Bob Vincent
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The Last Time Dr. Graham got immersed in politics: "Nixon, Graham anti-Semitism on tape," _Chicago Tribune_, Mar 1, 2002, pg. 8,

Rev. Billy Graham openly voiced a belief that Jews control the American media, calling it a "stranglehold" during a 1972 conversation with President Richard Nixon, according to a tape of the Oval Office meeting released Thursday by the National Archives.

"This stranglehold has got to be broken or the country's going down the drain," the nation's best-known preacher declared as he agreed with a stream of bigoted Nixon comments about Jews and their perceived influence in American life.

"You believe that?" Nixon says after the "stranglehold" comment.

"Yes, sir," Graham says.

"Oh, boy," replies Nixon. "So do I. I can't ever say that but I believe it."

"No, but if you get elected a second time, then we might be able to do something," Graham replies.

Later, Graham mentions that he has friends in the media who are Jewish, saying they "swarm around me and are friendly to me." But, he confides to Nixon, "They don't know how I really feel about what they're doing to this country."

. . . Haldeman's diaries noted . . . "Graham has the strong feeling that the Bible says there are satanic Jews and there's where our problem arises."

News Item5/19/12 10:06 AM
Bob Vincent | Alexandria, Louisiana  Protected NameContact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Bob Vincent
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What about Governor Romney? Is he a natural-born, American citizen? Wasn't he actually born on Kolob?
'Non-Mormon scholars immediately recognized the Joseph Smith papyri as copies of two Egyptian funerary documents, the Book of the Dead and the Book of Breathings. They were basically directions to help deceased Egyptians negotiate the tricky netherworld tests they expected to encounter on their way to eternal life. In ancient times, every well-to-do Egyptian saved up to have scribes copy down these instructions, inserting each customer's name in the correct places to personalize them, like postmortem travel documents. The versions supposedly translated by Joseph Smith postdated the biblical Abraham by some fifteen hundred years and bore about as much similarity to Joseph Smith's "translation" as they did to The Cat in the Hat' ( ).

News Item10/19/11 4:57 PM
Bob Vincent | Alexandria, Louisiana  Protected NameContact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Bob Vincent
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SteveR wrote:
Pastor Bob,
I do not wish to justify the wickedness of those judges by the honour awarded them by the Holy Ghost. Rather I want to understand why their statements can be discounted because they were sinful. Were not David and Solomon sinful as well? Are we to enumerate their sin and discount their words as well?
Dear Steve,

The Holy Spirit infallibly guided the author of the book of Judges to record at least three lies of Samson's:

"And Samson said unto her, If they bind me with seven green withs that were never dried, then shall I be weak, and be as another man" (Judges 16:7).

"And he said unto her, If they bind me fast with new ropes that never were occupied, then shall I be weak, and be as another man" (Judges 16:11).

"And Delilah said unto Samson, Hitherto thou hast mocked me, and told me lies: tell me wherewith thou mightest be bound. And he said unto her, If thou weavest the seven locks of my head with the web" (Judges 16:13).

Stating that Samson told lies or that he was a murderer or a whoremonger does not in any way undermine the infallibility and inerrancy of Scripture.

There has been only one Man in history who lived a completely righteous life: our Lord Jesus Christ.

Cordially in Christ,

News Item10/19/11 12:53 PM
Bob Vincent | Alexandria, Louisiana  Protected NameContact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Bob Vincent
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SteveR wrote:
Pastor Bob,
The author of Hebrews by inspiration of the Holy Ghost tells us Barak, Gideon, Samson & Jephthae 'wrought righteousness' through faith, how do you know which testimony in the Book of Judges you can attribute to the Holy Ghost and which you can discount?
Dear Steve,

These men were justified by faith alone, and the Holy Spirit did do wonderful deeds through them on those occasions when they believed the promises of God. However, that does not mean that everything they did pleased God or that everything they spoke was true -- not by a long-shot.

The book of Judges makes plain that Gideon turned aside from the true worship of God to idolatry, bringing destruction to his own family (Judges 8:24-27; 9);

Jephthah murdered his own daughter to fulfill an impulsive, ungodly, man-made vow (Judges 11:30-31, 34-36, 39-40);

And Samson was a whoremonger (16:1-3) and a liar (Judges 16:6-15).

