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News Item11/3/16 4:31 PM
B. Warely  Find all comments by B. Warely
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
Also the KJV translators would consider it utter nonsense not to have the Bible in contemporary English! They gave these verses for having the AV translation:
You always exclude God from the argument, Jim.

God used both His servants and the times of 1611 to write His Bible.

Whereas in these modern Liberal times we have observed the MYRIAD of versions all different in their language and vernacular competing to be the quote truth and Word of God. How confusing can you get. God does not use confusion to teach His doctrines.

The King James Version is NOT wrong in its translation of the Word of God as you try so hard to imply. It has been used by God Himself for centuries to build His Church.

God did not have to WAIT till the 20th century to reveal His Word, His truth and His doctrines.
Nor did God have to wait for the "education" of His people in modern language form to communicate His truth and doctrine.

Remember the Holy Spirit reveals the truth to God's disciples - Not their human comprehension.

Trust in God alone Jim, not modern publishers.

News Item11/3/16 4:05 PM
B. Warely  Find all comments by B. Warely
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The Covenant is extremely important in God's Word, Law and doctrine. So it is sad to see some people being so dismissive of it simply because of the new traditions, such as the Anabaptist theory.

Christ Jesus is the mediator of the Covenant of Grace, just as HE is the Saviour of the believers of the Old Testament times and the New Testament times.

So the Covenant of Grace is established by God in Christ for Abraham as much as for all times since. Now some people apparently think that God's promise about Abraham's SEED - was a lie??? Do you really think Abraham thought like that??? Of course not!!!

God made the Covenant promise to Abraham AND HIS SEED. Gal 3:16. Now this promise made to SEED is not one person but the elect of God, in Christ, in all generations.

Gal 3:17 "the covenant, that was confirmed before of God in Christ"
This cannot be disannulled otherwise God's promise would be of no effect.

So all your arguments to "disannul" God's promise are being aimed at God and implying that We cannot trust in God's promise!!!

Did Abraham trust God for the promise made about his SEED? his children?, his family?? Gen 17:11,12 - Token of Covenant was that also made void THEN?
Notice 'WHEN' God confirmed the Covenant to Abraham. It wasn't centuries later was it

News Item11/3/16 11:08 AM
B. Warely  Find all comments by B. Warely
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Oh my goodness I appear to have started ye olde debate on baptism and what it actually means. This of course has been going on for the last five centuries since approximately 1521 when the Anabaptists invented their unbiblical practice and a few other heresies too.

God's divine plan and purpose of the Covenant of Grace began with Abraham - AND HIS SEED -
"Genesis 17:7 And I will establish my covenant between me and thee and thy seed after thee in their generations for an everlasting covenant, to be a God unto thee, and to thy seed after thee"

Sadly their are some people who cannot accept this Word of God!!

"V10 This is my covenant, which ye shall keep, between me and you and thy seed after thee; Every man child among you shall be circumcised."

As you know circumcision has been changed by Christ into baptism.

But the age of the SEED has not been changed and therefore God admits the children of Covenantal parents (of course) into Covenant with HIM. This is the logical promise of God and illustrates the "whole" counsel of God on Baptism.

"Regeneration" by baptism is the lie of the papists - and apparently some Baptists too!! But of course as the true Christian knows election is by God alone in Christ alone.

News Item11/3/16 10:36 AM
B. Warely  Find all comments by B. Warely
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""... a documentary which stated in part that the “three most destructive words” a boy can hear growing up is “be a man.”"

Ok folks the new "gender" acceptable forms are sodomite, homosexual, queer, transgender, lesbian, ......????

Being a normal male/female is no longer acceptable to Liberal-mania governed western countries.

Note also how evil crimes such as quote, "sexual violence, body shaming, a “hyper-masculinized sporting culture,” acts of domestic terrorism and much more..." - are to be blamed on being male!!! So being queer is a much safer nicer anti-criminal way to live in todays society???

Yes! Satan is definitely in charge of the nations today.

"John 8:42 Jesus said unto them, If God were your Father, ye would love me: for I proceeded forth and came from God; neither came I of myself, but he sent me.
43 Why do ye not understand my speech? even because ye cannot hear my word.
44 Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it."