Cordially in Christ,

News Item10/18/11 6:11 PM
Bob Vincent | Alexandria, Louisiana  Protected NameContact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Bob Vincent
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Reformed Presbyterian wrote:
Do you really think that under the inspiration of the Spirit of God it was boasting?
Dear R.P.,

First of all, I believe that the Bible is the infallible Word of God, without error in all that it teaches.

Secondly, Scripture contains some statements from ungodly persons that are recorded to delineate their errors from God's truth. The greatest set of these statements are found in the book of Job.

Satan is the first example: his lies are infallibly recorded in the first two chapters of Job.

Also, God rebukes Eliphaz in Job 42:7, "My wrath is kindled against you, and against your two friends: for you have not spoken of me the thing that is right, as my servant Job has." That means that we have to be very careful when quoting statements made by Job's "comforters" that we verify that they are in conformity to the rest of Scripture because God himself indicts them for error.

In keeping with the theme of the book of Judges and the wicked things that people do and say when they are acting according to "what is right in their own eyes," I think that we should read it the way that it sounds at first hearing: a bit boastful.

Cordially in Christ,

News Item10/18/11 3:52 PM
Bob Vincent | Alexandria, Louisiana  Protected NameContact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Bob Vincent
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
Ah, Bob, where do you get that Christ didn't recognize the order in heaven as well as when he came to earth as man?
If I remember correctly there has always been an order in authority in heaven as well....
I agree with your comments on women. And perhaps we're not that far apart on the Godhead, either, after looking at your final statement.
Dear Jim,

I have often read your comments with profit. But I am not sure what I wrote that implied that I believed that Christ did not recognize the order in heaven as well as when he came to earth as a man. I am sorry that I was not clearer.

There are properties that are unique, ontologically, to each person in the Godhead that play out economically in their work of redemption. That is why the Father sent the Son, instead of the Son sending the Father. It is why the Son dies on the Cross and not the Father or the Holy Spirit. It is why the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father, through the Son, and not the other way around.

I hope that helps to clarify what I believe.

Cordially in Christ,

News Item10/18/11 2:28 PM
Bob Vincent | Alexandria, Louisiana  Protected NameContact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Bob Vincent
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SteveR wrote:
2)How do you answer those who ordain women with justification from Gal 3:28?
Dear Steve,

Scripture is clear that women may exercise the gifts of the Holy Spirit, but they must never do this in a way that they exercise authority over men, which they would do if they were ordained as elders.

Men and women are absolutely equal in their personhood in Christ, but that does not mean that they should have identical or equal roles. The Apostle Paul addresses this in 1 Corinthians 11, where he grounds his teaching regarding women and men in worship in the doctrine of the Trinity.

God, as he is in himself, is absolutely equal. The Father is equal to the Son. The Son is equal to the Father. The Holy Spirit is equal to the Father and the Son, absolutely. There is no inequality in the Godhead. They are absolutely one, absolutely equal, all coeternal.

But in the work of bringing salvation to us, the [URL=]]]fully-equal-to-the-Father, Son[/URL] subordinated himself to the Father. He took on the role of a servant. He became the servant of the Father.

We must distinguish what God is in himself, ontologically, and the function of each person in the Godhead.

God bless you,

News Item10/18/11 1:59 PM
Bob Vincent | Alexandria, Louisiana  Protected NameContact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Bob Vincent
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SteveR wrote:
1)How do you answer the authority of Deborahs judgeship?
Dear Steve,

The Book of Judges functions as an [URL=]]]Ethical Farce[/URL]. Every character is deeply flawed, including Deborah, who writes a boastful poem about herself: "The peasantry ceased, they ceased in Israel, until I, Deborah, arose, until I arose, a mother in Israel" (Judges 5:67).

It is true that Barak refused to go into battle without Deborah, but there are times that I have been reluctant to preach in certain spiritually hostile situations without my wife being present, interceding with the Lord against the dark powers while I preached. That does not give my wife authority over me, but she is the godliest woman I have ever known and an amazingly effective prayer warrior. My wife does not hold office over me, either in the home or in the church, and neither did Deborah hold office over Barak, even though she spoke God's Word to him, something women can do with divine approval in both Old and New Testaments.

I will respond to your second question in a moment.

God bless you,

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