News Item11/2/16 4:33 PM
B. Warely  Find all comments by B. Warely
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From article:
"The report documents 743 cases of discrimination, death threats, and physical assaults against Christians by Muslim refugees between February and May of this year and claims the findings are only “the tip of the iceberg.”"

Now project this fact into the future of Europe and see what effect all these muslims will have on European nations including the UK, as they grow and increase in number.

The Liberal-socialist influence on European governments and the EU will continue to encourage the muslims to flood into Europe. Then the muslims will take over.

If Satan wanted a way to take over the western nations and force them into his religious heresies and ignorance whilst oppressing the people - Then Islam is the answer.

Meanwhile the Lefty Liberals live in complete ignorance, blind to the darkness oncoming among us.

2Peter 3:3 Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts,
4 And saying, Where is the promise of his coming? for since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation....."

News Item11/2/16 4:15 PM
B. Warely  Find all comments by B. Warely
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
Luther's idea on baptism isn't Scriptural .....

the Anabaptists ....

Jim. The 'Reformers' teaching on baptism is entirely biblical and of course Covenantal.

Note that the Reformers recognised the Anabaptists as heretics. Now who on earth would follow heretics??

News Item11/2/16 4:09 PM
B. Warely  Find all comments by B. Warely
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"According to a statement last month from The Mission Society, a ministry committed to organizing and supporting Christian mission work around the world, Christianity is growing at rapid rates across India. This trend was detailed in the latest issue of the Society’s Unfinished magazine."

"“With more than 71 million claiming Christianity, India is now the eighth largest Christian nation in the world,” Dick McClain, president and CEO of The Mission Society, explained. “Yet with 456 languages and more than 2,611 distinct people groups, India still has more people groups unreached with the Gospel than any other nation—88 percent of its population.”"
= =

News Item11/2/16 3:46 PM
B. Warely  Find all comments by B. Warely
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Having practiced on the unborn child serial killings, the next step is to seek out other inconvenient lives and arrange state murder legislation for them too.

A world without God is hell!
A life without God is death!

Prov 6:16 These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him: 17 A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood,"

News Item11/1/16 4:57 PM
B. Warely  Find all comments by B. Warely
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From article;
"who live under the world's most oppressive regime has said that believers there are surprisingly not praying for their own freedom,"

I suppose if you are born into it and are not aware of any other way of political and social life then one simply accepts it as the norm.

The actual living experience of another completely different way of life and philosophy of life is very different to simply being made aware of it by conversation.

If N.Korea was released from its despotic tyranny and provided with more commonly accepted ways of society and community then they would find their prayers take another direction.

Certainly living in dictatorship and tyranny is not a solution to western problems. And certainly will not promote prayer ideas to make a better world.

News Item11/1/16 4:36 PM
B. Warely  Find all comments by B. Warely
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They call the 1960's a watershed which flooded society with:-
decline in Christianity.
Liberal churches.
Satan's war on the Bible.
Women in the pulpit.
Acceptance of Sodom and Gomorrah.
Moral suicide.
Satanic guidance.
Assault upon God in His Word, laws and doctrines.
Destruction of Marriage.
Destruction of wifehood and husband.

Pornography is just another satanic corruption of the heart and mind of people today.

Come Lord Jesus, Come Soon!!

News Item11/1/16 4:17 PM
B. Warely  Find all comments by B. Warely
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"wrote to the magazine's editors, asking that families with homosexual partners be depicted positively and regularly"

Brain-washing the children - What a neat way to bring perversions and depravity into modern society.

Satan really is hard at work in modern times.

GOD states:
Lev 20:13 If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them."

Romans 1:26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: 27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another..."

News Item11/1/16 4:05 PM
B. Warely  Find all comments by B. Warely
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From article;
""If ruling Democrats hold themselves to the high moral standards they impose on the people they govern, they would follow a simple process:""

Putting the words "Democrat" and "high moral standards" together must be the oxymoron of the year!!!

Do some people in America today actually believe this association???

News Item11/1/16 3:55 PM
B. Warely  Find all comments by B. Warely
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The so called 'millennial' group are essentially the modernists or Liberals ie the younger generation. These are people born into a generational philosophy which believes that homosexual practice is "normal" for some people, and abortion is ok!

The church today is dying it is disappearing therefore the Proverb - "When the wicked are multiplied, transgression increaseth: but the righteous shall see their fall." Prov 29:16.
Is sadly an accurate statement upon todays generation.

Agreeing with the satanic communist ideology and its daft idea that all people are born equal - ie the same and interchangeable - demonstrates how blind and ignorant the human race is becoming!!

Marxism begat Russia and China and their definition of "equality"?? which provides a nation with tyranny, autocracy and despotism, eg: Stalin, Mao Tse and Putin!!!
= = Which by the way is exactly the policies that the Democrats love to sneak into America today.

Isaiah 53:6 All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the LORD hath laid on him the iniquity of us all."

News Item11/1/16 3:25 PM
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
Hillary looks absolutely pristine
Jim accepts any heresy as long as it is written in modern English!!

News Item10/30/16 3:05 PM
B. Warely  Find all comments by B. Warely
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
My church not being Reformed or Lutheran
'Not' Reformed??? (Yet)?

Oh Jim!!! Is that why you use the modern Liberal versions? And why you support the universalist ideology?

Here are a couple of Links FYI.
How to properly use and understand the Covenant of Grace, (and the OT)

"A Simple & Easy-To-Understand Overview of Covenant Theology 2 of 3 - With Comments On Dispensationalism, Baptists, Baptism, etc."

"A Simple & Easy-To-Understand Overview of Covenant Theology 3 of 3 - With Comments On Dispensationalism, Baptists, Baptism, etc."

News Item10/30/16 12:51 PM
B. Warely  Find all comments by B. Warely
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Covenant Theology is so very important in the Reformation teaching in the true Church, of the correct understanding of the Bible's Covenant of Grace.

Many in churches today have not fully grasped the relevance of the Covenant of Grace, which begins with Abraham in Genesis and of course includes Abraham's seed - his children. God's wonderful gift of children obviously becomes a very important part of the celebration of faith, the gift of God, especially to the Covenanted parents already members of HIS Church, the Reformed Church.

Like Abraham and in worship, praise and celebration of their children, the Covenanted Parents bring these children to God by Baptism, as the Bible teaches. Thus demonstrating their love and commitment both to God, His Church and their children.

"A Simple & Easy-To-Understand Overview of Covenant Theology 1 of 3 - With Comments On Dispensationalism, Baptists, Baptism, etc."

News Item10/29/16 3:22 PM
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John UK wrote:
I think history shows that war has a terrible cost.
Yes! That is exactly why Britain has poor cheap defence and inadequate military today, thanks to blind and ignorant politicians in Westminster.

The party political system is a failure and WWIII will prove this!!

News Item10/29/16 3:10 PM
B. Warely  Find all comments by B. Warely
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From article;
""Undermining Religious Liberty
For decades, the left has attempted to raise sexual orientation and gender identity to special protected status through Congress. Seeing little success using the democratic process, the Obama administration has instead turned to issuing various edicts that misinterpret existing civil rights protections to include sexual orientation and gender identity.""

Obama is definitely anti-Christian.
But of course that is prime Democrat policy these days.

He is a precise precursor for Hillary.

News Item10/29/16 2:55 PM
B. Warely  Find all comments by B. Warely
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..... I've never heard of Reformation Day?????

The Reformation of the 16th century was an act of God to bring Christians back to Scripture and to protest [hence Protestant] of the Roman Catholic religious heresy and fallacy.

Praise the Lord for His Providence and Grace.

News Item10/29/16 2:34 PM
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"Wallace, a Christian herself, believes fundamentalist access to United States armaments is the number one threat to state security."

She is clearly a devout Liberal another servant of Satan in masquerade.

Bible believing Christians are always and only a Remnant. They will be persecuted just as Jesus says we will.

As for this "professor"
"22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,"

From article;
""Wallace answered on a positive note. “Jesus was first a Jewish prophet reciting the Jewish rant in its standard edition, which is social justice, socio-economic justice. Care for widows and orphans, which is to say the unemployable. People who can’t earn their own living. And the just sharing of the world’s resources.”" 

I guess in her ignorance Wallace wants to bring her view of Christ down to earth in a more 'worldly' form!!
Liberalism Yeuch!!

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